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Yıl 2019, , 104 - 113, 19.08.2019


Bu araştırma, dayanıklılık
sporu yapan bisikletçi ve triatletlerde antrenman sezonu süresince yapılan fiziksel
performans test parametreleriyle aşırı yüklenme belirtilerini değerlendirmek
amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmaya, bisikletçi (n=9) ve triatloncu (n=10) olmak
üzere düzenli antrenman yapan toplam 19 sporcu katılmıştır. Sporcular antrenman
sezonu içinde 8 haftalık periyodlarla 10 km zamana karşı maksimal bisiklet
testi ve kademeli artan maksimal bisiklet testleri yapılarak takip edilmiştir
. Veriler bilgisayar ortamında tanımlayıcı istatistikler kullanılarak
değerlendirilmiştir. 10 km zamana karşı yapılan bisiklet testi
sonucunda, bisikletçilerde maksimal nabız sezon sonu değeri anlamlı olmasa da
düşmüş, ancak triatletlerde bu düşüş anlamlı düzeyde olmuştur (p=0,02).
Maksimal hız, ortalama hız ve maksimal watt bisikletçilerde sezon sonunda artmıştır
(p=,03, p=0,01, p=0,03, sırasıyla). Bu parametreler, triatloncularda anlamlı
düzeyde değişmemiştir. Maksimal bisiklet testi değerlendirmesinde maksimal
nabız, aerobik güç, göreceli hesaplanan maksimal watt her iki grup sporcu için
sezon içinde anlamlı değişiklik göstermemiştir. Göreceli hesaplanan maksimal
oksijen tüketimi (VO2max) triatletlerde anlamlı olmasa da sezon sonu
değeri düşmüştür. Sonuç olarak, performans gelişimini 10 km zamana karşı
bisiklet testi, kademeli artan maksimal bisiklet testine göre daha iyi gösterdi.
Dolayısıyla, 10 km zamana karşı bisiklet testi performans değerlendirmesinde daha
faydalı sonuçlar verebilir. Maksimal kalp atım sayısı ve göreceli hesaplanan VO2max
sezon sonu değerleri triatletlerde düşmüştür, bu durum fonksiyonel aşırı
yüklenmeye işaret edebilir.  


  • 1. Meeusen R, Duclos M, Foster C, Fry A, Gleeson M. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the overtraining syndrome: Joint Consensus Statement of the European College of Sport Science and the American College of Sports Medicine. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2013; 45(1):186-205.
  • 2. Gastmann UA, Lehmann MJ. Overtraining and the BCAA hypothesis. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1998; 30: 1173-1178.
  • 3. Smith lI. Cytokine hypothesis of overtraining: a physiological adaptation to excessive stress? Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2000; 32:317-331.
  • 4. Steinacker JM, Lormes W, Reıssnecker S, Liu Y. New aspects of the hormone and cytokine response to training. European Journal Applied Physiology, 2004; 9: 382-39.
  • 5. Barron JL, Noakes TD, Levy W, Smith C, Millar RP. Hypothalamic dysfunction in overtrained athletes. Journal Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism, 1985; 60: 803-806.
  • 6. Lehmann M, Foster C, Dıckhuth HH, Gastmann U. Autonomic imbalance hypothesis and overtraining syndrome. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1998;30: 1140-1145.
  • 7. Smirnova IV, Pall ML. Elevated levels of protein carbonyls in sera of chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Molecular Cellular Biochemistry, 2003; 248: 93-95.
  • 8. Finaud J, Lac G, Filaire E. Oxidative stress : relationship with exercise and training. Sports Medicine, 2006; 36: 327-358.
  • 9. Slivka DR, Hailes WS, Cuddy JS, Ruby BC, (2010). Effects of 21 days of intensified training on markers of overtraining. Journal Strength Conditioning Research, 24(10): 2604-12.
  • 10. Hooper, SL, Mackinnon LT, Howard A, Gordon RD, Bachmann AW. Markers for monitoring overtraining and recovery. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1995; 27: 106-112.
  • 11. Kenttä G, Hassmen P, Raglin JS. Training practices and overtraining syndrome in swedish age-group athletes. International Journal Sports Medicine, 2001; 22: 460-465.
  • 12. Matos NF, Winsley RJ, Williams CA. Prevalence of nonfunctional overreaching/overtraining in young English athletes. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2011; 43: 1287-1294.
  • 13. Hedelin R, Kentta G, Wiklund U, Bjerle P, Henriksson-larsen K. Short-term overtraining: effects on performance, circulatory responses, and heart rate variability. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2000a; 32: 1480-1484.
  • 14. Halson SL, Bridge MV, Meeusen R, Busschaert B, Gleeson M, Jones DA, Jeukendrup, AE. Time course of performance changes and fatigue markers during intensified training in trained cyclists. Journal Applied Physiology, 2002; 93: 947-956.
  • 15. Snyder AC, Kuipers H, Cheng B, Servais R, Fransen E. Overtraining following intensified training with normal muscle glycogen. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1995; 27: 1063-1070.
  • 16. Moore CA, Fry AC. Nonfunctional overreaching during off-season training for skill position players in collegiate American football. Journal Strength Conditioning Research, 2007; 21: 793-800.
  • 17. Adlercreutz H, Härkonen M, Kuoppasalmı K, Naveri H, Huhtaniemi I, Tikkanen H, Remes K, Dessyprıs A, Karvonen J. Effect of training on plasma anabolic and catabolic steroid hormones and their response during physical exercise. International Journal Sports Medicine,1986; 7(1): 27-28.
  • 18. Fatouros IG, Destouni A, Margonis K, Jamurtas AZ, Vrettou C, Kouretas D, Mastorakos G, Mitrako A, Taxildaris K, Kanavakis E, Papassotiriou I. Cell-free plasma DNA as a novel marker of aseptic inflammation severity related to exercise overtraining. Clinical Chemistry, 2006; 52: 1820-1824.
  • 19. Tanskanen M, Atalay M, Uusitalo A. Altered oxidative stress in over trained athletes. Journal Sports Science, 2010; 28: 309-317.
  • 20. Mackinnon lT. Chronic exercise training effects on immune function. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2000; 32: 369-376.
  • 21. Haaf TT, Staveren S.van, Oudenhoven E, Piacentini MF, Meeusen R, Roelands BB, Koenderman l, Daanen HAM, Foster C, Koning JJ. Prediction of Functional Overreaching From Subjective Fatigue and Readiness to Train After Only 3 Days of Cycling. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2017; 12: 87-94.
  • 22. Walsh NP, Gleeson M, Shephard RJ, Gleeson M, Woods JA, Bishop NC, Fleshner M, Green C, Pedersen BK, Hoffman-Goetz l, Rogers CJ, Northoff H, Abbasi A, Simon P. Position statement. Part one: immune function and exercise. Exercise Immunology Review, 2011; 17: 6–63. 23. Peake JM. Exercise-induced alterations in neutrophil degranulation and respiratory burst activity: possible mechanisms of action. Exercise Immunology Review, 2002; 8: 49–100.
  • 24. Shek PN, Sabiston BH, Buguet A, Radomski MV. Strenuous exercise and immunological changes: a multiple-time-point analysis of leukocyte subsets, CD4/CD8 ratio, immunoglobulin production and NK cell response. International Journal Sports Medicine, 1995; 16: 466-474, 1995.
  • 25. Robson PJ, Blannin AK, Walsh NP, Castell IM, Gleeson M. Effects of exercise intensity, duration and recovery on in vitro neutrophil function in male athletes. Int J Sports Med, 1999; 20: 128–135.
  • 26. Hedelin R, Wiklund U, Bjerle P, Henriksson-larsén K. Cardiac autonomic imbalance in an overtrained athlete. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2000b; 32(9): 1531-1533.
  • 27. Le meur Y, Hausswirth C, Natta F, Couturier A, Bignet F, Vidal PP,(2013). A multidisciplinary approach to overreaching detection in endurance trained athletes. Journal of Applied Physiology, 2013. 114(3): 411-420.
  • 28. Coutts AJ, Wallace lK, Slattery KM. Monitoring changes in performance, physiology, biochemistry, and psychology during overreaching and recovery in triathletes. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007; 28(02): 125-134.
  • 29. Hausswirth C, Louis J, Aubry A, Bonnet G, Duffiel R, Le muer Y. Evidence of disturbed sleep patterns and increased illness in functionally overreached endurance athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2014; 46(5):1036-1045.
  • 30. Lehmann M, Baumgartl P, Wiesenack C, Seidel A, Baumann H, Fischer S, Keul J. Training-overtraining: influence of a defined increase in training volume vs training intensity on performance, catecholamines and some metabolic parameters in experienced middle-and long-distance runners. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1992; 64(2): 169-177.
  • 31. Bosquet l, Léger l, Legros P. Blood lactate response to overtraining in male endurance athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2001; 84(1-2):107-114.
  • 32. Jeukendrup AE, Hesselink M, Snyder C, Kuipers H, Keizer HA. Physiological changes in male competitive cyclists after two weeks of intensified training. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 1992; 13(07): 534-541.
  • 33. Dantas JL, Pereira G, Nakamura FY. Five-kilometers time trial: preliminary validation of a short test for cycling performance evaluation. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 2015; 6(3):23802.
  • 34. Currell K, Jeukendrup AE. Validity, reliability and sensi¬tivity of measures of sporting performance. Sports Medicine, 2008; 38(4): 297–316.
  • 35. Foster C, Green MA, Snyder AC, Thompson NN. Physiological responses during simulated competition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1993; 25(7): 877-882.
  • 36. Bosquet l, Merkari S, Arvisais D, Aubert AE. Is heart rate a convenient tool to monitor over-reaching? A systematic review of the literature. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008; 42(9): 709-714.
  • 37. Uusitalo AI, Uusitalo AJ, Rusko HK. Heart rate and blood pressure variability during heavy training and overtraining in the female athlete. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2000; 21(01): 45-53.


Yıl 2019, , 104 - 113, 19.08.2019


In this study, we aimed to evaluate overreaching symptoms by physical
performance test parameters of cyclist and triathletes in training season. Elite cyclist (n=9) and triathletes
(n=10) participated in the study. The physical performance parameters were followed
during the training session of the athletes. Athletes performed incremental
maximal cycling test and 10 km time trial test every 8 weeks during the
training season. The data were
evaluated by using descriptive statistics on computer. As a result of the 10 km time trial test, maximal heart rate of
the cyclist decreased, although end of the season value was not significant;
however it was significantly decreased in the triathletes (p=0.02). Maximal
speed, average speed and maximal watt were found to increase in cyclists at the
end of the season (p=0.03, p=0.01, p=0.03, respectively).These parameters were
not found to change significantly in triathletes. In the incremental maximal
cycle test, parameters of the maximal heart rate, aerobic power, and relative
maximal watt were not significantly different during the season for both
athlete groups. In triathletes, the maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max)
was decreased at the end of the season, although not significantly.
In conclusion, this study
results indicated that the 10 km time trial performance test results showed
better performance improvement than the incremental maximal performance cycling
test. Therefore, 10 km time trial test may give more useful results than the incremental
maximal performance cycling test. The maximal heart rate and VO2 max
level were found to decrease at the end of the season in triathletes; and this
may indicate functional overreaching of the athletes. 


  • 1. Meeusen R, Duclos M, Foster C, Fry A, Gleeson M. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the overtraining syndrome: Joint Consensus Statement of the European College of Sport Science and the American College of Sports Medicine. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2013; 45(1):186-205.
  • 2. Gastmann UA, Lehmann MJ. Overtraining and the BCAA hypothesis. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1998; 30: 1173-1178.
  • 3. Smith lI. Cytokine hypothesis of overtraining: a physiological adaptation to excessive stress? Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2000; 32:317-331.
  • 4. Steinacker JM, Lormes W, Reıssnecker S, Liu Y. New aspects of the hormone and cytokine response to training. European Journal Applied Physiology, 2004; 9: 382-39.
  • 5. Barron JL, Noakes TD, Levy W, Smith C, Millar RP. Hypothalamic dysfunction in overtrained athletes. Journal Clinical Endocrinology, Metabolism, 1985; 60: 803-806.
  • 6. Lehmann M, Foster C, Dıckhuth HH, Gastmann U. Autonomic imbalance hypothesis and overtraining syndrome. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1998;30: 1140-1145.
  • 7. Smirnova IV, Pall ML. Elevated levels of protein carbonyls in sera of chronic fatigue syndrome patients. Molecular Cellular Biochemistry, 2003; 248: 93-95.
  • 8. Finaud J, Lac G, Filaire E. Oxidative stress : relationship with exercise and training. Sports Medicine, 2006; 36: 327-358.
  • 9. Slivka DR, Hailes WS, Cuddy JS, Ruby BC, (2010). Effects of 21 days of intensified training on markers of overtraining. Journal Strength Conditioning Research, 24(10): 2604-12.
  • 10. Hooper, SL, Mackinnon LT, Howard A, Gordon RD, Bachmann AW. Markers for monitoring overtraining and recovery. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1995; 27: 106-112.
  • 11. Kenttä G, Hassmen P, Raglin JS. Training practices and overtraining syndrome in swedish age-group athletes. International Journal Sports Medicine, 2001; 22: 460-465.
  • 12. Matos NF, Winsley RJ, Williams CA. Prevalence of nonfunctional overreaching/overtraining in young English athletes. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2011; 43: 1287-1294.
  • 13. Hedelin R, Kentta G, Wiklund U, Bjerle P, Henriksson-larsen K. Short-term overtraining: effects on performance, circulatory responses, and heart rate variability. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2000a; 32: 1480-1484.
  • 14. Halson SL, Bridge MV, Meeusen R, Busschaert B, Gleeson M, Jones DA, Jeukendrup, AE. Time course of performance changes and fatigue markers during intensified training in trained cyclists. Journal Applied Physiology, 2002; 93: 947-956.
  • 15. Snyder AC, Kuipers H, Cheng B, Servais R, Fransen E. Overtraining following intensified training with normal muscle glycogen. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 1995; 27: 1063-1070.
  • 16. Moore CA, Fry AC. Nonfunctional overreaching during off-season training for skill position players in collegiate American football. Journal Strength Conditioning Research, 2007; 21: 793-800.
  • 17. Adlercreutz H, Härkonen M, Kuoppasalmı K, Naveri H, Huhtaniemi I, Tikkanen H, Remes K, Dessyprıs A, Karvonen J. Effect of training on plasma anabolic and catabolic steroid hormones and their response during physical exercise. International Journal Sports Medicine,1986; 7(1): 27-28.
  • 18. Fatouros IG, Destouni A, Margonis K, Jamurtas AZ, Vrettou C, Kouretas D, Mastorakos G, Mitrako A, Taxildaris K, Kanavakis E, Papassotiriou I. Cell-free plasma DNA as a novel marker of aseptic inflammation severity related to exercise overtraining. Clinical Chemistry, 2006; 52: 1820-1824.
  • 19. Tanskanen M, Atalay M, Uusitalo A. Altered oxidative stress in over trained athletes. Journal Sports Science, 2010; 28: 309-317.
  • 20. Mackinnon lT. Chronic exercise training effects on immune function. Medicine Science Sports Exercise, 2000; 32: 369-376.
  • 21. Haaf TT, Staveren S.van, Oudenhoven E, Piacentini MF, Meeusen R, Roelands BB, Koenderman l, Daanen HAM, Foster C, Koning JJ. Prediction of Functional Overreaching From Subjective Fatigue and Readiness to Train After Only 3 Days of Cycling. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 2017; 12: 87-94.
  • 22. Walsh NP, Gleeson M, Shephard RJ, Gleeson M, Woods JA, Bishop NC, Fleshner M, Green C, Pedersen BK, Hoffman-Goetz l, Rogers CJ, Northoff H, Abbasi A, Simon P. Position statement. Part one: immune function and exercise. Exercise Immunology Review, 2011; 17: 6–63. 23. Peake JM. Exercise-induced alterations in neutrophil degranulation and respiratory burst activity: possible mechanisms of action. Exercise Immunology Review, 2002; 8: 49–100.
  • 24. Shek PN, Sabiston BH, Buguet A, Radomski MV. Strenuous exercise and immunological changes: a multiple-time-point analysis of leukocyte subsets, CD4/CD8 ratio, immunoglobulin production and NK cell response. International Journal Sports Medicine, 1995; 16: 466-474, 1995.
  • 25. Robson PJ, Blannin AK, Walsh NP, Castell IM, Gleeson M. Effects of exercise intensity, duration and recovery on in vitro neutrophil function in male athletes. Int J Sports Med, 1999; 20: 128–135.
  • 26. Hedelin R, Wiklund U, Bjerle P, Henriksson-larsén K. Cardiac autonomic imbalance in an overtrained athlete. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2000b; 32(9): 1531-1533.
  • 27. Le meur Y, Hausswirth C, Natta F, Couturier A, Bignet F, Vidal PP,(2013). A multidisciplinary approach to overreaching detection in endurance trained athletes. Journal of Applied Physiology, 2013. 114(3): 411-420.
  • 28. Coutts AJ, Wallace lK, Slattery KM. Monitoring changes in performance, physiology, biochemistry, and psychology during overreaching and recovery in triathletes. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2007; 28(02): 125-134.
  • 29. Hausswirth C, Louis J, Aubry A, Bonnet G, Duffiel R, Le muer Y. Evidence of disturbed sleep patterns and increased illness in functionally overreached endurance athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2014; 46(5):1036-1045.
  • 30. Lehmann M, Baumgartl P, Wiesenack C, Seidel A, Baumann H, Fischer S, Keul J. Training-overtraining: influence of a defined increase in training volume vs training intensity on performance, catecholamines and some metabolic parameters in experienced middle-and long-distance runners. European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology, 1992; 64(2): 169-177.
  • 31. Bosquet l, Léger l, Legros P. Blood lactate response to overtraining in male endurance athletes. European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2001; 84(1-2):107-114.
  • 32. Jeukendrup AE, Hesselink M, Snyder C, Kuipers H, Keizer HA. Physiological changes in male competitive cyclists after two weeks of intensified training. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 1992; 13(07): 534-541.
  • 33. Dantas JL, Pereira G, Nakamura FY. Five-kilometers time trial: preliminary validation of a short test for cycling performance evaluation. Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, 2015; 6(3):23802.
  • 34. Currell K, Jeukendrup AE. Validity, reliability and sensi¬tivity of measures of sporting performance. Sports Medicine, 2008; 38(4): 297–316.
  • 35. Foster C, Green MA, Snyder AC, Thompson NN. Physiological responses during simulated competition. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 1993; 25(7): 877-882.
  • 36. Bosquet l, Merkari S, Arvisais D, Aubert AE. Is heart rate a convenient tool to monitor over-reaching? A systematic review of the literature. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2008; 42(9): 709-714.
  • 37. Uusitalo AI, Uusitalo AJ, Rusko HK. Heart rate and blood pressure variability during heavy training and overtraining in the female athlete. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2000; 21(01): 45-53.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Hareket ve Antrenman Bilimleri

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Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2019
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