Mehmet Küçükmehmetoğlu profile image
Mehmet Küçükmehmetoğlu Prof. Dr. İSTANBUL TEKNİK ÜNİVERSİTESİ
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1 Publication
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Research Fields

City and Regional Planning Urban and Regional Planning (Other) City and Regional Planning, Regional Planning, Urban Planning and Development


Mehmet KUCUKMEHMETOGLU earned his bachelor’s degree in City and Regional Planning from the Middle East Technical University, Turkey and his Doctor of Philosophy degree in City and Regional Planning from The Ohio State University, USA after having successfully earned his master’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the Graduate School Public and International Affairs at University of Pittsburgh, USA. Mehmet Kucukmehmetoglu was the head of the Department of City and Regional Planning of Gebze Technical University, Turkey from 2014 to 2022. Currently, he has been pursuing his academic career in the same area as a faculty member of School of Architecture of Istanbul Technical University, and has the following areas of research interests; resource economics, policy analysis, quantitative techniques in urban and regional planning, and optimization based urban modelling.




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