Writing Rules
1. The articles sent to Journal of Bartin University Faculty of Islamic Sciences should be arranged according to the 2nd Version of the Isnad Citation System. (https://www.isnadsistemi.org/guide/isnad2/)
2. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word (translations including original texts) and sent to the editor.
3. Information such as the author's name, title, institution he/she works for, and the telephone and e-mail address at which he can be reached should not be included anywhere in the article. This information will be added to the article by the editor after the articles go through the referee process. Therefore, when articles are entered into the system, they should be reviewed and made sure that no information about the author is included. This is mandatory for blind refereeing.
4. Body texts (including attachments such as bibliography, images, figures, maps, etc.) must be in 'Times News 12 point size; with 1.5 line spacing, justified and not spelled.
5. Page margins; the top should be set to 2.5 cm, the right 2.5 cm, the left 2.5 cm and the bottom 2.5 cm.
6. Paragraph spacing should be 6 pt before and 6 pt after. Paragraph returns should be set to 1.25 cm. Footnotes should be 10 point 'Times News Roman', single-spaced, justified and not spelled.
7. All Arabic texts are in 'Traditional Arabic' font, 16 points; Footnotes should be in 10 point font. Article titles should be written in Turkish and English.
8. Articles should contain a Turkish abstract of 250-500 words and an English translation of this abstract. For articles in a foreign language, Turkish and English abstracts should be given. 5-8 words should be given as keywords in English and Turkish.
9. In translation studies, the original title of the article and bibliographic information should be added with a footnote at the end of the title. The permission letter/e-mail from the publisher of the translations must be attached as an additional file to the application.
10. In terms of spelling and punctuation, the Turkish Language Association's Spelling Guide should be taken as basis, except for special cases required by the article or subject. The editor has the right to make minor changes regarding the spelling of the articles.
11. Names of persons and works should be written based on the article title and spelling rules in the Turkish Religious Foundation Islamic Encyclopedia.
12. There should be consistency in spelling of the words capped and transcribed.
13. A "bibliography" should be given at the end of the article.
14. The upper word limit for articles and translation studies is 10,000.
15. At the end of the article, before the Bibliography, a statement of the contribution rate of the researchers, a statement of support and acknowledgment, if any, and a statement of conflict should be included.
16. It is mandatory to obtain ethics committee approval for studies/articles that require data collection from individuals using scales, surveys, interviews and other data collection tools.
Book Review
1. In book evaluations, the text title must be in Turkish and English, and the imprint information of the work subject to evaluation should be written under the Turkish and English titles in the following order: Author Name and Surname, Title of the Work, trans./thk. Name Surname, Place of Publication: Publisher, Edition, Year, number of pages (e.g. 500 pages), ISBN: xxxx
2. At least three keywords in Turkish and English should be added to book reviews.
3. In the review, references other than the work evaluated should be shown in footnotes. If this type of reference is found, a references section should be added at the end of the evaluation.
4. In the review, references for the evaluated work should be shown in parentheses for the text (eg: p. 100).
5. Book reviews should not include an abstract or summary section.
6. The upper word limit for book evaluation is 2,500.