Open Access Policy

Education and Youth Research-EYOR adopts sharing the knowledge, transparency and open access as the publishing policy.
Education and Youth Research-EYOR is published within open access policy and promotes Budapest Open Access Initiative (Budapeşte Açık Erişim Girişimi). So . Education and Youth Research-EYOR Editorial Board adopts the open access policies of Budapest Open Access Initiative ( Within this scope, we signed the declaration of the original BOAI at and after the approval process . Education and Youth Research-EYOR is going to be added to the site.
Besides the articles published . Education and Youth Research-EYOR are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License within the context of open access policies (
Gelecek Sensin Association, the publisher of Education and Youth Research-EYOR, does not request a fee from the authors for their articles. The electronic form of the journal is free, and so the access to electronic version of the journal is also free of charge.
Therefore, Education and Youth Research-EYOR has no income; the journal continues this scientific duty with public fundings. Pecuniary obligations of the articles sent to Education and Youth Research-EYOR are under the responsibility of the authors. The journal does not provide any translation services. However, Turkish and English articles are also studied by language editors.

Last Update Time: 4/26/24, 5:03:34 PM

Creative Commons License  The content of the Education and Youth Research is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License