Kekik dünyanın ılıman iklim bölgelerinde yetişen çok yıllık bir bitkidir. Antik çağlardan günümüze tıbbi amaçlarla kullanılmış olan bitkinin uçucu yağları onun hem antimikrobiyal hem de antioksidan özelliklerinden sorumludur. Uçucu bileşenlerin kompozisyonu türden türe farklılık göstermekte ve bu farklılıklar her tür için de spesifik tat ve koku oluşturmaktadır. Uçucu yağların karakterizasyonunda GC-MS yöntemi sıklıkla kullanılmakta olup kullanılan kolon tipine ve uzunluğuna, fırın sıcaklık programına, taşıyıcı gazın özelliklerine göre metodun modifikasyonu gerekmektedir. Uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin farklı buharlaşma noktalarına sahip olması beraberinde farklı fırın sıcaklık programları kullanımını gerekli hale getirmiştir. Yapılan bazı çalışmalarda polariteleri farklı kolonlarda aynı numunenin uçucu yağ bileşenleri incelenmiş ve tespit edilen bileşenlerin sayılarında değişiklik olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin konsantrasyonu kekiğin hasat mevsimine, yetiştiği yörenin coğrafi ve iklimsel özelliklerine göre değişim göstermesine rağmen türler arasındaki dominant uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin benzer olduğu birçok çalışmada ortaya konmuştur.
K. H. C. Başer and N. Kırımer, Essential oils of anatolian lamiaceae-An update. Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 5(4), 1–28, 2018.
Ç. Şenkul ve S. Kaya, Türkiye endemik bitkilerinin coğrafi dağılışı. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 69, 109–120, 2017. https://10.17211/tcd.322515
A. Tan, Türkiye Bitki Genetik Kaynakları ve Muhafazası. Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(1), 9–37, 2010.
M. Dönmez ve M. Kargıoğlu, Stachys palustris L .’ in Morfolojik , Anatomik ve Ekolojik Özellikleri. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11, 1-9, 2011.
D. Aebisher, J. Cichonski, E. Szpyrka, S. Masjonis, and G. Chrzanowski, Essential oils of seven lamiaceae plants and their antioxidant capacity. Molecules, 26(13), 1–15, 2021. https://10.3390/molecules26133 793
T. M. Karpiński, Essential oils of lamiaceae family plants as antifungals. Biomolecules, 10(1), 103, 2020.
K. Singletary, Thyme history, applications, and overview of potential health benefits. Nutrition Today, 51(1), 40–49, 2016. https://10.1097/NT.0000000000 000139
Ç. Bozdemir, Economic importance and usage fields of oregano species growing in Turkey. Yüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(3), 583–594, 2019. https:// 10.29133/yyutbd.511777
A. Wei and T. Shibamoto, Antioxidant/lipoxygenase inhibitory activities and chemical compositions of selected essential oils. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 58(12), 7218–7225, 2010. /10.1021/jf101077s
E. M. Dauqan and A. Abdullah, Medicinal and Functional Values of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Herb. Journal of applied biology and biotechnology, 5(02), 17-22, 2017. https://10.7324/JABB.2017.50203
K. Carović-Stanko, M. PeteK, M. Grdiš and J. Pintar, Medicinal plants of the family lamiaceae as functional foods-A review. Czech journal of food sciences, 34(5), 377–390, 2016.
M. Sokovicx́, J. Glamočlija, P. D. Marin, D. Brkić, and L. J. L. D. Van Griensven, Antibacterial effects of the essential oils of commonly consumed medicinal herbs using an in vitro model. Molecules, 15(11), 7532–7546, 2010.
S. Almodaifer, N. Alsibaie, G. Alhoumendan, G. Alammari and M.S. Kavita, Role of phytochemicals in health and nutrition. BAOJ Nutrition, 3(2), 1–6, 2017.
M. Carocho, M. F. Barreiro, P. Morales, and I. C. F. R. Ferreira, Adding molecules to food, pros and cons: A review on synthetic and natural food additives. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety,13(4), 377–399, 2014. /1541-4337.12065
G. Nieto, A review on applications and uses of thymus in the food industry. Plants, 9(8), 1–29, 2020.
M. F. Nagoor Meeran and P. Stanely Mainzen Prince, Protective effects of thymol on altered plasma lipid peroxidation and nonenzymic antioxidants in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarcted rats. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 26(9), 368–373, 2012. 431
B. Kodal Coşkun, E. Çalikoğlu, Z. Karagöz Emiroğlu, and K. Candoğan, Antioxidant active packaging with soy edible films and oregano or thyme essential oils for oxidative stability of ground beef patties. Journal of Food Quality, 37(3), 203–212, 2014. /10.1111/jfq.12089
E. Ferahoğlu, U. Çürük, D. Çoğalan, S. Kırıcı, and H. Çakan, Çukurova koşullarında yetiştirilen Origanum türlerinin uçucu yağ oranları ve bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi. Turkish Journal of Biodiversity, 5(2), 75-85, 2022. 33
P. Tongnuanchan and S. Benjakul, Essential oils: Extraction, bioactivities, and their uses for food preservation. Journal of food science, 79(7), 1231–1249, 2014.
M. G. Miguel, C. Cruz, L. Faleiro, M.T. Simões, A.C. Figueiredo, J.G. Barroso, and L.G. Pedro, Foeniculum vulgare essential oils: Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Natural product communications, 5(2) 319–328, 2010.
F. C. Fachini-Queiroz, R. Kummer, C.F. Estevao-Silva, M.D. Carvalho, J.M. Cunha and R. Grespan, Effects of thymol and carvacrol, constituents of thymus vulgaris L. essential oil, on the inflammatory response. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2012, 2012. /2012/657026
M. H. H. Roby, M. A. Sarhan, K. A. H. Selim, and K. I. Khalel, Evaluation of antioxidant activity, total phenols and phenolic compounds in thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.), and marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 43(1), 827–831, 2013. 1016/j.indcrop.2012.08.029
Y. Tavakolpour, M. Moosavi-Nasab, M. Niakousari, S. Haghighi-Manesh, S. M. B. Hashemi, and A. Mousavi Khaneghah, Comparison of four extraction methods for essential oil from Thymus daenensis Subsp. Lancifolius and chemical analysis of extracted essential oil. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(4), 1–7, 2017.
A. A. Jovanović, V.B. Đorđević, G. M. Zdunić, D.S. Pljevljakušić, K.P. Šavikin, D.M. Gođevac and B.M. Bugarski, Optimization of the extraction process of polyphenols from Thymus serpyllum L. herb using maceration, heat and ultrasound-assisted techniques. Separation and Purification Technology, 179, 369–380, 2017.
M. Yousefi, M. Rahimi-Nasrabadi, S.M. Pourmortazavi, M. Wysokowski, T. Jesionowski, H. Ehrlich and S. Mirsadeghi, Supercritical fluid extraction of essential oils. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 118, 182–193, 2019. 16/j.trac.2019.05.038
H. Bendif, K. Adouni, M.D. Miara, R. Baranauskienė, P. Kraujalis, P.R. Venskutonis and F. Maggi, Essential oils (EOs), pressurized liquid extracts (PLE) and carbon dioxide supercritical fluid extracts (SFE-CO2) from Algerian Thymus munbyanus as valuable sources of antioxidants to be used on an industrial level. Food chemistry, 260, 289–298, 2018. /j.foodchem.2018.03.108
K. Hosni, I. Hassen, H. Chaâbane, M. Jemli, S. Dallali, H. Sebei and H. Casabianca, Enzyme-assisted extraction of essential oils from thyme (Thymus capitatus L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.): Impact on yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. Industrial Crops and Products, 47(2013), 291–299, 2013. indcrop.2013.03.023
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Dış Ticaret., Erişim 05 Mayıs 2023.
H. Javed, S. Erum, S. Tabassum, and F. Ameen, An overview on medicinal importance of Thymus vulgaris. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 3(10), 974–982, 2013.
M. Nikolova, M. Yovkova, E. Yankova-Tsvetkova, B. Traikova, T. Stefanova, I. Aneva and S. Berkov, Biocidal activity of origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum essential oil. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 69(5), 569–578, 2021.
C. Sarikurkcu, G. Zengin, M. Oskay, S. Uysal, R. Ceylan, and A. Aktumsek, Composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and enzyme inhibition activities of two Origanum vulgare subspecies (subsp. vulgare and subsp. hirtum) essential oils. Industrial Crops and Products, 70, 178–184, 2015. /j.indcrop.2015.03.030
F. Fancello, M. El Beyrouthy, M. Iriti, M. El Khoury, M. Bou Zeidan, and S. Zara, Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity against food-related microorganisms of different essential oils from Lebanon. Journal of Food Safety, 39(6), 1–9, 2019.
A. Spagnoletti, A. Guerrini, M. Tacchini, V. Vinciguerra, C. Leone, I. Maresca and L. Angiolella, Chemical composition and bio-efficacy of essential oils from Italian aromatic plants: Mentha suaveolens, Coridothymus capitatus, Origanum hirtum and Rosmarinus officinalis. Natural Product Communications, 11(10),1517–1520, 2016. https://doi .org/10.1177/1934578X1601101023
L. Guerra-Boone, R. Alvarez-Román, R. Salazar-Aranda, A. Torres-Cirio, V.M. Rivas-Galindo, N. Waksman de Torres and L.A. Pérez-López, Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and chemical characterization of essential oils of Thymusvulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Origanum majorana from northeastern México. Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 28(1), 363–369, 2015.
D. Hadef, M. Saidi, M. Yousfi, and Y. Moussaoui, GC/MS analysis of essential oils of cymbopogon schoenanthus and origanum majorana L. grown in Eastern Algeria. Asian J. Chem., 27(10). 3575–3578, 2015.
B. Kirkan, C. Sarikurkcu, and R. Amarowicz, Composition, and antioxidant and enzyme-inhibition activities, of essential oils from Satureja thymbra and Thymbra spicata var. spicata. Flavour and fragrance journal, 34(6), 436–442, 2019. /ffj.3522
A. M. Arani, M. Naderi and S.M. Goldansaz, Effect of Harvesting Time on Essential Oil Content and Composition of Thymbra spicata. Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-products, 1, 51–55, 2015.
O. Borugă, C. Jianu, C. Mişcă, I. Goleţ, A. T. Gruia, and F. G. Horhat, Thymus vulgaris essential oil: chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. Journal of medicine and life, vol. 7(3(3)), 56–60, 2014.
A. A. Khan, M. S. Amjad and Saboon, GC-MS analysis and biological activities of Thymus vulgaris and Mentha arvensis essential oil. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 44(3), 388–396, 2019. /10.1515/tjb-2018-0258
A. Maccelli, L. Vitanza, A. Imbriano, C. Fraschetti, A. Filippi, P. Goldoni, and F. Rinaldi, Satureja montana L. Essential oils: Chemical profiles/phytochemical screening, antimicrobial activity and o/w nanoemulsion formulations. Pharmaceutics, 12(1), 1–22, 2020.
A. Čopra-Janićijević, D. Vidic, and M. Maksimović, Characterisation of satureja montana l. Essential oil and headspace volatiles. Naturel Volatiles Essential Oils, 7(2), 22–34, 2020. https://10.37929/nveo.743706
N. Katar ve D. Katar, Eskişehir Ekolojik Koşullarında Farklı Hasat Zamanlarının Limon Kekiğinin (Thymus citriodorus L.) Verim ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1), 93–105, 2020.
O. Toncer, S. Karaman, E. Diraz, T. Sogut, and S. Kizil, Essential oil composition of Thymus × citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. at different harvest stages,” Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 45(1), 185–189, 2017. 72
A. Sokmen, A. A. S. Abdel-Baki, E. S. Al-Malki, S. Al-Quraishy, and H. M. Abdel-Haleem, Constituents of essential oil of Origanum minutiflorum and its in vitro antioxidant, scolicidal and anticancer activities. Journal of King Saud University-Science, 32(4), 2377–2382, 2020.
R. Toker, M. Gölükcü, and H. Tokgöz, Effects of distillation times on essential oil compositions of Origanum minutiflorum O. Schwarz Et. and P.H. Davis. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 29(4), 330–335, 2017. 76026
K. Spyridopoulou, E. Fitsiou, E. Bouloukosta, A. Tiptiri-Kourpeti, M. Vamvakias, A. Oreopoulou and K. Chlichlia, Extraction, Chemical Composition, and Anticancer Potential of Origanum onites L. Essential Oil. Molecules, 24(14), 2612, 2019. /10.3390/molecules24142612
A. Altintas, N. Tabanca, E. Tyihák, P.G. Ott, A. M. Móricz, E. Mincsovics and D. E. Wedge, Characterization of volatile constituents from Origanum onites and their antifungal and antibacterial activity. Journal of AOAC International, 96(6), 1200–1208, 2013. intas
M. Farzaneh, H. Kiani, R. Sharifi, M. Reisi, and J. Hadian, Chemical composition and antifungal effects of three species of Satureja (S. hortensis, S. spicigera, and S. khuzistanica) essential oils on the main pathogens of strawberry fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 109, 145–151, 2015. 1016/j.postharvbio.2015.06.014
T. Gokturk, Chemical composition of Satureja spicigera essential oil and its insecticidal effectiveness on Halyomorpha halys nymphs and adults. Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C, 76(11), 451–457, 2021.
A. Özel and F. Tekin, Determination of morphogenetic variability in essential oil ratio and components of Origanum syriacum L. var. bevanii (Holmes) Ietswaart. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 25(3), 315–325, 2021. 11
Characterization of essential oil components of commercially valuable thyme species grown in Turkey by GC-MS method
Thyme is a perennial herb that grows in temperate climatic regions of the world. The essential oils of the plant, which has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times, are responsible for both its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. The composition of volatile components differs from species to species, and these differences create specific taste and odor for each species. The GC-MS method is frequently used in the characterization of essential oils, and the method needs to be modified according to the column type and length used, the furnace temperature program, and the characteristics of the carrier gas. The fact that the essential oil components have different evaporation points has necessitated the use of different furnace temperature programs. In some studies, the essential oil components of the same sample were examined in columns with different polarities and it was determined that there was a change in the number of the detected components. Although the concentration of essential oil components varies according to the harvest season of thyme, the geographical and climatic characteristics of the region where it grows, it has been revealed in many studies that the dominant essential oil components among the species are similar.
K. H. C. Başer and N. Kırımer, Essential oils of anatolian lamiaceae-An update. Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 5(4), 1–28, 2018.
Ç. Şenkul ve S. Kaya, Türkiye endemik bitkilerinin coğrafi dağılışı. Türk Coğrafya Dergisi, 69, 109–120, 2017. https://10.17211/tcd.322515
A. Tan, Türkiye Bitki Genetik Kaynakları ve Muhafazası. Anadolu Ege Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Dergisi, 20(1), 9–37, 2010.
M. Dönmez ve M. Kargıoğlu, Stachys palustris L .’ in Morfolojik , Anatomik ve Ekolojik Özellikleri. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 11, 1-9, 2011.
D. Aebisher, J. Cichonski, E. Szpyrka, S. Masjonis, and G. Chrzanowski, Essential oils of seven lamiaceae plants and their antioxidant capacity. Molecules, 26(13), 1–15, 2021. https://10.3390/molecules26133 793
T. M. Karpiński, Essential oils of lamiaceae family plants as antifungals. Biomolecules, 10(1), 103, 2020.
K. Singletary, Thyme history, applications, and overview of potential health benefits. Nutrition Today, 51(1), 40–49, 2016. https://10.1097/NT.0000000000 000139
Ç. Bozdemir, Economic importance and usage fields of oregano species growing in Turkey. Yüzüncü Yil Üniversitesi Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 29(3), 583–594, 2019. https:// 10.29133/yyutbd.511777
A. Wei and T. Shibamoto, Antioxidant/lipoxygenase inhibitory activities and chemical compositions of selected essential oils. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry, 58(12), 7218–7225, 2010. /10.1021/jf101077s
E. M. Dauqan and A. Abdullah, Medicinal and Functional Values of Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.) Herb. Journal of applied biology and biotechnology, 5(02), 17-22, 2017. https://10.7324/JABB.2017.50203
K. Carović-Stanko, M. PeteK, M. Grdiš and J. Pintar, Medicinal plants of the family lamiaceae as functional foods-A review. Czech journal of food sciences, 34(5), 377–390, 2016.
M. Sokovicx́, J. Glamočlija, P. D. Marin, D. Brkić, and L. J. L. D. Van Griensven, Antibacterial effects of the essential oils of commonly consumed medicinal herbs using an in vitro model. Molecules, 15(11), 7532–7546, 2010.
S. Almodaifer, N. Alsibaie, G. Alhoumendan, G. Alammari and M.S. Kavita, Role of phytochemicals in health and nutrition. BAOJ Nutrition, 3(2), 1–6, 2017.
M. Carocho, M. F. Barreiro, P. Morales, and I. C. F. R. Ferreira, Adding molecules to food, pros and cons: A review on synthetic and natural food additives. Comprehensive reviews in food science and food safety,13(4), 377–399, 2014. /1541-4337.12065
G. Nieto, A review on applications and uses of thymus in the food industry. Plants, 9(8), 1–29, 2020.
M. F. Nagoor Meeran and P. Stanely Mainzen Prince, Protective effects of thymol on altered plasma lipid peroxidation and nonenzymic antioxidants in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarcted rats. Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology, 26(9), 368–373, 2012. 431
B. Kodal Coşkun, E. Çalikoğlu, Z. Karagöz Emiroğlu, and K. Candoğan, Antioxidant active packaging with soy edible films and oregano or thyme essential oils for oxidative stability of ground beef patties. Journal of Food Quality, 37(3), 203–212, 2014. /10.1111/jfq.12089
E. Ferahoğlu, U. Çürük, D. Çoğalan, S. Kırıcı, and H. Çakan, Çukurova koşullarında yetiştirilen Origanum türlerinin uçucu yağ oranları ve bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi. Turkish Journal of Biodiversity, 5(2), 75-85, 2022. 33
P. Tongnuanchan and S. Benjakul, Essential oils: Extraction, bioactivities, and their uses for food preservation. Journal of food science, 79(7), 1231–1249, 2014.
M. G. Miguel, C. Cruz, L. Faleiro, M.T. Simões, A.C. Figueiredo, J.G. Barroso, and L.G. Pedro, Foeniculum vulgare essential oils: Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities. Natural product communications, 5(2) 319–328, 2010.
F. C. Fachini-Queiroz, R. Kummer, C.F. Estevao-Silva, M.D. Carvalho, J.M. Cunha and R. Grespan, Effects of thymol and carvacrol, constituents of thymus vulgaris L. essential oil, on the inflammatory response. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2012, 2012. /2012/657026
M. H. H. Roby, M. A. Sarhan, K. A. H. Selim, and K. I. Khalel, Evaluation of antioxidant activity, total phenols and phenolic compounds in thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), sage (Salvia officinalis L.), and marjoram (Origanum majorana L.) extracts. Industrial Crops and Products, 43(1), 827–831, 2013. 1016/j.indcrop.2012.08.029
Y. Tavakolpour, M. Moosavi-Nasab, M. Niakousari, S. Haghighi-Manesh, S. M. B. Hashemi, and A. Mousavi Khaneghah, Comparison of four extraction methods for essential oil from Thymus daenensis Subsp. Lancifolius and chemical analysis of extracted essential oil. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(4), 1–7, 2017.
A. A. Jovanović, V.B. Đorđević, G. M. Zdunić, D.S. Pljevljakušić, K.P. Šavikin, D.M. Gođevac and B.M. Bugarski, Optimization of the extraction process of polyphenols from Thymus serpyllum L. herb using maceration, heat and ultrasound-assisted techniques. Separation and Purification Technology, 179, 369–380, 2017.
M. Yousefi, M. Rahimi-Nasrabadi, S.M. Pourmortazavi, M. Wysokowski, T. Jesionowski, H. Ehrlich and S. Mirsadeghi, Supercritical fluid extraction of essential oils. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 118, 182–193, 2019. 16/j.trac.2019.05.038
H. Bendif, K. Adouni, M.D. Miara, R. Baranauskienė, P. Kraujalis, P.R. Venskutonis and F. Maggi, Essential oils (EOs), pressurized liquid extracts (PLE) and carbon dioxide supercritical fluid extracts (SFE-CO2) from Algerian Thymus munbyanus as valuable sources of antioxidants to be used on an industrial level. Food chemistry, 260, 289–298, 2018. /j.foodchem.2018.03.108
K. Hosni, I. Hassen, H. Chaâbane, M. Jemli, S. Dallali, H. Sebei and H. Casabianca, Enzyme-assisted extraction of essential oils from thyme (Thymus capitatus L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.): Impact on yield, chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. Industrial Crops and Products, 47(2013), 291–299, 2013. indcrop.2013.03.023
Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu, Dış Ticaret., Erişim 05 Mayıs 2023.
H. Javed, S. Erum, S. Tabassum, and F. Ameen, An overview on medicinal importance of Thymus vulgaris. Journal of Asian Scientific Research, 3(10), 974–982, 2013.
M. Nikolova, M. Yovkova, E. Yankova-Tsvetkova, B. Traikova, T. Stefanova, I. Aneva and S. Berkov, Biocidal activity of origanum vulgare subsp. hirtum essential oil. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis, 69(5), 569–578, 2021.
C. Sarikurkcu, G. Zengin, M. Oskay, S. Uysal, R. Ceylan, and A. Aktumsek, Composition, antioxidant, antimicrobial and enzyme inhibition activities of two Origanum vulgare subspecies (subsp. vulgare and subsp. hirtum) essential oils. Industrial Crops and Products, 70, 178–184, 2015. /j.indcrop.2015.03.030
F. Fancello, M. El Beyrouthy, M. Iriti, M. El Khoury, M. Bou Zeidan, and S. Zara, Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity against food-related microorganisms of different essential oils from Lebanon. Journal of Food Safety, 39(6), 1–9, 2019.
A. Spagnoletti, A. Guerrini, M. Tacchini, V. Vinciguerra, C. Leone, I. Maresca and L. Angiolella, Chemical composition and bio-efficacy of essential oils from Italian aromatic plants: Mentha suaveolens, Coridothymus capitatus, Origanum hirtum and Rosmarinus officinalis. Natural Product Communications, 11(10),1517–1520, 2016. https://doi .org/10.1177/1934578X1601101023
L. Guerra-Boone, R. Alvarez-Román, R. Salazar-Aranda, A. Torres-Cirio, V.M. Rivas-Galindo, N. Waksman de Torres and L.A. Pérez-López, Antimicrobial and antioxidant activities and chemical characterization of essential oils of Thymusvulgaris, Rosmarinus officinalis, and Origanum majorana from northeastern México. Pakistan journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 28(1), 363–369, 2015.
D. Hadef, M. Saidi, M. Yousfi, and Y. Moussaoui, GC/MS analysis of essential oils of cymbopogon schoenanthus and origanum majorana L. grown in Eastern Algeria. Asian J. Chem., 27(10). 3575–3578, 2015.
B. Kirkan, C. Sarikurkcu, and R. Amarowicz, Composition, and antioxidant and enzyme-inhibition activities, of essential oils from Satureja thymbra and Thymbra spicata var. spicata. Flavour and fragrance journal, 34(6), 436–442, 2019. /ffj.3522
A. M. Arani, M. Naderi and S.M. Goldansaz, Effect of Harvesting Time on Essential Oil Content and Composition of Thymbra spicata. Journal of Medicinal Plants and By-products, 1, 51–55, 2015.
O. Borugă, C. Jianu, C. Mişcă, I. Goleţ, A. T. Gruia, and F. G. Horhat, Thymus vulgaris essential oil: chemical composition and antimicrobial activity. Journal of medicine and life, vol. 7(3(3)), 56–60, 2014.
A. A. Khan, M. S. Amjad and Saboon, GC-MS analysis and biological activities of Thymus vulgaris and Mentha arvensis essential oil. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry, 44(3), 388–396, 2019. /10.1515/tjb-2018-0258
A. Maccelli, L. Vitanza, A. Imbriano, C. Fraschetti, A. Filippi, P. Goldoni, and F. Rinaldi, Satureja montana L. Essential oils: Chemical profiles/phytochemical screening, antimicrobial activity and o/w nanoemulsion formulations. Pharmaceutics, 12(1), 1–22, 2020.
A. Čopra-Janićijević, D. Vidic, and M. Maksimović, Characterisation of satureja montana l. Essential oil and headspace volatiles. Naturel Volatiles Essential Oils, 7(2), 22–34, 2020. https://10.37929/nveo.743706
N. Katar ve D. Katar, Eskişehir Ekolojik Koşullarında Farklı Hasat Zamanlarının Limon Kekiğinin (Thymus citriodorus L.) Verim ve Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi. Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 34(1), 93–105, 2020.
O. Toncer, S. Karaman, E. Diraz, T. Sogut, and S. Kizil, Essential oil composition of Thymus × citriodorus (Pers.) Schreb. at different harvest stages,” Notulae Botanicae Horti Agrobotanici Cluj-Napoca, 45(1), 185–189, 2017. 72
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Nakilcioğlu, Emine - Özdal, Harun Reşit. “Türkiye’de yetişen Ticari değere Sahip Kekik türlerine Ait uçucu Yağ bileşenlerinin GC-MS yöntemiyle Karakterizasyonu”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 13/1 (Ocak 2024), 385-392.
Nakilcioğlu E, Özdal HR. Türkiye’de yetişen ticari değere sahip kekik türlerine ait uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin GC-MS yöntemiyle karakterizasyonu. NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg. 2024;13:385–392.
Nakilcioğlu, Emine ve Harun Reşit Özdal. “Türkiye’de yetişen Ticari değere Sahip Kekik türlerine Ait uçucu Yağ bileşenlerinin GC-MS yöntemiyle Karakterizasyonu”. Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 13, sy. 1, 2024, ss. 385-92, doi:10.28948/ngumuh.1332531.
Nakilcioğlu E, Özdal HR. Türkiye’de yetişen ticari değere sahip kekik türlerine ait uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin GC-MS yöntemiyle karakterizasyonu. NÖHÜ Müh. Bilim. Derg. 2024;13(1):385-92.