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Peer Coaching and Portfolio Usage: Two Methods in Effective Instructional Supervision

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 28, 1028 - 1053, 31.08.2020


The aim of the research is to examine the effectiveness of peer coaching and portfolio methods in instructional supervision with through the opinions of teachers. In this study qualitative research method was used. Considering that the research will be suitable for its purpose, case study was chosen from qualitative research methods. The data of the research was collected through a focus group interview. The research was conducted in 2017-2018 academic year. The study group consists of 25 school principals and 25 teachers working in Sivas city center. Descriptive analysis method was used in content analysis. As a result of the research, the participants think that the use of peer coaching and porfolio are effective methods in instructional supervision. They also state that the methods are supervision tools that contribute to the solution of problems faced by the teacher in the classroom practices and provide professional development . In the context of the resulting results the following suggestions can be made: Teachers, peer coaching and portfolio in teaching supervision methods to contribute to the solution of the problems faced in classroom applications and use these methods as a tool for professional development or supervision. More democratic approaches such as peer coaching and portfolio in teaching supervision can shed light on researchers and practitioners by conducting pilot studies.


  • Anderson, D. (2013). Untying the knots. In the chısymposium coaching in the moment.
  • Aydın, İ. (2013). Öğretim denetimi: durum saptama, değerlendirme ve geliştirme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Aydın, M. (2011). Çağdaş eğitim denetimi. Ankara: Hatipoğlu Yayınları.
  • Bowers, D. L. (1999). Teachers’ use of peer observation and feedback as a means of professional development. Southern California Universty. Doctoral Thesis . California.
  • Bowers, K. J. (2017). The impact of peer coaching on peer relationships and the distribution of knowledge in pre- service teachers. University of Northern Iowa. Electronic theses and dissertations. Iowa.
  • Browne, L. (2006). Proposing a proximal principle between peer coaching and staff development. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 4, 31-44.
  • Brookhart, S. M. ve Moss, C. M. (2015). How to give professional feedback. Educational Leadership, 72, 24-30.
  • Bruce, C.D. ve Ross, j A. ( 2008).A model for ıncreasıng reform ımplementatıon and teacher effıcacy:teacher peer coachıng ın grades 3 and 6 mathematıcs. Canadıan Journal Of Educatıon, 31(2), 346‐370
  • Bursalıoğlu, Z. (2000). Okul yönetiminde yeni yapı ve davranış. Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
  • Campbell, D.M ., Cignetti ,P.B., Melenyzer, B.J., Nettles, D.H. ve Wyman, R.M. (1997) . How to develop a professional portfolio: A manual for teachers. MA: Needham Heights.
  • Centra, J. A. (1993). Reflective faculty evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Chalong, G., Tawisook, M., ve Ratanaolarn, T. (2018). Development of Mathematics and Science Teacher Competencies through Coaching. Creative Education, 8, 2049-2063
  • Chitpin, S. ve Simon, M. (2009). Even if no-one looked at it, it was important for my own development: Pre-service teacher perceptions of professional portfolios. Australian Journal of Education, 53(3), 277-293.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2016). Nitel araştırma yöntemleri (Çev. Ed. Bütün. M). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Darling, L. F. (2001). Portfolio as practice: The narratives of emerging teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(1), 107-121.
  • Deborah, K., Edward, K. ve Mercey, M.M.(2017). Secondary School Principals’ Work Load And Instructional Supervision Practices İn Kenya: A Case Of Lower Yatta Sub County, International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 4(2), 68-80 http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2349-0381.0402007 adresinden 02/11/2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Demirkan, S. (2019).Eğitim yönetiminde alternatif denetim yaklaşımı, öğretmen portfolyosu değerlendirme: Bir literatür taraması. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1(1), 49-62
  • Driessen, E. ve Vermunt, J. (2005). The use of qualitative research criteria for portfolio ssessment as an alternative to reliability evaluation:a case study. Medical Education, 39, 214–220.
  • Doolittle, P. (1994). Teacher portfolio assesment. Cleraringhouse on asessment and evulation. Washington Dc .
  • Erbil, O. (2003). Öğrenci merkezli eğitim uygulama modeli. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Basımevi
  • Ersoy, A.F.(2006).Öğretmen adaylarının gelişim dosyasına dayalı değerlendirmeye ilişkin görüşleri. İlköğretim online, 5(1),85-95.
  • Grant, A. M., Green, L. S., and Rynsaardt, J. (2010). Developmental coaching for high school teachers: Executive coaching goes to school. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 62(3), 151-168. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2010-19800-001 adresinden 03/11/2019 tarihinde alındı.
  • Gottschalk, M.G. (2014). How do business leaders learn in peer-group coaching? Oxford University. Doktora Tezi. İngiltere.
  • Guskey, T. (2014). Planning professional learning. Educational, school, and counseling psychology faculty publications. 15. 12.05.2019 tarihinde https://uknowledge.uky.edu/edp_facpub/ adresinden erişildi.
  • Hanson, H. and Hoyos, C. (2015). The shift from-me- to-we: Schools with a coaching culture build individual and collective capacity. The Journal of Staff Development, 36(2), 42-45.
  • Henson, K. T. (2010).Supervision: A collaborative approach to instructional improvement. Waveland: Pr. Inc.
  • İlgan, A. (2012). Öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi ve denetimi. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Jeevaratnam, G. (2013). Portfolio as an assessment tool in the french foreign language classroom. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2(11), 155-156.
  • Joyce, B. and Showers, B. (1982). The coaching of teaching. Educational Leadership, 40(1), 4-10.
  • Kışla,S.V. ve Uzun E.(2005).Okul öncesi dönemde portfolyo değerlendirmesi. Çocuk-veli-öğretmen görüşmeleri, Eğitimde iyi örnekler konferansı. Sabancı Üniversitesi. İstanbul.
  • Knight, J. (2011). What good coaches do. Educational Leadership, 69(2), 18-22.
  • Krueger, R.A. (1994). Focus Groups: A Practical Guide For Applied Research. London: Sage.
  • Lee, O.and Choi, E. (2013). Utilizing peer coaching to facilitate pre-service physical education teachers reflection. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 22(2),147-154.
  • Lunenburg, F. C. ve Ornstein, A. C. (2013). Eğitim yönetimi (Çev Edit. Arastaman, G). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Lorenzo, G. and Ittelson, J. (2005). An overview of e-portfolios. Educase learning initiative. https://library.educause.edu//media/files/library/2005/1/eli3001-pdf. adresinden 24/08/2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Marzano, R. J., Frontier, T. ve Livingston, D. (2011). Effective supervision supporting the art and science of teaching. Virginia: Ascd Member Book.
  • Marshall, C. and Rossman, G. (2016). Designing qualitative research. Sage, Thousand Oaks.
  • Merriam, S.B. (1998). Case study research in education, a qualitative approach. Jossey Bass Publications,
  • Mues, F. ve Sorcinelli, M. D. (2000). Preparing a teaching portfolio. https://cndls.georgetown.edu/media/documents/teachingportfolio Adresinden 12.10.2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Oja, S.N.(2002). Shared accountability in creating and managing collaborative supervision partnerships university of new hampshire paper presented in the symposium titled:sharing accountability in school-university partnership with a common goal of preparing, Inducting, and Retaining the Best Teachers ACTE February 25, 2002.
  • Orbaç, (2018).Moda tasarımcıları için portfolyo hazırlama ve örnek uygulama. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Gazi üniversitesi, Ankara
  • Özmen, Ö. (2018). Lise öğretmenlerinin koçluk davranışlarını benimseme ve uygulama durumlarına ilişkin görüşleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara
  • Patton, M. Q. (2005). Qualitative research. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Prince, T.,Snowden, E. ve Matthews, B. (2010). Utilizing peer coaching as a tool to ımprove student-teacher confidence and support the development of classroom practice. Literacy Information And Computer Education Journal, 1,49-51
  • Rhodes, C. ve Beneicke, S. (2002). Coaching, mentoring and peer networking: Challenges for the management of teacher professional development in schools. Journal of Service Education, 28(2), 297–309
  • Rice, G. (2012). Formative dialogues in teaching nonthreatening peer coaching. The Journal of Chiropractic Education, 26(1), 62.
  • Robbins, P. (1991). How to plan and implement a peer coaching program. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2714-2798.
  • Robson, C. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Gerçek dünya araştırması. (Çev. Edit Ş. Çınkır, N. Demirkasımoğlu ). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Rolheiser, C. ve Schwartz, S. (2001). Pre-service portfolios: A base for professional growth. Canadian Journal of Education, 26(3), 283-30
  • Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Century Business.
  • Shulman, L.S. (1988). A union of insufficiencies: Strategies for teacher assessment in a period of educational reform. Educantional Leadership, 46(3), 36-41 http:www.ascd.org adresinden 06/04/2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Snadden, D. (2002).Portfolios attempting to measure the unmeasurable? Medical Education, 33,478
  • Sullivan, S. ve Glanz, J.(2000). Alternative approaches to supervision: Cases from the field. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 15(3), 212–235
  • Sullivan, S. ve Glanz, J. (2009). Supervision that İmproves Teaching and Learning. California: Corwin.
  • Tarakçı, U. A.(2019).Örgütlerde öz yeterlilik algısı ve performans ilişkisinde kişilik profillerinin düzenleyici rolü ve koçluk hizmeti alan çalışanlar üzerine bir araştırma. Doktora Tezi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi. Balıkesir
  • Truesdale, W. T.(2003). The implementation of peer coaching on the transferability of staff development classroom practice in two selected Chicago public elementary schools. Doktora tezi. Loyola Universitesi, Chicago.
  • Toptaş, B. (2017).A contemporary approach to performance evaluation: Teacher portfolios. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 4155-4170.
  • Wiles, J. ve Bondi,J. (2000).Supervision a guide to practice. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Wolf, K. (2006). Portfolios in teacher evaluation Stronge, J. H. (Ed.) Evaluating teaching: A guide to current thinking and best practice içinde (s. 168-184). California: Corwin Press.
  • Wolfson, L. ve Willinsky, J. (1998). What service learning can learn from situated learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 5, 22-31.
  • Wright, W. A. ve Miller, J. E. (2000). The educational developer’s portfolio. The International Journal for Academic Development, 5(1), 1-5.
  • Xun, G. ve Land, S. (2004). A conceptual framework for scaffolding ill-structured problem-solving processes using question prompts and peer interactions. Educational Technology Research and Development, 52(2), 5-22.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Zepeda, S.J. (2016). İnsructional supervision: Applying tool s and concepts. (Çev. Edit. Apaydın Ç, Balcı, A). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.

Akran Koçluğu ve Portfolyo Kullanımı: Etkili Öğretim Denetiminde İki Yöntem

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 28, 1028 - 1053, 31.08.2020


Araştırmanın amacı, öğretim denetiminde akran koçluğu ve portfolyo yöntemleri kullanılmasının etkililiğinin öğretmen görüşleri doğrultusunda incelenmesidir. Bu çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın amacına uygun olacağı düşünülerek, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden durum çalışması seçilmiştir. Araştırma verileri, odak grup görüşmesi yapılarak toplanmıştır. Araştırma 2017-2018 eğitim öğretim yılında yapılmıştır. Çalışma grubunu, Sivas ili merkezinde görev yapan 25 okul müdürü ve 25 öğretmen oluşturmaktadır. Veri analizinde içerik analizi yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, katılımcılar öğretim denetiminde, akran koçluğu ve portfolyo kullanılmasının etkili yöntemler olduğunu düşünmektedirler. Ayrıca yöntemlerin, öğretmenin sınıf içi uygulamalarda karşılaştığı sorunların çözümüne katkı sunan, mesleki gelişim sağlayan denetim araçları olduğunu belirtmişlerdir. Ortaya çıkan sonuçlar bağlamında araştırma için şu öneriler getirilebilir: Öğretmenler, öğretim denetiminde akran koçluğu ve porfolyo yöntemlerini kullanarak sınıf içi uygulamalardaki karşılaştığı sorunların çözümüne katkı sunabilir ve bu yöntemleri mesleki gelişim veya denetim aracı olarak da kullanabilirler. Öğretim denetiminde akran koçluğu ve portfolyo gibi daha demokratik yaklaşım biçimlerinin kullanılması konusunda pilot çalışmalar yapılarak araştırmacı ve uygulamacılara ışık tutulabilir.


  • Anderson, D. (2013). Untying the knots. In the chısymposium coaching in the moment.
  • Aydın, İ. (2013). Öğretim denetimi: durum saptama, değerlendirme ve geliştirme. Ankara: Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık.
  • Aydın, M. (2011). Çağdaş eğitim denetimi. Ankara: Hatipoğlu Yayınları.
  • Bowers, D. L. (1999). Teachers’ use of peer observation and feedback as a means of professional development. Southern California Universty. Doctoral Thesis . California.
  • Bowers, K. J. (2017). The impact of peer coaching on peer relationships and the distribution of knowledge in pre- service teachers. University of Northern Iowa. Electronic theses and dissertations. Iowa.
  • Browne, L. (2006). Proposing a proximal principle between peer coaching and staff development. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 4, 31-44.
  • Brookhart, S. M. ve Moss, C. M. (2015). How to give professional feedback. Educational Leadership, 72, 24-30.
  • Bruce, C.D. ve Ross, j A. ( 2008).A model for ıncreasıng reform ımplementatıon and teacher effıcacy:teacher peer coachıng ın grades 3 and 6 mathematıcs. Canadıan Journal Of Educatıon, 31(2), 346‐370
  • Bursalıoğlu, Z. (2000). Okul yönetiminde yeni yapı ve davranış. Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.
  • Campbell, D.M ., Cignetti ,P.B., Melenyzer, B.J., Nettles, D.H. ve Wyman, R.M. (1997) . How to develop a professional portfolio: A manual for teachers. MA: Needham Heights.
  • Centra, J. A. (1993). Reflective faculty evaluation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Chalong, G., Tawisook, M., ve Ratanaolarn, T. (2018). Development of Mathematics and Science Teacher Competencies through Coaching. Creative Education, 8, 2049-2063
  • Chitpin, S. ve Simon, M. (2009). Even if no-one looked at it, it was important for my own development: Pre-service teacher perceptions of professional portfolios. Australian Journal of Education, 53(3), 277-293.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2016). Nitel araştırma yöntemleri (Çev. Ed. Bütün. M). Ankara: Siyasal Kitabevi.
  • Darling, L. F. (2001). Portfolio as practice: The narratives of emerging teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 17(1), 107-121.
  • Deborah, K., Edward, K. ve Mercey, M.M.(2017). Secondary School Principals’ Work Load And Instructional Supervision Practices İn Kenya: A Case Of Lower Yatta Sub County, International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 4(2), 68-80 http://dx.doi.org/10.20431/2349-0381.0402007 adresinden 02/11/2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Demirkan, S. (2019).Eğitim yönetiminde alternatif denetim yaklaşımı, öğretmen portfolyosu değerlendirme: Bir literatür taraması. Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Uluslararası Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi 1(1), 49-62
  • Driessen, E. ve Vermunt, J. (2005). The use of qualitative research criteria for portfolio ssessment as an alternative to reliability evaluation:a case study. Medical Education, 39, 214–220.
  • Doolittle, P. (1994). Teacher portfolio assesment. Cleraringhouse on asessment and evulation. Washington Dc .
  • Erbil, O. (2003). Öğrenci merkezli eğitim uygulama modeli. Ankara: Milli Eğitim Basımevi
  • Ersoy, A.F.(2006).Öğretmen adaylarının gelişim dosyasına dayalı değerlendirmeye ilişkin görüşleri. İlköğretim online, 5(1),85-95.
  • Grant, A. M., Green, L. S., and Rynsaardt, J. (2010). Developmental coaching for high school teachers: Executive coaching goes to school. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 62(3), 151-168. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2010-19800-001 adresinden 03/11/2019 tarihinde alındı.
  • Gottschalk, M.G. (2014). How do business leaders learn in peer-group coaching? Oxford University. Doktora Tezi. İngiltere.
  • Guskey, T. (2014). Planning professional learning. Educational, school, and counseling psychology faculty publications. 15. 12.05.2019 tarihinde https://uknowledge.uky.edu/edp_facpub/ adresinden erişildi.
  • Hanson, H. and Hoyos, C. (2015). The shift from-me- to-we: Schools with a coaching culture build individual and collective capacity. The Journal of Staff Development, 36(2), 42-45.
  • Henson, K. T. (2010).Supervision: A collaborative approach to instructional improvement. Waveland: Pr. Inc.
  • İlgan, A. (2012). Öğretmenlerin mesleki gelişimi ve denetimi. Ankara: Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Jeevaratnam, G. (2013). Portfolio as an assessment tool in the french foreign language classroom. International Journal of Scientific Research, 2(11), 155-156.
  • Joyce, B. and Showers, B. (1982). The coaching of teaching. Educational Leadership, 40(1), 4-10.
  • Kışla,S.V. ve Uzun E.(2005).Okul öncesi dönemde portfolyo değerlendirmesi. Çocuk-veli-öğretmen görüşmeleri, Eğitimde iyi örnekler konferansı. Sabancı Üniversitesi. İstanbul.
  • Knight, J. (2011). What good coaches do. Educational Leadership, 69(2), 18-22.
  • Krueger, R.A. (1994). Focus Groups: A Practical Guide For Applied Research. London: Sage.
  • Lee, O.and Choi, E. (2013). Utilizing peer coaching to facilitate pre-service physical education teachers reflection. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 22(2),147-154.
  • Lunenburg, F. C. ve Ornstein, A. C. (2013). Eğitim yönetimi (Çev Edit. Arastaman, G). Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
  • Lorenzo, G. and Ittelson, J. (2005). An overview of e-portfolios. Educase learning initiative. https://library.educause.edu//media/files/library/2005/1/eli3001-pdf. adresinden 24/08/2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Marzano, R. J., Frontier, T. ve Livingston, D. (2011). Effective supervision supporting the art and science of teaching. Virginia: Ascd Member Book.
  • Marshall, C. and Rossman, G. (2016). Designing qualitative research. Sage, Thousand Oaks.
  • Merriam, S.B. (1998). Case study research in education, a qualitative approach. Jossey Bass Publications,
  • Mues, F. ve Sorcinelli, M. D. (2000). Preparing a teaching portfolio. https://cndls.georgetown.edu/media/documents/teachingportfolio Adresinden 12.10.2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Oja, S.N.(2002). Shared accountability in creating and managing collaborative supervision partnerships university of new hampshire paper presented in the symposium titled:sharing accountability in school-university partnership with a common goal of preparing, Inducting, and Retaining the Best Teachers ACTE February 25, 2002.
  • Orbaç, (2018).Moda tasarımcıları için portfolyo hazırlama ve örnek uygulama. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. Gazi üniversitesi, Ankara
  • Özmen, Ö. (2018). Lise öğretmenlerinin koçluk davranışlarını benimseme ve uygulama durumlarına ilişkin görüşleri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi, Ankara
  • Patton, M. Q. (2005). Qualitative research. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
  • Prince, T.,Snowden, E. ve Matthews, B. (2010). Utilizing peer coaching as a tool to ımprove student-teacher confidence and support the development of classroom practice. Literacy Information And Computer Education Journal, 1,49-51
  • Rhodes, C. ve Beneicke, S. (2002). Coaching, mentoring and peer networking: Challenges for the management of teacher professional development in schools. Journal of Service Education, 28(2), 297–309
  • Rice, G. (2012). Formative dialogues in teaching nonthreatening peer coaching. The Journal of Chiropractic Education, 26(1), 62.
  • Robbins, P. (1991). How to plan and implement a peer coaching program. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 2714-2798.
  • Robson, C. (2015). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. Gerçek dünya araştırması. (Çev. Edit Ş. Çınkır, N. Demirkasımoğlu ). Anı Yayıncılık.
  • Rolheiser, C. ve Schwartz, S. (2001). Pre-service portfolios: A base for professional growth. Canadian Journal of Education, 26(3), 283-30
  • Senge, P. M. (2006). The fifth discipline: the art and practice of the learning organization. New York: Century Business.
  • Shulman, L.S. (1988). A union of insufficiencies: Strategies for teacher assessment in a period of educational reform. Educantional Leadership, 46(3), 36-41 http:www.ascd.org adresinden 06/04/2019 tarihinde erişildi.
  • Snadden, D. (2002).Portfolios attempting to measure the unmeasurable? Medical Education, 33,478
  • Sullivan, S. ve Glanz, J.(2000). Alternative approaches to supervision: Cases from the field. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 15(3), 212–235
  • Sullivan, S. ve Glanz, J. (2009). Supervision that İmproves Teaching and Learning. California: Corwin.
  • Tarakçı, U. A.(2019).Örgütlerde öz yeterlilik algısı ve performans ilişkisinde kişilik profillerinin düzenleyici rolü ve koçluk hizmeti alan çalışanlar üzerine bir araştırma. Doktora Tezi. Balıkesir Üniversitesi. Balıkesir
  • Truesdale, W. T.(2003). The implementation of peer coaching on the transferability of staff development classroom practice in two selected Chicago public elementary schools. Doktora tezi. Loyola Universitesi, Chicago.
  • Toptaş, B. (2017).A contemporary approach to performance evaluation: Teacher portfolios. Journal of Human Sciences, 14(4), 4155-4170.
  • Wiles, J. ve Bondi,J. (2000).Supervision a guide to practice. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Wolf, K. (2006). Portfolios in teacher evaluation Stronge, J. H. (Ed.) Evaluating teaching: A guide to current thinking and best practice içinde (s. 168-184). California: Corwin Press.
  • Wolfson, L. ve Willinsky, J. (1998). What service learning can learn from situated learning. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 5, 22-31.
  • Wright, W. A. ve Miller, J. E. (2000). The educational developer’s portfolio. The International Journal for Academic Development, 5(1), 1-5.
  • Xun, G. ve Land, S. (2004). A conceptual framework for scaffolding ill-structured problem-solving processes using question prompts and peer interactions. Educational Technology Research and Development, 52(2), 5-22.
  • Yıldırım, A. ve Şimşek, H. (2011). Sosyal bilimlerde nitel araştırma yöntemleri. Ankara: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • Zepeda, S.J. (2016). İnsructional supervision: Applying tool s and concepts. (Çev. Edit. Apaydın Ç, Balcı, A). Ankara: Pegem Yayıncılık.
Toplam 64 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Alan Eğitimleri
Bölüm Makaleler

Yasin Avan 0000-0003-2622-2982

Sevilay Şahin 0000-0002-7140-821X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2020
Kabul Tarihi 13 Temmuz 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 28

Kaynak Göster

APA Avan, Y., & Şahin, S. (2020). Akran Koçluğu ve Portfolyo Kullanımı: Etkili Öğretim Denetiminde İki Yöntem. OPUS International Journal of Society Researches, 16(28), 1028-1053. https://doi.org/10.26466/opus.676497