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Yıl 2014, , 70 - 74, 05.02.2014


Iris, a plant belong to Iridaceae family, is a precious medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plant. Iris has been used at cure of cancer, ichors, virus and bacterial infections in medicine, and at perfumes and cosmetics due to the attractive scent of essential oil in industry. The research was conducted with the aim to determine of essential oil content and composition, resinoide and absolute of iris. The essential oil of Iris florentina was extracted by hydro distillation by using Clevenger apparatus, and resinoide and absolute were obtained by using n-hexane and ethyl alcohol, respectively. Essential oil components were identified by GC/MS (QP5050 gas chromatography/mass spectrometry). Statistically non-significant differences were observed in the fresh and dry rhizome, and statistically significant differences (p<0.01) in the resinoide and absolute of Iris florentina. In the Iris florentina, the fresh and dry rhizome essential oil resinoide were determined as 0.04 % and 0.07 % respectively, and the resinoide and absolute were obtained as 2.21% and 1.92%, respectively. The main compounds of Iris florentina essential oil, resinoide and absolute were determined as decanoic acid, ethanon, α-Iron, trans-2,6-γ-Iron, lauric acid, myristic acid, palmitic acid, 9,12 oktadecadienoic acid and hexanedioic acid bis ester. In the main components of essential oil, resinoide and absolute of iris were significant differences determined. α-iron and γ-iron contents weren’t determined in fresh rhizome essential oil that they are accepted as the most significant commercial quality criteria of iris essential oil. The highest α-Iron and trans-2,6-γ-Iron contents were obtained in dry rhizome essential oil (4.21% and 7.88%, respectively), their the lowest values were determined in resinoide (0.69% and 1.25%, respectively).


  • Almaarri, K., Zedan, T.A., Albatal, N. 2013. Chemical analysis of essential oils of some Syrian Wild Iris Species. American J of Biochem. and Molecular Bio., 3(1): 38-49.
  • Asghar, S.F., Rehmani, H.U., Choudahry, M.I., Rahman, A.U. 2011. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of petroleum ether extract (oil) and bio-assays of crude extract of Iris germanica. Int.l J of Gen. and Molecular Bio., 3(7): 95-100
  • Rahman, A., Nasima, S., Baiga, I., Orhan, I., Şener, B., Ayanoğlu, F., Choudhary, M. I. 2003. Isoflavonoid Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Iris germanica. Helvetica Chimica Acta., 86: 3354-3362.
  • Baydar, H., Kineci, S. 2009. Scent composition of essential oil, concrete, absolute and hydrosol from lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel.). J. of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 12 (2): 131-136.
  • Bezzi, A., Aiello, N., Villa, S., Bicchi, C., Rubiolo, P. 1993. Productivity and quality of rhizomes of some different types of Iris sp. Acta Hort., 344: 98-109.
  • Bicchi, C., Rubiolo, P., Fresia, M., David, F., Sandra, P. 19 Analysis of constituents of Iris Rhizomes. Part 111-Packed Column Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Iridals from Rhizomes of Zris pallida L. Phyrochemical Analysıs, 7: 37-41. Chikhi, I., Allali, H., Dib, M.E.A., Halla, N., Muselli, A., Tabti, B., Costa, J. 2012. Free radical scavenging and antibacterial activity of essential oil and solvent extracts of Iris planifolia (Mill) from Algeria. J. of Medicinal Plants Res., 6(10): 1961-1968.
  • Cornelia Schütz, M., Quitschau, M.H., Olivier, P. 2011. Profiling of isoflavonoids in Iris germanica rhizome extracts by microprobe NMR and HPLC–PDA–MS analysis. Fitoterapia, 82: 1021-1026.
  • Garnero, J., Joulain, D., Buil, P. 1978. Effect of storage of Iris rhizomes on the composition of iris essential oil or concrete and some new constituents. Riv Ital EPPOS 60: 568-5
  • Güvenç, A., Kurucu,S., Koyuncu, M., Arıhan, O., Erbudak, C.S. 2005. Investigation on the Seeds Iris spuria L.subsp. musulmanica (fomin) takht. ( IRIDACEAE). Turkish J. Pharm. Sci. 2 (3): 125-136.
  • Jéhan, H., Courtois, D., Ehret, C., Lerch, K., Petiard, V. 19 Plant regeneration of Iris pallida Lam. and Iris germanica L. via somatic embryogenesis from leaves, apices and young flowers. Plant Cell Rpt. 13: 671-675 Kohlein, F. 1987. Iris. Timber Press, Portland, Ore. Waddick, J.W. and Y. Zhao. 1992. Iris of China. Timber Press, Portland, Ore.
  • König, W. A., Hochmuth, D.H. 2004. Enantioselective Gas Chromatography in Flavor and Fragrance Analysis: Strategies for the Identification of Known and Unknown Plant Volatiles. J. of Chromatographic Sci., 42: 423-439
  • Krick, W., Marner, F.J., Jaenicke, L. 1983. Isolation and structure determination of the precursors of u- and yirone and homologous compounds from Iris pallida and Iris florentina. Z. Naturforch. 38: 179-1 84.
  • Mathew, B., Davis, P. H. 1984. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands., Edinburgh at the University Press, Edinburgh, Volüm 8, 1984, pp. 382-411.
  • Mathew, B., Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T., Başer, K.H.C. 2000. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Volume 11, Edinburgh at the University Press, Edinburgh, 2000, pp. 227-228.
  • Naves, Y.R., Grampoloff, A.V., Bachmann, P. 1947. Etudes sur les matières vègètales volatiles. I) Etudes dans les sèries des mèthyl-3-linalols, des mèthyl-3 citrals et des mèthyl-6-ionones. Helv. Chim. Acta., 30:1599-1613
  • Naves, Y.R. 1974. Technologie et chimie des parfums naturels: essences concrètes, résinoïdes, huiles et pommades aux fleurs. Masson et Cie: Paris, pp. 2562
  • Roger, B., Fernandez, X., Jeannot, V., Chahboun, J. 2010. An Alternative method for irones quantification in Iris rhizomes using headspace solid-phase microextraction. Phytochem. Anal., 21: 483–488
  • Roger, B., Jeannot, V., Fernandez, X., Cerantola S., Chahboun, J. 2011. Characterisation and Quantification of Flavonoids in Iris germanica L. and Iris palli. Lam. Resinoids from Morocco. Phytochem. Anal., 23: 4504
  • Streich., A.M., Lindgren, D.T. 2007. Culture of Iris. University of Nebreska- Lincoln Extension, Institue of Agriculture and Natural Reseources, 1741, USA.


Yıl 2014, , 70 - 74, 05.02.2014


Süsen Iridaceae familyasına ait değerli bir tıbbi, aromatik ve süs bitkisidir. Tıpta; kanser, iltihap, virüs ve bakteri enfeksiyonu tedavilerinde, endüstride uçucu yağının çekici kokusu nedeniyle parfümeri ve kozmetikte geniş bir kullanım alanı vardır. Bu araştırma, süsenin uçucu yağ, resinoid ve absolüt oranı ile uçucu yağ bileşenlerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Iris florentina’nın uçucu yağı Clevenger hidrodistilasyon aparatında su distilasyonu yöntemiyle, resinoid n-hekzan ve absolüt ise etil alkol kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Uçucu yağ bileşenleri GC/MS (QP5050 gas chromatography/mass spectrometry) cihazında belirlenmiştir. Iris florentina’nın taze ve kuru rizom uçucu yağ arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak önemsiz, resinoid ve absolüt oranları arasındaki fark ise p<0.01 düzeyinde önemli olmuştur. Iris florentina’nın taze ve kuru rizom uçucu yağ oranları sırasıyla, % 0.04 ve % 0.07, resinoid ve absolüt oranı ise sırasıyla % 2.21 ve % 1.92 olarak belirlenmiştir. Iris florentina’nın uçucu yağ, resinoid ve absolütünde, dekanoik asit, ethanon, α–Iron, trans-2,6γ–Iron, laurik asit, miristik asit, palmitik asit, 9,12 oktadekadienoik asit ve hekzandioik asit bis ester temel bileşenler olarak belirlenmiştir. Uçucu yağ, resinoid ve absolütde tespit edilen bileşenlerin oranları önemli farklılık göstermiştir. Süsenin ticari değerini belirleyen α–Iron ve trans-2,6- γ–Iron bileşenleri taze rizom uçucu yağında tespit edilmezken, en yüksek kuru rizom uçucu yağında (sırasıyla % 4.21 ve % 7.88), en düşük resinoitte (sırasıyla % 0.69 ve % 1.25) tespit edilmiştir.


  • Almaarri, K., Zedan, T.A., Albatal, N. 2013. Chemical analysis of essential oils of some Syrian Wild Iris Species. American J of Biochem. and Molecular Bio., 3(1): 38-49.
  • Asghar, S.F., Rehmani, H.U., Choudahry, M.I., Rahman, A.U. 2011. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis of petroleum ether extract (oil) and bio-assays of crude extract of Iris germanica. Int.l J of Gen. and Molecular Bio., 3(7): 95-100
  • Rahman, A., Nasima, S., Baiga, I., Orhan, I., Şener, B., Ayanoğlu, F., Choudhary, M. I. 2003. Isoflavonoid Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Iris germanica. Helvetica Chimica Acta., 86: 3354-3362.
  • Baydar, H., Kineci, S. 2009. Scent composition of essential oil, concrete, absolute and hydrosol from lavandin (Lavandula x intermedia Emeric ex Loisel.). J. of Essential Oil Bearing Plants, 12 (2): 131-136.
  • Bezzi, A., Aiello, N., Villa, S., Bicchi, C., Rubiolo, P. 1993. Productivity and quality of rhizomes of some different types of Iris sp. Acta Hort., 344: 98-109.
  • Bicchi, C., Rubiolo, P., Fresia, M., David, F., Sandra, P. 19 Analysis of constituents of Iris Rhizomes. Part 111-Packed Column Supercritical Fluid Chromatography and High Pressure Liquid Chromatography of Iridals from Rhizomes of Zris pallida L. Phyrochemical Analysıs, 7: 37-41. Chikhi, I., Allali, H., Dib, M.E.A., Halla, N., Muselli, A., Tabti, B., Costa, J. 2012. Free radical scavenging and antibacterial activity of essential oil and solvent extracts of Iris planifolia (Mill) from Algeria. J. of Medicinal Plants Res., 6(10): 1961-1968.
  • Cornelia Schütz, M., Quitschau, M.H., Olivier, P. 2011. Profiling of isoflavonoids in Iris germanica rhizome extracts by microprobe NMR and HPLC–PDA–MS analysis. Fitoterapia, 82: 1021-1026.
  • Garnero, J., Joulain, D., Buil, P. 1978. Effect of storage of Iris rhizomes on the composition of iris essential oil or concrete and some new constituents. Riv Ital EPPOS 60: 568-5
  • Güvenç, A., Kurucu,S., Koyuncu, M., Arıhan, O., Erbudak, C.S. 2005. Investigation on the Seeds Iris spuria L.subsp. musulmanica (fomin) takht. ( IRIDACEAE). Turkish J. Pharm. Sci. 2 (3): 125-136.
  • Jéhan, H., Courtois, D., Ehret, C., Lerch, K., Petiard, V. 19 Plant regeneration of Iris pallida Lam. and Iris germanica L. via somatic embryogenesis from leaves, apices and young flowers. Plant Cell Rpt. 13: 671-675 Kohlein, F. 1987. Iris. Timber Press, Portland, Ore. Waddick, J.W. and Y. Zhao. 1992. Iris of China. Timber Press, Portland, Ore.
  • König, W. A., Hochmuth, D.H. 2004. Enantioselective Gas Chromatography in Flavor and Fragrance Analysis: Strategies for the Identification of Known and Unknown Plant Volatiles. J. of Chromatographic Sci., 42: 423-439
  • Krick, W., Marner, F.J., Jaenicke, L. 1983. Isolation and structure determination of the precursors of u- and yirone and homologous compounds from Iris pallida and Iris florentina. Z. Naturforch. 38: 179-1 84.
  • Mathew, B., Davis, P. H. 1984. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands., Edinburgh at the University Press, Edinburgh, Volüm 8, 1984, pp. 382-411.
  • Mathew, B., Güner, A., Özhatay, N., Ekim, T., Başer, K.H.C. 2000. Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands. Volume 11, Edinburgh at the University Press, Edinburgh, 2000, pp. 227-228.
  • Naves, Y.R., Grampoloff, A.V., Bachmann, P. 1947. Etudes sur les matières vègètales volatiles. I) Etudes dans les sèries des mèthyl-3-linalols, des mèthyl-3 citrals et des mèthyl-6-ionones. Helv. Chim. Acta., 30:1599-1613
  • Naves, Y.R. 1974. Technologie et chimie des parfums naturels: essences concrètes, résinoïdes, huiles et pommades aux fleurs. Masson et Cie: Paris, pp. 2562
  • Roger, B., Fernandez, X., Jeannot, V., Chahboun, J. 2010. An Alternative method for irones quantification in Iris rhizomes using headspace solid-phase microextraction. Phytochem. Anal., 21: 483–488
  • Roger, B., Jeannot, V., Fernandez, X., Cerantola S., Chahboun, J. 2011. Characterisation and Quantification of Flavonoids in Iris germanica L. and Iris palli. Lam. Resinoids from Morocco. Phytochem. Anal., 23: 4504
  • Streich., A.M., Lindgren, D.T. 2007. Culture of Iris. University of Nebreska- Lincoln Extension, Institue of Agriculture and Natural Reseources, 1741, USA.
Toplam 19 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Tarla Bitkileri

Nimet Kara

Hasan Baydar

Yayımlanma Tarihi 5 Şubat 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2014

Kaynak Göster

APA Kara, N., & Baydar, H. (2014). SÜSEN (Iris florentina L.)’İN UÇUCU YAĞ, RESİNOİD VE ABSOLÜTÜNDE KOKU BİLEŞENLERİ. Anadolu Tarım Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(1), 70-74.
Online ISSN: 1308-8769