ISSN: 2687-3087
Founded: 2019
Publisher: Tuğba YELKEN
Cover Image


Dear researchers,

Journal of Advanced Education Studies has been indexed in "Education Full Text (H.W.Wilson) Database Coverage List" since 01st of January, 2022. The application process of our journal to Scopus and ESCI indexes continues.

Journal of Advanced Education Studies is online, open-access and international peer-reviewed journal which publishes qualified scientific studies on current issues in the field of educational sciences. In this context, the aim of our journal is to create a rich digital sharing and learning environment in the international dimension, which contributes to theoretical and practical aspects of education. Our journal has been under a restructuring process. Therefore, manuscript acceptance and publication standards will be renewed based on the application requirements of international indexes.

According to these standards, our journal editorial board has decided to evaluate and publish only manuscripts in English. Extended Turkish abstracts should be included at the end of English articles. Detailed information about the Extended Turkish summary is given in Author Guidelines (Manuscript Preparation) section.

For your information.






