Case Report
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Pancreatic involvement of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in an adult patient: A Case Report

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 18 - 20, 30.12.2022


In acute lymphoblastic leukemia, it is responsible for 80% of childhood leukemia and accounts for 20% of all adult leukemias. Granulocytic sarcoma is an extramedullary tumor arising from immature myeloid serial cells and is seen in 2.5-9.1% of acute leukemia patients. Although it is generally seen in the subperiostal region of bone and soft tissue, it can be detected in all parts of the body. The main treatment of granulocytic sarcoma is chemotherapy to achieve cytoreduction and remission. Chemotherapy consists of remission induction, central nervous system prophylaxis, and post-remission treatment. Radiotherapy is used in symptomatic granulocytic sarcoma, spinal cord compression, vena cava superior syndrome and respiratory tract compression due to mediastinal mass.


  • 1. Gurney JG, Severson RK, Davis S, Robison LL. Incidence of cancer in children in the United States. Sex-, race-, and 1-year age-specific rates by histologic type. Cancer. 1995; 75(8): 2186– 2195.
  • 2. Pui CH, Robison LL, Look AT. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Lancet. 2008; 371: 1030–1043.
  • 3. Nachman J. Clinical characteristics, biologic features and outcome for young adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Br J Haematol. 2005; 130: 166–173.
  • 4. Smith OP, Hann IM. Clinical features and therapy of lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatric Hematology, Third Edition. Blackwell Publishing, 2006; 450-481.
  • 5. Byrd JC, Edenfield WJ, Do NS, Ayleworth C, Dawson N. Exramedullary myeloid cell tumors in myelodysplastic syndromes: not a true indication of impending acute myeloid leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 1996; 21: 153-159.
  • 6. Neiman RS, Barcos M, Berard C, Bonner H, Man R, Rydell RE, et al. Granulocytic sarcoma. A clinicopathologic study of 61 biopsied cases. Cancer. 1981; 48: 1426-1437.
  • 7. Bleyer WA. Central nervous system leukemia. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1988;35(4):789-814. doi:10.1016/s0031-3955(16)36510-5.
  • 8. Choi EK, Byun JH, Lee SJ, Jung SE, Park MS, Park SH, et al. Imaging findings of leukemic involvement of the pancreaticobiliary system in adults. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007; 188: 1589–1595.
  • 9. Guruprasad CS, Reghu KS, Nair M, Kumary PK. Asymptomatic hyperamylasemia/hyperlipasemia due to pancreatic infiltration in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Indian J Pediatr. 2016; 83: 81–82.
  • 10. Means J, Feldman D, Shaw A, Vu K. Rare case of mixed phenotype acute leukemia presenting as a myeloid sarcoma without leukemic involvement. Perm J. 2022; 26(1): 132-136.
  • 11. Collado L, Dardanelli E, Sierre S, Moguillansky S, Lipsich J. Asymptomatic leukemic-cell infiltration of the pancreas: US findings. Pediatr Radiol. 2011; 41: 779–780.
  • 12. Canbolat Ayhan A, Timur C, Sonmez S, Zemheri E, Yoruk A. Myeloid sarcoma presenting with leukemoid reaction in a child treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Case Rep Hematol. 2014; 2014: 757625.
  • 13. Bassan R, Maino E, Cortelazzo S. Lymphoblastic lymphoma: an updated review on biology, diagnosis, and treatment. Eur J Haematol. 2016; 96(5): 447-460.
  • 14. Rosen O, Müller HJ, Gökbuget N, Langer W, Peter N, Schwartz S, et al. Pegylated asparaginase in combination with high-dose methotrexate for consolidation in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in first remission: a pilot study. Br J Haematol. 2003; 123: 836–841.

Yetişkin bir hastada akut lenfoblastik löseminin pankreas tutulumu: Bir Olgu Sunumu

Year 2022, Volume: 1 Issue: 1, 18 - 20, 30.12.2022


Akut lenfoblastik lösemi, çocukluk çağı lösemisinin%80'inden sorumludur ve tüm yetişkin lösemilerin %20'sini oluşturur. Granülositik sarkom, immatür miyeloid seri hücrelerden kaynaklanan ekstramedüller bir tümördür ve akut lösemi hastalarının%2.5-9.1'inde görülür. Genellikle kemik ve yumuşak dokunun subperiostal bölgesinde görülmekle birlikte vücudun her yerinde tespit edilebilir. Granülositik sarkom hem pediyatrik hem de yetişkin hastaları etkilese de (3 ay ile 89 yaş arasında vakalar bildirilmiştir) pediatrik hastalarda sıklıkla teşhis edilir. Granülositik sarkomun ana tedavisi sitoredüksiyon ve remisyon sağlamak için kemoterapidir. Kemoterapi, remisyon indüksiyonu, merkezi sinir sistemi profilaksisi ve remisyon sonrası tedaviden oluşur. Radyoterapi semptomatik granülositik sarkom, omurilik kompresyonu, vena kava superior sendromu ve mediastinal kitleye bağlı solunum yolu kompresyonunda kullanılır.


  • 1. Gurney JG, Severson RK, Davis S, Robison LL. Incidence of cancer in children in the United States. Sex-, race-, and 1-year age-specific rates by histologic type. Cancer. 1995; 75(8): 2186– 2195.
  • 2. Pui CH, Robison LL, Look AT. Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Lancet. 2008; 371: 1030–1043.
  • 3. Nachman J. Clinical characteristics, biologic features and outcome for young adult patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Br J Haematol. 2005; 130: 166–173.
  • 4. Smith OP, Hann IM. Clinical features and therapy of lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatric Hematology, Third Edition. Blackwell Publishing, 2006; 450-481.
  • 5. Byrd JC, Edenfield WJ, Do NS, Ayleworth C, Dawson N. Exramedullary myeloid cell tumors in myelodysplastic syndromes: not a true indication of impending acute myeloid leukemia. Leuk Lymphoma. 1996; 21: 153-159.
  • 6. Neiman RS, Barcos M, Berard C, Bonner H, Man R, Rydell RE, et al. Granulocytic sarcoma. A clinicopathologic study of 61 biopsied cases. Cancer. 1981; 48: 1426-1437.
  • 7. Bleyer WA. Central nervous system leukemia. Pediatr Clin North Am. 1988;35(4):789-814. doi:10.1016/s0031-3955(16)36510-5.
  • 8. Choi EK, Byun JH, Lee SJ, Jung SE, Park MS, Park SH, et al. Imaging findings of leukemic involvement of the pancreaticobiliary system in adults. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2007; 188: 1589–1595.
  • 9. Guruprasad CS, Reghu KS, Nair M, Kumary PK. Asymptomatic hyperamylasemia/hyperlipasemia due to pancreatic infiltration in acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Indian J Pediatr. 2016; 83: 81–82.
  • 10. Means J, Feldman D, Shaw A, Vu K. Rare case of mixed phenotype acute leukemia presenting as a myeloid sarcoma without leukemic involvement. Perm J. 2022; 26(1): 132-136.
  • 11. Collado L, Dardanelli E, Sierre S, Moguillansky S, Lipsich J. Asymptomatic leukemic-cell infiltration of the pancreas: US findings. Pediatr Radiol. 2011; 41: 779–780.
  • 12. Canbolat Ayhan A, Timur C, Sonmez S, Zemheri E, Yoruk A. Myeloid sarcoma presenting with leukemoid reaction in a child treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Case Rep Hematol. 2014; 2014: 757625.
  • 13. Bassan R, Maino E, Cortelazzo S. Lymphoblastic lymphoma: an updated review on biology, diagnosis, and treatment. Eur J Haematol. 2016; 96(5): 447-460.
  • 14. Rosen O, Müller HJ, Gökbuget N, Langer W, Peter N, Schwartz S, et al. Pegylated asparaginase in combination with high-dose methotrexate for consolidation in adult acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in first remission: a pilot study. Br J Haematol. 2003; 123: 836–841.
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Case Reports

Mustafa Kandaz 0000-0003-1106-6227

Yaren Kandaz This is me 0000-0003-3494-9428

Publication Date December 30, 2022
Submission Date December 20, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022 Volume: 1 Issue: 1


AMA Kandaz M, Kandaz Y. Pancreatic involvement of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in an adult patient: A Case Report. Farabi Med J. December 2022;1(1):18-20.

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