Writing Rules

All manuscripts submitted to the journal are pre-reviewed by the Editorial Board for compliance with the following writing principles. The preliminary review will consider; (1) compliance with the purpose and scope of the journal, (2) compliance with the journal's publication policy, (3) compliance with the journal's spelling rules, and (4) scientific originality and currency of the articles. In accordance with the plagiarism policy of our journal, incoming articles are scanned for originality using programmes such as Turnit-in or iThenticate, and if the rate in the plagiarism report does not exceed 10%, it is included in the referee evaluation. The double-blind peer review process is initiated for eligible manuscripts, and ineligible manuscripts are returned to their authors.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be written on A4 size with 2.5 cm top, bottom, right and left margins, 1.5 line spacing, left-justified, no end-of-line hyphenation and in 12-point Times New Roman font. Headings should be in Times New Roman bold 12 point and subheadings in Times New Roman bold italic 10 point. In headings, only the first letter of the first word should be capitalised, and the first letter of other words should be lower case. This heading system should also be used in tables. Tables, figures, pictures, graphs, etc. submitted should not exceed the page size of the journal and should not be larger than 12 x 20 in order to make them easier to use. Therefore, smaller font sizes and single spacing may be used for tables, figures, pictures, graphics and similar elements. Manuscripts should contain the following sections, each starting on a separate page.

Title page, an abstract of 100-150 words in the language of the article (Turkish or English) (including the full name(s) of the author(s), the institutions where they work and the title of the article) and 3-5 words of keywords; the Turkish or English abstract should state the purpose of the research, the methodology and the main results. In addition, a structured English abstract of 500-750 words for Turkish articles and a structured Turkish abstract of 1500-2000 words for English articles should be included at the end of the article. Depending on the content of the article, the structured abstract should include at least three headings: Introduction, Literature Review/Conceptual Framework, Methodology, Results, and Conclusion/Discussion.
Main text: Empirical studies should include an introduction, methodology [population sample, data collection tool(s), data analysis], results and discussion sections. Review-type studies should present the problem, competently analyse the relevant literature, highlight the shortcomings, gaps and contradictions in the literature, and state the steps to be taken to address it. In other studies, changes can be made according to the nature of the topic, but care should be taken that this does not take the form of sub-sections that bore the reader or make it difficult to benefit from the text. The article should be prepared in accordance with the APA Publication Manual. Manuscripts that do not follow these rules will be returned to the authors. Author notes and correspondence address, telephone and e-mail address should be included.

It is sufficient to send a copy of the manuscript in Word format to the e-mail address eibd@eibd.org.tr or to register via the DergiPark article submission system to start the editorial process.
The author(s) of research-type articles that require ethics committee approval (articles that require the use of questionnaires or scales, include interviews and/or observations; articles developed by others, such as documents, images, questionnaires, etc., and require permission for their use);
Indicate in the content of the article when and where they obtained the necessary permissions from ethics committees or commissions,
provide a copy of the ethics committee or commission approval form as an appendix to the article when submitting to our journal,
To have participated in at least two of the following stages: "study design", "data collection", "data analysis" and "manuscript writing" and to declare this in the application,
Provide raw data for research under peer review, keeping the identity of participants confidential if requested by peer reviewers,
Authors are required to provide the data if requested after publication of the article.
Authors; (1) any financial contributions, sponsorship or project support for the articles and (2) if their work has previously been presented at national or international scientific meetings such as congresses, conferences or symposia in the academic field, this must be clearly stated in the content of the article. Such studies may be accepted and included in the review process provided that they have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere, except for a short abstract.

Last Update Time: 11/19/24, 10:26:41 AM