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Pre-service Mathematics Teachers’ Mathematical Modeling Experiences: Modeling Cycle Phases, Challenges, and Modeling Routes

Yıl 2025, , 1 - 38, 20.01.2025


Mathematical modeling is one of the prominent research areas in mathematics education for solving complex real-life problems. This study aims to reveal the mathematical modeling phases performed by pre-service mathematics teachers, the phases they have difficulties, and the modeling routes they follow in modeling cycles. In this case study, twenty-one pre-service mathematics teachers worked in groups on three modeling problems. We obtained the data from student notebooks, solution tracking templates, and audio and video recordings. We analyzed them using content analysis and transferred them to the modeling cycle, allowing us to see “modeling routes”. Most modeling routes were “irregular” and “completed.” In the modeling routes, pre-service mathematics teachers were successful in terms of “mental representation of the situation”, “creating the real model”, and “mathematical result(s)”. The most skipped phases in the modeling cycles were “creating a mathematical model,” “interpreting the real results,” and the “validation” phases. Furthermore, while they reported difficulties in “creating the mathematical model,” none of the pre-service mathematics teachers reported in the “interpretation” and “validation” phases. The study results are expected to shed light on mathematical modeling applications in the education of pre-service teachers and contribute to the literature on the difficulties encountered.


  • Albayrak, H. B., & Tarim, K. (2022). Mathematical modelling competencies of pre-service primary school teachers’: The time at school. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 18(2), 95-112.
  • Alwast, A., & Vorhölter, K. (2022). Measuring pre-service teachers’ noticing competencies within a mathematical modeling context – an analysis of an instrument. Educational Studies in Mathematics 109, 263–285.
  • Anhalt, C.O., & Cortez, R. (2016). Developing understanding of mathematical modeling in secondary teacher preparation. J Math Teacher Educ, 19, 523–545
  • Ärlebäck, J.B., & Doerr, H.M. (2018). Students’ interpretations and reasoning about phenomena with negative rates of change throughout a model development sequence. ZDM Mathematics Education 50, 187–200.
  • Aydin Güc, F., & Baki, A. (2019). Evaluation of the learning environment designed to develop student mathematics teachers’ mathematical modelling competencies. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 38(4), 191–215.
  • Berry, J. (2002). Developing mathematical modelling skills: the role of CAS. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik-ZDM, 34(5), 212-220.
  • Berry, J. S., & Houston, S. K. (1995). Mathematical modelling. Edward Arnold.
  • Blum, W. (2002). ICMI Study 14: Applications and modelling in mathematics education-Discussion document. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 51, 149–171.
  • Blum, W. (2011). Can modelling be taught and learnt? Some answers from empirical research. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. Borromeo Ferri & G. Stillman (Eds.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling (pp. 15–30). Springer.
  • Blum, W. (2015). Quality teaching of mathematical modelling: What do we know, what can we do? In S. J. Cho (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 73–96). Springer.
  • Blum, W., & Borromeo Ferri, R. (2009). Mathematical modelling: Can it be taught and learnt? Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(1) 45-58.
  • Blum, W., & Kaiser, G. (1997). Vergleichende empirische Untersuchungen zu mathematischen Anwendungsfähigkeiten von englischen und deutschen Lernenden. Unpublished application to Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft.
  • Blum, W., & Leiß, D. (2007). How do students and teachers deal with modeling problems? C. Haines, P. Galbraith, W. Blum & S. Khan (Eds.), Mathematical modeling (ICTMA 12): Education, engineering and economics (pp. 222–231). Horwood Publishing.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2006). Theoretical and empirical differentiations of phases in the modelling process. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik-ZDM, 38(2), 86-95.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2007). Personal experiences and extra-mathematical knowledge as an influence factor on modelling routes of pupils. Pitta-Pantazi, D & Philippou, G. (Ed.), CERME 5 – Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 2080-2089.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2010). On the influence of mathematical thinking styles on learners’ modelling behavior. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 31, 99–118.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2011). Effective mathematical modelling without blockages - A commentary. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. B. Ferri ve G. Stillman (Eds.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling: The 14. ICMTA study içinde (pp. 181–185). Springer.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2018). Learning how to teach mathematical modeling in school and teacher education. Springer.
  • Bukova Guzel, E. (2011). An examination of pre-service mathematics teachers’approaches to construct and solve mathematical modeling problems. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 30(1), 19-36.
  • Chang, Y. P., Krawitz, J., Schukajlow, S., & Yang, K. L. (2019). Comparing German and Taiwanese secondary school students’ knowledge in solving mathematical modelling tasks requiring their assumptions. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik-ZDM, 52, 59-72.
  • Ciltas, A., & Isik, A. (2013). The effect of instruction through mathematical modelling on modelling skills of prospective elementary mathematics teachers. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(2), 1187–1192.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K., (2007). Research methods in education (Sixth Edition). Routledge.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (Third edition). Sage.
  • Creswell J. W., & Miller D. L. (2000). Determining validity in qualitative inquiry. Theory into Practice, 39, 124–130.
  • Czocher, J. A. (2016). Introducing modeling activity diagrams as a tool to connect mathematical modeling to mathematical thinking. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 18(2), 77–106.
  • Czocher, J.A. (2018). How does validating activity contribute to the modeling process? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 99, 137–159.
  • Deniz, D., & Akgun, L. (2016). The sufficiency of high school mathematics teachers’ to design activities appropriate to model eliciting activities design principles. Karaelmas Journal of Educational Sciences, 4, 1-14.
  • Deniz, D., & Akgun, L. (2018). Investigation of prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ mathematical modellling skills. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 12(24), 294-312.
  • Diefes-Dux, H. A., Zawojewski, J. S., Hjalmarson, M. A., & Cardella, M. E. (2012). A framework for analyzing feedback in a formative assessment system for mathematical modeling problems. Journal of Engineering Education, 101(2), 375–406.
  • Doerr, H.M., Ärlebäck, J.B., & Misfeldt, M. (2017). Representations of modelling in mathematics education. In: Stillman, G., Blum, W., Kaiser, G. (eds) Mathematical Modelling and Applications. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling (pp. 71-81). Springer, Cham.
  • Doerr, H. M., & English, L. D. (2006). Middle grade teachers’ learning through students’ engagement with modeling tasks. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 9(1), 5–32.
  • Duran, M., Doruk, M., & Kaplan, A. (2016). Mathematical Modeling Processes of Mathematics Teacher Candidates: The Example of Tortoise Paradox. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 5(4), 55–71.
  • English, L. D., Ärlebäck, J. B., & Mousoulides, N. (2016). Reflections on progress in mathematical modelling research. A. Gutierrez, G. Leder & P. Boero (Eds.), The second handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education (pp. 383–413). Sense Publishers.
  • English, L. D., & Mousoulides, N. G. (2015). Bridging STEM in a real-world problem. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20(9), 532–539.
  • English, L., & Watters, J. (2004). Mathematical modeling in the early school years. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 16(3), 59–80.
  • Eraslan, A. (2012). Prospective elementary mathematics teachers’ thought processes on a model eliciting activity. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12(4), 12-16.
  • Etsey, Y. K. (1997). Teachers and administrators' perspectives and use of standardized achievement tests: A review of published research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Center, Chicago, IL.
  • Ferrando, I., & Albarracín, L. (2019). Students from grade 2 to grade 10 solving a Fermi problem: Analysis of emerging models. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33, 61-78.
  • Gibbs, G. R. (2007). Analyzing qualitative data. U. Flick (Eds.), The SAGE qualitative research kit (pp. 100–108). Sage.
  • Goos, M. (2002). Understanding metacognitive failure. Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 21(3), 283–302.
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Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının Matematiksel Modelleme Deneyimleri: Modelleme Döngüsü Aşamaları, Zorluklar ve Modelleme Rotaları

Yıl 2025, , 1 - 38, 20.01.2025


Matematiksel modelleme karmaşık gerçek yaşam problemlerinin çözümü için matematik eğitiminde öne çıkan araştırma alanlarından biridir. Çalışmanın amacı ortaokul matematik öğretmeni adaylarının hangi modelleme aşamalarını deneyimlediklerini, modelleme aşamalarında karşılaştıkları zorlukları ve modelleme döngülerinde ortaya çıkan rotaları incelemektir. Bu bağlamda durum çalışması ile yürütülen araştırmada yirmi bir ortaokul matematik öğretmeni adayı gruplar halinde üç modelleme problemi üzerinde çalışmıştır. Katılımcıların not defterlerinden, çözüm izleme şablonlarından, ses ve video kayıtlarından elde edilen veriler içerik analizi yöntemiyle analiz edilmiştir ve “modelleme rotalarını” görünür kılan modelleme döngüsüne aktarılmıştır. Gruplarda ortaya çıkan modelleme rotalarının çoğu “düzensiz” ve “tamamlanmış” kategorisinde değerlendirilmiştir. Modelleme rotalarında öğretmen adaylarının “durumun zihinsel temsili”, “gerçek model oluşturma” ve “matematiksel çözüm/sonuç” aşamalarında başarılı oldukları görülmüştür. Modelleme döngülerinde en fazla atlanan aşamaların “matematiksel model”, “gerçek sonuçları yorumlama” ve “doğrulama” aşamaları olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Ayrıca atlanan aşamalardan matematiksel “model aşamasına” dair öğretmen adaylarının zorluk yaşadıklarını belirttikleri görülürken; “gerçek sonuçları yorumlama” ve “doğrulama” aşamalarına dair zorluk yaşadıklarını belirten herhangi bir ifade görülmemiştir. Çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçların öğretmen adaylarının eğitiminde matematiksel modelleme uygulamalarına ışık tutacağı ve karşılaşılan zorluklara ilişkin literatüre katkıda bulunacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Albayrak, H. B., & Tarim, K. (2022). Mathematical modelling competencies of pre-service primary school teachers’: The time at school. Journal of Theory and Practice in Education, 18(2), 95-112.
  • Alwast, A., & Vorhölter, K. (2022). Measuring pre-service teachers’ noticing competencies within a mathematical modeling context – an analysis of an instrument. Educational Studies in Mathematics 109, 263–285.
  • Anhalt, C.O., & Cortez, R. (2016). Developing understanding of mathematical modeling in secondary teacher preparation. J Math Teacher Educ, 19, 523–545
  • Ärlebäck, J.B., & Doerr, H.M. (2018). Students’ interpretations and reasoning about phenomena with negative rates of change throughout a model development sequence. ZDM Mathematics Education 50, 187–200.
  • Aydin Güc, F., & Baki, A. (2019). Evaluation of the learning environment designed to develop student mathematics teachers’ mathematical modelling competencies. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications: An International Journal of the IMA, 38(4), 191–215.
  • Berry, J. (2002). Developing mathematical modelling skills: the role of CAS. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik-ZDM, 34(5), 212-220.
  • Berry, J. S., & Houston, S. K. (1995). Mathematical modelling. Edward Arnold.
  • Blum, W. (2002). ICMI Study 14: Applications and modelling in mathematics education-Discussion document. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 51, 149–171.
  • Blum, W. (2011). Can modelling be taught and learnt? Some answers from empirical research. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. Borromeo Ferri & G. Stillman (Eds.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling (pp. 15–30). Springer.
  • Blum, W. (2015). Quality teaching of mathematical modelling: What do we know, what can we do? In S. J. Cho (Ed.), The Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education (pp. 73–96). Springer.
  • Blum, W., & Borromeo Ferri, R. (2009). Mathematical modelling: Can it be taught and learnt? Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Application, 1(1) 45-58.
  • Blum, W., & Kaiser, G. (1997). Vergleichende empirische Untersuchungen zu mathematischen Anwendungsfähigkeiten von englischen und deutschen Lernenden. Unpublished application to Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft.
  • Blum, W., & Leiß, D. (2007). How do students and teachers deal with modeling problems? C. Haines, P. Galbraith, W. Blum & S. Khan (Eds.), Mathematical modeling (ICTMA 12): Education, engineering and economics (pp. 222–231). Horwood Publishing.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2006). Theoretical and empirical differentiations of phases in the modelling process. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik-ZDM, 38(2), 86-95.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2007). Personal experiences and extra-mathematical knowledge as an influence factor on modelling routes of pupils. Pitta-Pantazi, D & Philippou, G. (Ed.), CERME 5 – Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, 2080-2089.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2010). On the influence of mathematical thinking styles on learners’ modelling behavior. Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 31, 99–118.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2011). Effective mathematical modelling without blockages - A commentary. G. Kaiser, W. Blum, R. B. Ferri ve G. Stillman (Eds.), Trends in teaching and learning of mathematical modelling: The 14. ICMTA study içinde (pp. 181–185). Springer.
  • Borromeo Ferri, R. (2018). Learning how to teach mathematical modeling in school and teacher education. Springer.
  • Bukova Guzel, E. (2011). An examination of pre-service mathematics teachers’approaches to construct and solve mathematical modeling problems. Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications, 30(1), 19-36.
  • Chang, Y. P., Krawitz, J., Schukajlow, S., & Yang, K. L. (2019). Comparing German and Taiwanese secondary school students’ knowledge in solving mathematical modelling tasks requiring their assumptions. Zentralblatt für Didaktik der Mathematik-ZDM, 52, 59-72.
  • Ciltas, A., & Isik, A. (2013). The effect of instruction through mathematical modelling on modelling skills of prospective elementary mathematics teachers. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 13(2), 1187–1192.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K., (2007). Research methods in education (Sixth Edition). Routledge.
  • Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (Third edition). Sage.
  • Creswell J. W., & Miller D. L. (2000). Determining validity in qualitative inquiry. Theory into Practice, 39, 124–130.
  • Czocher, J. A. (2016). Introducing modeling activity diagrams as a tool to connect mathematical modeling to mathematical thinking. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 18(2), 77–106.
  • Czocher, J.A. (2018). How does validating activity contribute to the modeling process? Educational Studies in Mathematics, 99, 137–159.
  • Deniz, D., & Akgun, L. (2016). The sufficiency of high school mathematics teachers’ to design activities appropriate to model eliciting activities design principles. Karaelmas Journal of Educational Sciences, 4, 1-14.
  • Deniz, D., & Akgun, L. (2018). Investigation of prospective secondary mathematics teachers’ mathematical modellling skills. Mediterranean Journal of Educational Research, 12(24), 294-312.
  • Diefes-Dux, H. A., Zawojewski, J. S., Hjalmarson, M. A., & Cardella, M. E. (2012). A framework for analyzing feedback in a formative assessment system for mathematical modeling problems. Journal of Engineering Education, 101(2), 375–406.
  • Doerr, H.M., Ärlebäck, J.B., & Misfeldt, M. (2017). Representations of modelling in mathematics education. In: Stillman, G., Blum, W., Kaiser, G. (eds) Mathematical Modelling and Applications. International Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematical Modelling (pp. 71-81). Springer, Cham.
  • Doerr, H. M., & English, L. D. (2006). Middle grade teachers’ learning through students’ engagement with modeling tasks. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 9(1), 5–32.
  • Duran, M., Doruk, M., & Kaplan, A. (2016). Mathematical Modeling Processes of Mathematics Teacher Candidates: The Example of Tortoise Paradox. Cumhuriyet International Journal of Education, 5(4), 55–71.
  • English, L. D., Ärlebäck, J. B., & Mousoulides, N. (2016). Reflections on progress in mathematical modelling research. A. Gutierrez, G. Leder & P. Boero (Eds.), The second handbook of research on the psychology of mathematics education (pp. 383–413). Sense Publishers.
  • English, L. D., & Mousoulides, N. G. (2015). Bridging STEM in a real-world problem. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 20(9), 532–539.
  • English, L., & Watters, J. (2004). Mathematical modeling in the early school years. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 16(3), 59–80.
  • Eraslan, A. (2012). Prospective elementary mathematics teachers’ thought processes on a model eliciting activity. Educational Sciences: Theory & Practice, 12(4), 12-16.
  • Etsey, Y. K. (1997). Teachers and administrators' perspectives and use of standardized achievement tests: A review of published research. Paper presented at the annual meeting of American Educational Research Center, Chicago, IL.
  • Ferrando, I., & Albarracín, L. (2019). Students from grade 2 to grade 10 solving a Fermi problem: Analysis of emerging models. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 33, 61-78.
  • Gibbs, G. R. (2007). Analyzing qualitative data. U. Flick (Eds.), The SAGE qualitative research kit (pp. 100–108). Sage.
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Toplam 90 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Matematik Eğitimi
Bölüm Makaleler

Muhammet Şahal 0000-0003-3625-2456

Ahmet Şükrü Özdemir 0000-0002-0597-3093

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 9 Ekim 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 20 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Ağustos 2023
Kabul Tarihi 9 Eylül 2024
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025

Kaynak Göster

APA Şahal, M., & Özdemir, A. Ş. (2025). Matematik Öğretmen Adaylarının Matematiksel Modelleme Deneyimleri: Modelleme Döngüsü Aşamaları, Zorluklar ve Modelleme Rotaları. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi(63), 1-38.