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Yıl 2023, , 219 - 232, 31.12.2023


Seyrüsefer ve gemi inşa teknolojisindeki son gelişmeler neticesinde tam veya yarı otonom gemilerin yakın bir gelecekte yaygın şekilde kullanıma geçmesi muhtemel görünmektedir. Bu türden yeni tip gemilerin kullanımı sebebiyle ortaya çıkacak en önemli meselelerden biri ise mevcut hukuki düzenlemelerin otonom ve yarı otonom gemilere ne ölçüde uygulanabilir olduğudur. Genellikle hukuki düzenlemelerin denizcilik endüstrisindeki teknolojik gelişmeleri epey gecikmeli olarak takip ettiği göz önünde bulundurulursa, yeni tip gemilerin, en azından ilk aşamada, mevcut hukuki düzenlemelere tabi olması kuvvetle muhtemel görünmektedir. Ancak mevcut düzenlemelerin uzun yıllardır kullanılagelen konvansiyonel gemilere ve bu gemilerin tabi olduğu hukuki ihtiyaçlara göre kaleme alındığı dikkate alınırsa, bu gemilere göre büyük farklılıklar gösteren yeni tip gemilerin mevcut hükümler ile uyumu hakkında bir takım soru işaretleri bulunduğunu kabul etmek gerekir. Söz konusu hukuki düzenlemelerden biri de kısmen veya tamamen deniz yoluyla yük taşınması konulu sözleşmeleri düzenleyen mevcut hukuki rejimlerin yerini alarak bu alanda ihtiyaç duyulan yeknesaklığı sağlamak amacıyla kaleme alınarak 2009’da imzaya açılan Rotterdam Kurallarıdır. Her ne kadar Konvansiyonun hükümleri detaylı analizlerle ele alınmış olsa da bu hükümlerin yeni tip gemilere uygunluğu üzerinde fazlaca durulan bir konu değildir. Bu sebeple, bu çalışmada Rotterdam Kuralları’nın otonom ve yarı otonom gemilere ne derecede uygun olduğu hususunun ele alınmıştır.

Destekleyen Kurum


Proje Numarası



  • Aladwani, Talal (2011), 'Effect of Shipping Standards on Seaworthiness' European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) C: 3, S: 2, ss. 33-45
  • Alcantara, Jose M. & Hunt, Frazer & Johansson,Svante O. & Oland, Barry & Pysden, Kay & Ramberg, Jan & Schmitt, Douglas G. & Tetley, William & Vidal, Julio (2010), ‘Particular Concerns With Regard to the Rotterdam Rules’ Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, S: 2, C: 2, ss. 5-15
  • Amaxilati, Zoumpoulia ‘The human element in autonomous shipping’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2022) Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping, Londra, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 114-126.
  • Arthur Guinness, Son & Co (Dublin) Ltd v The Freshfield (Owners) (The Lady Gwendolen) [1965] P 294, 330 Atamer, Kerim (2010), ‘Construction Problems in the Rotterdam Rules regarding the Performing and Maritime Performing Parties’ JMLC, S: 4, C: 41, ss. 469-498
  • Baughen, Simon & Tettenborn, Andrew, ‘International Regulation of Shipping and Unmanned Vessels’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2021) Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Shipping: Developing the International Legal Framework, Hart Publishing, ss. 7–24
  • Baughen, Simon, ‘Who is the master now? – Regulatory and contractual challenges of unmanned vessels’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 129-161
  • Bond, Nicholas (2014) ‘The Maritime Performing Party and the Scope of the Rotterdam Rules’ ANZMLJ 95, S: 2, C: 28, ss. 95-116
  • Carey, Luci (2017), ‘All Hands off Deck? The Legal Barriers to Autonomous Ships’ CML Working Paper Series, 2017/6, ss. 1-31,, s.e.t. 15.05.2023
  • Ciğer, Selim (2021) On Yılın Ardından Rotterdam Kuralları, İstanbul On İki Levha Yayınları
  • Ciğer, Selim, ‘Mürettebatsız Gemiler ve Kaptan – TTK Hükümleri Bağlamında Bir İnceleme’: Ilgın, Sezer & Sözer, Bülent (Editörler) (2021), 2020 Sonrasında Deniz Ticareti ve Sigorta Hukuku: Olası Sorunlar, İstanbul, Vedat Yayıncılık, ss. 463-498
  • Ciğer, Selim (2015) ‘Potential Impact of the Rotterdam Rules on Certain Aspects of the Carrier’s Liability in English Law: A Critical Evaluation of The Convention’s Treatment of Delay, Carrier’s Sub-contractors and Multimodal Transport’ (Doktora), University of Bristol
  • Cömert, Venüs (2022) Taşıyanın Gemiyi Denize, Yola ve Yüke Elverişli Bulundurma Borcu, İstanbul, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık
  • Dean, Paul & Clack, Henry & Ainley Astrid, ‘Autonomous Systems: Cyber Risks and Seaworthiness’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2022) Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping, Londra, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 40-54
  • Declaracion De Montevideo’, 22 October 2010,, s.e.t. 05.05.23 Diamond, Anthony (2009), ‘The Rotterdam Rules’ Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, ss. 445-536 Ecemiş Yılmaz, Hatice Kübra (2023), ‘Otonom/İnsansız Gemilerin Hukuki Statüsü ve Türkiye Uygulamaları’ SÜHFD, S: 1, C: 31, ss. 429-460
  • Farrell, David J. (2022), ‘Opinion: To Support U.S. Interests, Ratify UNCLOS and Rotterdam Rules’ The Maritime Executive,, s.e.t. 27.07.2023.
  • Fuglevåg, Ingar (2020), ‘The Rotterdam Rules – Another nail in the coffin?’ Simonsen Vogt Wiig,, s.e.t. 13.08.2022 Hailey, Roger (2011), ‘Legal Experts Urge Brussels to Redraft Rotterdam Rules’ Lloyd’s List,, s.e.t. 05.05.2023
  • IMO “IMO Regulatory Scoping Exercise for the use of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)”, özet ve detayları için bkz., s.e.t. 01.05.2023. Kampantais, Nikolaus (2016) ‘Seaworthiness in Autonomous Unmanned Cargo Ships’ (Yüksek Lisans), Rotterdam Erasmus University,, s.e.t. 15.05.2023 Kara, Hacı ‘Gemilerde Yapay Zekâ Kullanımı ve Buna Dair Hukuki Sorunlar’ (2020) SDÜHFD S: 1, C: 10, ss. 17-47 Kara, Hacı (2018) Rotterdam Kuralları’na Göre Taşıyanın Zıya, Hasar Veya Gecikmeden Kaynaklanan Zararlardan Sorumluluğu, 2. Bası, İstanbul, Legal Yayıncılık.
  • Krebs, Thomas (2023), ‘Electronic transport documents—a new dawn?’ LMCLQ, ss. 82-91 Myburgh, Paul (2007), ‘Charting The Limits of Nautical Fault Exemption’, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, ss. 291-294 Nikaki, Theodora & Soyer, Barış (2012), ‘New International Regime for Carriage of Goods by Sea: Contemporary, Certain, Inclusive and Efficient, or Just Another One for the Shelves’ Berkeley Journal of International Law, S: 2, C: 30, ss. 302-348
  • Nikaki, Theodora (2009), ‘The Statutory Himalaya-Type Protection Under the Rotterdam Rules: Capable of Filling the Gaps?’ JBL, ss. 403-421
  • Ozdel, Melis (2022), ‘Reconceptualising the Nautical Fault Exception in the Fog of Emerging Technologies’ Industrial Law Journal, S: 3, C: 51, ss. 672-695 Rolls Royce AAWA Position Paper: Remote and Autonomous Ships – Next Steps, s.e.t. 05.05.2023
  • Smeele, Frank (2010), ‘The maritime performing party in the Rotterdam Rules 2009’ EJCCL, S: 1/2, C: 2, ss. 72-86 Soyer, B. & Tettenborn, A. & Leloudas, G. ‘Remote Controlled and Autonomous Shipping: UK Based Case Study’,, s.e.t. 01.08.2023).
  • Soyer, Barış (2020), ‘Another Nail in the Coffin? Rotterdam Rules One for the Shelves?’ The Official Blog of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law,, s.e.t. 05.05.2023
  • Sözer, Bülent (2020), ‘Self-Steering Ships’ Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, S: 2, C: 19, ss. 1345-1380 Sözer, Bülent, ‘Seaworthiness: In the Context of Cyber-risks or ‘Cyberworthiness’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2021) Ship Operations: New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in the Maritime Sector, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, ss. 99-110;
  • Sözer, Bülent, ‘Teknolojik Gelişmelerin, Taşıyanın Gemiyi Sefere Elverişli Halde Bulundurmak Borcunun Kapsamına ve İçeriğine Etkileri’: Süzel, Cüneyt (Editör) (2019), Deniz Ticareti Hukukunda Yeni Sorunlar Sempozyumu, İstanbul, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, ss. 1-12
  • Stevens, Frank, ‘Carrier Liability for Unmanned Ships: Goodbye crew, Hello Liability?’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 148-161
  • Stevens, Frank, ‘Seaworthiness and Good Seamanship in the Age of Autonomous Vessels’: Ringbom, Henrik, & Røsæg, Erik & Solvang, Trond (Editörler) (2020) Autonomous Ships and The Law, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, ss. 243-260
  • Sturley, Michael F. & Fujita, Tomotaka & van der Ziel, Gertjan J. (2010) The Rotterdam Rules: the UN convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea, 1. Bası, Londra, Sweet & Maxwell 2010
  • Sturley, Michael, ‘Can commercial law accommodate new technologies in international shipping?’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 22-35
  • Süzel, Cüneyt & Damar, Duygu (2010), ‘Kısmen veya Tamamen Deniz Yoluyla Eşyanın Milletlerarası Taşınması Sözleşmelerine İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesi (Rotterdam Kuralları)’ BATİDER, S: 2, C: 26, ss. 149-240 TBMM “1178 ilâ 1192 nci Maddelere İlişkin Genel Açıklamalar - Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı ve Adalet Komisyonu Raporu (1/324)”, (TBMM Dönem: 23, Yasama Yılı: 2, Sıra Sayısı: 96)
  • Tettenborn, Andrew, ‘Shipping Product liability goes high-tech’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 116-128
  • Tsimplis, Michael & Veal, Robert (2017), ‘The integration of unmanned ships into the lex maritima” Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, ss. 303-335
  • Ulfbeck, Vibe ‘Autonomous ships and product liability under the EU directive Vibe Ulfbeck’: Ringbom, Henrik, & Røsæg, Erik & Solvang, Trond (Editörler) (2021) Autonomous Ships and The Law, Oxon & New York, Routledge, ss. 144-154 UNCITRAL, ‘Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its nineteenth session’ (A/CN.9/621), para 83,, s.e.t. 31.07.2023.
  • van Hooydonk, Eric (2014), ‘The law of unmanned Merchant shipping – an exploration’ Journal of International Maritime Law, S: 4, C: 20, ss. 403-423
  • Williams, Richard, ‘Unmanned ships–a challenge to the current international regime regulating the carriage of goods?’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2021) Ship Operations: New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in the Maritime Sector, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, ss. 221-237
  • Wright, R. Glenn (2020) ‘Unmanned and autonomous ships – An overview of Mass’, Routledge, Yang, Yin (2011) ‘The Abolition Of The Nautical Fault Exemption: To Be Or Not To Be’ (Yüksek Lisans), Lund University Yılmaz, Mustafa (2022) Otonom Gemilerin Hukuki Boyutu, Ankara, Yetkin Yayıncılık


Yıl 2023, , 219 - 232, 31.12.2023


Technological developments in navigation and ship building techniques mean that the remote controlled vessels or wholly or partially autonomous vessels will be a reality in near future. Amongst the many questions these new ships pose is the suitability of the existing legal regulations governing maritime commerce. Considering that the law tends to lag behind the technological developments within the shipping industry, it is highly probable that these new ships will be subject to application of the rules regulating the carriage of goods by sea presently, at least in the early stages of their adoption. The apparent issue is that most of these rules are drafted entirely in adherence with the conventional ships and their needs. Understandably, there are valid concerns regarding these existing legal frameworks and their suitability to govern the remotely controlled or autonomous ships. One such legal regime is the Rotterdam Rules: drafted and opened to signature in about a decade ago, the international convention governing international carriage of goods wholly or partially by sea seeks to replace the existing legal frameworks presently applicable and achieve much needed uniformity by offering a modern and comprehensive alternative. Although there exist some doubts on whether such ambitions are still realistically attainable due to considerable criticism the Convention has received over the past years, an aspect that is not immediately obvious is the compatibility of this new regime with the new type of vessels. Therefore, it is the aim of this paper to explore to what extent the Rotterdam Rules are apt to govern related legal problems concerning the use of remote controlled or autonomous vessels.

Proje Numarası



  • Aladwani, Talal (2011), 'Effect of Shipping Standards on Seaworthiness' European Journal of Commercial Contract Law (EJCCL) C: 3, S: 2, ss. 33-45
  • Alcantara, Jose M. & Hunt, Frazer & Johansson,Svante O. & Oland, Barry & Pysden, Kay & Ramberg, Jan & Schmitt, Douglas G. & Tetley, William & Vidal, Julio (2010), ‘Particular Concerns With Regard to the Rotterdam Rules’ Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, S: 2, C: 2, ss. 5-15
  • Amaxilati, Zoumpoulia ‘The human element in autonomous shipping’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2022) Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping, Londra, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 114-126.
  • Arthur Guinness, Son & Co (Dublin) Ltd v The Freshfield (Owners) (The Lady Gwendolen) [1965] P 294, 330 Atamer, Kerim (2010), ‘Construction Problems in the Rotterdam Rules regarding the Performing and Maritime Performing Parties’ JMLC, S: 4, C: 41, ss. 469-498
  • Baughen, Simon & Tettenborn, Andrew, ‘International Regulation of Shipping and Unmanned Vessels’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2021) Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Shipping: Developing the International Legal Framework, Hart Publishing, ss. 7–24
  • Baughen, Simon, ‘Who is the master now? – Regulatory and contractual challenges of unmanned vessels’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 129-161
  • Bond, Nicholas (2014) ‘The Maritime Performing Party and the Scope of the Rotterdam Rules’ ANZMLJ 95, S: 2, C: 28, ss. 95-116
  • Carey, Luci (2017), ‘All Hands off Deck? The Legal Barriers to Autonomous Ships’ CML Working Paper Series, 2017/6, ss. 1-31,, s.e.t. 15.05.2023
  • Ciğer, Selim (2021) On Yılın Ardından Rotterdam Kuralları, İstanbul On İki Levha Yayınları
  • Ciğer, Selim, ‘Mürettebatsız Gemiler ve Kaptan – TTK Hükümleri Bağlamında Bir İnceleme’: Ilgın, Sezer & Sözer, Bülent (Editörler) (2021), 2020 Sonrasında Deniz Ticareti ve Sigorta Hukuku: Olası Sorunlar, İstanbul, Vedat Yayıncılık, ss. 463-498
  • Ciğer, Selim (2015) ‘Potential Impact of the Rotterdam Rules on Certain Aspects of the Carrier’s Liability in English Law: A Critical Evaluation of The Convention’s Treatment of Delay, Carrier’s Sub-contractors and Multimodal Transport’ (Doktora), University of Bristol
  • Cömert, Venüs (2022) Taşıyanın Gemiyi Denize, Yola ve Yüke Elverişli Bulundurma Borcu, İstanbul, Oniki Levha Yayıncılık
  • Dean, Paul & Clack, Henry & Ainley Astrid, ‘Autonomous Systems: Cyber Risks and Seaworthiness’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2022) Disruptive Technologies, Climate Change and Shipping, Londra, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 40-54
  • Declaracion De Montevideo’, 22 October 2010,, s.e.t. 05.05.23 Diamond, Anthony (2009), ‘The Rotterdam Rules’ Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, ss. 445-536 Ecemiş Yılmaz, Hatice Kübra (2023), ‘Otonom/İnsansız Gemilerin Hukuki Statüsü ve Türkiye Uygulamaları’ SÜHFD, S: 1, C: 31, ss. 429-460
  • Farrell, David J. (2022), ‘Opinion: To Support U.S. Interests, Ratify UNCLOS and Rotterdam Rules’ The Maritime Executive,, s.e.t. 27.07.2023.
  • Fuglevåg, Ingar (2020), ‘The Rotterdam Rules – Another nail in the coffin?’ Simonsen Vogt Wiig,, s.e.t. 13.08.2022 Hailey, Roger (2011), ‘Legal Experts Urge Brussels to Redraft Rotterdam Rules’ Lloyd’s List,, s.e.t. 05.05.2023
  • IMO “IMO Regulatory Scoping Exercise for the use of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASS)”, özet ve detayları için bkz., s.e.t. 01.05.2023. Kampantais, Nikolaus (2016) ‘Seaworthiness in Autonomous Unmanned Cargo Ships’ (Yüksek Lisans), Rotterdam Erasmus University,, s.e.t. 15.05.2023 Kara, Hacı ‘Gemilerde Yapay Zekâ Kullanımı ve Buna Dair Hukuki Sorunlar’ (2020) SDÜHFD S: 1, C: 10, ss. 17-47 Kara, Hacı (2018) Rotterdam Kuralları’na Göre Taşıyanın Zıya, Hasar Veya Gecikmeden Kaynaklanan Zararlardan Sorumluluğu, 2. Bası, İstanbul, Legal Yayıncılık.
  • Krebs, Thomas (2023), ‘Electronic transport documents—a new dawn?’ LMCLQ, ss. 82-91 Myburgh, Paul (2007), ‘Charting The Limits of Nautical Fault Exemption’, Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, ss. 291-294 Nikaki, Theodora & Soyer, Barış (2012), ‘New International Regime for Carriage of Goods by Sea: Contemporary, Certain, Inclusive and Efficient, or Just Another One for the Shelves’ Berkeley Journal of International Law, S: 2, C: 30, ss. 302-348
  • Nikaki, Theodora (2009), ‘The Statutory Himalaya-Type Protection Under the Rotterdam Rules: Capable of Filling the Gaps?’ JBL, ss. 403-421
  • Ozdel, Melis (2022), ‘Reconceptualising the Nautical Fault Exception in the Fog of Emerging Technologies’ Industrial Law Journal, S: 3, C: 51, ss. 672-695 Rolls Royce AAWA Position Paper: Remote and Autonomous Ships – Next Steps, s.e.t. 05.05.2023
  • Smeele, Frank (2010), ‘The maritime performing party in the Rotterdam Rules 2009’ EJCCL, S: 1/2, C: 2, ss. 72-86 Soyer, B. & Tettenborn, A. & Leloudas, G. ‘Remote Controlled and Autonomous Shipping: UK Based Case Study’,, s.e.t. 01.08.2023).
  • Soyer, Barış (2020), ‘Another Nail in the Coffin? Rotterdam Rules One for the Shelves?’ The Official Blog of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law,, s.e.t. 05.05.2023
  • Sözer, Bülent (2020), ‘Self-Steering Ships’ Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, S: 2, C: 19, ss. 1345-1380 Sözer, Bülent, ‘Seaworthiness: In the Context of Cyber-risks or ‘Cyberworthiness’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2021) Ship Operations: New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in the Maritime Sector, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, ss. 99-110;
  • Sözer, Bülent, ‘Teknolojik Gelişmelerin, Taşıyanın Gemiyi Sefere Elverişli Halde Bulundurmak Borcunun Kapsamına ve İçeriğine Etkileri’: Süzel, Cüneyt (Editör) (2019), Deniz Ticareti Hukukunda Yeni Sorunlar Sempozyumu, İstanbul, On İki Levha Yayıncılık, ss. 1-12
  • Stevens, Frank, ‘Carrier Liability for Unmanned Ships: Goodbye crew, Hello Liability?’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 148-161
  • Stevens, Frank, ‘Seaworthiness and Good Seamanship in the Age of Autonomous Vessels’: Ringbom, Henrik, & Røsæg, Erik & Solvang, Trond (Editörler) (2020) Autonomous Ships and The Law, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, ss. 243-260
  • Sturley, Michael F. & Fujita, Tomotaka & van der Ziel, Gertjan J. (2010) The Rotterdam Rules: the UN convention on contracts for the international carriage of goods wholly or partly by sea, 1. Bası, Londra, Sweet & Maxwell 2010
  • Sturley, Michael, ‘Can commercial law accommodate new technologies in international shipping?’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 22-35
  • Süzel, Cüneyt & Damar, Duygu (2010), ‘Kısmen veya Tamamen Deniz Yoluyla Eşyanın Milletlerarası Taşınması Sözleşmelerine İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesi (Rotterdam Kuralları)’ BATİDER, S: 2, C: 26, ss. 149-240 TBMM “1178 ilâ 1192 nci Maddelere İlişkin Genel Açıklamalar - Türk Ticaret Kanunu Tasarısı ve Adalet Komisyonu Raporu (1/324)”, (TBMM Dönem: 23, Yasama Yılı: 2, Sıra Sayısı: 96)
  • Tettenborn, Andrew, ‘Shipping Product liability goes high-tech’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2020) New Technologies, Artificial Intelligence and Shipping Law in the 21st Century, Oxford & New York, Informa Law from Routledge, ss. 116-128
  • Tsimplis, Michael & Veal, Robert (2017), ‘The integration of unmanned ships into the lex maritima” Lloyd’s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, ss. 303-335
  • Ulfbeck, Vibe ‘Autonomous ships and product liability under the EU directive Vibe Ulfbeck’: Ringbom, Henrik, & Røsæg, Erik & Solvang, Trond (Editörler) (2021) Autonomous Ships and The Law, Oxon & New York, Routledge, ss. 144-154 UNCITRAL, ‘Report of Working Group III (Transport Law) on the work of its nineteenth session’ (A/CN.9/621), para 83,, s.e.t. 31.07.2023.
  • van Hooydonk, Eric (2014), ‘The law of unmanned Merchant shipping – an exploration’ Journal of International Maritime Law, S: 4, C: 20, ss. 403-423
  • Williams, Richard, ‘Unmanned ships–a challenge to the current international regime regulating the carriage of goods?’: Soyer, Barış & Tettenborn, Andrew (Editörler) (2021) Ship Operations: New Risks, Liabilities and Technologies in the Maritime Sector, Abingdon & New York, Routledge, ss. 221-237
  • Wright, R. Glenn (2020) ‘Unmanned and autonomous ships – An overview of Mass’, Routledge, Yang, Yin (2011) ‘The Abolition Of The Nautical Fault Exemption: To Be Or Not To Be’ (Yüksek Lisans), Lund University Yılmaz, Mustafa (2022) Otonom Gemilerin Hukuki Boyutu, Ankara, Yetkin Yayıncılık
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hukuk (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Selim Ciğer 0000-0002-7546-7612

Proje Numarası 220K072
Erken Görünüm Tarihi 1 Ocak 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Aralık 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 17 Ağustos 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Ciğer, S. (2023). ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER. Ticaret Ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Dergisi, 9(2), 219-232.
AMA Ciğer S. ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER. TFM. Aralık 2023;9(2):219-232. doi:10.55027/tfm.1344716
Chicago Ciğer, Selim. “ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER”. Ticaret Ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Dergisi 9, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 219-32.
EndNote Ciğer S (01 Aralık 2023) ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER. Ticaret ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Dergisi 9 2 219–232.
IEEE S. Ciğer, “ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER”, TFM, c. 9, sy. 2, ss. 219–232, 2023, doi: 10.55027/tfm.1344716.
ISNAD Ciğer, Selim. “ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER”. Ticaret ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Dergisi 9/2 (Aralık 2023), 219-232.
MLA Ciğer, Selim. “ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER”. Ticaret Ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Dergisi, c. 9, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 219-32, doi:10.55027/tfm.1344716.
Vancouver Ciğer S. ROTTERDAM KURALLARI VE OTONOM GEMİLER. TFM. 2023;9(2):219-32.