Ethical Principles
Journal of Eurasia Tourism Research (JETouR) which are universal scientific and publishing ethical rules; RESPECT's EU Code of Ethics for Socio-Economic Research adopts the principles of "Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors" and "Core Practices" of the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE). In addition, our journal takes into account the Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive. Based on these principles and rules, there are the responsibilities and rules that the editor, authors and referees should undertake in the publishing processes of our journal. These:
Editor's Responsibilities and Rules
- Editors should consider principles of RESPECT's EU Code of Ethics for Socio-Economic Research, "Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing" and "Core Practices" of Publishing Ethics Committee's (COPE) and Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
- JETouR accepts in advance the obligation to evaluate the articles proposed to the journal in terms of scientific content, regardless of the authors' ethnic origin, gender preference, nationality, religious belief or political philosophy.
- JETouR undertakes not to publish in violation of publication and research ethics, and all articles submitted to the journal are subject to plagiarism/similarity control by the editor.
- JETouR agrees to avoid any conflict of interest or competition that may arise between authors and referees.
- Uploading articles in JETouR, evaluation, printing and publishing, processing, page, color pictures and so on. No fees or other benefits are requested from the authors or elsewhere under the title.
- All publication rights in written and electronic media of the articles accepted and published in the journal belong to JETouR.
- Quotations can be made from the articles published in JETouR by showing the source. Searching for legal rights in copyright violations is the responsibility of the editor of the journal.
- Whether the article sent to JETouR is within the scope of the journal; is checked by the editor whether it has been uploaded to the system correctly/completely and whether the article has been prepared in accordance with the journal writing rules.
- For the articles accepted for publication, an informative e-mail is sent to the responsible author by the editor that the article has been accepted.
- The journal management is not a party to the conflicts that may arise over the authorship ranking after the article is published.
- The journal uses the information shared on the website such as name, title and e-mail addresses only for the specified purposes of this journal; do not use it for any other purpose or make it available to other people.
Authors' Responsibilities and Rules
- When submitting articles to JETouR, authors should consider principles of RESPECT's EU Code of Ethics for Socio-Economic Research "Core Practices" of Publishing Ethics Committee's (COPE) and Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
- Submission of the Ethics Committee document is mandatory for the publication application of the articles that require the permission of the ethics committee. Researchers requiring Ethics Committee permission; All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require the collection of data from the participants using a questionnaire, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, interview techniques, use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, clinical studies on humans researches, researches on animals are retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data.
- In the case of reports, it should be stated that the "Informed Consent Form" was obtained.
- Permission must be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others and must be specified.
- It must declare that the copyright regulations for the intellectual and artistic studies used are complied with and that the copyrights of the study have been transferred to JETouR with the "Copyright Form".
- Whether the ethics committee permission and (or) legal/special permission is required for the articles to be published in the journals should be stated in the article. If these permissions are required, it should be clearly presented from which institution, on what date and with which decision or issue number the permit was obtained.
- Retrospective ethics committee approval is not required for articles that have used research data before 2020, produced from master's/doctoral studies (should be specified in the article), submitted a publication application to the journal in the previous year, accepted but not yet published.
- Researchers who are not members of the university can apply to the Ethics Committees in their region.
- Copyrighted material such as tables, figures or other contributing quotations in JETouR is published only with valid permission and copyright approval and this responsibility belongs to the author(s). In studies, permission should be obtained from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs/visuals belonging to other researchers. Authors should cite other authors, contributors or sources appropriately and cite relevant sources.
- The author(s) should declare and undertake that the article submitted to JETouR to be evaluated for publication has not been published anywhere in Turkish or any other language before, has not been accepted for publication and has not been sent to another journal for publication. Authors should ensure the originality of their submitted manuscripts.
- All kinds of legal and scientific responsibility regarding the contents of the articles published in JETouR belong to the author(s).
- The article in question cannot be published in another journal or language without the written permission of the journal management.
- Author(s) who want to request to withdraw their studies at the evaluation stage must fill in the "Manuscript Withdrawal Letter" containing the reasons for withdrawal, have all authors sign it, and upload it to our journal's article upload page on the DergiPark system to be submitted to the editorial board. The Editorial Board reviews the withdrawal request and responds to the author(s) within 15 days. Unless the withdrawal request is approved by the Editorial Board, the author(s) cannot send their studies to another journal for evaluation.
- The author who takes the responsibility for the article submitted to the journal, the communication process with the journal and the post-publication processes on behalf of the other authors are accepted as the "corresponding author" by JETouR. It is assumed that the corresponding author has reached an agreement with the other author(s) in the whole process of the article.
- The corresponding author is obliged to inform the authors about the process and evaluations regarding the article.
- In addition to the normal article evaluation process, 30 days for minor revision; 60 days for major revision and 90 days for articles requiring major revision by more than one referee are given a maximum additional period of 90 days.
- The evaluation period of the text sent to the corresponding author for final reading is 3 days.
- In articles based on master's or doctoral theses, the student and the advisor (second legal advisor, if any) who prepared the thesis are considered as the natural authors of the article. In case the thesis student wants to prepare an article based on his thesis with a single author, he is expected to receive the "Authorship Disclaimer Form" from his supervisor, which states that he has waived his authorship, and send it to the editor of the journal with the article. In case the thesis supervisor wants to prepare an article based on the thesis study with a single author, he must receive a waiver letter from the thesis student and submit it.
- The management of the journal expects the authors to comply with the authorship rights and internationally valid rules in author ranking in the articles proposed to the journal. In the articles based on the graduate thesis, the thesis student is ranked first, the thesis supervisor as the second, and if any, the second supervisor as the third.
- In the event that the author(s) notices a mistake or error in the evaluation and early viewing stage or related to the published studies, they have an obligation to cooperate with the journal editor in withdrawals.
Responsibilities of Referees and Rules to Follow
- Referees should consider principles of RESPECT's EU Code of Ethics for Socio-Economic Research, Publishing Ethics Committee's (COPE) Ethical Guidelines For Peer Reviewers and Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive.
- Studies sent to referees for evaluation should be kept confidential. Studies should not be shown to others and their content should not be discussed. The privacy rule also covers people who refuse to act as an arbitrator.
- Referees cannot use the unpublished studies or parts of the studies submitted for evaluation in their own studies without the written consent of the author(s). Information and ideas obtained during the evaluation should be kept confidential by the referees and not used for their own benefit. These rules also cover people who do not accept the role of arbitrator.
- A referee who is invited to make a referee evaluation must inform the editor within 5 days whether he can referee for the relevant studies. Those who accept to act as a reviewer must complete the evaluation process within 15 days, and authors within 15 days of the changes notified to the corresponding author.
Publication Policy
- Journal of Eurasia Tourism Research (JETouR) is a peer-reviewed journal and is published twice a year as of 2021.
- A double-blind peer review system is used in JETouR. In order to evaluate the publications, at least three referees are appointed by the editor of the article according to the content of the studies and the expertise of the referees. At this step, all referee evaluation reports are sent electronically and anonymously. The names of the referees who made the review are not specified by the journal in order to protect the integrity of the double-blind refereeing process. Authors cannot contact referees directly, evaluation and referee reports are submitted through the journal management system. In this process, evaluation forms and referee reports are sent to the responsible author through the editor. The final decision is made by the Editorial Board so that all articles with at least two "positive" referee views can be published.
- If requested, a written document stating that the referee contributed to the journal can be given to the referees.
- JETouR publishes scientific studies prepared in Turkish and English languages. Using the TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM DergiPark system, it publishes at All transactions related to the article are carried out through the DergiPark system.
- All articles are open access and fully comply with open access guidelines; It is possible to read without a journal user.
- JETouR does not pay royalty fees for articles.
- JETouR does not accept articles for a specific issue. Articles can be sent to the journal at any time.
- Criticism, error correction, etc. about an article published in the journal. manuscripts are published in the first issue following the date they are accepted after the editor/referee evaluation.
- However, in order for such articles to be considered, they must meet the scientific/academic content, features and form conditions.
- In order to encourage new and original topics in the articles proposed to the journal; Climate studies, the relations of tourism with the environment, interdisciplinary studies based on tourism, studies examining the relations of tourism with philosophy, sociology, psychology and anthropology are primarily published.