Current Issue

Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 11/27/24

Year: 2024

The main purpose of our journal is to publish current/innovative/improved methods/approaches in the fields of engineering and science in a way that will benefit society.

The scope of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Bulletin (NASE) comprises original research and review articles on all aspects of basic science, engineering and technology such as:
Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Information Systems Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Food Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Material Science and Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering
Nutrition and Dietetics
Optic Engineering
Physics Engineering
Textile Engineering 

General Format Properties

Articles should be written in English using the Journal’s Manuscript Template.

Page Format
Main text font should be Times News Roman with size 10 pt. The line spacing should be set to 1.15, and page margins should be set to 2.5 cm (0.98 inch) on all sides. It should be prepared as a single column.
Paragraph Format
In the indents and spacing section of the paragraph tab, set the left and right indentation to 6pt (0.6 line) and the line spacing to 1.15.
Author Names
The author's surname must be written in uppercase. It is necessary to provide author affiliations and address details, including the university, faculty, and department.
Additionally, all authors must provide their email addresses and ORCID numbers. Graduate students must also declare their ORCID numbers.
Each paper should have an abstract that concisely summarizes the motivation and aim, the main findings, and the conclusions of the submitted work. The abstract should not comprise less than 150 words and more than 300 words. Line spacing of the abstract should be set to 1.15. Times News Roman font with size 9 pt should be used. Abstract should consist of text only, with no tables, equations, abbreviations or references.
Keywords should be listed in the left column. If a keyword consists of multiple words, only the first word starts with capital letter. Keywords should be different from the words in the title with 9 point size between 5 and 8.
Keywords Keywords1, Keywords2, Keywords3, Keywords4, Keywords5
Title of the Manuscript
The manuscript title should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font and in bold color. Except for conjunctions such as “and” and “with”, the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized and the title should be aligned in the middle.
Main Section Headings
Main section headings, including 1. Introduction, 2. Materials and Methods, 3. Results and Discussion, and 4. Conclusion should be capitalized with the first letter of each word. They should be written 0.5 paragraphs from the left and numbered. The font size for main section headings should be 10 points.

Subheadings should be capitalized with only the first word capitalized. They should be left-justified, indented 0.5 cm, bold, and italicized. Additionally, subheadings should be separated from the previous paragraph with a blank line.
2.1. Subsection title 1
2.2. Subsection title 2
2.3. Subsection title 3

Table and Figure Headings
Each table should be properly referred to in the text (Table 1). For citation of references, APA 6.0 style should be preferred as in (Author, 2023), (Author 1 and Author 2, 2023) and (Author 1 et al., 2023).
All figures must be referred to in the text (Figure 1.). Figures must have high resolution, readable legends and clear graphics. Table and Figure formats should be in the form shown in Journal’s manuscript template.
SI unit system should be used in units of measurement. Decimal fractions should be indicated by a period rather than a comma (6.22 rather than 6,22). You may use (,) for thousands as in 1,550.67. For reciprocal units in fractions, use “Nm-2” instead of “N/m2”. Between value and its unit, leave a space such as 4 kg, 4 m. Degree, percent, etc. values should be written without space in between as in 4o, 4%.

All equations in the article should be numbered in consecutive order, and equation numbers should be located at the right margin as in (1). Equation should be properly referred to in the text only with equation number in paranthesis as (1). Please use Equation Editor of MS Word in writing equations. Make sure that symbols, numerals, etc. used in the main text have the same font type (Cambria Math) as in the equation, such as i_a or w_m in (1).
(di_a)/dt =v/L-R_a/L i_a-K_v/L w_m (1)

The article should involve Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion sections. Introduction section should include motivation, aim and goals, a review of current studies, and contribution of the study. A note on organization of the article should also be provided in a final paragraph. If a specific model is used in the Methods section, the model subsection should include Sample/Study Group, Data Collection Tools and Process subsections.
The materials and methods used in the research should be stated clearly and understandably. In the results and discussion section; The results need to be discussed together with their place in the literature.
This work was supported (in part) by xxxxxxx, through research project xxxxxxx under research grant xxxxxxxx.
Ethics Permissions
In studies requiring ethics committee permission, information about the permission (committee name, date and issue number) should be given in the method section and also on the last page of the article.
Author Contributions
The contribution of the authors to the study should be stated.
Conflict of Interest
Authors must declare whether there is a conflict of interest.

References should be written in Times News Roman font with size 9 pt. References cited in the text should involve author's surname and the year of the publication in parentheses (Khan, 2020); (Kara and Savaş, 2000). Use “et al.” after the first author's surname for citations with three or more authors (Yilmaz et al., 2011).
In writing the cited references in the References list, APA format should be preferred. References should be listed alphabetically in author's surname. If same author has multiple references, chronological order should be applied. Full journal names should be used rather than their abbreviations. All journal article references should include volume, number, and page numbers. For web pages, please indicate the last accessed date of the available data. All references should be given in English.

Journal article:
Yilmaz, M. M., Serenbay, S. K., and Ibikli, E. (2011). On singular integrals depending on three parameters. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(3), 1132-1135.
Khan, M. U. (2020). Robust adaptive type-2 neural fuzzy sliding mode control of a class of nonlinear systems. (Ph. D. Thesis) Gaziantep University the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
Kara, T., and Savaş M. C. (2020). Feedback Motion Control of an Electric Wheelchair. Gaziantep University BAP (MF.YLT.19.14) Project Report.
Brunton, S. L., and Kutz, J. N. (2022). Data-driven science and engineering: Machine learning, dynamical systems, and control. Cambridge University Press.
Book chapters:
Göğüş, F., Fadıloğlu, S., Soysal, Ç. (2010). Biological Oxidations: Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic Browning Reactions and Control Mechanisms . In Advances in Food Biochemistry 1st Ed. ( pp. 341-382)- USA: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.
Conference Proceedings (Full papers):
Khan, M. U., and Kara, T. (2019, October). An adaptive neural fuzzy sliding mode control scheme for rotational maneuvering and vibration suppression of a flexible spacecraft. In 2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Internet sources:
Anonymous (2023). World Food Programme, (Accessed date: 22 December 2023).
Authors who utilise AI tools in manuscript writing, image or graphic production, or data collection and analysis must transparently disclose in the Materials and Methods section of the paper the specific AI tool used and how it was used. The authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, including any parts produced by an AI tool, and are therefore liable for any breach of publication ethics.
For example: Based on answers generated by ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2023)

Anonymous (2023). World Food Programme, (Accessed date: 22 December 2023).
Brunton, S. L., and Kutz, J. N. (2022). Data-driven science and engineering: Machine learning, dynamical systems, and control. Cambridge University Press.
Ercan, S. Ş., Bozkurt, H., and Aykaç, Ç. (2021). Impact of Proteolytic Enzymes on Formation of Biogenic Amine In Sucuk During the Storage Period. The Journal of Raw Materials to Processed Foods, 2(2), 63-72.
Göğüş, F., Fadıloğlu, S., Soysal, Ç. (2010). Biological Oxidations: Enzymatic and Nonenzymatic Browning Reactions and Control Mechanisms . In Advances in Food Biochemistry (pp. 341-382). USA: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.
Kara, T. and Savaş M. C. (2020). Feedback Motion Control of an Electric Wheelchair. Gaziantep University BAP (MF.YLT.19.14) Project Report.
Khan, M. U., and Kara, T. (2019, October). An adaptive neural fuzzy sliding mode control scheme for rotational maneuvering and vibration suppression of a flexible spacecraft. In 2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative Technologies (ISMSIT) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Khan, M. U. (2020). Robust adaptive type-2 neural fuzzy sliding mode control of a class of nonlinear systems. (Ph. D. Thesis) Gaziantep University the Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gaziantep, Türkiye.
OpenAI. (2021). ChatGPT (Version 3.5) [Software].
Yilmaz, M. M., Serenbay, S. K., and Ibikli, E. (2011). On singular integrals depending on three parameters. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 218(3), 1132-1135.

Publication Ethics
The NASE has a publication policy that adheres to national and international academic principles and ethical values. The principles set by the internationally recognised COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics), the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and TR Index Principles of Ethics, are essential elements of the journal's publication policy. Other guidelines or standards regarding publication ethics are considered valid as long as they do not conflict with those stated above.
If the works that are found to be contrary to the international publication principles and standards accepted by the journal are in the publication evaluation process, their publication requests are rejected, and if they are a published work, they are removed from publication.
In case of encountering an unethical case that does not comply with ethical principles during the early view or during the review process, it should be reported to ethic editör.

Publisher’s Ethical Responsibilities
Gaziantep University, the publisher of the Natural Science and Engineering Bulletin, is a non-profit, public benefit State University. The journal's editorial board acts in accordance with accepted ethical principles.
Editorial Board consists of the Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, Area Editors, Language Editor, Technical and Ethics Editors.
When reviewing a paper in which the Editors are Co-Authors, an Editor is appointed from among NASE's other Editors who has no conflict of interest with the authors. Peer review is carried out as for other articles.

Responsibilities of Editorial Board
The Editorial Board regularly works to improve the publication quality and develop the journal.
The Editorial Board is responsible for the review process and publication of the article submitted to the journal.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
Editors decide whether accept or reject the manucsript by considering the article's suitability to journal’s aim and scope, their contribution to the literature, original value and similarity rate of the manuscripts, the validity and reliability of the research method and the clarity of the language.
Editors implement the double-blind referee and referee process policies, which are among the journal's publication policies, keep the identity information of the referees confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated objectively and in a timely manner.
Editors send articles to the Field Editor and Referees, taking into account their areas of expertise, and ensure that the article is evaluated objectively and independently. Editors strive to ensure diversity and change of Reviewers.
Editors ask authors to provide information on whether the study requires ethics committee approval. In studies that require ethics committee approval, it is the author's responsibility to include the information regarding Ethics Committee approval in the article; if not, the article will be rejected.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
The review process at NASE is carried out on the double-blind review principle. For this reason, reviewers and authors cannot communicate with each other directly, and evaluations and comments are transmitted through the journal management system.
If the reviewer does not have sufficient knowledge about the subject of the article, if the subject of the article is outside his/her field of expertise, or if he/she cannot make an evaluation in a timely manner, he/she should leave the evaluation task by informing the editor.
Reviewers must comply with the principle of confidentiality, not share the work with third parties, and not use the privileged information and ideas they have obtained during the review process for their personal benefit.
Reviewers should make their criticisms and suggestions in a polite, objective and constructive manner, and should not direct derogatory comments and criticisms that include slander and insult towards the author.
Reviewers must review the manuscripts they accept within the specified period and in accordance with ethical rules, and must provide clear reasons for acceptance or rejection.
If referees detect a substantial similarity between the evaluated work and another previously published work, they should notify the editor.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
The author cannot send an article to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Bulletin that he/she has published elsewhere or sent to be published elsewhere.
Author(s) must submit original studies to the journal. The similarity rate of the manuscript must be below 20%. If they use other studies, they must make the in-text and end-text references accurately and completely.
People who have not contributed to the study at the intellectual level should not be indicated as author.
If information or data about the manuscript is requested from Author during the review process, Author should provide Editors’ asked information.
For research that requires ethics committee approval, Ethics Committee approval must be obtained by the author. The document showing the Ethics Committee decision must be uploaded together with the article's application to the system. If there is no need to obtain ethics committee permission for the study, the declaration form stating that ethics committee permission is not required must be uploaded to the system during the application.
Research requiring Ethics Committee permission is as follows:
1. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require collecting data from participants using survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment and interview techniques,
2. Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
3. Clinical studies conducted on humans,
4. Research conducted on animals,
5. Retrospective studies in accordance with the personal data protection law,
6. Indicating that an "informed consent form" was obtained in case reports,
7. Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others,
8. It is necessary to state that copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and artistic works used.

Publication Policy
Manuscripts are sent to the reviewers in accordance with the double-blind review system, with the name of the author(s) removed from the text of the manuscript. Also, the author(s) are not informed about which reviewers the article was sent to.
The ethical, scientific and legal responsibility of the articles published in the journal belongs to the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions of the Editor and Editorial Board members. Regardless of whether the articles sent to the journal are accepted or not, the article is not sent back to the authors. For accepted articles, all authors must sign the "Publication Rights Transfer Form" and upload it to the system. No copyright is paid for articles published in the journal.

No fee is charged for the articles sent to our journal during the evaluation and publication stages.