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Yardım Edenlere Nasıl Yardım Edilecek?: Afetlerde Çalışan Profesyonellerle Bütünleyici Grup Terapisi Uygulamaları

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 29 - 40, 01.07.2022


Afet; doğa, insan veya teknoloji nedeniyle oluşan, fiziksel, psikososyal ve ekonomik yıkıma yol açan, günlük yaşam dinamiklerini olumsuz etkileyen, yoğun stres yaratan olaylardır. Afetlerin yıkıcı etkilerinin önlenmesinde ve azaltılmasında arama kurtarma ekipleri, ilk ve acil yardım personeli, kolluk güçleri, medya mensupları ve psikososyal destek personeli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Afet sahasının zorlayıcı koşullarından ve travmatik olaylara maruziyetin yoğunluğundan dolayı afet çalışanlarında travma sonrası stres bozukluğu, anksiyete bozukluğu, depresyon ve psikosomatik bozukluklar görülebilmektedir. Afet çalışanlarının güçlendirilmesinde psikososyal müdahaleler kullanılmaktadır. Bu müdahalelerden biri bütünleyici grup terapisi (BGT) uygulamalarıdır. BGT, afet çalışanlarının ihtiyaçları doğrultusunda farklı terapötik araçları ve yaklaşımları birleştiren bir psikoterapi şeklidir. BGT müdahale programı üç modülden oluşmaktadır. Birincil modül afet sahasındaki stres etkenlerini içeren psikoeğitimi; ikincil modül travmatik stresle ilişkili duygu düşünce ve deneyimlerin paylaşıldığı ve risk altındaki bireylerin tespit edildiği programı; üçüncül modül ise ilaç tedavisi, aile terapisi veya diğer terapi ekollerini içeren bireysel psikoterapilerin kullanıldığı yoğun bir programı kapsamaktadır. Sosyal hizmet uzmanlarının hem afet çalışanı olarak sahada görev almaları hem de afet çalışanlarına yardım eden psikososyal destek personeli olmaları açısından BGT uygulamalarının faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Afari, N., Ahumada, S. M., Wright, L. J., Mostoufi, S., Golnari, G., Reis, V., & Cuneo, J. G. (2014). Psychological trauma and functional somatic syndromes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychosomatic medicine, 76(1), 2, 112-132.
  • Arlo, C. (2019). Integrated Group Psychotherapy Program [IGPP] for Multi-Diagnosed Clients. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 69(2), 149-171.
  • Armagan, E., Engindeniz, Z., Devay, A. O., Erdur, B., & Ozcakir, A. (2006). Frequency of post-traumatic stress disorder among relief force workers after the tsunami in Asia: do rescuers become victims?. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 21(3), 168-172.
  • Berens, S., Stroe-Kunold, E., Kraus, F., Tesarz, J., Gauss, A., Niesler, B., & Schaefert, R. (2018). Pilot-RCT of an integrative group therapy for patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 105, 72-79.
  • Berninger, A., Webber, M. P., Niles, J. K., Gustave, J., Lee, R., Cohen, H. W., ... & Prezant, D. J. (2010). Longitudinal study of probable post‐traumatic stress disorder in firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center disaster. American journal of industrial medicine, 53(12), 1177-1185.
  • Biggs, Q. M., Fullerton, C. S., Reeves, J. J., Grieger, T. A., Reissman, D., & Ursano, R. J. (2010). Acute stress disorder, depression, and tobacco use in disaster workers following 9/11. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(4), 586.
  • Brooks, S., Amlot, R., Rubin, G. J., & Greenberg, N. (2020). Psychological resilience and post-traumatic growth in disaster-exposed organisations: overview of the literature. BMJ Mil Health, 166(1), 52-56.
  • Cansel, N., & Ucuz, İ. (2022). Post-traumatic stress and associated factors among healthcare workers in the early stage following the 2020 Malatya-Elazığ earthquake. Konuralp Medical Journal, 14(1), 81-91.
  • Emanuel, R. J., & Ursano, R. J. (2020). Integrative group therapy with disaster workers. In Group treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (pp. 51-74). New York: Routledge.
  • Fullerton, C. S., Ursano, R. J., & Wang, L. (2004). Acute stress disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression in disaster or rescue workers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(8), 1370-1376.
  • Galea, S., Nandi, A., & Vlahov, D. (2005). The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder after disasters. Epidemiologic reviews, 27(1), 78-91.
  • Greene, L. R. (2021). Integrative Group Therapy for Psychosis. New York: Routledge.
  • Hendel, D. (2021). Emotional trauma and the risk of PTSD among healthcare workers. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 4(7), 778-781.
  • Hewitt, K. (2014). Regions of risk: A geographical introduction to disasters. London: Routledge.
  • Işıkhan, V. (2021). Afetlere Müdahale Eden Yardım Personelini Güçlendirme. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 7(2), 399-406.
  • Jarero, I., Artigas, L., Montero, M., & Lena, L. (2008). The EMDR integrative group treatment protocol: Application with child victims of a mass disaster. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2(2), 97-105.
  • Karataş, M., & Barut, B. (2021). Sosyal Hizmet Perspektifinden Göç ve Savunmasız Gruplar: IOM Raporları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 86-109.
  • Keeney, G. B. (2004). Disaster preparedness: what do we do now?. Journal of midwifery & women's health, 49(4), 2-6.
  • Kenari, M. A. (2014). Toward a theory of integrative group therapy. J. Eco. Heal., 3 (1), 1, 5.
  • Kohn, S., Eaton, J. L., Feroz, S., Bainbridge, A. A., Hoolachan, J., & Barnett, D. J. (2012). Personal disaster preparedness: an integrative review of the literature. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 6(3), 217-231.
  • Mao, X., Fung, O. W. M., Hu, X., & Loke, A. Y. (2018). Psychological impacts of disaster on rescue workers: A review of the literature. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 27, 602-617.
  • Meskunas, H. M. (2021). Development and Evaluation of an Integrative Group Therapy Treatment for Survivors of Complex Trauma. University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • Neria, Y., Nandi, A., & Galea, S. (2008). Post-traumatic stress disorder following disasters: a systematic review. Psychological medicine, 38(4), 467-480.
  • Nolting, H. P., & Geiss, P. G. (2022). System First: An Integrative Approach to Introductory Psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 3(2), 21-34.
  • Ottisova, L., Gillard, J. A., Wood, M., Langford, S., John‐Baptiste Bastien, R., Madinah Haris, A., ... & Robertson, M. (2022). Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions in mitigating adverse mental health outcomes among disaster‐exposed health care workers: A systematic review. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 5(2), 20-35.
  • Pau, K., Ahmad, A., & Tang, H. Y. (2020). Crisis, disaster, and trauma counseling: implication for the counseling profession. J Crit Rev, 7(8), 736-39.
  • Quevillon, R. P., Gray, B. L., Erickson, S. E., Gonzalez, E. D., & Jacobs, G. A. (2016). Helping the helpers: assisting staff and volunteer workers before, during, and after disaster relief operations. Journal of clinical psychology, 72(12), 1348-1363.
  • Sepahvand, H., Hashtjini, M. M., Salesi, M., Sahraei, H., & Jahromi, G. P. (2019). Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Iranian population following disasters and wars: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 13(1), 12, 5-15.
  • Smith, L. E., Bernal, D. R., Schwartz, B. S., Whitt, C. L., Christman, S. T., Donnelly, S., ... & Kobetz, E. (2014). Coping with vicarious trauma in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 42(1), 2-12.
  • Söchting, I., O’Neal, E., Third, B., Rogers, J., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. (2013). An integrative group therapy model for depression and anxiety in later life. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 63(4), 502-523.
  • Sutton, J., & Tierney, K. (2006). Disaster preparedness: Concepts, guidance, and research. Colorado: University of Colorado, 3, 1-41.
  • Takeshita, S., Toda, H., Tanaka, T., Koga, M., Yoshino, A., & Sawamura, T. (2020). Psychological and physical condition of Japan maritime self-defense force personnel who performed disaster-relief missions after the 2011 great east Japan earthquake. (2020). Journal of psychiatric research, 130, 104-111.
  • Thavichachart, N., Tangwongchai, S., Worakul, P., Kanchanatawan, B., Suppapitiporn, S., Sukoltapirom na Pattalung, A., & Chareonsook, O. (2011). Posttraumatic stress disorder of the Tsunami survivors in Thailand. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 92(3), 420.
  • Tierney, K. (2019). Disasters: A sociological approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Ursano, R. J., Goldenberg, M., Zhang, L., Carlton, J., Fullerton, C. S., Li, H., ... & Benedek, D. (2010). Posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic stress: from bench to bedside, from war to disaster. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1208(1), 72-81.
  • Waxmonsky, J. G., Waschbusch, D. A., Belin, P., Li, T., Babocsai, L., Humphery, H., ... & Pelham, W. E. (2016). A randomized clinical trial of an integrative group therapy for children with severe mood dysregulation. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(3), 196-207.
  • Williams, J., Nocera, M., & Casteel, C. (2008). The effectiveness of disaster training for health care workers: a systematic review. Annals of emergency medicine, 52(3), 211-222.

How to help the helpers?: Integrative Group Therapy Practices with Professionals in Disasters

Yıl 2022, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1, 29 - 40, 01.07.2022


Disasters are events that occur due to nature, people, or technology, cause physical, psychosocial, and economic destruction, severely affect daily life dynamics and cause stress. Search and rescue teams, first and emergency aid personnel, law enforcement officers, members of the media and psychosocial support personnel carry out studies on the prevention and reduction of the devastating effects of disasters. Due to the challenging conditions of the disaster area and the intensity of exposure to traumatic events that disaster workers could have post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, depression, and psychosomatic disorders. Psychosocial interventions are used to empower them. One of these interventions is integrative group therapy (IGT). It is a form of psychotherapy that combines various therapeutic tools and approaches via the needs of disaster workers. The IGT includes three modules. The primary module includes the psychoeducation program about stressors about disasters. In the secondary module, feelings, thoughts and experiences related to traumatic stress are shared and individuals at risk are identified. The tertiary module includes an intensive program of individual psychotherapies with medication, family therapy or other therapy schools. It is considered that IGT will be beneficial in terms of social workers both being as disaster workers and being psychosocial support personnel helping disaster workers.


  • Afari, N., Ahumada, S. M., Wright, L. J., Mostoufi, S., Golnari, G., Reis, V., & Cuneo, J. G. (2014). Psychological trauma and functional somatic syndromes: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Psychosomatic medicine, 76(1), 2, 112-132.
  • Arlo, C. (2019). Integrated Group Psychotherapy Program [IGPP] for Multi-Diagnosed Clients. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 69(2), 149-171.
  • Armagan, E., Engindeniz, Z., Devay, A. O., Erdur, B., & Ozcakir, A. (2006). Frequency of post-traumatic stress disorder among relief force workers after the tsunami in Asia: do rescuers become victims?. Prehospital and disaster medicine, 21(3), 168-172.
  • Berens, S., Stroe-Kunold, E., Kraus, F., Tesarz, J., Gauss, A., Niesler, B., & Schaefert, R. (2018). Pilot-RCT of an integrative group therapy for patients with refractory irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 105, 72-79.
  • Berninger, A., Webber, M. P., Niles, J. K., Gustave, J., Lee, R., Cohen, H. W., ... & Prezant, D. J. (2010). Longitudinal study of probable post‐traumatic stress disorder in firefighters exposed to the World Trade Center disaster. American journal of industrial medicine, 53(12), 1177-1185.
  • Biggs, Q. M., Fullerton, C. S., Reeves, J. J., Grieger, T. A., Reissman, D., & Ursano, R. J. (2010). Acute stress disorder, depression, and tobacco use in disaster workers following 9/11. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 80(4), 586.
  • Brooks, S., Amlot, R., Rubin, G. J., & Greenberg, N. (2020). Psychological resilience and post-traumatic growth in disaster-exposed organisations: overview of the literature. BMJ Mil Health, 166(1), 52-56.
  • Cansel, N., & Ucuz, İ. (2022). Post-traumatic stress and associated factors among healthcare workers in the early stage following the 2020 Malatya-Elazığ earthquake. Konuralp Medical Journal, 14(1), 81-91.
  • Emanuel, R. J., & Ursano, R. J. (2020). Integrative group therapy with disaster workers. In Group treatments for post-traumatic stress disorder (pp. 51-74). New York: Routledge.
  • Fullerton, C. S., Ursano, R. J., & Wang, L. (2004). Acute stress disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression in disaster or rescue workers. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161(8), 1370-1376.
  • Galea, S., Nandi, A., & Vlahov, D. (2005). The epidemiology of post-traumatic stress disorder after disasters. Epidemiologic reviews, 27(1), 78-91.
  • Greene, L. R. (2021). Integrative Group Therapy for Psychosis. New York: Routledge.
  • Hendel, D. (2021). Emotional trauma and the risk of PTSD among healthcare workers. Journal of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy, 4(7), 778-781.
  • Hewitt, K. (2014). Regions of risk: A geographical introduction to disasters. London: Routledge.
  • Işıkhan, V. (2021). Afetlere Müdahale Eden Yardım Personelini Güçlendirme. Doğal Afetler ve Çevre Dergisi, 7(2), 399-406.
  • Jarero, I., Artigas, L., Montero, M., & Lena, L. (2008). The EMDR integrative group treatment protocol: Application with child victims of a mass disaster. Journal of EMDR Practice and Research, 2(2), 97-105.
  • Karataş, M., & Barut, B. (2021). Sosyal Hizmet Perspektifinden Göç ve Savunmasız Gruplar: IOM Raporları Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 8(1), 86-109.
  • Keeney, G. B. (2004). Disaster preparedness: what do we do now?. Journal of midwifery & women's health, 49(4), 2-6.
  • Kenari, M. A. (2014). Toward a theory of integrative group therapy. J. Eco. Heal., 3 (1), 1, 5.
  • Kohn, S., Eaton, J. L., Feroz, S., Bainbridge, A. A., Hoolachan, J., & Barnett, D. J. (2012). Personal disaster preparedness: an integrative review of the literature. Disaster medicine and public health preparedness, 6(3), 217-231.
  • Mao, X., Fung, O. W. M., Hu, X., & Loke, A. Y. (2018). Psychological impacts of disaster on rescue workers: A review of the literature. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 27, 602-617.
  • Meskunas, H. M. (2021). Development and Evaluation of an Integrative Group Therapy Treatment for Survivors of Complex Trauma. University of California, Santa Barbara.
  • Neria, Y., Nandi, A., & Galea, S. (2008). Post-traumatic stress disorder following disasters: a systematic review. Psychological medicine, 38(4), 467-480.
  • Nolting, H. P., & Geiss, P. G. (2022). System First: An Integrative Approach to Introductory Psychology. Teaching of Psychology, 3(2), 21-34.
  • Ottisova, L., Gillard, J. A., Wood, M., Langford, S., John‐Baptiste Bastien, R., Madinah Haris, A., ... & Robertson, M. (2022). Effectiveness of psychosocial interventions in mitigating adverse mental health outcomes among disaster‐exposed health care workers: A systematic review. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 5(2), 20-35.
  • Pau, K., Ahmad, A., & Tang, H. Y. (2020). Crisis, disaster, and trauma counseling: implication for the counseling profession. J Crit Rev, 7(8), 736-39.
  • Quevillon, R. P., Gray, B. L., Erickson, S. E., Gonzalez, E. D., & Jacobs, G. A. (2016). Helping the helpers: assisting staff and volunteer workers before, during, and after disaster relief operations. Journal of clinical psychology, 72(12), 1348-1363.
  • Sepahvand, H., Hashtjini, M. M., Salesi, M., Sahraei, H., & Jahromi, G. P. (2019). Prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Iranian population following disasters and wars: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 13(1), 12, 5-15.
  • Smith, L. E., Bernal, D. R., Schwartz, B. S., Whitt, C. L., Christman, S. T., Donnelly, S., ... & Kobetz, E. (2014). Coping with vicarious trauma in the aftermath of a natural disaster. Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development, 42(1), 2-12.
  • Söchting, I., O’Neal, E., Third, B., Rogers, J., & Ogrodniczuk, J. S. (2013). An integrative group therapy model for depression and anxiety in later life. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 63(4), 502-523.
  • Sutton, J., & Tierney, K. (2006). Disaster preparedness: Concepts, guidance, and research. Colorado: University of Colorado, 3, 1-41.
  • Takeshita, S., Toda, H., Tanaka, T., Koga, M., Yoshino, A., & Sawamura, T. (2020). Psychological and physical condition of Japan maritime self-defense force personnel who performed disaster-relief missions after the 2011 great east Japan earthquake. (2020). Journal of psychiatric research, 130, 104-111.
  • Thavichachart, N., Tangwongchai, S., Worakul, P., Kanchanatawan, B., Suppapitiporn, S., Sukoltapirom na Pattalung, A., & Chareonsook, O. (2011). Posttraumatic stress disorder of the Tsunami survivors in Thailand. Journal of the Medical Association of Thailand, 92(3), 420.
  • Tierney, K. (2019). Disasters: A sociological approach. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Ursano, R. J., Goldenberg, M., Zhang, L., Carlton, J., Fullerton, C. S., Li, H., ... & Benedek, D. (2010). Posttraumatic stress disorder and traumatic stress: from bench to bedside, from war to disaster. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1208(1), 72-81.
  • Waxmonsky, J. G., Waschbusch, D. A., Belin, P., Li, T., Babocsai, L., Humphery, H., ... & Pelham, W. E. (2016). A randomized clinical trial of an integrative group therapy for children with severe mood dysregulation. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 55(3), 196-207.
  • Williams, J., Nocera, M., & Casteel, C. (2008). The effectiveness of disaster training for health care workers: a systematic review. Annals of emergency medicine, 52(3), 211-222.
Toplam 37 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Sosyoloji (Diğer)
Bölüm Derleme Makaleler

Merve Deniz Pak Güre 0000-0001-7060-3729

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Temmuz 2022
Kabul Tarihi 5 Mayıs 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Pak Güre, M. D. (2022). Yardım Edenlere Nasıl Yardım Edilecek?: Afetlerde Çalışan Profesyonellerle Bütünleyici Grup Terapisi Uygulamaları. Sosyal Çalışma Dergisi, 6(1), 29-40.

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