Referee Process and Evaluation

Studies submitted to the ETKU journal must not have been published anywhere before and/or must not be under review. Research reports, experimental and descriptive studies, method development, and review studies within Educational Technology are accepted.
After reviewing the editorial process regarding purpose, scope, method, and writing rules, two referees evaluate all studies sent to the ETKU journal scientifically using a double-blinded evaluation method. When necessary, additional referee opinions can be sought in the same way.
For each work whose evaluation process is completed, one of the decisions of Rejection, Acceptance, Major or Minor Correction is made. It is assumed that the work has been withdrawn from the journal process for the feedback that has yet to be received within the specified period for the studies for which a correction decision has been made.
Authors who receive corrections are asked for their corrections on the article and their justified responses to the referees, if any.
Corrections containing reasoned responses are subject to editorial review, and additional revisions may be requested from the author(s) when necessary. This stage means that the article has yet to be accepted for publication in the journal. As a result of the final editorial review, the acceptance process is initiated if the authors conclude that the necessary revisions have been made to the article. As a result of the final editorial review, if it is concluded that the authors have made the corrections needed in the article, the acceptance process is initiated.

Last Update Time: 3/11/24, 12:46:44 PM