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1. All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, focus group work, observation and experimental techniques, research using humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes, retrospective studies Ethics Committee approval is required.
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4. The works sent through the journal system to be published in the journal are evaluated by the Editorial Board in terms of scientific, ethical and spelling rules. The pre-evaluation period is two (2) weeks. The works whose applications are accepted after the preliminary evaluation are submitted to the opinion of at least two referees who are experts in their fields.
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1. To accept the evaluation of articles that are related to the field and have no conflict of interest.
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3. Completing the article evaluation process on time.
4. Using constructive language when making suggestions that will help improve the quality of the article.
5. To protect the confidentiality of the evaluated article and the information related to the article.
1. The editors agree to provide the information needed by the authors, reviewers and readers about the relevant article in a short time.
2. While making a positive or negative decision about the articles submitted to the journal, the editors take into account criteria such as the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method used, the clarity of the expression, as well as the purpose and scope of the journal.
3. Editors apply blind peer-review and article evaluation processes, and support unbiased, impartial and objective behavior at all stages of evaluation.
4. Editors ensure the protection of all kinds of personal data in the evaluated articles.
5. Editors pay attention to the observance of human and animal rights in the articles sent to the journal. Articles that do not have ethics committee approval and, if necessary, permission are not taken into consideration for the study.
6. Editors check or request originality-similarity over the contents of the articles.
The Editorial Board of the journal handles all objections within the framework of the Editorial Ethics Committee (COPE). In such cases, authors should contact the editorial board directly regarding their appeals and complaints. When necessary, an expert can be appointed to resolve issues that cannot be resolved internally. The Editor-in-Chief is the final authority in the decision-making process for all appeals and complaints.
*The articles to be sent to the journal should be prepared according to the sample files given below. Manuscripts not prepared in accordance with the journal format will be returned to the Author(s).
**International Medical Journals Editorial Board (ICMJE) directive