Submitted manuscripts must be edited according to the journal rules. The most important reason for the delay in the publication of the articles is that the articles are not prepared according to the spelling rules.

See the sample article (

• The 'Ethics Committee Document' must include the names of the authors participating in the study. It is not sufficient to upload only the first page of the consent form. If there is a difference between the Ethics Committee Document and the names of the authors in the study, this difference should be explained in a letter addressed to the editor, and the documents confirming the explanation should also be uploaded.

• In the "Materials and methods" section of studies with human components, compliance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki, ethics committee approval from their own institutions, and "informed consent" from patients should be stated. If animal components were used, compliance with the principles of "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals" should be stated in the "Materials and Methods" section.

• All manuscripts should be scanned for plagiarism using the iThenticate program (, similarity should not exceed 20% and the entire report should be uploaded to the system.

Title Page must be uploaded separately.

Copyright Transfer Form must be signed by all authors.

• Authors should provide the names and current contact information of two referees (academics with the title of Associate Professor and Professor) to evaluate the manuscript. The editors retain the right to select the referees.

• Statistics should be checked for research articles. If necessary, the name of the person or units performing statistics should be mentioned in the acknowledgment section.

• Manuscripts should be uploaded to the journal system at

Last Update Time: 3/29/24, 11:22:45 AM