Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2019, , 333 - 345, 24.10.2019



  • Ahuvia, A. C. ve Wong, N. Y. (2002). "Personality and Values Based Materialism: Their Relationship and Origins", Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12 / 4, 389 - 402.Belk, R. W. (1985). "Materialism: Trait Aspects of Living in The Material World", Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 265 - 280.Chao, A. ve Schor, J. B. (1998). "Empirical Tests of Status Consumption: Evidence From Women's Cosmetics", Journal of Economic Psychology, 19, 107 - 131.Clark, R. A. ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2005). "Market Mavens: Psychological Influences", Psychology & Marketing, 22 / 4, 289 - 312.Clark, R. A., Zboja, J. J. ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2007). "Status Consumption and Role-Relaxed Consumption: A Tale of Two Retail Consumers", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14, 45 - 59.Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2016). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, 2. Baskı, Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, Ankara. Dittmar, H. (2005). "Compulsive Buying - A Growing Concern? An Examination of Gender, Age, and Endorsement of Materialistic Values as Predictors", British Journal of Psychology, 96, 467 - 491.Donnelly, G., Ksendzova, M. ve Howell, R. T. (2013). "Sadness, İdentity, and Plastic in Over-Shopping: The Interplay of Materialism, Poor Credit Management, and Emotional Buying Motives in Predicting Compulsive Buying", Journal of Economic Psychology, 39, 113 - 125.Donnelly, G., Iyer, R. ve Howell, R. T. (2012). "The Big Five Personality Traits, Material Values, and Financial Well-being of Self-described Money Managers", Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 1129 - 1142.Dye, A. B., Klerk, A. G. ve Klerk, N. D. (2012). "Materialism, Status Consumption and Consumer Ethnocentrism Amongst Black Generation Y Students in South Africa", African Journal of Business Management, 6 / 16, 5578 - 5586.Eastman, J. K. ve Eastman, K. L. (2011). "Perceptions of Status Consumption And The Economy", Journal of Business & Economics Research, 9 / 7, 9 - 20.Eastman, J. K., Fredenberger, B., Campbell, D. ve Calvert, S. (1997). "The Relationship Between Status Consumption and Materialism: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Chinese, Mexican, and American Student", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 5 / 1, 52 - 66.Eastman, J. K., Goldsmith, R. E. ve Flynn, L. R. (1999). "Status Consumption in Consumer Behavior: Scale Development and Validation", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 7 / 3, 41 - 52.Eren, S. S., Eroğlu, F. ve Hacioglu, G. (2012). "Compulsive Buying Tendencies Through Materialistic and Hedonic Values Among College Students in Turkey", 8th International Strategic Management Conference, 1370 - 1377.Faber, R. J. ve O'Guinn, T. C. (1992). "A Clinical Screener For Compulsive Buying", Journal of Consumer Research, 19 / 3, 459 - 469.Fayez, M. ve Labib, A. (2016). "Investigating The Effect of The 'Big Five' Personality Dimensions on Compulsive Buying Behavior of Egyptian Consumers", Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 10 / 3, 114 - 125.Flynn, L. R., Goldsmith, R. E. ve Pollitte, W. (2016). "Materialism, Status Consumption, and Market Involved Consumers", Psychology & Marketing, 33 / 9, 761 - 776.Gohary, A. ve Hanzaee, K. H. (2014). "Personality Traits as Predictors of Shopping Motivations and Behaviors: A Canonical Correlation Analysis", Arab Economics and Business Journal, 9, 166 - 174.Goldberg, L. R. (1992). "The Development of Markers For The Big-Five Factor Structure", Psychological Assessment, 4 / 1, 26 - 42.Goldsmith, R. E. ve Clark, R. A. (2012). "Materialism, Status Consumption, and Consumer Independence", The Journal of Social Psychology, 152 / 1, 43 - 60.Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. ve Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson Education Limited.Heaney, J. G, Goldsmith, R. E., Jusoh, W. ve Jamaliah W. (2005). "Status Consumption Among Malaysian Consumers", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 17 / 4, 83 - 98.Islam, T., Sheikh, Z., Hameed, Z., Khan, I. U. ve Azam, R. I. (2017a). "Social Comparison, Materialism, and Compulsive Buying Based on Stimulus Response Model: A Comparative Study Among Adolescents and Young Adults", Young Consumers, 1 - 26.Islam, T, Wei, J., Sheikh, Z., Hameed, Z. ve Azam, R. I. (2017b). "Determinants of Compulsive Buying Behavior among young adults: The Mediating Role of Materialism", Journal of Adolescence, 61, 117 - 130.Kokkonen, M. ve Pulkkinen, L. (2001). "Examination of The Paths Between Personality, Current Mood, its Evaluation, and Emotion Regulation", European Journal of Personality, 15, 83 - 104.Lee, Y. K., Chang, C. T., Lin, Y. ve Cheng, Z. H. (2014). "The Dark Side of Smartphone Usage: Psychological Traits, Compulsive Behavior and Technostress", Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 373 - 383.Lertwannawit, A. ve Mandhachitara, R. (2012). "Interpersonal Effects on Fashion Consciousness and Status Consumption Moderated by Materialism in Metropolitan Men", Journal of Business Research, 65, 1408 - 1416.Lopez, J. M. O. ve Pol, V. E. (2013a). "Five - Factor Model Personality Traits, Materialism, and Excessive Buying: A Mediational Analysis", Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 767 - 772.Lopez, J. M. O. ve Pol, V. E. (2013b). "Compulsive Buying and the Five Faktor Model of Personality: A Facet Analysis", Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 585 - 590.Manchiraju, S. ve Krizan, Z. (2015). "What is Materialism? Testing Two Dominant Perspectives on Materialism in the Marketing Literature", Management & Marketing, 10 / 2, 90 - 103.McCrae, R. R. ve Costa, P. T. (1997). "Personality Trait Structure as a Human Universal", American Psychologist, 52 / 5, 509 - 516.Mowen, J. C. ve Spears, N. (1999). "Understanding Compulsive Buying Among College Students: A Hierarchical Approach", Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8 / 4, 407 - 430.Mueller, A., Claes, L., Mitchell, J. E., Faber, R. J., Fischer, J. ve Zwaan, M. D. (2011). "Does Compulsive Buying Differ Between Male and Female Students?", Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1309 - 1312.Nabi, N., O'Cass, A. ve Siahtiri, V. (2019). "Status Consumption in Newly Emerging Countries: The Influence of Personality Traits and The Mediating Role of Motivation to Consume Conspicuously", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 46, 173 - 178.Nga, J. K. H., Yong, L. H. L. ve Sellappan, R. (2011). "The Influence of Image Consciousness, Materialism and Compulsive Spending on Credit Card Usage Intentions Among Youth", Young Consumers, 12 / 3, 243 - 253.O'Cass, A. ve Siahtiri, V. (2013). "In Search of Status Through Brands From Western and Asian Origins: Examining The Changing Face of Fashion Clothing Consumption in Chinese Young Adults", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 505 - 515.Park, H. J. ve Burns, L. D. (2005). "Fashion orientation, credit card use, and compulsive buying", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22 / 3, 135 - 142.Pham, T. H., Yap, K. ve Dowling, N. A. (2012). "The Impact of Financial Management Practices and Financial Attitudes on The Relationship Between Materialism and Compulsive Buying", Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 461 - 470.Phau, I. ve Woo, C. (2008). "Understanding Compulsive Buying Tendencies Among Young Australians: The Roles of Money Attitude and Credit Card Usage", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 / 5, 441 - 458.Richins, M. L. (1994). "Special Possessions and The Expression of Material Values", Journal of Consumer Research, 21 / 3, 522 - 533.Richins, M. L. ve Dawson, S. (1992). "A Consumer Values Orientation for Materialism and Its Measurement: Scale Development and Validation", The Journal of Consumer Research, 19 / 3, 303 - 316.Ridgway, N. M., Kukar-Kinney, M. ve Monroe, K. B. (2008). "An Expanded Conceptualization and a New Measure of Compulsive Buying", Journal of Consumer Research, 35 / 4, 622 - 639.Riquelme, H. E., Rios, R. E. ve Al-Sharhan, N. (2011). "Antecedents of Ostentatious Consumption in Kuwait", Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2 / 3, 295 - 308.Roberts, J. (2000). "Consuming in a Consumer Culture: College Students, Materialism, Status Consumption, And Compulsive Buying", The Marketing Management Journal, 10 / 2, 76 - 91.Roberts, J. A. ve Jones E. (2001). "Money Attitudes, Credit Card Use, and Compulsive Buying Among American College Students", The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35 / 21, 213 - 240.Saran, R., Roy, S. ve Sethuraman, R. (2016). "Personality and Fashion Consumption: A Conceptual Framework in The Indian Context", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 20 / 2, 157 - 176.Shahjehan, A., Qureshi, J. A., Zeb, F. ve Saifullah, K. (2012). "The Effect of Personality on İmpulsive and Compulsive Buying Behaviors", African Journal of Business Management, 6 / 6, 2187 - 2194.Shukla, P. (2010). "Status Consumption in Cross - National Context: Socio - Psychological, Brand and Situational Antecedents", International Marketing Review.Wang, J. ve Wallendorf, M. (2006). "Materialism, Status Signaling, and Product Satisfaction", Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 34 / 4, 494 - 505.Wang, J. ve Xiao, J. J. (2009). "Buying Behavior, Social Support and Credit Card Indebtedness of College Students", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33, 2 - 10. Wojciechowska, P. (2017). "Influence of Personality on Buying Behaviour: A Cross-Cultural Study Comparing Poland and The UK", Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets, 54 - 76.Xu, Y. (2008). "The Influence of Public Self-Consciousness and Materialism on Young Consumers' Compulsive Buying", Young Consumers, 9 / 1, 37 - 48.Vigneron, F. ve Johnson, L. W. (1999). "A Review and a Conceptual Framework of Prestige - Seeking Consumer Behavior", Academy of Marketing Science Review, 1, 1 - 15.Yurchisin, J. ve Johnson, K. K. P. (2004). "Compulsive Buying Behavior and Its Relationship to Perceived Social Status Associated With Buying, Materialism, Self-Esteem, and Apparel-Product Involvement", Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 32 / 3, 291 - 314.


Yıl 2019, , 333 - 345, 24.10.2019


Günümüzde bireylerin satın alma sürecini yöneten birçok faktör
bulunmaktadır. Bu faktörlerden biri ise dürtüsel veya takıntılı olarak da
nitelendirilen kompulsif satın almadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı kompulsif satın
alma üzerinde etkili olan faktörleri belirlemektir. Kompulsif satın alma
psikolojik rahatsızlık sayılabilecek düzeyde takıntılı satın alma davranışıdır.
Tüketicileri kompulsif satın almaya yönelten birçok faktör bulunmaktadır. Bu
çalışmada kişilik özelliklerinin, materyalizmin ve statü tüketiminin kompulsif
satın alma üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir.
Çalışmada yer alan kişilik özellikleri bireylerin davranışlarının temelini
oluşturan özelliklerdir. Statü tüketimi üzerinde etkili olduğu düşünülen materyalizm
nesnelere sahip olmanın oldukça önemli bir unsur olarak görülmesidir. Statü
tüketimi ise bireylerin statüleri gereği satın alma davranışlarında bulunmaları
şeklinde tanımlanmaktadır. Çalışmada literatürden yararlanılarak
hazırlanan anket formu aracılığıyla yüzyüze toplanan 446 ankete yapısal eşitlik
modellemesi uygulanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda kişilik özelliklerinin,
materyalizmin ve statü tüketiminin kompulsif satın alma üzerinde etkili olduğu


  • Ahuvia, A. C. ve Wong, N. Y. (2002). "Personality and Values Based Materialism: Their Relationship and Origins", Journal of Consumer Psychology, 12 / 4, 389 - 402.Belk, R. W. (1985). "Materialism: Trait Aspects of Living in The Material World", Journal of Consumer Research, 12, 265 - 280.Chao, A. ve Schor, J. B. (1998). "Empirical Tests of Status Consumption: Evidence From Women's Cosmetics", Journal of Economic Psychology, 19, 107 - 131.Clark, R. A. ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2005). "Market Mavens: Psychological Influences", Psychology & Marketing, 22 / 4, 289 - 312.Clark, R. A., Zboja, J. J. ve Goldsmith, R. E. (2007). "Status Consumption and Role-Relaxed Consumption: A Tale of Two Retail Consumers", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 14, 45 - 59.Çokluk, Ö., Şekercioğlu, G. ve Büyüköztürk, Ş. (2016). Sosyal Bilimler İçin Çok Değişkenli İstatistik SPSS ve LISREL Uygulamaları, 2. Baskı, Pegem Akademi Yayıncılık, Ankara. Dittmar, H. (2005). "Compulsive Buying - A Growing Concern? An Examination of Gender, Age, and Endorsement of Materialistic Values as Predictors", British Journal of Psychology, 96, 467 - 491.Donnelly, G., Ksendzova, M. ve Howell, R. T. (2013). "Sadness, İdentity, and Plastic in Over-Shopping: The Interplay of Materialism, Poor Credit Management, and Emotional Buying Motives in Predicting Compulsive Buying", Journal of Economic Psychology, 39, 113 - 125.Donnelly, G., Iyer, R. ve Howell, R. T. (2012). "The Big Five Personality Traits, Material Values, and Financial Well-being of Self-described Money Managers", Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 1129 - 1142.Dye, A. B., Klerk, A. G. ve Klerk, N. D. (2012). "Materialism, Status Consumption and Consumer Ethnocentrism Amongst Black Generation Y Students in South Africa", African Journal of Business Management, 6 / 16, 5578 - 5586.Eastman, J. K. ve Eastman, K. L. (2011). "Perceptions of Status Consumption And The Economy", Journal of Business & Economics Research, 9 / 7, 9 - 20.Eastman, J. K., Fredenberger, B., Campbell, D. ve Calvert, S. (1997). "The Relationship Between Status Consumption and Materialism: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Chinese, Mexican, and American Student", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 5 / 1, 52 - 66.Eastman, J. K., Goldsmith, R. E. ve Flynn, L. R. (1999). "Status Consumption in Consumer Behavior: Scale Development and Validation", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 7 / 3, 41 - 52.Eren, S. S., Eroğlu, F. ve Hacioglu, G. (2012). "Compulsive Buying Tendencies Through Materialistic and Hedonic Values Among College Students in Turkey", 8th International Strategic Management Conference, 1370 - 1377.Faber, R. J. ve O'Guinn, T. C. (1992). "A Clinical Screener For Compulsive Buying", Journal of Consumer Research, 19 / 3, 459 - 469.Fayez, M. ve Labib, A. (2016). "Investigating The Effect of The 'Big Five' Personality Dimensions on Compulsive Buying Behavior of Egyptian Consumers", Journal of Business and Retail Management Research, 10 / 3, 114 - 125.Flynn, L. R., Goldsmith, R. E. ve Pollitte, W. (2016). "Materialism, Status Consumption, and Market Involved Consumers", Psychology & Marketing, 33 / 9, 761 - 776.Gohary, A. ve Hanzaee, K. H. (2014). "Personality Traits as Predictors of Shopping Motivations and Behaviors: A Canonical Correlation Analysis", Arab Economics and Business Journal, 9, 166 - 174.Goldberg, L. R. (1992). "The Development of Markers For The Big-Five Factor Structure", Psychological Assessment, 4 / 1, 26 - 42.Goldsmith, R. E. ve Clark, R. A. (2012). "Materialism, Status Consumption, and Consumer Independence", The Journal of Social Psychology, 152 / 1, 43 - 60.Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J. ve Anderson, R. E. (2014). Multivariate Data Analysis, Pearson Education Limited.Heaney, J. G, Goldsmith, R. E., Jusoh, W. ve Jamaliah W. (2005). "Status Consumption Among Malaysian Consumers", Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 17 / 4, 83 - 98.Islam, T., Sheikh, Z., Hameed, Z., Khan, I. U. ve Azam, R. I. (2017a). "Social Comparison, Materialism, and Compulsive Buying Based on Stimulus Response Model: A Comparative Study Among Adolescents and Young Adults", Young Consumers, 1 - 26.Islam, T, Wei, J., Sheikh, Z., Hameed, Z. ve Azam, R. I. (2017b). "Determinants of Compulsive Buying Behavior among young adults: The Mediating Role of Materialism", Journal of Adolescence, 61, 117 - 130.Kokkonen, M. ve Pulkkinen, L. (2001). "Examination of The Paths Between Personality, Current Mood, its Evaluation, and Emotion Regulation", European Journal of Personality, 15, 83 - 104.Lee, Y. K., Chang, C. T., Lin, Y. ve Cheng, Z. H. (2014). "The Dark Side of Smartphone Usage: Psychological Traits, Compulsive Behavior and Technostress", Computers in Human Behavior, 31, 373 - 383.Lertwannawit, A. ve Mandhachitara, R. (2012). "Interpersonal Effects on Fashion Consciousness and Status Consumption Moderated by Materialism in Metropolitan Men", Journal of Business Research, 65, 1408 - 1416.Lopez, J. M. O. ve Pol, V. E. (2013a). "Five - Factor Model Personality Traits, Materialism, and Excessive Buying: A Mediational Analysis", Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 767 - 772.Lopez, J. M. O. ve Pol, V. E. (2013b). "Compulsive Buying and the Five Faktor Model of Personality: A Facet Analysis", Personality and Individual Differences, 55, 585 - 590.Manchiraju, S. ve Krizan, Z. (2015). "What is Materialism? Testing Two Dominant Perspectives on Materialism in the Marketing Literature", Management & Marketing, 10 / 2, 90 - 103.McCrae, R. R. ve Costa, P. T. (1997). "Personality Trait Structure as a Human Universal", American Psychologist, 52 / 5, 509 - 516.Mowen, J. C. ve Spears, N. (1999). "Understanding Compulsive Buying Among College Students: A Hierarchical Approach", Journal of Consumer Psychology, 8 / 4, 407 - 430.Mueller, A., Claes, L., Mitchell, J. E., Faber, R. J., Fischer, J. ve Zwaan, M. D. (2011). "Does Compulsive Buying Differ Between Male and Female Students?", Personality and Individual Differences, 50, 1309 - 1312.Nabi, N., O'Cass, A. ve Siahtiri, V. (2019). "Status Consumption in Newly Emerging Countries: The Influence of Personality Traits and The Mediating Role of Motivation to Consume Conspicuously", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 46, 173 - 178.Nga, J. K. H., Yong, L. H. L. ve Sellappan, R. (2011). "The Influence of Image Consciousness, Materialism and Compulsive Spending on Credit Card Usage Intentions Among Youth", Young Consumers, 12 / 3, 243 - 253.O'Cass, A. ve Siahtiri, V. (2013). "In Search of Status Through Brands From Western and Asian Origins: Examining The Changing Face of Fashion Clothing Consumption in Chinese Young Adults", Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 20, 505 - 515.Park, H. J. ve Burns, L. D. (2005). "Fashion orientation, credit card use, and compulsive buying", Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22 / 3, 135 - 142.Pham, T. H., Yap, K. ve Dowling, N. A. (2012). "The Impact of Financial Management Practices and Financial Attitudes on The Relationship Between Materialism and Compulsive Buying", Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, 461 - 470.Phau, I. ve Woo, C. (2008). "Understanding Compulsive Buying Tendencies Among Young Australians: The Roles of Money Attitude and Credit Card Usage", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 26 / 5, 441 - 458.Richins, M. L. (1994). "Special Possessions and The Expression of Material Values", Journal of Consumer Research, 21 / 3, 522 - 533.Richins, M. L. ve Dawson, S. (1992). "A Consumer Values Orientation for Materialism and Its Measurement: Scale Development and Validation", The Journal of Consumer Research, 19 / 3, 303 - 316.Ridgway, N. M., Kukar-Kinney, M. ve Monroe, K. B. (2008). "An Expanded Conceptualization and a New Measure of Compulsive Buying", Journal of Consumer Research, 35 / 4, 622 - 639.Riquelme, H. E., Rios, R. E. ve Al-Sharhan, N. (2011). "Antecedents of Ostentatious Consumption in Kuwait", Journal of Islamic Marketing, 2 / 3, 295 - 308.Roberts, J. (2000). "Consuming in a Consumer Culture: College Students, Materialism, Status Consumption, And Compulsive Buying", The Marketing Management Journal, 10 / 2, 76 - 91.Roberts, J. A. ve Jones E. (2001). "Money Attitudes, Credit Card Use, and Compulsive Buying Among American College Students", The Journal of Consumer Affairs, 35 / 21, 213 - 240.Saran, R., Roy, S. ve Sethuraman, R. (2016). "Personality and Fashion Consumption: A Conceptual Framework in The Indian Context", Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 20 / 2, 157 - 176.Shahjehan, A., Qureshi, J. A., Zeb, F. ve Saifullah, K. (2012). "The Effect of Personality on İmpulsive and Compulsive Buying Behaviors", African Journal of Business Management, 6 / 6, 2187 - 2194.Shukla, P. (2010). "Status Consumption in Cross - National Context: Socio - Psychological, Brand and Situational Antecedents", International Marketing Review.Wang, J. ve Wallendorf, M. (2006). "Materialism, Status Signaling, and Product Satisfaction", Journal of The Academy of Marketing Science, 34 / 4, 494 - 505.Wang, J. ve Xiao, J. J. (2009). "Buying Behavior, Social Support and Credit Card Indebtedness of College Students", International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33, 2 - 10. Wojciechowska, P. (2017). "Influence of Personality on Buying Behaviour: A Cross-Cultural Study Comparing Poland and The UK", Journal of Marketing and Consumer Behaviour in Emerging Markets, 54 - 76.Xu, Y. (2008). "The Influence of Public Self-Consciousness and Materialism on Young Consumers' Compulsive Buying", Young Consumers, 9 / 1, 37 - 48.Vigneron, F. ve Johnson, L. W. (1999). "A Review and a Conceptual Framework of Prestige - Seeking Consumer Behavior", Academy of Marketing Science Review, 1, 1 - 15.Yurchisin, J. ve Johnson, K. K. P. (2004). "Compulsive Buying Behavior and Its Relationship to Perceived Social Status Associated With Buying, Materialism, Self-Esteem, and Apparel-Product Involvement", Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 32 / 3, 291 - 314.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Makaleler

Emine Karakuş Başlar 0000-0002-7090-4713

Zehra Bozbay 0000-0002-2728-8003

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Ekim 2019
Kabul Tarihi 24 Eylül 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019

Kaynak Göster

APA Karakuş Başlar, E., & Bozbay, Z. (2019). KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ, MATERYALİZM VE STATÜ TÜKETİMİNİN KOMPULSİF SATIN ALMA ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi(37), 333-345.
Chicago Karakuş Başlar, Emine, ve Zehra Bozbay. “KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ, MATERYALİZM VE STATÜ TÜKETİMİNİN KOMPULSİF SATIN ALMA ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, sy. 37 (Ekim 2019): 333-45.
EndNote Karakuş Başlar E, Bozbay Z (01 Ekim 2019) KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ, MATERYALİZM VE STATÜ TÜKETİMİNİN KOMPULSİF SATIN ALMA ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 37 333–345.
ISNAD Karakuş Başlar, Emine - Bozbay, Zehra. “KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ, MATERYALİZM VE STATÜ TÜKETİMİNİN KOMPULSİF SATIN ALMA ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi 37 (Ekim 2019), 333-345.
MLA Karakuş Başlar, Emine ve Zehra Bozbay. “KİŞİLİK ÖZELLİKLERİ, MATERYALİZM VE STATÜ TÜKETİMİNİN KOMPULSİF SATIN ALMA ÜZERİNDEKİ ETKİLERİNİN İNCELENMESİ”. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, sy. 37, 2019, ss. 333-45, doi:10.30794/pausbed.533993.