Aim & Scope

The journal of Education & Youth Research - EYOR is published by the Future of You Association (Gelecek Sensin Dernegi).  The journal aims to contribute to the development of educational sciences and every grade of the education system for a more developed country; to enable researchers to publish their studies after scientific processes and to follow studies in educational sciences without any charges, thus allowing knowledge to be shared.

The Journal is a non-commercial, open-access, peer-reviewed international academic journal that has significantly contributed to the growing importance of perspectives in analyzing Social Sciences, primarily but not entirely "Education" and "Youth" issues in local and global contexts at all levels/sectors

As a truly international journal, EYOR welcomes submissions from any country, provided that authors explain their local context and demonstrate the relevance of their work to a global readership.

Peer Review Policy:

Education &Youth Research (EYOR) is a double-blind (anonymous) peer-reviewed international journal that publishes papers in English. All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two anonymous referees.

The journal engages with theoretical, conceptual, and methodological debates in the broad field of education and youth. It publishes rigorous analyses of educational phenomena, policies, and developments that are of theoretical and practical importance and of relevance to scholars, policy-makers, and practitioners.

Submissions of original manuscripts are welcomed from scholars engaged in high-quality research in all fields, including school-based studies, and from all paradigmatic perspectives in the social and human sciences.

Journal of Education and Youth Research shares engaging, accessible articles that describe cross-disciplinary and cross-sector solutions to specific education challenges and explores cutting-edge thinking regarding:

Youth issues
Gender issues
Teaching and learning
School design
Technology in the classroom
Education leadership
Curriculum approaches
Assessment tools
K12 education
Resources for educators
Education financing
Professional development
Innovation accelerators
Education-related sustainable development goals

Contributors are expected to build upon the existing body of significant texts in the field.

Period Months
July December
Last Update Time: 12/22/24, 5:19:55 PM

Creative Commons License  The content of the Education and Youth Research is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License