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Yapay Zekâ ve Dezenformasyon: OpenAI Raporu Doğrultusunda Küresel Dezenformasyon Kampanyalarının Analizi

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 23, 208 - 237, 31.01.2025


Bu çalışma, yapay zekâ teknolojilerinin dezenformasyon kampanyalarında kullanımını ele alarak dijital ortamda ortaya çıkan yeni tehditleri anlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Yapay zekânın hızlı gelişimi ve geniş çapta veri işleme kapasitesi, dezenformasyonun yayılma hızını ve etkisini artırarak toplumsal yapıları ve demokratik süreçleri savunmasız hâle getirmektedir. Çalışma, dezenformasyon stratejilerini yapay zekâ bağlamında inceleyerek, bilginin manipülasyonu ve sahte gerçekliklerin oluşturulmasındaki rolünü araştırmaktadır. Kuramsal olarak yapay zekânın dezenformasyon ortamına olan katkısı ele alınmış ve literatürdeki dezenformasyon stratejileri detaylandırılmıştır. Metodolojik olarak literatür taraması ve elektronik materyal inceleme yöntemleri kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada sistematik bir literatür taraması yapılmış ve OpenAI tarafından yayımlanan, yapay zekâ kullanılarak dezenformasyon faaliyetlerini ele alan dört ülkeye ait raporlar doküman analizi yöntemiyle incelenmiştir. Özellikle, OpenAI raporu üzerinden Rusya, Çin, İran ve İsrail gibi ülkelerin yürüttüğü yapay zekâ destekli dezenformasyon kampanyaları vaka çalışması olarak incelenmiştir. Bulgular, bu ülkelerin dezenformasyon kampanyalarının küresel güvenlik ve diplomasi üzerindeki olumsuz etkilerine işaret etmektedir. Çalışma, dezenformasyonun toplumsal etkilerini anlamaya ve bu soruna karşı çözüm geliştirme çabalarına katkı sunmayı hedeflemektedir.


  • Aboutayeb, Mostafa. 2023. “Démystification de la désinformation en ligne : Une approche analytique”. FRANCISOLA 8(2): 113-20. doi:10.17509/francisola.v8i2.63493.
  • Arce, Daniel. 2024. “Disinformation Strategies”. Defence and Peace Economics: 1-14. doi:10.1080/10242694.2024.2302236
  • Auezov, M., E.A. Nysanov, Zh.S. Kemelbekova, A.N. Zhidebayeva, A. Kuatbekov University of Peoples’ Friendship, S.E. Kozhabaev, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, A.U. Korokbaev, ve A. Kuatbekov University of Peoples’ Friendship. 2024. “Computer simulation and description of the phenomenon of the development of information technology using moore’s law”. Bulletin of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 91(1): 93-102. doi:10.47533/2024.1606-146X.10.
  • Balcioğlu, Yavuz Selim, ve Bülent Dogan. 2023. “Dissecting Disinformation Dynamics: Insights from a Social Media Environment”. İletişim ve Diplomasi (11): 107-25. doi:10.54722/iletisimvediplomasi.1374744
  • Barman, Dipto, Ziyi Guo, ve Owen Conlan. 2024. “The Dark Side of Language Models: Exploring the Potential of LLMs in Multimedia Disinformation Generation and Dissemination”. Machine Learning with Applications 16: 100545. doi:10.1016/j.mlwa.2024.100545.
  • Bontridder, Noémi, ve Yves Poullet. 2021. “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Disinformation”. Data & Policy 3: e32. doi:10.1017/dap.2021.20.
  • Caled, Danielle, ve Mário J. Silva. 2022a. “Digital Media and Misinformation: An Outlook on Multidisciplinary Strategies against Manipulation”. Journal of Computational Social Science 5(1): 123-59. doi:10.1007/s42001-021-00118-8
  • Caled, Danielle, ve Mário J. Silva. 2022b. “Digital Media and Misinformation: An Outlook on Multidisciplinary Strategies against Manipulation”. Journal of Computational Social Science 5(1): 123-59. doi:10.1007/s42001- 021-00118-8.
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  • Fraga-Lamas, Paula, ve Tiago M. Fernandez-Carames. 2020. “Fake News, Disinformation, and Deepfakes: Leveraging Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain to Combat Digital Deception and Counterfeit Reality”. IT Professional 22(2): 53-59. doi:10.1109/MITP.2020.2977589
  • Francis, E. 2018. MisInfoWars: A Linguistic Analysis of Deceptive and Credible News. Simon Fraser University.
  • François, Camille, ve Evelyn Douek. 2021. “The Accidental Origins, Underappreciated Limits, and Enduring Promises of Platform Transparency Reporting about Information Operations”. Journal of Online Trust and Safety 1(1). doi:10.54501/jots.v1i1.17.
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  • Garg, Diya, ve Rupali Gill. 2024. “A Bibliometric Analysis of Deepfakes : Trends, Applications and Challenges”. ICST Transactions on Scalable Information Systems 11(6). doi:10.4108/eetsis.4883.
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Artificial Intelligence and Disinformation: Analysis of Global Disinformation Campaigns in Light of the OpenAI Report

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 23, 208 - 237, 31.01.2025


This study aims to understand the new threats emerging in the digital environment by examining the use of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in disinformation campaigns. The rapid development of AI and its extensive data processing capabilities have increased the speed and impact of disinformation, rendering societal structures and democratic processes more vulnerable. The study investigates disinformation strategies within the context of AI, exploring its role in manipulating information and constructing false realities. Theoretically, the contribution of AI to the disinformation environment is discussed, and disinformation strategies in the literature are elaborated. Methodologically, the study employs literature review and electronic material analysis methods. Specifically, an OpenAI report serves as a case study, examining AI-supported disinformation campaigns conducted by countries such as Russia, China, Iran, and Israel. The findings highlight the adverse effects of these countries' disinformation campaigns on global security and diplomacy. This study contributes to understanding the societal impacts of disinformation and aims to support efforts to develop solutions to this issue.


  • Aboutayeb, Mostafa. 2023. “Démystification de la désinformation en ligne : Une approche analytique”. FRANCISOLA 8(2): 113-20. doi:10.17509/francisola.v8i2.63493.
  • Arce, Daniel. 2024. “Disinformation Strategies”. Defence and Peace Economics: 1-14. doi:10.1080/10242694.2024.2302236
  • Auezov, M., E.A. Nysanov, Zh.S. Kemelbekova, A.N. Zhidebayeva, A. Kuatbekov University of Peoples’ Friendship, S.E. Kozhabaev, M. Auezov South Kazakhstan University, A.U. Korokbaev, ve A. Kuatbekov University of Peoples’ Friendship. 2024. “Computer simulation and description of the phenomenon of the development of information technology using moore’s law”. Bulletin of the National Engineering Academy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 91(1): 93-102. doi:10.47533/2024.1606-146X.10.
  • Balcioğlu, Yavuz Selim, ve Bülent Dogan. 2023. “Dissecting Disinformation Dynamics: Insights from a Social Media Environment”. İletişim ve Diplomasi (11): 107-25. doi:10.54722/iletisimvediplomasi.1374744
  • Barman, Dipto, Ziyi Guo, ve Owen Conlan. 2024. “The Dark Side of Language Models: Exploring the Potential of LLMs in Multimedia Disinformation Generation and Dissemination”. Machine Learning with Applications 16: 100545. doi:10.1016/j.mlwa.2024.100545.
  • Bontridder, Noémi, ve Yves Poullet. 2021. “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Disinformation”. Data & Policy 3: e32. doi:10.1017/dap.2021.20.
  • Caled, Danielle, ve Mário J. Silva. 2022a. “Digital Media and Misinformation: An Outlook on Multidisciplinary Strategies against Manipulation”. Journal of Computational Social Science 5(1): 123-59. doi:10.1007/s42001-021-00118-8
  • Caled, Danielle, ve Mário J. Silva. 2022b. “Digital Media and Misinformation: An Outlook on Multidisciplinary Strategies against Manipulation”. Journal of Computational Social Science 5(1): 123-59. doi:10.1007/s42001- 021-00118-8.
  • Chambers, JK. 2010. “Bad’grammar and the Language Faculty”. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 16(38): 19-25. https://core.
  • Chan, Jovy. 2024. “Online Astroturfing: A Problem beyond Disinformation”. Philosophy & Social Criticism 50(3): 507-28. doi:10.1177/01914537221108467
  • Chesney, Robert, ve Danielle Citron. 2018. “Deepfakes and the New Disinformation War The Coming Age of Post-Truth Geopolitics”. Foreign Affairs.
  • Cho, Charles H., Martin L. Martens, Hakkyun Kim, ve Michelle Rodrigue. 2011. “Astroturfing Global Warming: It Isn’t Always Greener on the Other Side of the Fence”. Journal of Business Ethics 104(4): 571-87. doi:10.1007/ s10551-011-0950-6.
  • Clos, Jeremie, Emma Mcclaughlin, Pepita Barnard, Tino Tom, ve Sudarshan Yajaman. 2023. “A Privacy-Preserving Observatory of Misinformation Using Linguistic Markers - A Work in Progress”. Içinde Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, Edinburgh United Kingdom: ACM, 1-4. doi:10.1145/3597512.3597530
  • Cybenko, Anne K., ve George Cybenko. 2018. “AI and Fake News”. IEEE Intelligent Systems 33(5): 1-5. doi:10.1109/MIS.2018.2877280.
  • Deschrijver, Cedric. 2024. “Assessing Potential Disinformation Campaigns in Anonymous Online Comments: Evaluating Available Textual Cues in Debates on the 2019 Hong Kong Protests”. Language & Communication 95: 31- 41. doi:10.1016/j.langcom.2024.01.002.
  • Dhamani, Numa, Paul Azunre, Jeffrey L. Gleason, Craig Corcoran, Garrett Honke, Steve Kramer, ve Jonathon Morgan. 2019. “Using Deep Networks and Transfer Learning to Address Disinformation”. abs/1905.10412 (Erişim Tarihi:15 Eylül 2024)
  • Dias, Emmanuelle, Letícia Lopes, ve Felipe Borges. 2024. “Estratégias de desinformação na produção de videoensaios”. Esferas (29). doi:10.31501/esf. v1i29.14892.
  • Dordevic, Miljan, Milan Milivojevic, ve Ana Gavrovska. 2019. “DeepFake Video Analysis using SIFT Features”. İçinde 2019 27th Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), Belgrade, Serbia: IEEE, 1-4. doi:10.1109/TELFOR48224.2019.8971206
  • EEAS. 2024. Doppelganger Operation - EEAS Technical Report. June2024.pdf.
  • Fallis, Don. 2014. “A Functional Analysis of Disinformation”. Içinde iConference 2014
  • Ferrara, Emilio, Onur Varol, Clayton Davis, Filippo Menczer, ve Alessandro Flammini. 2016. “The Rise of Social Bots”. Communications of the ACM 59(7): 96-104. doi:10.1145/2818717 Proceedings, iSchools. doi:10.9776/14278.
  • Fraga-Lamas, Paula, ve Tiago M. Fernandez-Carames. 2020. “Fake News, Disinformation, and Deepfakes: Leveraging Distributed Ledger Technologies and Blockchain to Combat Digital Deception and Counterfeit Reality”. IT Professional 22(2): 53-59. doi:10.1109/MITP.2020.2977589
  • Francis, E. 2018. MisInfoWars: A Linguistic Analysis of Deceptive and Credible News. Simon Fraser University.
  • François, Camille, ve Evelyn Douek. 2021. “The Accidental Origins, Underappreciated Limits, and Enduring Promises of Platform Transparency Reporting about Information Operations”. Journal of Online Trust and Safety 1(1). doi:10.54501/jots.v1i1.17.
  • Franklin, Margarita, Lindsay Hundley, Mike Torrey, David Agronovich, ve Mike Dvilyanski. 2024. Adversarial Threat Report. Meta. file/meta-threat-report.pdf.
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Toplam 78 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İletişim ve Medya Çalışmaları (Diğer)
Bölüm Makale

Bahadır Avşar 0000-0002-6805-537X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ocak 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 6 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 17 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 23

Kaynak Göster

APA Avşar, B. (2025). Yapay Zekâ ve Dezenformasyon: OpenAI Raporu Doğrultusunda Küresel Dezenformasyon Kampanyalarının Analizi. TRT Akademi, 10(23), 208-237.