Ethical Principles and Publication Policy

Works submitted to the journal must not have been previously published in another journal or submitted to another journal for publication.

Candidate articles sent to MAKÜ-EBED are scanned with a plagiarism detection program. The Editorial Board has set the upper limit of the similarity rate at 20%. Candidate articles with a similarity rate above this value are directly rejected.

A candidate article may be rejected without evaluation by the decision of the Editorial Board or the Field Editor if the peer review process has not started or if it does not comply with MAKÜ-EBED's article template and writing rules.

Authors are required to complete the "Copyright Transfer Form" in full, scan the signed version, and upload it to the system. With this form, the publication rights of articles sent to MAKÜ-EBED are transferred to Mehmet Akif Ersoy University.

During the evaluation process, the principle of blind peer review (double-blind method) is adopted, and candidate articles are sent to at least two reviewers, and if deemed necessary, to a third reviewer.

Editors, field editors, authors, and reviewers are obliged to comply with the principles of scientific publication ethics. According to the TÜBİTAK Research and Publication Ethics Committee Regulation, behaviors contrary to ethical rules are as follows (TÜBİTAK, 2018):

ARTICLE 9 - (1) The main behaviors contrary to ethics are as follows:

a) Fabrication: Presenting, reporting, or publishing imaginary data.

b) Falsification: Altering research tools, procedures, or records in a way that may lead to different results or changing the results.

c) Plagiarism: Using others' ideas, methods, data, writings, and figures without proper citation to the owners or, when necessary, using them as if they were one's own without obtaining permission from the owners.

ç) Duplicate publication: Publishing the results of a research more than once or attempting to publish without specifying its previous publication status.

d) Slicing: Dividing the results of a research into parts in an inappropriate manner that would disrupt the integrity of the research and making multiple publications or attempting to publish.

e) Failure to acknowledge supporting organizations: Not mentioning the support of the institution or organization that provided support when it is necessary to specify in presentations or publications containing the results of supported research.

f) Unfair authorship: Omitting the name of someone who has contributed at a level deserving authorship in the presentation or publication of the results of research conducted with multiple researchers, adding someone who has not contributed at a level deserving authorship as an author, or arranging the author order in an inappropriate manner.

g) Self-plagiarism: Quoting from one's own published or submitted work without proper citation.

ğ) Misuse of institutional resources: Using resources provided by the institution in a manner contrary to its purpose or procedure.

h) Non-compliance with acceptance and commitment statements: Not complying with the acceptance and commitment statements envisaged in the research, publication, and other activities submitted to the institution, making false, misleading, or incomplete statements.

ı) Negligence or misuse of duty: Not behaving appropriately while performing duties such as reviewer, consultant, expert, editor, panelist, moderator, observer, rapporteur, committee or board membership, and similar tasks involved in the institution's work and evaluation processes, neglecting duty or misusing it.

i) Baseless or unfounded allegations of ethical violations: Making baseless or unfounded allegations of ethical rule violations.

j) (Repealed: 12/05/2018-277BK)

Last Update Time: 9/21/24, 2:44:28 PM

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of The Institute of Educational Sciences (MAKÜ-EBED) is a national, peer-reviewed, and scientific journal that aims to contribute to science by sharing developments in educational sciences, field education, and teacher training both in Turkey and worldwide on a scientific platform. Our journal is published online once a year, and all articles are offered as open access.