Guidelines for Submission

The journal includes theoretical and applied studies on educational sciences and teaching profession as required by publication education. In particular, priority is given to studies on teachers 'and administrators' working lives, personal rights and educational development. Educational sciences and teaching profession are evaluated with the condition of classification.

The language of the journal is Turkish and English.

Journal is an academic, open access electronic journal.

We will send it for publishing or to be published elsewhere in the journal. Studies previously presented in national or international scientific meetings in the congress and conference area in the academic field are acceptable and may be refereed, provided that they are not published elsewhere or sent for publication.

All articles sent to the journal are subject to preliminary review by the Editorial Board. In the preliminary speech; Considering the articles' (1) suitability for the purpose and scope of the journal, (2) compliance with the principles of journal publication, (3) compliance with journal writing rules, and (4) scientific originality and freshness of the articles.

The examination of the double-blind (double-blind) referee evaluation (peer evaluation - refereeing) process is returned to the authors for documents that are not found appropriate.

He is considered the first author and the communication process is carried out with the first author.

The materials that pass the preliminary evaluation are sent to at least two referees. It is kept confidential. One of the two referees evaluating the articles should decide "Not suitable for printing - Can not be published" and the other should decide "Make corrections, then publish" or "Suitable for printing - Can be published". The article is sent to the third referee.

For the reports from the referees, you can decide to publish the articles, to request a correction from the detailed author (s) of the referee reports, or not to publish them. It belongs to the Editor.

Correction is required, for authors see. In order to continue, the referees are obliged to re-organize their articles and to our journal within one month. The authors send a detailed answer to the referee explaining what they did with their corrected articles.

Published by the Editorial Board. The entire responsibility of the published articles belongs to the authors.

Copyright and Print

We will send it for publishing or to be published elsewhere in the journal. The author must include the send statement in an electronic statement in the e-mail, and it is not published anywhere in the article. Acceptable conditions for publication, Journal of Education and Humanities: Theory and Practice, in which the articles have full publishing rights. Three journals are sent free of charge to the author (s) under the publication of the article. Authors are responsible for the content of published articles, figures and images that are copyrighted.

Last Update Time: 5/17/17, 8:49:33 AM