Manuscript Submission and Withdrawal

Submitting an Article
Before submitting an article to the Journal of Nephrology Nursing, the relevant information at should be read in detail. The cover page and the article template should be downloaded to the computer from the internet and the articles should be prepared on this template. All kinds of communication with the authors are made through the Dergipark system during the submission of articles to the Journal of Nephrology Nursing and the evaluation and acceptance of the submitted articles.
Before submitting an article, all authors of the article must register in the system and add ORCID information. If any of the authors are not registered in the system, the submitted article cannot be sent to the editorial board by the system.
In order to submit an article to the journal, all the steps specified by the system must be done in order and appropriately. While uploading the article to the system, each of the sections below should be uploaded as separate files.
Please make sure you have uploaded all the files below:
1- Cover/title page (Author names, title, institution, e-mail, ORCiD number, telephone, etc.)
Click to download the cover page template
2- The full text of the article (without the author and institution information, including the title of the article in Turkish and English, Turkish and English summary, main text, references, tables, and figures/graphics)
3- Ethics committee permission form (if it is a research article), informed consent form (if it is a case report)
4- Similarity rate- Plagiarism scanning (iThenticate, Turnitin, Anti-Plagiarism, DupliChecker, etc.)
5- Publication Rights Form
Click to download the Publication Rights Form
6- Author contribution declaration form
Click to download the author contribution declaration form

Article Withdrawal
The author who wants to withdraw his/her work in the evaluation phase should submit the petition containing his/her justification to the editorial board, in a wet-signed form stating that all authors have approved, electronically or by mail.
The Editorial Board examines the request and returns it to the author within 10 days at the latest. The author cannot submit his/her work to another journal for evaluation unless the retraction request of the study is approved by the Editorial Board of the Journal of Nephrology Nursing.

Last Update Time: 10/27/21, 5:34:12 PM

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