Carla Damásio Prof. Dr. Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology, Polytechnic of Leiria - School of Health Sciences
Publication 1 Review 0
1 Publication
0 Review

Research Fields

Nursing Emergency Nursing Acute Care Surgical Diseases Nursing​​ ​Internal Diseases Nursing​ Nurse Education Fundamentals of Nursing Subacute Care Aged Care Nursing ICU Nursing Nursing (Other) Ozonotherapy


PhD in Nursing by the University of Lisbon. Bachelor and master’s in educational sciences, Nurse Specialist in Medical-Surgical Nursing, Postgraduate Degree in Medical-Surgical Nursing, in Ozone Therapy and in Risk and Well-Being in Organizations.
Since 2009 has been Assistant Professor in the scientific area of Nursing Science. Departmental Coordinator of Mobility, Chair of the Pedagogical Council (2015 - 2017), currently Coordinator of the Higher Technical Professional Course in Gerontology. Research on ciTechCare - Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology.

Since February 2018 she is part of the Group of Studies and Reflection in Narrative Medicine (GERMEN), Since April 2019 she is foreign collaborator of the Research Group Networks, Sociability and Power, of the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE (Brazil). Member of the Editorial Board of artciencia.com, co-Editor of Health Academy Kastamonu Journal.


Center for Innovative Care and Health Technology, Polytechnic of Leiria - School of Health Sciences




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