Studies submitted to the Journal of Eurasia Tourism Research (JETouRl) are subjected to a preliminary review by the journal editor in terms of form and content, and then sent to referees if deemed appropriate.
Studies such as research notes, article/book review, article/book review, and academic opinion (academic opinion only with the approval of the editor or (or) invitation) can be sent with the article.
All manuscripts to be sent to the journal should be written using the "JETouR Article Template" in the Microsoft Word program. When it is determined that the magazine template is not used; The studies will be returned to the authors for submission using the template before starting the process. The studies should be written in Times New Roman font style, 11 point font size, indent 1 cm per paragraph, 6 nk space after the headings and paragraphs.
The number of words in the article: should be between 4000 and 7000 in the first submission and between 4000 and 8000 in the final version after revisions (including tables, figures and references).
Attention should be paid to the fact that author information is not included in the text of the article. For this information, the "Title Page" in the journal templates should be filled in. Authors are responsible for the correct filling of the information.
The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 9 point, justified and single-line spacing. The number of words in the abstract should be at least 150 and at most 200. If it is understood that these limits are not complied with, the study will be returned to make it complied with the specified limits before starting the process. The article can be written in Turkish or English. Regardless of the language in which the article is written, both Turkish (Öz) and English (Abstract) should be available (those who do not speak Turkish can request help to write a Turkish abstract (ÖZ) free of charge).
Keywords should be written in Turkish and American or British English (not a mixture of the two), avoiding general and plural terms and multiple concepts (eg "and", "/" etc.). Care should be taken not to use abbreviations (Only abbreviations that are strictly determined in the literature may be used.) These keywords will be used for indexing purposes.
Studies should consist of "Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Findings (for Empirical Studies), Conclusion and References" sections. Subtitles should never be used in the introduction.
First Level Headings should be written in Times New Roman, 11 point font size, bold, all capital letters, left-justified, followed by 6 nk spaces. Second Level Titles should be written in Times New Roman, 11 point font size, bold, the first letter capitalized, left-justified, followed by 6 nk space. Third Level Headings are not recommended. However, if you need to use it, it should be Times New Roman, 11 point font size, bold, initially capitalized, left-justified, followed by 6 nk space, as in the title.
Footnotes should be used rarely (never used if possible) and placed under the page column to which they refer. It should be written in font Times New Roman, 8 point font size, single space.
Tables are labeled as Tables and given a number consecutively (eg Table 1. Tourist Typologies). It should be prepared in Times New Roman, 10 point font size and the headings should be centered and placed on the tables. The texts in the tables should be Times New Roman and 9 point font size. References and notes should be left-aligned below the table.
Figures are tagged as Figures and given a number consecutively (for example, Figure 1. Purchase Decision Process). Photographs, graphs, charts or diagrams should be labeled (not abbreviated) as Figures. Figures should be prepared in Times New Roman, 10 point font size and the headings should be centered and placed under the figures. The texts in the figures should be Times New Roman and 9 point font size. References and notes should be found below the figure. Photographs and other visuals must be of good quality, drawings and texts must be legible.
Symbols and equations in the text should be consistent with the variable name and style. Equations should be indented on the left margin and numbered on the right margin, the equation number should be written in open and closed brackets () Time New Roman and 11 point font size. All symbols must be defined when they are first used. All equation symbols must be clearly and comprehensibly defined.
Our journal is scanned in various indexes and applies for new indexes. There are some sections that should be included in the articles in order to be scanned in these indexes. The forms to be filled for the information to be included in these sections are presented on our page. If the authors have statements that should be included in these sections, they should definitely leave these sections blank in the article template. This information will be added to the full text of the publication by the prepress layout editor. If they do not have a statement, the authors can fill in this part in the "JETouR Article Template" in line with the directive in the relevant title. These sections;
JETouR follows the citation style of the American Psychological Association (APA). For complete guidelines, please refer to the APA (Seventh Edition) Publication Handbook.
JETouR has its own reference style in Mendeley, one of the most popular reference management software products. It includes all products that support Citation Style Language styles. Using word processing plug-ins in these products, authors only need to select the appropriate journal style when preparing their articles, after which the citations and bibliographies are automatically formatted according to the journal's style. If you cannot find the style available for this journal, please follow the format of the sample references and citations shown in this Manual.
Mendeley desktop users should first go to the "View" menu, then to "Quote Styles" and "More Styles ...", then click the "Get More Styles" tab and type the following URL into the "Download Style" text box.
While preparing your article, you will be able to choose this style using Mendeley plug-ins for Microsoft Word or Libre Office.
JETouR requests an Extensive Summary (separately from the Abstract section) for the candidate studies in Turkish to be submitted as of 2021. This section should start with the Extensive Summary title on a new page after the references and should be between 800 and 1200 words in English. It should consist of the subtitles Introduction, Method, Finding, Conclusion. There should not be any other title than these. The EXTENSIVE SUMMARY title should be written in Times New Roman, 11 point, bold, all letters capitalized, left justified, followed by 6 point space. Subtitles should be written in Times New Roman, 11 pt, bold, first letter capitalized, left justified, followed by 6 nk spaces. The text should be written in Times New Roman, 11 point, Justified, 6 nk space after paragraphs. This section is not included in the article's word limit.
Journal of Eurasia Tourism Research by Bayram KANCA is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 .