Editorial Principles

  • The papers submitted for publication must not have been published previously or accepted for publication by another publisher. 

  • Papers may not exceed 9.000 words, including annex such as pictures, charts and maps etc.

  • The language of HADITH are Turkish, English and Arabic.

  • The editorial board assesses the submitted paper with regard to aim, scope, content, method and the instructions in the author guidelines before sending it to referees. After the deliberation of the editorial board, submitted papers are sent to two referees. The paper which is accepted by referees, is published. If it is rejected by one of them, it is sent to a third referee. In accordance with the decision of the third referee, it is decided whether the paper has to be published or not. The paper which is decided to be published is taken in publication order. The Referee Reports are confidential. Authors are informed about the decision regarding the publication of their papers in term. The revision and improvement demanded by the referees must be implemented in order for a paper to be published. The authors have to take notice of the editorial board and the referees’ reports. Scientific and legal responsibility of the published articles belong to the author. The editorial board reserves the right to accept or to reject the paper. Papers submitted to the journal are not returned, even if they are not accepted for publication. Published papers of the authors could be removed from publication in accordance with the decision of the editorial board. Published papers could not be withdrawn from the journal without the decision of the editorial board. 

  • The copyright fee is not paid for the papers.

  • Authors have to transfer (assign) the copyright in their articles to HADITH before publication. The authors have to prepare a Copyright Release Form signed by all authors. The intention of having the disposed paper to be published in the Journal as well as the preferred section (research, review, letter to the editör etc.) have clearly been indicated in the paper. COPYRIGHT RELEASE FORM

  • After registering on the main page of the journal, the papers prepared according to the publication standards of the journal have to be uploaded in the Word file without specifying name and surname, The papers submitted for publication have to be written in A4 size with white space at the top, bottom, right, left 2.5 cm with at least 12nk line spacing, two sides, without line hyphenation and 10 points Palatino Linotype font.

  • Submitted papers will be checked with the plagiarism detection program (iThenticate) to determine whether they contain plagiarism or not. 

  • Name of the article has to be written in Turkish, English and Arabic; the names, surnames, academic titles, the institution of the authors and ORCID number have to be indicated. In addition, the contact informations (e-mail addresses) of the authors have to be given in full. 

  • HADITH Journal does not charge any fee for the evaluation and publication of papers from the authors.
  • Publication dates: July (31st July) and December (31st December).


Last Update Time: 5/21/22, 5:36:43 PM