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İlköğretim II. Kademe Öğrencilerinin Matematik Kaygı Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 295 - 312, 01.08.2008



  • Allen, T. B. The influence of classroom environment on high school students' mathematics anxiety and attitudes. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Curtin University of Technology, Australia, 2004
  • Arlı, M. & Nazik, M. H. Bilimsel Araştırmaya Giriş. Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara, 2001.
  • Arseven, A. D.Alan Araştırma Yöntemi, İlkeler Teknikler Örnekler. Gül Yayınevi, Ankara, 1994.
  • Ashcraft, M.H. & Faust, M. W. Mathematics anxiety and mental arithmetic performance: An exploratory investigation. Cognition and Emotion, 1994: 8, 97-125
  • Baloğlu, M.&Koçak, R. A multivariate investigation of the differences in mathematics anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 2006: 40, 1325–1335
  • Baloğlu, M. A Comparision of Mathematics Anxiety and Statistics Anxiety in Relation of General Anxiety. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No, ED 436 703. ,1999.
  • Baloğlu, M. Matematik Korkusunu Yenmek. Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri , 2001: 1(1), 59-76.
  • Bellows, J.&Felicia, J.The Relationship Between High School Mathematics Teachers’ Leadership Behaviour and Students’ Mathematics Anxiety. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No, ED 431 628 , 1999.
  • Bessant, K.C. Factors Associated with Types of Mathematics Anxiety in College Students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1995: 26(4), 327-345.
  • Bindak, R. İlköğretim Öğrencileri İçin Matematik Kaygı Ölçeği. Fırat Ün. Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi , 2005: 17 (2), 442-448.
  • Brady, P. & Bowd, A. Mathematics anxiety, prior experience and confidence to teach mathematics among pre-service education students. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice , 2005: 11( 1), 37-46.
  • Campbell, K.T.& Evans,C. Gender issues in the classroom: A comparison of mathematics anxiety. Education, Spring, 1997.
  • Cates, G.L.& Rhymer, K.N. Examining the Relationship Between Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Performance: An Instructional Hierarchy Perspective. Journal of Behavioral Education, 2003: 12(1), 23–34
  • Cemen, P.B. The nature of mathematics anxiety. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 287 729, 1987.
  • Cheng, C.& Cheung, M.W.L. Psychological Responses to Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Prospective, Multiple Time-Point Study. Journal of Personality, 2005:73:1, 261-285.
  • Clute, P. S. Mathematics Anxiety, Instructional Method, and Achievement in a Survey Course in College Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1984: 15(1), 50-58.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. Research Methods in Education, 5th Edition, Routledge/Falmer, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2000.
  • Cook, R.P. An exploration of the relationship between mathematics anxiety level and perceptual learning style of adult learners in a community college setting. Unpublished Master Thesis. Florida Atlantic University, 1997.
  • Croft, W.E. Attitude of Electronics Technology Majors at Indiana State University Toward Mathematics. Journal of Industrial Technology, 2000: 16( 2), 1-8.
  • EARGED. PISA 2003 Projesi, Ulusal Nihai Rapor. Milli Eğitim Basımevi, Ankara, 2005.
  • Field, A. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Sage Publications Ltd., London, 2002
  • Frary, R. B.& Ling, J. L. A Factor-Analytic Study of Mathematics Anxiety. Educational and Psychological Measurement ,1983: 43 (4), 985-93.
  • Gavrielle, L. Prior Mathemetics History, Anticipated Mathematics Teaching Style, and Anxiety for Mathematics Teaching among Pre-Service Elementary Schools Teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American ChapterAsilomar, CA, October, 1993
  • Gresham,G; Sloan,T. &Vinson, B. Reducing Mathematics Anxiety in Fourth Grade “At-Risk” Students. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 417 931 ,1997.
  • Hair, J.F. et al. Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings .5th Edition.Upper Saddle River, Prentice-Hall International, New Jersey, 1998.
  • Hannula, M. Affect in mathematical thinking and learning. The Future of Mathematics Education and Mathematics Learning. BIFEB Strobl. Austria, August, 2005.
  • Hembree, R. The Nature, Effects, and Relief of Mathematics Anxiety. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education ,1990: 21(1), 33-46.
  • Kazelskis,R. & Kazelskis, R.K. The Math Anxiety Questionnaire: A Simultaneous Confirmatory Factor Analysis a Across Gender. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Point Clear, AL, November, 1999.
  • Kennedy, B.L., Schwab, J.J., Morris, R.L.&Beldia, G. Assessment of State and Trait Anxiety in Subjects with Anxiety and Depressive Disorders. Psychiatric Quarterly , 2001: 72(3), 263-276.
  • Lupkowski, A.E.& Schumacker,R.E. Mathematics anxiety among talented students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence , 1991: 20(6), 563-572.
  • Ma, X. A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Anxiety Toward Mathematics and Achievement in Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1999:30(5), 520-540.
  • Ma, X.&, Xu, J. The causal ordering of mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement: a longitudinal panel analysis. Journal of Adolescence , 2004:27, 65–179.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı. İlköğretim Matematik Dersi 6-8. Sınıflar Öğretim Programı , Ankara, 2005.
  • Newstead, K. Investigating Children's Mathematics Anxiety: The Effect of Teaching Approaches. British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM). Manchester University, England, December, 1993.
  • Newstead, K. Aspects of Children's Mathematics Anxiety. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 1998: 36 (1), 53-71.
  • Puteh, M.(2002). Qualitative research approach towards factors associated with mathematics anxiety. The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics Education and Society, Helsingİr, Denmark, April, 2002.
  • Rabalas, R. Identification of Math Anxiety Subtypes. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. West Virginia University. Morgantown, 1998.
  • Reynolds, J. M. The Role of Mathematics Anxiety in Mathematical Motivation: A Path Analysis of the Cane Model. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The College of Education at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida, 2003.
  • Ruben, T. A Comparision Between Male and Female Anxiety at a Community College. Unpublished Master Thesis. Central Connecticut State University, 1998.
  • Schwarzer, R. Anxiety. Germany for the Psychosocial Working Group. Retrieved 8 July 2006 from /Research /Psychosocial /notebook/ anxiety.html, 1997.
  • Sloan,T.; Daane,C.J. &Giesen, J. Mathematics Anxiety and Learning Styles: What is the Relationship in Elementary Preservice Teachers? School Science & Mathematics , 2002: 102(2), 84-87.
  • Tapia, M. The Relationship of Math Anxiety and Gender. Academic Exchange Quarterly , 2004: 8 (2), 130-134.
  • Tekin, H. Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme. Yargı yay. (7. Baskı). Ankara, 1993.
  • Thijsse, L. J. The effects of a structured teaching method on mathematics anxiety and achievement of grade eight learners.Unpublished Master Thesis. Faculty of Education, University of South Africa, 2002.
  • Thomas, R. A Comparision Between Male and Female Mathematics Anxiety at Community College. Unpublished Master Thesis. Central Connecticut University, 1998.
  • Truttschel, W.J. Mathematics Anxiety at Chippewa Valley Technical College. Unpublished Master Thesis. The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wi 54751, 1992.
  • Olson, J.F. Causes and Correlates of Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Achievement: A Path Analytic Approach. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Nebraska- Lincoln, 1985.
  • Osborne, J.W. Testing Stereotype Threat: Does Anxiety Explain Race and Sex Differences in Achievement? Contemporary Educational Psychology , 2001:26, 291–310.
  • Oxford, J. & Wordick, T. Math Anxiety at Tarleton State University: An Empirical Report. /award_2006.pdf, 2006. 11 July 2006 from
  • Öner N., Le Compte, A. Süreksiz Durumluk/Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1985: 1-26.
  • Ulusimaki, L.& Nason, R. Causes underlying pre-service teachers' negative beliefs and anxieties about mathematics. Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Bergen, Norway, July, 2004a.
  • Ulusimaki, L.& Nason, R. Reducing maths-anxiety: Results from an online anxiety survey. AARE International Education Research Conference. Melbourne, November-December, 2004b.
  • Vinson, B.M., Haynes, J.& Sloan, T. A Comparison of Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Anxiety Before and After a Methods Class Emphasizing Manipulatives. Paper Presented at The Annual Meeting of the Midsouth Educational Research Association in Nashville, TN, November, 1997.
  • Vinson, B.M. A Comparison of Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Anxiety Before and After a Methods Class Emphasizing Manipulatives. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2001: 29( 2), 89-94.
  • Woodart, T. The effects of math anxiety on post-secondary developmental students as related to achievement, gender, and age. Virginia Mathematics Teacher, Fall, 2004:7-9.
  • An investigation of Primary School Students’ Mathematics Anxiety Levels

İlköğretim II. Kademe Öğrencilerinin Matematik Kaygı Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2, 295 - 312, 01.08.2008


Bu çalışmada, ilköğretim II. Kademe öğrencilerinin matematik kaygı düzeylerindeki farklılık cinsiyet ve sınıf düzeylerine göre araştırılmıştır. Bunun için Bindak (2005) tarafından geliştirilen bir ölçekten yararlanılmıştır. Ölçek, 2005-2006 eğitim-öğretim yılında Sivas il merkezindeki ilköğretim 6., 7. ve 8. sınıflarda öğrenim gören ve random yöntemiyle seçilen 204 öğrenciye uygulanmıştır. Verilerin analizi, ilköğretim II. Kademe öğrencilerinin matematik kaygı düzeylerinin orta düzeyde olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin matematik kaygı düzeylerinin cinsiyet ve sınıf düzeyine göre anlamlı düzeyde farklılaşmadığı da tespit edilmiştir


  • Allen, T. B. The influence of classroom environment on high school students' mathematics anxiety and attitudes. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. Curtin University of Technology, Australia, 2004
  • Arlı, M. & Nazik, M. H. Bilimsel Araştırmaya Giriş. Gazi Kitapevi, Ankara, 2001.
  • Arseven, A. D.Alan Araştırma Yöntemi, İlkeler Teknikler Örnekler. Gül Yayınevi, Ankara, 1994.
  • Ashcraft, M.H. & Faust, M. W. Mathematics anxiety and mental arithmetic performance: An exploratory investigation. Cognition and Emotion, 1994: 8, 97-125
  • Baloğlu, M.&Koçak, R. A multivariate investigation of the differences in mathematics anxiety. Personality and Individual Differences, 2006: 40, 1325–1335
  • Baloğlu, M. A Comparision of Mathematics Anxiety and Statistics Anxiety in Relation of General Anxiety. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No, ED 436 703. ,1999.
  • Baloğlu, M. Matematik Korkusunu Yenmek. Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri , 2001: 1(1), 59-76.
  • Bellows, J.&Felicia, J.The Relationship Between High School Mathematics Teachers’ Leadership Behaviour and Students’ Mathematics Anxiety. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No, ED 431 628 , 1999.
  • Bessant, K.C. Factors Associated with Types of Mathematics Anxiety in College Students. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1995: 26(4), 327-345.
  • Bindak, R. İlköğretim Öğrencileri İçin Matematik Kaygı Ölçeği. Fırat Ün. Fen ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi , 2005: 17 (2), 442-448.
  • Brady, P. & Bowd, A. Mathematics anxiety, prior experience and confidence to teach mathematics among pre-service education students. Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice , 2005: 11( 1), 37-46.
  • Campbell, K.T.& Evans,C. Gender issues in the classroom: A comparison of mathematics anxiety. Education, Spring, 1997.
  • Cates, G.L.& Rhymer, K.N. Examining the Relationship Between Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Performance: An Instructional Hierarchy Perspective. Journal of Behavioral Education, 2003: 12(1), 23–34
  • Cemen, P.B. The nature of mathematics anxiety. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 287 729, 1987.
  • Cheng, C.& Cheung, M.W.L. Psychological Responses to Outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: A Prospective, Multiple Time-Point Study. Journal of Personality, 2005:73:1, 261-285.
  • Clute, P. S. Mathematics Anxiety, Instructional Method, and Achievement in a Survey Course in College Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1984: 15(1), 50-58.
  • Cohen, L., Manion, L. & Morrison, K. Research Methods in Education, 5th Edition, Routledge/Falmer, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2000.
  • Cook, R.P. An exploration of the relationship between mathematics anxiety level and perceptual learning style of adult learners in a community college setting. Unpublished Master Thesis. Florida Atlantic University, 1997.
  • Croft, W.E. Attitude of Electronics Technology Majors at Indiana State University Toward Mathematics. Journal of Industrial Technology, 2000: 16( 2), 1-8.
  • EARGED. PISA 2003 Projesi, Ulusal Nihai Rapor. Milli Eğitim Basımevi, Ankara, 2005.
  • Field, A. Discovering Statistics Using SPSS, Sage Publications Ltd., London, 2002
  • Frary, R. B.& Ling, J. L. A Factor-Analytic Study of Mathematics Anxiety. Educational and Psychological Measurement ,1983: 43 (4), 985-93.
  • Gavrielle, L. Prior Mathemetics History, Anticipated Mathematics Teaching Style, and Anxiety for Mathematics Teaching among Pre-Service Elementary Schools Teachers. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, North American ChapterAsilomar, CA, October, 1993
  • Gresham,G; Sloan,T. &Vinson, B. Reducing Mathematics Anxiety in Fourth Grade “At-Risk” Students. ERIC Document Reproduction Service, ED 417 931 ,1997.
  • Hair, J.F. et al. Multivariate Data Analysis with Readings .5th Edition.Upper Saddle River, Prentice-Hall International, New Jersey, 1998.
  • Hannula, M. Affect in mathematical thinking and learning. The Future of Mathematics Education and Mathematics Learning. BIFEB Strobl. Austria, August, 2005.
  • Hembree, R. The Nature, Effects, and Relief of Mathematics Anxiety. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education ,1990: 21(1), 33-46.
  • Kazelskis,R. & Kazelskis, R.K. The Math Anxiety Questionnaire: A Simultaneous Confirmatory Factor Analysis a Across Gender. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-South Educational Research Association. Point Clear, AL, November, 1999.
  • Kennedy, B.L., Schwab, J.J., Morris, R.L.&Beldia, G. Assessment of State and Trait Anxiety in Subjects with Anxiety and Depressive Disorders. Psychiatric Quarterly , 2001: 72(3), 263-276.
  • Lupkowski, A.E.& Schumacker,R.E. Mathematics anxiety among talented students. Journal of Youth and Adolescence , 1991: 20(6), 563-572.
  • Ma, X. A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship Between Anxiety Toward Mathematics and Achievement in Mathematics. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 1999:30(5), 520-540.
  • Ma, X.&, Xu, J. The causal ordering of mathematics anxiety and mathematics achievement: a longitudinal panel analysis. Journal of Adolescence , 2004:27, 65–179.
  • Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı Talim ve Terbiye Kurulu Başkanlığı. İlköğretim Matematik Dersi 6-8. Sınıflar Öğretim Programı , Ankara, 2005.
  • Newstead, K. Investigating Children's Mathematics Anxiety: The Effect of Teaching Approaches. British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics (BSRLM). Manchester University, England, December, 1993.
  • Newstead, K. Aspects of Children's Mathematics Anxiety. Educational Studies in Mathematics. 1998: 36 (1), 53-71.
  • Puteh, M.(2002). Qualitative research approach towards factors associated with mathematics anxiety. The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics Education and Society, Helsingİr, Denmark, April, 2002.
  • Rabalas, R. Identification of Math Anxiety Subtypes. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. West Virginia University. Morgantown, 1998.
  • Reynolds, J. M. The Role of Mathematics Anxiety in Mathematical Motivation: A Path Analysis of the Cane Model. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The College of Education at the University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida, 2003.
  • Ruben, T. A Comparision Between Male and Female Anxiety at a Community College. Unpublished Master Thesis. Central Connecticut State University, 1998.
  • Schwarzer, R. Anxiety. Germany for the Psychosocial Working Group. Retrieved 8 July 2006 from /Research /Psychosocial /notebook/ anxiety.html, 1997.
  • Sloan,T.; Daane,C.J. &Giesen, J. Mathematics Anxiety and Learning Styles: What is the Relationship in Elementary Preservice Teachers? School Science & Mathematics , 2002: 102(2), 84-87.
  • Tapia, M. The Relationship of Math Anxiety and Gender. Academic Exchange Quarterly , 2004: 8 (2), 130-134.
  • Tekin, H. Eğitimde Ölçme ve Değerlendirme. Yargı yay. (7. Baskı). Ankara, 1993.
  • Thijsse, L. J. The effects of a structured teaching method on mathematics anxiety and achievement of grade eight learners.Unpublished Master Thesis. Faculty of Education, University of South Africa, 2002.
  • Thomas, R. A Comparision Between Male and Female Mathematics Anxiety at Community College. Unpublished Master Thesis. Central Connecticut University, 1998.
  • Truttschel, W.J. Mathematics Anxiety at Chippewa Valley Technical College. Unpublished Master Thesis. The Graduate School University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wi 54751, 1992.
  • Olson, J.F. Causes and Correlates of Mathematics Anxiety and Mathematics Achievement: A Path Analytic Approach. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation. The University of Nebraska- Lincoln, 1985.
  • Osborne, J.W. Testing Stereotype Threat: Does Anxiety Explain Race and Sex Differences in Achievement? Contemporary Educational Psychology , 2001:26, 291–310.
  • Oxford, J. & Wordick, T. Math Anxiety at Tarleton State University: An Empirical Report. /award_2006.pdf, 2006. 11 July 2006 from
  • Öner N., Le Compte, A. Süreksiz Durumluk/Sürekli Kaygı Envanteri El Kitabı, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Yayınları, İstanbul, 1985: 1-26.
  • Ulusimaki, L.& Nason, R. Causes underlying pre-service teachers' negative beliefs and anxieties about mathematics. Proceedings of the 28th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Bergen, Norway, July, 2004a.
  • Ulusimaki, L.& Nason, R. Reducing maths-anxiety: Results from an online anxiety survey. AARE International Education Research Conference. Melbourne, November-December, 2004b.
  • Vinson, B.M., Haynes, J.& Sloan, T. A Comparison of Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Anxiety Before and After a Methods Class Emphasizing Manipulatives. Paper Presented at The Annual Meeting of the Midsouth Educational Research Association in Nashville, TN, November, 1997.
  • Vinson, B.M. A Comparison of Preservice Teachers’ Mathematics Anxiety Before and After a Methods Class Emphasizing Manipulatives. Early Childhood Education Journal, 2001: 29( 2), 89-94.
  • Woodart, T. The effects of math anxiety on post-secondary developmental students as related to achievement, gender, and age. Virginia Mathematics Teacher, Fall, 2004:7-9.
  • An investigation of Primary School Students’ Mathematics Anxiety Levels
Toplam 56 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2008
Gönderilme Tarihi 14 Kasım 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 21 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Dede, Y., & Dursun, Ş. (2008). İlköğretim II. Kademe Öğrencilerinin Matematik Kaygı Düzeylerinin İncelenmesi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 21(2), 295-312.