Writing Rules

In the Journal of Nephrology Nursing; Nephrology, dialysis, transplantation nursing and articles that include clinical and experimental research, case reports, literature reviews, systematic reviews, meta-analysis studies, study protocols, letters to the editors, editorial comments, and discussions are published on current issues that determine the nursing agenda.

Journal of Nephrology Nursing published 3 times a year: January, May and September.

The publication languages of the journal are Turkish and English.

Articles sent for publication (except for congresses, scientific meetings) must not have been previously published or sent for publication. Studies that have been presented (poster or verbal) in scientific meetings and whose abstracts have been published are accepted provided that they are stated on the title page of the article.

The studies to be published in our journal should be prepared in accordance with the writing rules and other conditions stated below and sent to our journal via the Dergipark system at https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/hemsire   
After the article is processed for scientific evaluation, the names of the authors specified in the publication rights form are taken as the basis. After this stage;
• At no stage, the name of an author cannot be added to the article, and the order of the authors cannot be changed, except for the authors who have signed the publication rights form.
• In order to remove the name of any of the article authors from the article, the written permission of all the authors related to the subject should be obtained and sent to the journal editor via the Dergipark system.
During article submission, the copyright transfer form should be filled out and signed by the corresponding author and uploaded to the system.

The category of the submitted article, the fact that it has not been sent to another journal before, the persons and organizations that support the study financially, if any, and the relations of these organizations with the authors, if any, should be specified.

The Turkish and English title of the article is written with only the first letters capitalized, bold, and aligned to the middle, and the names of the authors are written in the same way on the bottom line. The titles of the authors, the name and address of the institution they work for, their contact information (corporate and personal phone numbers, e-mail, and correspondence addresses), and ORCiD information should be written in the left-justified form after the bottom line. If the article has been submitted before, the place and date of the notification should be specified. Information about the submitted work: production from the thesis work, ethics committee approval, informed consent, conflict of interest, financial support, and acknowledgment should be included on the cover page.
Any information that may lead to the recognition of the authors of the article should not be included in the full text, this information should only be included on the cover page.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the articles comply with legal, scientific and ethical rules.

Formal Features Of The Article
• Number of words: It should be limited to 6000-8000 words in Original Research Articles, Meta-Analysis and Systematic Reviews, and 3000-5000 words in Review and Case Reports.
• The margins of the page should be arranged as 2.5 cm from the right, left, top and bottom.
• Headings should be written left-justified.
• The entire article should be formatted to be justified.
• The main text should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 2 line spacing.
• Main topics; All letters must be uppercase and bold. Sub-headings under the main headings; It should be written left-justified, bold and the first letters capitalized.
• Title page and main text should be submitted as two separate Microsoft Word files.
• Abbreviations should not be used in the Title and Abstract, their explanations should be given in the text where they are first used, and the abbreviation should be written in parentheses. The number of abbreviations should be as few as possible.
• In the text, numbers less than 10 should be written in writing, numbers 10 and above should be written in numbers.
• Paragraphs should not start with numbers and abbreviations.
• Manuscripts should be saved as “.doc” or “.docx” and sent as a Word document. It should not be submitted in “PDF” or any other format.


Original Research: Prospective, retrospective, and all kinds of experimental studies conducted in clinics can be published.

• Abstract (Average 200-250 words, in Turkish or English, consisting of purpose, materials and methods, and conclusions)
• Introduction (Purpose, hypotheses and research questions if any)
• Materials and Methods (type of study, place, and duration of the study, universe, and sample of the study, inclusion and exclusion criteria, data collection tools, data collection method, the ethical aspect of the study, data analysis)
• Results
• Discussion (limitations of the research in the last paragraph)
• Conclusion and Recommendations
• References (Vancouver reference style - Vancouver writing guide https://library.viu.ca/citing/vancouver )

Checklists to be prepared according to the type of study:
Nonrandomized Behavior or Public Health Experimental Studies: TREND ( www.cdc.gov/trendstatement/ )

Observational Study: Cohort, Case-Control, Cross-sectional: STROBE ( https://www.strobe-statement.org/ )
Randomized controlled trial: CONSORT ( http://www.consort-statement.org/home/ ).
CONSORT translations ( www.consort-statement.org/consort-statement/translations/), Standard protocol items for randomized trials: SPIRIT (http://www.spirit-statement.org/).
Experimental Animal Studies: ARRIVE ( www.nc3rs.org.uk/arrive/ ).

Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review: Meta-analysis and systematic review articles PRISMA Statement (PRISMA Statement: Checklist of items to include when reporting a systematic review or meta-analysis) ( http://www.prisma-statement.org/ ) control should be prepared according to the list.

• Abstract (Average 200-250 words, in Turkish or English, consisting of purpose, materials and methods, and conclusions)
• Keywords/Keywords (minimum 3, maximum 5 words)
• Introduction
• Materials and Methods
• Results
• Discussion
• Conclusion and Recommendations
•References (Vancouver reference style - Vancouver writing guide https://library.viu.ca/citing/vancouver )

Review: Review articles preferred to be written by experts who have experience and studies in the field; These are studies in which the discussions and the opinions of the authors are put forward in the direction of current national and international sources on current and needs-oriented issues. Prepared directly or by invited authors.

• Abstract (Average 200-250 words, without sections, in Turkish or English)
• Sub-titles related to the subject
•References (Vancouver reference style - Vancouver writing guide https://library.viu.ca/citing/vancouver )

Case Report: These are rare articles that differ in diagnosis, treatment, and care. It should be supported with a sufficient number of photographs and diagrams. Case articles should be prepared according to the CARE (Case Report Guidelines) ( https://www.care-statement.org/ ) checklist.

• Abstract (Average 100-150 words, without sections, in Turkish or English)
• Introduction
• Case Report
• Discussion
•References (Vancouver reference style - Vancouver writing guide https://library.viu.ca/citing/vancouver )

Editorial Comment/Discussion: It is the evaluation of the original research articles published by an expert on the subject, other than the authors of the research. It is published at the end of the relevant article.

• A minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 should be written in Turkish or English.
• Keywords should be provided in alphabetical order and in a subheading format.
• Words should be separated from each other by semicolons (;).
•Turkish keywords should be given in accordance with “Turkish Science Terms” ( https://www.bilimterimleri.com ).
• English keywords should be given in accordance with “Index Medicus: Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)” standards ( https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/search ).

• The places where figures, pictures, tables, and graphics are used in the text should be stated at the end of the relevant sentence.
• The total number of tables, figures, and graphs in all articles should be limited to a maximum of five.
• Tables should be numbered in the order of their usage in the text. After the table number, a period and a space should be left, and the table's name should be written above it with the first letter of each word capitalized.
• Figures, pictures/photos should be added to the system as a separate file.
• The abbreviations used should be stated in the explanation below the figures, pictures, tables, and graphics.
• If previously printed figures, pictures, tables, and graphics are used, the source should be indicated; If the material used was obtained from a personal archive, permission should be obtained from the owner and it should be stated in the article that permission
was obtained in the section where the material was used.
• Pictures/photos must be colorful, contrast, and clear enough to see details.
• When writing titles for figures and graphs, they should be in sentence case with the first letter capitalized and the rest in lowercase, located below the figures and graphs.
• Figures should be in digital format, have a resolution of 300 DPI, and be in .jpeg format. Tables, figures, and graphs should appear after the references. Each table, figure, and graph should be referred to in the text.
• No spaces should be left before commas and periods used in tables, figures, and graphs.
• There should be no spaces at the beginning and end of sentences or words inside parentheses ( ) and quotation marks “ ”.
• When writing decimal numbers, a comma should be used (e.g., 23,7%), and if numbers with four or more digits are to be written in groups of three, a period should be used (e.g., 1.000.000 units).


Citation in the Text

• 'National Library of Health (NLM) Reference Writing Style' is used when citing references in the text. Each source cited in the text should be numbered in the order in which it is mentioned in the article, should be indicated at the end of the relevant sentence in round brackets and a period should be placed at the end of the parenthesis. If several references are to be shown at the same time, the sources are ordered from smallest to largest and separated by commas (1, 2, 5, 8). Unpublished reports, papers, lecture notes and personal opinions cannot be cited as sources.
• The chronological order of the sources used consecutively should be from oldest to newest. In other words, the smaller number should be given to the older one in date order.
• If there are three or more consecutive references, “-” should be placed between the first and last number and should be shown as (1-4) instead of (1, 2, 3, 4).
• If referencing an author, sources should be provided immediately after the author's name:"
........ Tokem (27) and Şentürk (28) indicated that patients receiving hemodialysis treatment…

• If referencing another source within a publication and the referenced source is inaccessible, only the publication that is being cited should be shown as the source, and the primary source should be mentioned by name:

........ According to Topbaş et al. (8), Guyton and his colleagues described the structure of the kidney...

• When citing works with two authors, the authors' surnames should be separated by the word "and":
......... According to Karakoç and Şentürk (9), the peritoneal dialysis equilibration test...

• When citing works with more than two authors, "et al" should be written after the first author's surname.
......... Arslan et al. (2) used integrative methods... https://doi.org/10.5505/ptd.2017.82

• In figures and tables taken from another source, the source should be cited in accordance with the referencing method used in the text: After the figure or table description, the authors' names (literature number), the word ‘from’," and the statement "retrieved from’ are added in sentence form or only the literature number of the relevant source is provided. The descriptions of these figures and tables should include an explanation that permission was obtained from the authors for their use.

Figure 2. Structure of the kidney (used with permission from Guyton et al.)(5)

• Web pages should be used as sources with a sequential number, but the addresses of the used web pages should be provided in the references along with the access date (in the format month, day, year). Due to the frequent updates of such documents, it is recommended to include the date of the most recent update if available. The used web pages should contain information obtained from scientific publications of scientific individuals, organizations reviewed by a scientific board, as well as publications from government, university, and public institutions. In this context, the official internet pages of internationally and nationally recognized scientific councils and organizations with proven reliability such as "WHO" and "TÜBİTAK" should be used, preferably sites with extensions like "gov," "edu," and "org," while commercial or personal websites and entertainment websites should not be used.

The 2020 mortality statistics of our country can be accessed from the website of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) (26).
According to the internet page data of the World Health Organization dated January 10, 2021 (5), chronic kidney disease...

At the end of the text, the references should be numbered in the order they are cited in the text and presented as a separate list. References should be written in accordance with the Vancouver Reference Style (click here to access the Vancouver writing guide). If reference management software (EndNote, Mendeley, Refworks, etc.) is being used to organize the references, the Vancouver option should be selected.
Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. The following rules should be followed for the formatting of references.
Examples for formatting references
(Please pay attention to the punctuation used in author names, year, volume, and page numbers)
For articles: The author(s) surname(s) and initials, article title, journal title, year, volume, issue, and page numbers should be provided. Abbreviations of journal names should be made according to the Index Medicus/Medline/PubMed list (abbreviations of journals can be found at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals ). If the journal name is not listed in these databases, it should be written in full. If there are 6 or fewer authors in the reference, all authors should be listed; if there are 7 or more authors, "et al." should be used after the 6th author in Turkish references and "et al." should be used for foreign references. After the author names, the full title of the article (only the first word capitalized, others in lowercase), the name of the journal (all words capitalized), year, volume, and page numbers are listed. The DOI number of the source must be included.

Single-author articles:
Conkar S. Effects of nutrition on residual kidney function in peritoneal dialysis patients. Pam Med J. 2017;10(1):39-44. doi: 10.5505/ptd.2017.82653

Multi-author articles (6 or fewer authors):
Şahin G, Atmış B, Melek E, Bayazıt AK. Hemodialysis catheter-related infections in children. Cukurova Med J. 2020;45(4):1283-90. doi: 10.17826/cumj.744912
Selimoglu Namoglu S, Güdük Ö, Shaban H. Investigation of the effect of depression and anxiety on sleep quality in patients undergoing hemodialysis. İKÇÜSBFD [Internet]. 2023[cited 2023 Oct 30];8(3): 969-76. Available from: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/ikcusbfd/issue/79919/1138325

Multi-author articles (7 or more authors):
Şahintürk Y, Sarıkaya AM, İnci A, Yılmaz Ü, Coban M, Gül S, et al. The relationship between peritonitis, dialysis inadequacy, and nutritional parameters in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis patients. Akd Med J. 2018;1:42-7. doi: 10.17954/amj.2018.112

Topbaş E, Bay H, Turan BB, Çıtlak U, Emir AH, Erdoğan TK, et al. The effect of perceived organizational justice on job satisfaction and burnout levels of hemodialysis nurses. J Ren Care. 2019;45(2):120-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/jorc.12271

Articles with institutional authors:
Türk Hemşireler Derneği. Strategies for the future of nursing. Klinik Forum. 1992;105:23-5.
K/DOQI Workgroup. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis 2005;45(4 Suppl 3): S1-153. https://doi.org/10.1053/j.ajkd.2005.01.019

For books: The author(s) surname(s) and initials, chapter title, editor(s)' name(s), book title, edition, city, publisher, year, and page numbers should be provided.

For books published in a foreign language: Pfeifer KA. Pathophysiology. In: Otto SE, ed. Oncology Nursing. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby; 2001. p.3-20.

For Turkish books: Akoğulu E, Akpolat T. Symptoms and findings in kidney diseases. Akpolat T, Utaş C, eds. In: Handbook of Hemodialysis Nursing. 2nd ed. Istanbul: Güzel Sanatlar Matbaası A.Ş;2001. p.5-11.

For books where the author and editor are the same: The author(s)/editor's last name(s) and initials, chapter title, book title, edition, city, publisher, year, and page numbers should be provided.

For books published in a foreign language: Bashir K, Whitaker JN. Epidemiology of multiple sclerosis. Handbook of Multiple Sclerosis. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins:2001. p. 28-42.

For books published in Turkish: Coşkun A. Genetik danışmanlık. Coşkun A, ed. Doğum ve Kadın Hastalıkları Hemşireliği El Kitabı. 1. Baskı. İstanbul: Birlik Ofset Ltd. Şti.;1996. s. 23-30.

For conference proceedings: The author(s) surname(s) and initials, paper title, conference name, year, city, and page numbers should be provided.
Albayrak CA, Çınar S. The effects of nutrition on residual kidney functions in peritoneal dialysis patients. 23rd National Congress of Kidney Diseases, Dialysis and Transplantation Nursing. 2013, Antalya, 74.

For internet sources:
Website: Author's last name, Author's initial. (Publication or update date). Title., internet address, Access date.

Süleymanlar G, Ateş K, Seyahi N. Joint Report of the Ministry of Health and Turkish Nephrology Society 2020 [Internet]. 2020[cited 2021 Jan 30];136. Available from: http://www.nefroloji.org.tr/folders/file/registry_2019.pdf

Marchildon GP, DiMatteo L. Health care cost drivers: the facts [Internet]. Canadian Institute for Health Information;2011[cited 2015 Jan 15]. Available from: https://secure.cihi.ca/free_products/health_care_cost_drivers_the_facts_en.pdf

For theses:
Author's surname, Author's initials. (Year). Title. Unpublished master's/doctoral thesis, University name.
Şentürk Z. Examination of the relationship between fluid control and comfort in hemodialysis patients. [dissertation]. Aydın Adnan Menderes University Institute of Health Sciences;2021.

Last Update Time: 8/20/24, 4:58:20 PM

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