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Transition Planning and Transition Services in Special Education

Yıl 2020, , 149 - 170, 01.03.2020


Transition is a life-long process that requires a variety of changes in individuals’ lives. In this process, individuals
with special needs face a number of challenges and need support. Transition services planning is carried out in
order to ensure that individuals with special needs adapt to various processes that require change and to make the
support services provided to individuals with special needs and their families permanent. Transitional periods
include a long-term process involving early intervention programs, pre-school, kindergarten, elementary school,
junior high school, high school, higher education, school to business life and social life. Lack of significant legal
basis for transition planning in our country causes individuals with special needs to experience various difficulties
during all transition periods, there are gaps between the programs, and they cannot benefit from the special
education services offered to them. For this reason, in this study, the concept of transition, the legal bases of
transition in the world, the transition planning process, factors affecting transition planning, transition periods,
transition, transition assessment process and the studies related to the transition in Turkey have been tried to be


  • Bakkaloğlu, H. (2008). Etkinliğe Dayalı Müdahale Programı’nın 3-6 Yaş Gelişimsel Geriliği Olan Çocukların Geçiş Becerilerine Etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 8(2), 355-406.
  • Bakkaloğlu, H. (2009). Geçiş. B. Sucuoğlu (Ed.) Zihin engelliler ve eğitimleri içinde (s.292-348). Ankara:Kök yayıncılık.
  • Bakkaloğlu, H. (2013). Ebeveynlerin Gözüyle Özel Gereksinimli Çocukların Erken Müdahaleden Okul Öncesi Programlara Geçiş Süreci. Eğitim ve Bilim, 38(169).
  • Brandes, J. A., Ormsbee, C. K., & Haring, K. A. (2007). From Early Intervention to Early Childhood Programs Timeline for Early Successful Transitions (TEST). Intervention in School and Clinic, 42(4), 204-211.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Carter, E. W., Brock, M. E. & Trainor, A. A. (2014). Transition Assessment and Planning for Youth With Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 47(4) 245–255.
  • Cobb, R. B., & Alwell, M. (2009). Transition planning/coordinating interventions for youth with disabilities: A systematic review. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 32(2), 70-81.
  • Connelly, A. M. (2007). Transitions of families from early intervention to preschool intervention for children with disabilities. Young Exceptional Children, 10(3), 10-16.
  • Defur, S. H., Todd-Allen, M., & Getzel, E. E. (2001). Parent participation in the transition planning process. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 24(1), 19-36.
  • Ergenekon, Y. (2015). Otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireyler için geçiş süreci ve bu süreçteki hizmetleri planlama. A. Cavkaytar (Ed.), Otizm spektrum bozukluğu içinde [In Autism spectrum disorder] (pp. 265-296). Ankara: Aile ve sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Engelli ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, HTC Ofset.
  • Gartin, B. C., & Murdick, N. L. (2005). Idea 2004 The IEP. Remedial and Special Education, 26 (6), 327-331.
  • Greene, G. (2003). Best practices in transition. G. Greene & C. A. Kochhar-Bryant (Eds.), In Pathways to successful transition for youth with disabilities (pp. 154-196). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
  • Grigal, M., Hart, D., & Migliore, A. (2011). Comparing the transition planning, postsecondary education, and employment outcomes of students with intellectual and other disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 34(1), 4-17.
  • Hagner, D., Kurtz, A., Cloutier, H., Arakelian, C., Brucker, D. L. & May, J. (2012). Outcomes of a Family-Centered Transition Process for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 27(1) 42–50.
  • Hendricks, D. R., & Wehman, P. (2009). Transition from school to adulthood for youth with autism spectrum disorders: Review and recommendations. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 24 (2), 77-88.
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), Pub. L. No. 108– 446, 118 Stat. 2647 (2004).
  • Kargın, T., Akçamete, G., & Baydık, B. (2001). Okulöncesi yaşta işitme engelli çocuğu bulunan ailelerin anasınıfına geçiş sürecindeki gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 3(1), 13-24.
  • King, G. A., Baldwin, P. J., Currie, M., & Evans, J. (2005). Planning successful transitions from school to adult roles for youth with disabilities. Children's Health Care, 34(3), 193-216.
  • Kohler, P. D. (1993). Best practices in transition: Substantiated or implied?. Career Development for exceptional individuals, 16(2), 107-121.
  • Kohler, P.D. & Field, S. (2003). Transition-Focused Education: Foundation for the Future The Journal of Specıal Educatıon 37(3), 174–183.
  • Landmark, L. J., & Zhang, D. (2012). Compliance and practices in transition planning: A review of individualized education program documents. Remedial and Special Education, 34(2), 113-125.
  • Landmark, L. J., Ju, S., & Zhang, D. (2010). Substantiated Best Practices in Transition: Fifteen Plus Years Later. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 33(3) 165–176.
  • Landmark, L. J., Roberts, E. L. & Zhang, D. (2013). Educators’ Beliefs and Practices About Parent Involvement in Transition Planning. Career Development and Transition form Exceptional Individuals. 36(2) 114–123.
  • Nichols, E., Paul, C., Vandenbossche, D., Yaworski, C., & Ziraldo, L. (1999). Transition planning resource guide for students with learning disabilities. Learning disabilities association of Ontario. Pridobljeno, 31, 2011.
  • Rice, M. L. & O’Brien, M. (1990). Transitions: Times of Change and Accommodation. TECSE 9(4), 1-14.
  • Rosenkoetter,S. E., Whaley, K.T., Hains, A. H., & Pierce, L. (2001). The Evolution of Transition Policy for Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families:Past, Present, and Future. TECSE, 21(1), 3-15.
  • Rous, B., Myers, C. T. & Strıcklın, S. B. (2007). Strategies for Supporting Transitions of Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families. Journal of Early Intervention, 30(1), 1-18.
  • Strawhacker, M. T. (2013). First Steps: Making the Transition to Preschool. NASN School Nurse, 28(5), 242-245.
  • Wagner, M., Newman, L., Cameto, R., Javitz, H., & Valdes, K. (2012). A national picture of parent and youth participation in IEP and transition planning meetings. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 23(3), 140-155.
  • Wehman, P. (2013). Transition From School to Work: Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Go? Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 36(1) 58–66.
  • Wehmeyer, M., & Schwartz, M. (1997). Self-determination and positive adult outcomes: A follow-up study of youth with mental retardation or learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 63, 245–255.

Özel Eğitimde Geçiş Planlama ve Hizmetleri

Yıl 2020, , 149 - 170, 01.03.2020


bireylerin yaşantılarında çeşitli değişiklikler gerektiren ve yaşam boyu devam
eden bir süreçtir. Bu süreçte özel gereksinimli bireyler, birtakım zorluklarla
karşılaşmakta ve desteğe ihtiyaç duymaktadırlar. Geçiş hizmetleri planlaması,
özel gereksinimli bireylerin değişim gerektiren çeşitli süreçlere uyumlarını
sağlamak ve özel gereksinimli bireyler ile ailelerine verilen destek
hizmetlerini sürekli hale getirmek amacı ile yapılmaktadır. Geçiş dönemleri;
erken müdahale programlarından, okul öncesi, anasınıfı, ilkokul, ortaokul,
lise, yükseköğretim, okuldan iş yaşamı ve toplumsal yaşama geçişi kapsayan uzun
soluklu bir süreci içermektedir. Türkiye’ de geçiş planlamaları ile ilgili
belirgin yasal dayanakların bulunmaması özel gereksinimli bireylerin tüm geçiş
dönemlerinde çeşitli zorluklar yaşamalarına, programlar arasında kopuklukların
olmasına, kendilerine sunulan özel eğitim hizmetlerinden yeterince
yararlanamamalarına neden olmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada; geçiş kavramı,
dünyada geçişin yasal dayanakları, geçiş planlama süreci, geçiş planlamasını
etkileyen etmenler, geçiş dönemleri, geçiş değerlendirme süreçleri ve
Türkiye’de geçiş ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır.


  • Bakkaloğlu, H. (2008). Etkinliğe Dayalı Müdahale Programı’nın 3-6 Yaş Gelişimsel Geriliği Olan Çocukların Geçiş Becerilerine Etkisi. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 8(2), 355-406.
  • Bakkaloğlu, H. (2009). Geçiş. B. Sucuoğlu (Ed.) Zihin engelliler ve eğitimleri içinde (s.292-348). Ankara:Kök yayıncılık.
  • Bakkaloğlu, H. (2013). Ebeveynlerin Gözüyle Özel Gereksinimli Çocukların Erken Müdahaleden Okul Öncesi Programlara Geçiş Süreci. Eğitim ve Bilim, 38(169).
  • Brandes, J. A., Ormsbee, C. K., & Haring, K. A. (2007). From Early Intervention to Early Childhood Programs Timeline for Early Successful Transitions (TEST). Intervention in School and Clinic, 42(4), 204-211.
  • Bronfenbrenner, U. (1979). The ecology of human development. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Carter, E. W., Brock, M. E. & Trainor, A. A. (2014). Transition Assessment and Planning for Youth With Severe Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 47(4) 245–255.
  • Cobb, R. B., & Alwell, M. (2009). Transition planning/coordinating interventions for youth with disabilities: A systematic review. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 32(2), 70-81.
  • Connelly, A. M. (2007). Transitions of families from early intervention to preschool intervention for children with disabilities. Young Exceptional Children, 10(3), 10-16.
  • Defur, S. H., Todd-Allen, M., & Getzel, E. E. (2001). Parent participation in the transition planning process. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 24(1), 19-36.
  • Ergenekon, Y. (2015). Otizm spektrum bozukluğu olan bireyler için geçiş süreci ve bu süreçteki hizmetleri planlama. A. Cavkaytar (Ed.), Otizm spektrum bozukluğu içinde [In Autism spectrum disorder] (pp. 265-296). Ankara: Aile ve sosyal Politikalar Bakanlığı Engelli ve Yaşlı Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlüğü, HTC Ofset.
  • Gartin, B. C., & Murdick, N. L. (2005). Idea 2004 The IEP. Remedial and Special Education, 26 (6), 327-331.
  • Greene, G. (2003). Best practices in transition. G. Greene & C. A. Kochhar-Bryant (Eds.), In Pathways to successful transition for youth with disabilities (pp. 154-196). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
  • Grigal, M., Hart, D., & Migliore, A. (2011). Comparing the transition planning, postsecondary education, and employment outcomes of students with intellectual and other disabilities. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 34(1), 4-17.
  • Hagner, D., Kurtz, A., Cloutier, H., Arakelian, C., Brucker, D. L. & May, J. (2012). Outcomes of a Family-Centered Transition Process for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities 27(1) 42–50.
  • Hendricks, D. R., & Wehman, P. (2009). Transition from school to adulthood for youth with autism spectrum disorders: Review and recommendations. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 24 (2), 77-88.
  • Individuals With Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), Pub. L. No. 108– 446, 118 Stat. 2647 (2004).
  • Kargın, T., Akçamete, G., & Baydık, B. (2001). Okulöncesi yaşta işitme engelli çocuğu bulunan ailelerin anasınıfına geçiş sürecindeki gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 3(1), 13-24.
  • King, G. A., Baldwin, P. J., Currie, M., & Evans, J. (2005). Planning successful transitions from school to adult roles for youth with disabilities. Children's Health Care, 34(3), 193-216.
  • Kohler, P. D. (1993). Best practices in transition: Substantiated or implied?. Career Development for exceptional individuals, 16(2), 107-121.
  • Kohler, P.D. & Field, S. (2003). Transition-Focused Education: Foundation for the Future The Journal of Specıal Educatıon 37(3), 174–183.
  • Landmark, L. J., & Zhang, D. (2012). Compliance and practices in transition planning: A review of individualized education program documents. Remedial and Special Education, 34(2), 113-125.
  • Landmark, L. J., Ju, S., & Zhang, D. (2010). Substantiated Best Practices in Transition: Fifteen Plus Years Later. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 33(3) 165–176.
  • Landmark, L. J., Roberts, E. L. & Zhang, D. (2013). Educators’ Beliefs and Practices About Parent Involvement in Transition Planning. Career Development and Transition form Exceptional Individuals. 36(2) 114–123.
  • Nichols, E., Paul, C., Vandenbossche, D., Yaworski, C., & Ziraldo, L. (1999). Transition planning resource guide for students with learning disabilities. Learning disabilities association of Ontario. Pridobljeno, 31, 2011.
  • Rice, M. L. & O’Brien, M. (1990). Transitions: Times of Change and Accommodation. TECSE 9(4), 1-14.
  • Rosenkoetter,S. E., Whaley, K.T., Hains, A. H., & Pierce, L. (2001). The Evolution of Transition Policy for Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families:Past, Present, and Future. TECSE, 21(1), 3-15.
  • Rous, B., Myers, C. T. & Strıcklın, S. B. (2007). Strategies for Supporting Transitions of Young Children with Special Needs and Their Families. Journal of Early Intervention, 30(1), 1-18.
  • Strawhacker, M. T. (2013). First Steps: Making the Transition to Preschool. NASN School Nurse, 28(5), 242-245.
  • Wagner, M., Newman, L., Cameto, R., Javitz, H., & Valdes, K. (2012). A national picture of parent and youth participation in IEP and transition planning meetings. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 23(3), 140-155.
  • Wehman, P. (2013). Transition From School to Work: Where Are We and Where Do We Need to Go? Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals 36(1) 58–66.
  • Wehmeyer, M., & Schwartz, M. (1997). Self-determination and positive adult outcomes: A follow-up study of youth with mental retardation or learning disabilities. Exceptional Children, 63, 245–255.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Burcu Aktaş 0000-0003-4421-9891

Mehtap Kot 0000-0002-1085-0645

Ahmet Yıkmış 0000-0002-1143-1207

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020

Kaynak Göster

APA Aktaş, B., Kot, M., & Yıkmış, A. (2020). Özel Eğitimde Geçiş Planlama ve Hizmetleri. Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Özel Eğitim Dergisi, 21(1), 149-170.

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