Güncel Sayı

Cilt: 34 Sayı: 3, 30.09.2024

Yıl: 2024


“Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon” offers new information for industry personnel, academics and students who are interested in textile and apparel. 

Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon, publishes papers on both fundamental and applied research in various branches of apparel and textile technology and allied areas such as production and properties of natural and synthetic fibers, yarns and fabrics, technical textiles, finishing applications, garment technology, analysis, testing, and quality control.

Compulsory Conditions

Manuscripts must be prepared according to the "Template", otherwise the reviewing processes will not be started.

3) The Writing Rules Below
    Title. The title should be short and informative
    Author details. All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation. One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article PDF and the online article. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after your paper is accepted.
    An abstract not exceeding 150 words should contain some basic information of the paper only in English.
    Keywords. should be given at least 4-5 words.
    Introduction. should include the aim of the study and results from previous notable studies.
    Material and Method should be described clearly and briefly.
    Results and Discussion.
    Conclusions. The general results of the research, the limitations and also the future studies of the subject are discussed in this section.
    Acknowledgements. Please supply all details required by your funding and also the appreciation for something.
        For instance: This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].

                      The author(s) wish to thank….

    Tables and Figures. should be cited in the text and placed after their first reference. They should be numbered using Arabic numerals. Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Figures should be in high resolution (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for color, at the correct size).

    Equations. Equations are numbered in parentheses to the right; they are referred to in the text as Equation (2), Equation (6b), etc., with parentheses. Footnotes should be avoided. The journal requires the use of The International System of Units (SI) for all numerical data.

            The papers in word format and applicatıon forms with signatures should be sent via https://dergipark.org.tr/tekstilvekonfeksiyon

    Citations. in the text should be placed by square brackets, e.g. [1].

         The references should be listed in the same order as cited in the text. Please note that all references listed in the references section must be             directly cited in the body of the text. 



Basic format (with one author)

Author AA. Year. Title of article. Journal Title volume(issue),  pages.

Two or more authors

Author AA, Author B, Author C. Year. Title of article Journal Title volume(issue), pages.

Article published online ahead of placement in an issue

Author A. Year. Title of article. Journal Title  Advance online publication. [Retrieved from URL] or [DOI]


Basic format  (with one author)

Author AA. Year. Title of book. Place: Publisher.

Two authors

Author AA,  Author B. Year. Title of book. Place: Publisher.

Chapter in an edited book

Author AA. Year. Chapter title. In E. E. Editor (Ed.), Title of book. Place: Publisher, pages.



Author AA. (Ed.). Year, Month.  Proceedings of the XXX Symposium, City, Country.

Paper in proceedings

Author AA,  Author B. Year, Month. Title of the paper. In E.E. Editor  (Ed.), Proceedings of the XXX symposium (pages). City, Country.

Dissertation / Thesis


Author AA. Year. Title of doctoral dissertation (Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from/Available from Name of database. (Accession or Order number)


Author AA. Year. Title of doctoral dissertation (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Name of Institution, Location.


Author AA. Year. Title of a master’s thesis (Master’s thesis). Retrieved from/ Available from Name of database. (Accession or Order number)


Author AA. Year. Title of a master’s thesis (Unpublished master’s thesis). Name of Institution, Location.

Technical report


Author AA. Year. Title of work (Report No. xxx). Place: Institution.

Online sources

Web page

Author AA. Year, Month Day. Title of document [Format description]. Retrieved from http://URL

Other reference types


Reviewer RR. Year. Title of review [Review of the publication Title of the publication, by A. A. Author]. Periodical Title, Volume(issue), pages.


Inventor AA. Year of the issue. Patent Number. Place: Office Issuing the Patent.

4) The papers in MS word format with your name(s) and contact information

5) The papers in PDF format without your name(s) and contact information

6) Please advice at least 3 reviewers who are relevant to the topic

If one of these rules is missing, the reviewing processes will not begin!


The editorial board welcomes both fundamental and applied research articles in various branches of apparel and textile technology and technical textiles. Articles should be comprehensive reports of significant results or conclusions. Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon publishes original research on all aspects of apparel and textile technology and technical textiles, which have not been or are not to be copyrighted, classified, or submitted for publication elsewhere.
All submitted manuscripts are treated as confidential. They are usually reviewed by at least 2 anonymous experts selected by the editorial board. Additionally, authors are invited to recommend reviewers.

The manuscript will be accepted for publication provided reviews are favorable. In case of diversified opinions of the reviewers, the Editorial boards will bring a final decision. The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor’s decision to accept, reject, or request revision of manuscripts. After the reviewing process, author(s) have to accomplish their corrections within 1 month.

When the final revised manuscript is completely acceptable according to the format and criteria, it is scheduled for publication in the next available issue.
If the Editorial Board considers the errors in the contents or the presentation of the paper; the paper will be returned to the author to correct and complete.
Manuscripts must not have been copyrighted, classified, or submitted for publication elsewhere. All original journal articles are copyrighted in the name of the publisher. All original articles accepted for publication must be accompanied by the application form.


Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon presents peer-reviewed original research articles from leading research organizations, universities, industrial laboratories, government research centers, and independent researchers.

In the manuscripts submitted to the Journal, the ethics and responsibilities of the author(s), reviewer(s), editorial board, and editor(s) are taken into consideration in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics-COPE (https://publicationethics.org/).

The journal may use plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.


Author(s) should ensure that:

• They should prepare their manuscript according to the instruction rules of the Journal given at https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/tekstilvekonfeksiyon/writing-rules and upload the filled Copyright Form with the manuscript file.
• Their work has not been previously published and has been submitted only to the journal.
• They adhere to all research ethics guidelines of their discipline, particularly where human or animal subjects are involved. If necessary, the Ethics Committee Approval file should be uploaded to the system in addition to the manuscript file.
• Where the material is taken from other sources (including their own published writing) the source is clearly cited and that where appropriate permission is obtained.
• Their work does not infringe on any rights of others, including privacy rights and intellectual property rights.
• Their data is their own or that they have permission to use data reproduced in their paper.
• Any real or apparent conflicting or competing interest is clearly stated on the submission of their paper (this would include funding assistance).
• They contact the Editor to identify and correct any material errors upon discovery, whether prior or subsequent to publication of their work
• Authorship of the paper is accurately represented, including ensuring that all individuals credited as authors participated in the actual authorship of the work and that all who participated are credited and have given consent for publication.
• During the review process, they should apply to the editorial board with the approval of all co-authors, if there is a need for a revision in the authors’ information (adding/removing of an author, changing the order of authors, etc.).


Reviewer(s) should:

• Only agree to evaluate studies related to their specialty.
• Return reviews within the designated timeframe.
• Maintain the confidentiality of the review process.
• Conduct themselves fairly and impartially.
• İmmediately alert the journal editor of any real or potential competing interest that could affect the impartiality of their reviewing and decline to review where appropriate.
• Report any potentially unethical behavior or content to the editor via e-mail.
• Use thoughtful and constructive language. Hostile or derogatory comments are not acceptable.


The members of the editorial board should:
• Ensure that they are familiar with journal policies and developments in regular meetings and announcements.
• Be qualified and able to contribute to the journal.
• Evaluate studies impartially and independently.
• Be transparent about real or apparent competing interests.
• Contact and hold regular meetings with the editor regarding the development of editorial policies and other aspects of journal management.


Editor(s) should:

• Endeavor to meet the needs of readers and authors;
• Maintain continuous development to improve the quality of the journal;
• Consistently work to ensure quality;
• Demonstrate clarity and transparency with any necessary corrections or explanations.
• Maintain and promote consistent ethical policies for the Journal.
• Oversee and act to enforce those policies as needed in a fair and consistent manner.
• Ensure the confidentiality of the review process.
• Take the necessary remarks and precautions for the reviewer(s) to evaluate the article in a timely, impartial and scientific manner.
• Guide the reviewer(s) in the review process and provide the requested information by the reviewer(s).
• Respond to all complaints in a timely and comprehensive manner.
work with authors, reviewers, and Editorial Board members as necessary to ensure they are sufficiently advised regarding their journals’ ethics and publishing policies and that the journal’s stewardship on ethical matters is fair, unbiased, and timely.
• Exercise the highest standards of personal integrity in their work as editor of the journal,
• Ensure that any conflicts of interest between authors, reviewers, or other editors are disclosed and managed appropriately to provide an independent and impartial process.
• Take action against any allegations of possible misconduct. In addition to conducting a rigorous and objective investigation of complaints, the editor is expected to share the findings and conclusions.
• Ensure that human and animal rights were protected in the studies submitted for publication.
• Protect intellectual property and defend the rights of the journal and author(s). In addition, the editor is to take the necessary measures to prevent any violation of the intellectual property rights of others in journal publications.


Ege Üniversitesi Personel Dairesi Başkanlığının 28/09/2020 tarih ve E.248221 sayılı yazısına uygun olarak dergi yayın ücreti alınmamaktadır.

Editorial Office

Ege University
Textile and Apparel Research-Application Center
Bornova 35100 İzmir Turkey

No part of this journal may be reproduced, stored, transmitted or disseminated in any forms or by any means without prior written permission of the Editorial Board. The views and opinions expressed here in the articles are those of the authors and are not the views of Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon and Textile and Apparel Research-Application Center.