Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Research Articles

Bayburt University Journal of Science (BUFBD) has adopted the principle of publishing scientific articles containing innovations in fundamental sciences and engineering, and it aims to share and discuss researchers' knowledge and skills in science and technology in national and international literature.

Bayburt University Journal of Science accepts original and innovative research and review articles in the field of fundamental sciences and engineering that will also contribute to science. The journal includes Turkish and English publications. The responsibility that the article to be published in the journal has not been published elsewhere and obtaining the approval of all authors in the article belongs entirely to the responsible author.


1.     Articles must be uploaded by the corresponding author in WORD document file format.

2.     If the article is an original research article written in English; it must consist of Title, ABSTRACT, Keywords, INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, CONCLUSION, Acknowledgments (If any), References.

3.    If the article is a review; It must consist of Turkish Title, Turkish ABSTRACT, Keywords, English Title, ABSTRACT, Keywords, INTRODUCTION, RESULTS and Bibliography parts. If the review article is written in English; It must consist of Title, ABSTRACT, Keywords, INTRODUCTION, CONCLUSION and References titles. 2nd degree and 3rd degree subtitles can be added in the main titles of INTRODUCTION and CONCLUSION parts.

4.    The templates designed according to the editorial rules of our journal are open to Access as below.    

    Research Article (Turkish)

    Research Article (English)

    Review Article (Turkish)

    Review Article (English)

5.    All manuscripts’ Copyright Transfer Forms  must be filled in by all the authors of the article and uploaded with the article. Publications of authors who do not submit a Copyright Transfer Form are not processed. No additions can be made by the authors on the articles in publication process.


Page layout must be set in A4 size with 2.5 cm margins from all sides. The article must be at least 5 and at most 25 pages from the first page to the last page (including references). The editorial board has the authority to increase this number (25 pages) in case of necessity.

General Formatting
All of the scripts in the article must be written in "Times New Roman" font, with "10 pt." size, "Justified" and "Single line spacing".
It must be written in Turkish and English, not exceeding 300 words. At the beginning of the English abstract, the title of the work must also be written in ENGLISH.

A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 6 key words should be given in Turkish / English.


Main section titles must be written in bold and capital letters (except Bibliography and Acknowledgment). 2nd and (lower case v) 3rd degree titles must be written in bold. In addition, only the first letter of the first word must be capitalized, while all other words must be written in sentence format with lowercase letters. All titles must be numbered in line with the title level.


All of the equations or functions to be specified in the text must be numbered including equation number. The equation or function must be left justified and the equation number must be indicated justified right.


Figures must be numbered sequentially throughout the study, regardless of the title level. The figure number and figure name must be given below the figure. Displays such as photographs, pictures, drawings and graphics other than the table must be indicated as "Figure". The text of the figure must be presented “centrally " below the figure while both the figure and the number must be bold. The dimensions of the figures must be placed properly not to exceed the page size.


Tables must be numbered sequentially throughout the entire study, regardless of the title level. Table number and Table name should be given above the table and "centrally". Tables should also be designed in such a way that only the bottom and top lines of the table lines must be remained.


As the reference style, the "IEEE" reference style can be used for bibliography representation.

For articles:
[1] E. Özahi, A. Tozlu, and A. Abuşoğlu, “Thermoeconomic multi-objective optimization of an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) adapted to an existing solid waste power plant,” Energy Convers. Manag., vol. 168, pp. 308–319, Jul. 2018.
For books:
[2] K. A. Stroud and D. Booth, Advanced Engineering Mathematics. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2011.
For conference submissions:
[3] H. Xu et al., “Antibiotic Susceptibility of Potential Probiotic Lactobacilli Isolated from the Vagina of Chinese Pregnant Women,” in 2008 International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2008, vol. 231, pp. 838–842.
For book chapter:
[4] B. D. Tapley, B. E. Schutz, and G. H. Born, “Orbit Determination Concepts,” in Statistical Orbit Determination, Elsevier, 2004, pp. 1–16.
For report:
[5] J. McCarthy, “Mathematical Theory of Computation,” Livermore, CA (United States), Aug. 1991.
For web page:
[6] AFAD, “Türkiye Deprem Bölgeleri Haritası,” 2019. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 16-Feb-2019].
For dissertations:
[7] D. A. Niffenegger, “Determination of seed homogeneity,” Iowa State University, Digital Repository, Ames, 1967.
For software:
[8] “SAP2000.” Computers & Structures, CALIFORNIA, 2019.

Publication Ethics

Bayburt University Journal of Science (BUFBD) prioritizes compliance with ethical rules in engineering fields and interdisciplinary studies. In this context, the publication ethics rules of Bayburt University Journal of Science were determined by considering the principles of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). In line with these principles, article processes are managed in accordance with research and publication ethics. The duties and ethical responsibilities of the boards involved in the publication of the publications that reach our journal are specified according to the following principles.

Editors' Duties and Responsibilities

While chief editor and field editors are performing their duties, authors are not distinguished according to gender, religion, race, and ethnicity.
Editors may decide to accept or reject the article for the review phase by evaluating the importance, originality and suitability of the article to the journal during the publication phase of the article.
Editors do not show any privileges to any author, including sponsored or special themed studies, and evaluate the submitted works according to their content.
Editors send the studies submitted to the journal to the referees, taking into account the relevance of interest. Referees are appointed as referees considering their area of expertise.
Editors prevent the evaluation of non-scientific studies that violate ethical violations and academic etiquette.
Editors have the necessary work and dedication to expand and update the referee pool.

Ethical Duties and Responsibilities of Referees

Referees play an active role in the decision-making process of the editors.
Referees take the content of the study and its contribution to science into account while evaluating.
Adhering to the principle of impartiality, they do not discriminate based on religion, language, race, gender and ethnicity.
They comment in a constructive and courteous manner in order to increase the quality of the evaluated work.
They evaluate the work by adhering to the principle of confidentiality. At the end of the evaluation process, they destroy the information about the study without storing it.
They inform the editor in case of having any information about the authors or realizing a situation that is against blind peer-reviewing.
They evaluate working within the time given to them.

Authors’ Ethical Duties and Responsibilities

The authors prepare their works in an original and fluent language and send them through the system that has been determined.
Every single person contributing to the work must be specified as authors and any responsibility in this matter belongs to the authors. Similarly, the names of people who do not work in the study should not be written in the article, adding and removing authors should not be suggested.
The authors acknowledge that the content presented in the study is not in the evaluation process or has not been published elsewhere. Authors are not allowed to pursue the same article in more than one journal.
Editors or referees can request raw data about the publication. In this context, authors should have the data of the article ready to submit.
Authors are responsible for indicating the conditions under which a conflict of interest within their articles.

Plagiarism Policy

At the preliminary review stage of the articles submitted to our journal, similarity (plagiarism) check is done using the "iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software" program. In the face of the claims and suspicions of plagiarism, which is an ethical violation in the articles, the journal management has the authority to make decisions within the framework of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) rules.

Charging Policy

No fee is requested from the authors in any process of the articles submitted to our journal and the articles are published free of charge.
Article Evaluation Process
Duration for Author's Corrections: 30 days
Extra Time Given to the Reviewer for Manuscript Evaluation: 15 days
Referee Evaluation Period for the Manuscript: 30 days
Extra Time for Referee Invitation: 15 days
Referee Invitation Validity Period: 30 days
The periods specified here are the maximum periods, and completing the evaluation process in a short time is one of the primary principles of journal administration.

Creative Commons License
All papers in this journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic License.

Publishing articles in journal of BUFBD, downloading and reading of articles are free of charge, open access, and no article processing and publishing charges.
