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Do Physical Education Lessons Teach with Distance Education? Online Physical Education Lessons

Yıl 2022, , 170 - 186, 30.06.2022


Online education is one of the most preferred and used distance education types today. Online education has developed rapidly in recent years and has become an important part of education systems. The issue of how to provide a more qualified education through online means and how to teach courses in different disciplines continues to be researched. Educators are particularly concerned about how physical education courses will be carried out in online education. Physical education courses mainly focus on physical activity and the development of motor skills and are quite different from academic classes. Thanks to the developing education technologies and different learning management systems, physical education lessons can also be carried out online. However, physical education teachers should have sufficient knowledge and skills in the curricula of online physical education lessons, the learning-teaching process, preparing and presenting instructional content, monitoring and evaluating the development of student performance. In the study; Online education, online physical education lesson preparations and applications, technologies used in online physical education lessons and the problems encountered are mentioned through the discussion of whether online physical education lessons can be carried out or not. As a result; through online physical education lessons, it has been seen that students can gain acquisitions related to cognitive, affective and psychomotor learning areas. In addition, the opinion that the hybrid/blended model is the most suitable model for online physical education lessons and physical activity-based physical education lessons are more suitable for online physical education lessons.


  • Ain, N., Kaur, K., Waheed, M. (2016). The influence of learning value on learning management system use: An extension of UTAUT2. Information Development, 32(5), 1306-1321.
  • Allen, E., Seaman, J. (2016). Online report card tracking online education in the United States. Newton, MA: Sloan Center for Online Education.
  • Allen, I. E., Seaman, J. (2013). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Babson Survey Research Group and Quahog Research Group, LLC.
  • Beseler, B., Plumb, M. S. (2019). 10 tips to using video analysis more effectively in physical education: Editor: Brian Mosier. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 90(1), 52-56.
  • Buschner, C. (2006). Online physical education: Wires and lights in a box. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 77(2), 3-8.
  • Casey, A., Jones, B. (2011). Using digital technology to enhance student engagement in physical education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 2(2), 51-66.
  • Ceceri, K. (2020). Online physical education for homeschoolers. Erişim Adresi:
  • Çoban, S. (2016). Üniversitelerde öğretim yönetim sistemleri yazılımları kullanımına yönelik bir inceleme. Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 1-12.
  • Crews, T. B., Neill, J. (2014). Preferred delivery method for online instruction: Secondary students' perceptions. Journal of Applied Research for Business Instruction, 12(1), 1-6.
  • Daum, D. N. (2020). Thinking about hybrid or online learning in physical education? Start here! Editor: Brian Mosier. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 91(1), 42-44.
  • Daum, D. N., Buschner, C. (2012). The status of high school online physical education in the United States. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 31(1), 86-100.
  • Daum, D. N., Buschner, C. (2018). Research on teaching blended and online physical education. In R. Ferdig ve K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K—12 online and blended learning (pp. 201–221). Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press.
  • Edwards, V. (2020). It is time to make use of technology: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation ve Dance, 91(2), 56-57.
  • Gibbone, A., Mercier, K. (2014). Accomplishing PETE learning standards and program accreditation through teacher candidates' technology-based service learning projects. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 85(5), 18-22.
  • Goad, T., Jones, E. (2017). Training online physical educators: A phenomenological case study. Education Research International, 2, 1-12.
  • Goad, T., Towner, B., Jones, E., Bulger, S. (2019). Instructional tools for online physical education: Using mobile technologies to enhance learning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 90(6), 40-47.
  • Hellison, D. (2011). Fiziksel Aktivite Yoluyla Bireysel Sosyal Sorumluluk Öğretimi.(Çev. Bijen Filiz). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • ITC. (2010). Distance education survey result. Erişim adresi:
  • Jeong, H. C., So, W. Y. (2020). Difficulties of online physical education classes in middle and high school and an efficient operation plan to address them. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7279.
  • Juniu, S. (2011). Pedagogical uses of technology in physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 82(9), 41-49.
  • Koekoek, J., Van Der Mars, H., van der Kamp, J., Walinga, W., van Hilvoorde, I. (2018). Aligning digital video technology with game pedagogy in physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(1), 12-22.
  • Kooiman, B. J., Sheehan, D. P., Wesolek, M., Retegui, E. (2017). Moving online physical education from oxymoron to efficacy. Sport, Education and Society, 22(2), 230-246.
  • Kooiman, B. J., Sheehan, D. P. (2014). The efficacy of exergames played proximally and over the internet on cognitive functioning for online physical education. American Journal of Distance Education, 28(4), 280-291.
  • Lambert, C. (2016). Technology has a place in physical education: Editor: Brian Mosier. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 87(9), 58-60.
  • Lee, J., Chang, S. H. (2020). Video-based learning: recommendations for physical educators. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 92(2), 3-4.
  • Lonn, S., Teasley, S. D., Krumm, A. E. (2011). Who needs to do what where? Using learning management systems on residential vs. commuter campuses. Computers & Education, 56(3), 642-649.
  • Martin, M. R., Melnyk, J., Zimmerman, R. (2015). Fitness apps: motivating students to move. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 86(6), 50-54.
  • McBrien, J. L., Cheng, R., Jones, P. (2009). Virtual spaces: Employing a synchronous online classroom to facilitate student engagement in online learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 10(3), 1–17.
  • McRandal, D. (2020). Online physical education? The edoptions academy approach and why it works. Edmentum Blog Erişim adresi:
  • Mohnsen, B. (2012). Implementing online physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 83(2), 42-47.
  • Mosier, B. (2012). Virtual physical education: A call for action. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 83(3), 6-10.
  • Palvia, S., Aeron, P., Gupta, P., Mahapatra, D., Parida, R., Rosner, R., Sindhi, S. (2018). Online education: Worldwide status, challenges, trends, and implications. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 21(4), 233-241.
  • Quintas, A., Bustamante, J. C., Pradas, F., & Castellar, C. (2020). Psychological effects of gamified didactics with exergames in Physical Education at primary schools: Results from a natural experiment. Computers & Education, 152, 103874.
  • Roth, K. (2014). technology for tomorrow's teachers. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 85(4), 3-5.
  • SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2020). Guidelines for K-12 online physical education.
  • SHAPE America–Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2018). Guidelines for K-12 online physical education. [Guidance document].
  • SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2016). Shape of the nation: Status of physical education in the USA. Reston, VA: Author.
  • Sheehan, D. P., Katz, L. (2012). The practical and theoretical implications of flow theory and intrinsic motivation in designing and implementing exergaming in the school environment. Loading, 6(9), 53-68.
  • Singh, V., Thurman, A. (2019). How many ways can we define online learning? A systematic literature review of definitions of online learning (1988-2018). American Journal of Distance Education, 33(4), 289–306.
  • Tootoonchi, N. (2016). The importance of students ‘perceptions of the online learnıng environment in mathematics classes: Literature review. International Journal of Education Research, 11(1), 1-14.
  • Walton-Fisette, J. L., Wuest, D. A. (2018). Foundations of physical education, exercise science, and sport. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Watson, J. (2008). Blended learning: The convergence of online and face-to-face education. Vienna, Va: The North american Council for Online Learning.
  • Watson, J., Murin, A., Vashaw, L., Gemin, B., Rapp, C. (2013). Keeping pace with K-12 online & blended learning: an annual review of policy and practice. 10-year anniversary issue. Evergreen Education Group.
  • Wicks, M. (2010). A national primer on K-12 online learning. Version 2. Vienna, VA: International association for K-12 online learning.
  • Zwain, A. A. A. (2019). Technological innovativeness and information quality as neoteric predictors of users’ acceptance of learning management system: An expansion of UTAUT2. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16 (3), 239–254.


Yıl 2022, , 170 - 186, 30.06.2022


Çevrimiçi eğitim günümüzde kullanılan ve en çok tercih edilen uzaktan eğitim türlerinden biridir. Çevrimiçi eğitim son yıllarda hızla gelişmiş ve giderek eğitim sistemlerinin önemli bir parçası haline gelmiştir. Çevrimiçi yollarla eğitimin nasıl daha nitelikli bir şekilde gerçekleştirileceği ve farklı disiplinlerdeki derslerin nasıl verilebileceği konusu ise araştırılmaya devam etmektedir. Eğitimciler, çevrimiçi eğitimde özellikle beden eğitimi derslerinin nasıl gerçekleştirileceği konusunda endişe duymaktadırlar. Beden eğitimi dersleri temelde fiziksel aktiviteye ve motor becerilerin gelişimine odaklanır ve akademik derslerden oldukça farklıdır. Gelişen eğitim teknolojileri ve farklı öğrenme yönetim sistemleri sayesinde beden eğitimi dersleri de çevrimiçi yollarla gerçekleştirilebilmektedir. Ancak, çevrimiçi beden eğitimi derslerinin öğretim programları, öğrenme-öğretme süreci, öğretim içeriklerini hazırlama ve sunma, öğrenci performansının gelişimini izleme ve değerlendirme konularında beden eğitimi ve spor öğretmenlerinin yeterli bilgi ve beceriye sahip olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada; çevrimiçi beden eğitimi derslerinin gerçekleştirilip gerçekleştirilemeyeceği tartışması üzerinden, çevrimiçi eğitim, çevrimiçi beden eğitimi dersi hazırlıkları ve uygulamaları, çevrimiçi beden eğitimi derslerinde kullanılan teknolojiler ve karşılaşılan sorunlar yönelik literatür incelenerek bir derleme yapılması yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak; çevrimiçi beden eğitimi dersleri aracılığı ile öğrencilerin bilişsel, duyussal ve psikomotor öğrenme alanlarına ilişkin kazanımları elde edebileceği görülmüştür. Bunun yanında, çevrimiçi beden eğitimi dersleri için hibrit/harmanlanmış modelin en uygun model olduğu ve fiziksel aktivite temelli beden eğitimi derslerinin çevrimiçi beden eğitimi dersleri için daha uygun olduğu görüşü hakim olmuştur.


  • Ain, N., Kaur, K., Waheed, M. (2016). The influence of learning value on learning management system use: An extension of UTAUT2. Information Development, 32(5), 1306-1321.
  • Allen, E., Seaman, J. (2016). Online report card tracking online education in the United States. Newton, MA: Sloan Center for Online Education.
  • Allen, I. E., Seaman, J. (2013). Changing course: Ten years of tracking online education in the United States. Babson Survey Research Group and Quahog Research Group, LLC.
  • Beseler, B., Plumb, M. S. (2019). 10 tips to using video analysis more effectively in physical education: Editor: Brian Mosier. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 90(1), 52-56.
  • Buschner, C. (2006). Online physical education: Wires and lights in a box. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 77(2), 3-8.
  • Casey, A., Jones, B. (2011). Using digital technology to enhance student engagement in physical education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 2(2), 51-66.
  • Ceceri, K. (2020). Online physical education for homeschoolers. Erişim Adresi:
  • Çoban, S. (2016). Üniversitelerde öğretim yönetim sistemleri yazılımları kullanımına yönelik bir inceleme. Batman Üniversitesi Yaşam Bilimleri Dergisi, 6(1), 1-12.
  • Crews, T. B., Neill, J. (2014). Preferred delivery method for online instruction: Secondary students' perceptions. Journal of Applied Research for Business Instruction, 12(1), 1-6.
  • Daum, D. N. (2020). Thinking about hybrid or online learning in physical education? Start here! Editor: Brian Mosier. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 91(1), 42-44.
  • Daum, D. N., Buschner, C. (2012). The status of high school online physical education in the United States. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 31(1), 86-100.
  • Daum, D. N., Buschner, C. (2018). Research on teaching blended and online physical education. In R. Ferdig ve K. Kennedy (Eds.), Handbook of research on K—12 online and blended learning (pp. 201–221). Pittsburgh, PA: ETC Press.
  • Edwards, V. (2020). It is time to make use of technology: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation ve Dance, 91(2), 56-57.
  • Gibbone, A., Mercier, K. (2014). Accomplishing PETE learning standards and program accreditation through teacher candidates' technology-based service learning projects. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 85(5), 18-22.
  • Goad, T., Jones, E. (2017). Training online physical educators: A phenomenological case study. Education Research International, 2, 1-12.
  • Goad, T., Towner, B., Jones, E., Bulger, S. (2019). Instructional tools for online physical education: Using mobile technologies to enhance learning. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 90(6), 40-47.
  • Hellison, D. (2011). Fiziksel Aktivite Yoluyla Bireysel Sosyal Sorumluluk Öğretimi.(Çev. Bijen Filiz). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık.
  • ITC. (2010). Distance education survey result. Erişim adresi:
  • Jeong, H. C., So, W. Y. (2020). Difficulties of online physical education classes in middle and high school and an efficient operation plan to address them. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(19), 7279.
  • Juniu, S. (2011). Pedagogical uses of technology in physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 82(9), 41-49.
  • Koekoek, J., Van Der Mars, H., van der Kamp, J., Walinga, W., van Hilvoorde, I. (2018). Aligning digital video technology with game pedagogy in physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89(1), 12-22.
  • Kooiman, B. J., Sheehan, D. P., Wesolek, M., Retegui, E. (2017). Moving online physical education from oxymoron to efficacy. Sport, Education and Society, 22(2), 230-246.
  • Kooiman, B. J., Sheehan, D. P. (2014). The efficacy of exergames played proximally and over the internet on cognitive functioning for online physical education. American Journal of Distance Education, 28(4), 280-291.
  • Lambert, C. (2016). Technology has a place in physical education: Editor: Brian Mosier. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 87(9), 58-60.
  • Lee, J., Chang, S. H. (2020). Video-based learning: recommendations for physical educators. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 92(2), 3-4.
  • Lonn, S., Teasley, S. D., Krumm, A. E. (2011). Who needs to do what where? Using learning management systems on residential vs. commuter campuses. Computers & Education, 56(3), 642-649.
  • Martin, M. R., Melnyk, J., Zimmerman, R. (2015). Fitness apps: motivating students to move. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 86(6), 50-54.
  • McBrien, J. L., Cheng, R., Jones, P. (2009). Virtual spaces: Employing a synchronous online classroom to facilitate student engagement in online learning. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 10(3), 1–17.
  • McRandal, D. (2020). Online physical education? The edoptions academy approach and why it works. Edmentum Blog Erişim adresi:
  • Mohnsen, B. (2012). Implementing online physical education. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 83(2), 42-47.
  • Mosier, B. (2012). Virtual physical education: A call for action. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 83(3), 6-10.
  • Palvia, S., Aeron, P., Gupta, P., Mahapatra, D., Parida, R., Rosner, R., Sindhi, S. (2018). Online education: Worldwide status, challenges, trends, and implications. Journal of Global Information Technology Management, 21(4), 233-241.
  • Quintas, A., Bustamante, J. C., Pradas, F., & Castellar, C. (2020). Psychological effects of gamified didactics with exergames in Physical Education at primary schools: Results from a natural experiment. Computers & Education, 152, 103874.
  • Roth, K. (2014). technology for tomorrow's teachers. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 85(4), 3-5.
  • SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2020). Guidelines for K-12 online physical education.
  • SHAPE America–Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2018). Guidelines for K-12 online physical education. [Guidance document].
  • SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators. (2016). Shape of the nation: Status of physical education in the USA. Reston, VA: Author.
  • Sheehan, D. P., Katz, L. (2012). The practical and theoretical implications of flow theory and intrinsic motivation in designing and implementing exergaming in the school environment. Loading, 6(9), 53-68.
  • Singh, V., Thurman, A. (2019). How many ways can we define online learning? A systematic literature review of definitions of online learning (1988-2018). American Journal of Distance Education, 33(4), 289–306.
  • Tootoonchi, N. (2016). The importance of students ‘perceptions of the online learnıng environment in mathematics classes: Literature review. International Journal of Education Research, 11(1), 1-14.
  • Walton-Fisette, J. L., Wuest, D. A. (2018). Foundations of physical education, exercise science, and sport. McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Watson, J. (2008). Blended learning: The convergence of online and face-to-face education. Vienna, Va: The North american Council for Online Learning.
  • Watson, J., Murin, A., Vashaw, L., Gemin, B., Rapp, C. (2013). Keeping pace with K-12 online & blended learning: an annual review of policy and practice. 10-year anniversary issue. Evergreen Education Group.
  • Wicks, M. (2010). A national primer on K-12 online learning. Version 2. Vienna, VA: International association for K-12 online learning.
  • Zwain, A. A. A. (2019). Technological innovativeness and information quality as neoteric predictors of users’ acceptance of learning management system: An expansion of UTAUT2. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 16 (3), 239–254.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Spor Hekimliği
Bölüm Derleme

Hüseyin Ünlü 0000-0002-3079-4417

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Haziran 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2022

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