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Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 195 - 227, 01.06.2012


Hem eğitim bilimlerinin hem de yönetim bilimlerinin ortak ve en önemli amaçlarından biri,
insanların sahip oldukları yetenekleri tam olarak kullanabilmelerini sağlamaktır. Öz yeterlik
ve kolektif yeterlik algıları, insanların yapabileceklerine inandıkları ile yaptıkları arasındaki
farkın olumlu ve olumsuz anlamda nelerden kaynaklandığının açıklanmasına katkı
sağlayabilecek önemli kavramlardır. Öz yeterlik kavramı ülkemizde ve yurt dışında çok
sayıda araştırmaya konu olmuşken kolektif yeterlik kavramı daha az araştırılmıştır. Literatür
incelemesine dayalı bu kuramsal çalışmada, öz yeterlik ve kolektif yeterlik kavramları
öğretmenler ve okul bağlamında ayrıntılı olarak irdelenmiştir. Bunu takiben öğretmenlerin öz
yeterlik ve kolektif yeterlik algılarının önemi ve bunların nasıl geliştirilebileceği üzerinde
durulmuş ve bazı çıkarımlar yapılmıştır.


  • Akpınar, B. ve Aydın, K. (2007). Eğitimde değişim ve öğretmenlerin değişim algıları. Eğitim ve Bilim, 32 (144), 71–80.
  • Armstrong-Coppins, D.R. (2003). What principals do to increase collective teacher efficacy in urban schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Cardinal Stritch University College of Education. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No. 3119769).
  • Atıcı, M. (2000). İlkokul öğretmenlerinin sınıf yönetiminde yetkinlik beklentisi rolünün İngiltere ve Türkiye’de seçilen bir araştırma grubu üzerinde incelenmesi. adresinden 21.03.2006 tarihinde alındı.
  • Balcı, A. (2001). Etkili okul ve okul geliştirme. Ankara: Pegema Yayıncılık
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, 191-215.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28 (2), 117–148.
  • Bandura, A. (1995). Exercise of personal and collective efficacy in changing societies. İçinde: A. Bandura (Ed.), Self-efficacy in changing societies. (pp. 1–45). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
  • Bandura, A. (2002). Self-efficacy assessment. İçinde: R. Fernandez-Ballesteros (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychological assessment. London: Sage Publications.
  • Basım, H. N., Korkmazyürek, H. ve Tokat, A. O. (2008). Çalışanların öz yeterlilik algılamasının yenilikçilik ve risk alma üzerine etkisi: Kamu sektöründe bir araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19, 121– 130.
  • Bıkmaz, F. H. (2004). Öz yeterlik inançları. İçinde: Y. Kuzgun ve D. Deryakulu (Ed.). Eğitimde Bireysel Farklılıklar (289–314). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Bümen, N. T. (2009). İlk ve Ortaöğretim Öğretmenlerinin Özyeterlik İnançlarının İncelenmesi: İzmir İli Örneği, 18. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı. İnternetten 18 Eylül 2010 tarihinde elde edilmiştir: kongrebildiri_detay.aspx?id=101344
  • Chen, G., Bliese, P. D. (2002). The role of different levels of leadership in predicting self and collective efficacy: Evidence for discontinuity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 549–556.
  • Cybulski, T. G., Hoy, W. K., Sweetland, S.R. (2005). The roles of collective efficacy of teachers and fiscal efficiency in student achievement. Journal of Educational Administration, 43 (5), 439–461.
  • Demir, K. (2008). Transformational leadership and collective efficacy: the moderating roles of collaborative culture and teachers’ self-efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 33, 93-112.
  • Elliot, S. (2000). The relationship between teacher efficacy and principal leadership behaviors and teacher background variables in elementary school, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No: 800–521– 0600).
  • Fernandez-Ballesteros, R., Diez-Nicolas J., Carpara G. V., Barbanelli, C., Bandura, A. (2002). Determinants and structural relation of personal efficacy to collective efficacy. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53 (1) 107–125.
  • Gibson, S., Dembo, M. (1984). Teacher efficacy: A consruct validation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76 (4), 569–582.
  • Goddard, R. D., Skra, L. (2006). The influence of school social composition on teachers' collective efficacy beliefs. Educational Administration Quarterly, 42(2), 216–235.
  • Goddard, R. G., Hoy, W. K. & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2004). Collective efficacy: Theoretical development, empirical evidence, and future directions. Educational Researcher, 33(3) 3–13.
  • Goddard, R. D. (2001). Collective efficacy: A neglected construct in the study of the schools and student achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (3), 467–476.
  • Goddard, R. D. (2002a). A theoretical and emprical analysis of the measurement of collective efficacy: The development of a short form. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 62 (1), 97–110.
  • Goddard, R. D. (2002b). Collaective efficacy and school organization: A nultilevel analysis of teacher influence in schools. Theory and research in educational administration. Hoy, W.K ve Miskel, C. G.(Eds), Theory and Research in Educational Administration. 1, 169–184.
  • Goddard, R. D., Hoy, W.K. & Woolfolk-Hoy, A. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and ımpact on student achievement. American Education Research Journal, 37(2), 479–507.
  • Grass, K. (2004). Collective efficacy and increasing student achievement: A case sudy of one improving high poverty school. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Universty of Virginia. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI Number: 3198953).
  • Hipp, K. A. (1995). Exploring relationship between principal leadersihp behaviors and sense of efficacy in Wisconsin Middle Schools. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database.
  • Hoy, W.K., Miskel, C. G. (2010). Eğitim yönetimi, teori, araştırma uygulama. (Çeviri Editörü Selahattin Turan). Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Ankara.
  • Hoy, W. K. & Woolfolk, A.E. (1993). Teachers’s sense of efficacy and the organizational health of schools. The Elementary School Journal, 93 (4), 356–372.
  • Hoy, W. K., Sweetland, S. R., Smith, P. A (2002). Toward an organizational model of achievement in high schools: The significance of colective efficacy. Educational Administration Quarterly, 38, 177–93.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (1999). Yeni insan ve insanlar. İstanbul: Evrim
  • Korkmaz, İ. (2006). Yeni İlköğretim Programının Öğretmenler Tarafından Değerlendirilmesi. Ulusal sınıf Öğretmenliği Kongresi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi. Bildiri Kitabı Cilt 2, 249–260.
  • Kurt, T. (2009). Okul müdürlerinin dönüşümcü ve işlemci liderlik stilleri ile öğretmenlerin kolektif yeterliği ve öz yeterliği arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • Kurt, T., Duyar, İ. ve Çalık, T. (2012). Are we legitimate yet? A closer look at the casual relationship mechanisms among principal leadership, teacher self- efficacy and collective efficacy. Journal of Manegement Development, 31(1), 71-86.
  • Larrick, C. S. (2004). Collective teacher efficacy and student achievement. unpublished doctoral thesis. Universty of Virginia. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No: 3144628).
  • Leithwood, K. (1994) Leadership for school restructuring. Educational Administration Quarterly, 30 (4), 498–518.
  • Leithwood, K. (2007). What we know abouth educational leadership. J.M. Burger, C. Webber ve P. Knick. (Eds.) Intelligent Leadership, Springer, 41–66.
  • Nicholson, M. R. (2003). Transformational leadership and collective efficacy: A model of school achievement. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Ohio State University. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No:3093682)
  • Oliver, D. F. (2001) Teachers personel and school culture characteristics in effective schools: Toward a model of a Professional learning community. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Louisiana State University. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No:3093682).
  • Özpolat, A., R., Sezer, F., İşgör, İ., Y. ve Sezer, M. (2007). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin yeni ilköğretim programına ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 36 (174), 206–213).
  • Pajares, F. (2002). Overview of social cognitive theory and of self-efficacy. adresinden 12.05.2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Riggs, I., Enochs, L. (1990). Toward the development of an elementary teacher’s science teaching efficacy belief instrument. Science Education, 74, 625– 638.
  • Tschannen-Moran, M., Woolfolk-Hoy, A. (2007). The differential antecedents of self-efficacy of novice and experienced teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education,23, 944–956.
  • Tschannen-Moran, M., Woolfolk Hoy, A., Hoy W. K. (1998). Teacher efficacy: Its meaning and measure. Review of Educational Research, 68, 202–248.
  • Walumbwa, F. O., Wang, P., Lawler, J. J., Shi, K. (2004). The role of collective efficacy in the relations between transformational leadership and work outcomes. Journal of Occupational and Organization Psychology, 77, 515– 530.
  • Wood, R., Bandura, A. (1989). Social cognitive theory of organizational management. Academy of Management Review, 14 (3), 361–384.
  • Woolfolk, A. E., Hoy, W. K. (1990). Prospective teachers’ sense of efficacy and beliefs about control. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 81–91.
  • Yılmaz, M., Köseoğlu, P., Gerçek, C. ve Soran, H. (2004). Yabancı dilde hazırlanan bir öğretmen öz yeterlik ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, 260–267.
  • The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences
  • Spring 2012, 10(2), 224-227


Yıl 2012, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 195 - 227, 01.06.2012


One of the most common and important objectives of both the science of education and the
science of management is to enable people to utilize their abilities to the fullest extent. Selfefficacy
and collective efficacy perceptions, can contribute to the explanation of positive and
negative causes of the difference between what individuals believe they can achieve versus
what they accomplish. Although the concept of self-efficacy has been the subject of many
studies nationally and abroad, the important concept of collective efficacy has not been
researched extensively. In this conceptual study based on the literature review, self-efficacy
and collective efficacy concepts are explained in a detailed way in terms of teachers and
school. Following this, the importance of the perceptions of teachers’ self-efficacy and
collective efficacy, and how these may be improved are discussed, and some implications
have been done.


  • Akpınar, B. ve Aydın, K. (2007). Eğitimde değişim ve öğretmenlerin değişim algıları. Eğitim ve Bilim, 32 (144), 71–80.
  • Armstrong-Coppins, D.R. (2003). What principals do to increase collective teacher efficacy in urban schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Cardinal Stritch University College of Education. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No. 3119769).
  • Atıcı, M. (2000). İlkokul öğretmenlerinin sınıf yönetiminde yetkinlik beklentisi rolünün İngiltere ve Türkiye’de seçilen bir araştırma grubu üzerinde incelenmesi. adresinden 21.03.2006 tarihinde alındı.
  • Balcı, A. (2001). Etkili okul ve okul geliştirme. Ankara: Pegema Yayıncılık
  • Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: Toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychological Review, 84, 191-215.
  • Bandura, A. (1986). Social foundations of thought and action: A social cognitive theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
  • Bandura, A. (1993). Perceived self-efficacy in cognitive development and functioning. Educational Psychologist, 28 (2), 117–148.
  • Bandura, A. (1995). Exercise of personal and collective efficacy in changing societies. İçinde: A. Bandura (Ed.), Self-efficacy in changing societies. (pp. 1–45). New York: Cambridge University Press.
  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: W. H. Freeman and Company.
  • Bandura, A. (2002). Self-efficacy assessment. İçinde: R. Fernandez-Ballesteros (Ed.), Encyclopedia of psychological assessment. London: Sage Publications.
  • Basım, H. N., Korkmazyürek, H. ve Tokat, A. O. (2008). Çalışanların öz yeterlilik algılamasının yenilikçilik ve risk alma üzerine etkisi: Kamu sektöründe bir araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 19, 121– 130.
  • Bıkmaz, F. H. (2004). Öz yeterlik inançları. İçinde: Y. Kuzgun ve D. Deryakulu (Ed.). Eğitimde Bireysel Farklılıklar (289–314). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.
  • Bümen, N. T. (2009). İlk ve Ortaöğretim Öğretmenlerinin Özyeterlik İnançlarının İncelenmesi: İzmir İli Örneği, 18. Ulusal Eğitim Bilimleri Kurultayı. İnternetten 18 Eylül 2010 tarihinde elde edilmiştir: kongrebildiri_detay.aspx?id=101344
  • Chen, G., Bliese, P. D. (2002). The role of different levels of leadership in predicting self and collective efficacy: Evidence for discontinuity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 549–556.
  • Cybulski, T. G., Hoy, W. K., Sweetland, S.R. (2005). The roles of collective efficacy of teachers and fiscal efficiency in student achievement. Journal of Educational Administration, 43 (5), 439–461.
  • Demir, K. (2008). Transformational leadership and collective efficacy: the moderating roles of collaborative culture and teachers’ self-efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 33, 93-112.
  • Elliot, S. (2000). The relationship between teacher efficacy and principal leadership behaviors and teacher background variables in elementary school, Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Connecticut. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No: 800–521– 0600).
  • Fernandez-Ballesteros, R., Diez-Nicolas J., Carpara G. V., Barbanelli, C., Bandura, A. (2002). Determinants and structural relation of personal efficacy to collective efficacy. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53 (1) 107–125.
  • Gibson, S., Dembo, M. (1984). Teacher efficacy: A consruct validation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 76 (4), 569–582.
  • Goddard, R. D., Skra, L. (2006). The influence of school social composition on teachers' collective efficacy beliefs. Educational Administration Quarterly, 42(2), 216–235.
  • Goddard, R. G., Hoy, W. K. & Woolfolk Hoy, A. (2004). Collective efficacy: Theoretical development, empirical evidence, and future directions. Educational Researcher, 33(3) 3–13.
  • Goddard, R. D. (2001). Collective efficacy: A neglected construct in the study of the schools and student achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 93 (3), 467–476.
  • Goddard, R. D. (2002a). A theoretical and emprical analysis of the measurement of collective efficacy: The development of a short form. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 62 (1), 97–110.
  • Goddard, R. D. (2002b). Collaective efficacy and school organization: A nultilevel analysis of teacher influence in schools. Theory and research in educational administration. Hoy, W.K ve Miskel, C. G.(Eds), Theory and Research in Educational Administration. 1, 169–184.
  • Goddard, R. D., Hoy, W.K. & Woolfolk-Hoy, A. (2000). Collective teacher efficacy: Its meaning, measure, and ımpact on student achievement. American Education Research Journal, 37(2), 479–507.
  • Grass, K. (2004). Collective efficacy and increasing student achievement: A case sudy of one improving high poverty school. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Universty of Virginia. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI Number: 3198953).
  • Hipp, K. A. (1995). Exploring relationship between principal leadersihp behaviors and sense of efficacy in Wisconsin Middle Schools. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database.
  • Hoy, W.K., Miskel, C. G. (2010). Eğitim yönetimi, teori, araştırma uygulama. (Çeviri Editörü Selahattin Turan). Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Ankara.
  • Hoy, W. K. & Woolfolk, A.E. (1993). Teachers’s sense of efficacy and the organizational health of schools. The Elementary School Journal, 93 (4), 356–372.
  • Hoy, W. K., Sweetland, S. R., Smith, P. A (2002). Toward an organizational model of achievement in high schools: The significance of colective efficacy. Educational Administration Quarterly, 38, 177–93.
  • Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç. (1999). Yeni insan ve insanlar. İstanbul: Evrim
  • Korkmaz, İ. (2006). Yeni İlköğretim Programının Öğretmenler Tarafından Değerlendirilmesi. Ulusal sınıf Öğretmenliği Kongresi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi. Bildiri Kitabı Cilt 2, 249–260.
  • Kurt, T. (2009). Okul müdürlerinin dönüşümcü ve işlemci liderlik stilleri ile öğretmenlerin kolektif yeterliği ve öz yeterliği arasındaki ilişkilerin incelenmesi. Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Ankara.
  • Kurt, T., Duyar, İ. ve Çalık, T. (2012). Are we legitimate yet? A closer look at the casual relationship mechanisms among principal leadership, teacher self- efficacy and collective efficacy. Journal of Manegement Development, 31(1), 71-86.
  • Larrick, C. S. (2004). Collective teacher efficacy and student achievement. unpublished doctoral thesis. Universty of Virginia. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No: 3144628).
  • Leithwood, K. (1994) Leadership for school restructuring. Educational Administration Quarterly, 30 (4), 498–518.
  • Leithwood, K. (2007). What we know abouth educational leadership. J.M. Burger, C. Webber ve P. Knick. (Eds.) Intelligent Leadership, Springer, 41–66.
  • Nicholson, M. R. (2003). Transformational leadership and collective efficacy: A model of school achievement. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Ohio State University. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No:3093682)
  • Oliver, D. F. (2001) Teachers personel and school culture characteristics in effective schools: Toward a model of a Professional learning community. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, Louisiana State University. Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Thesis database. (UMI No:3093682).
  • Özpolat, A., R., Sezer, F., İşgör, İ., Y. ve Sezer, M. (2007). Sınıf öğretmenlerinin yeni ilköğretim programına ilişkin görüşlerinin incelenmesi. Milli Eğitim Dergisi, 36 (174), 206–213).
  • Pajares, F. (2002). Overview of social cognitive theory and of self-efficacy. adresinden 12.05.2006 tarihinde alınmıştır.
  • Riggs, I., Enochs, L. (1990). Toward the development of an elementary teacher’s science teaching efficacy belief instrument. Science Education, 74, 625– 638.
  • Tschannen-Moran, M., Woolfolk-Hoy, A. (2007). The differential antecedents of self-efficacy of novice and experienced teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education,23, 944–956.
  • Tschannen-Moran, M., Woolfolk Hoy, A., Hoy W. K. (1998). Teacher efficacy: Its meaning and measure. Review of Educational Research, 68, 202–248.
  • Walumbwa, F. O., Wang, P., Lawler, J. J., Shi, K. (2004). The role of collective efficacy in the relations between transformational leadership and work outcomes. Journal of Occupational and Organization Psychology, 77, 515– 530.
  • Wood, R., Bandura, A. (1989). Social cognitive theory of organizational management. Academy of Management Review, 14 (3), 361–384.
  • Woolfolk, A. E., Hoy, W. K. (1990). Prospective teachers’ sense of efficacy and beliefs about control. Journal of Educational Psychology, 82, 81–91.
  • Yılmaz, M., Köseoğlu, P., Gerçek, C. ve Soran, H. (2004). Yabancı dilde hazırlanan bir öğretmen öz yeterlik ölçeğinin Türkçe’ye uyarlanması. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 27, 260–267.
  • The Journal of Turkish Educational Sciences
  • Spring 2012, 10(2), 224-227
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Diğer ID JA78RB28RA
Bölüm Makaleler

Türker Kurt Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Haziran 2012
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2012 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Kurt, T. (2012). ÖĞRETMENLERİN ÖZ YETERLİK VE KOLEKTİF YETERLİK ALGILARI. Türk Eğitim Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 195-227.

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