Tokat Journal of Ilmiyat,
It publishes studies produced in the disciplines in the Basic Field of Theology. Accordingly, our journal includes works produced in the fields of Basic Islamic Sciences, Philosophy and Religious Sciences, Islamic History and Arts.
It is important to follow the spelling rules in order for the publication processes of our journal to progress faster and healthier. Submissions that do not comply with the spelling rules will be returned without being evaluated. For this reason, please upload your article in accordance with the spelling rules of our journal.
Our journal has decided not to accept articles in Arabic as of 2025. In addition, the journal plans to publish a maximum of 2 articles in English, 2 articles produced from theses, dissertations, papers, etc. in each issue. Authors should take this into account and contact the journal management before uploading their articles.
Mr. Researchers! Starting from the new issue, we plan to make article acceptance continuous and publish 13-16 articles per issue in our journal. For this reason, we will publish the articles that successfully complete the process according to the date order. We remind you that articles that exceed the quota in the relevant issue may be left to the next issues.