Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi-Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Faculty of Theology is a peer-reviewed Journal published twice a year as July and December. It aims to publish scientific research such as papers, book reviews and symposium reviews on religious studies and to share these studies with public. Makü İFD provides articles written by qualified specialists in the area of Islamic Studies (Scope: Arts and Humanities/Religion/Islamic Studies & Scope: Social and Behavioral Sciences/ Theology and Ethics). It continues to publish compelling original research articles that contribute to the development of scholarly understanding and interpretation in the history and philosophy of religious thought in all traditions and periods - including the areas of Islamic Studies.
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Faculty of Theology publishes in "Religious Studies and Islamic Studies" (research articles, reviews, translations and memorials). The journal seeks authentic and quality works about religion and Islam in relation to the fields of humanities and social science such as ethics, anthropology, history, law, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, literature, and art.
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Faculty of Theology Writing Rules [ISSN: 2757-6418]
The studies sent to our journal should not have been previously published and should not be in the publication process in another journal.
1. Main title: It should be a title that is compatible with the content of the article and best expresses the content, capitalised each letter, Times New Roman (12 font size), written in bold. The title of the article should not exceed 10-12 words.
2. Author name and institution: Author name and institution information should not be written as the study submitted will be directed to the referees. Name and surname, institution information (TR & ENG), e-mail and ORCID ID should be written as specified in the template before the article is approved for publication.
3. Abstract: Articles contain an English title, an abstract (at least 250 words), keywords (at least 5 concepts), a summary (at least 750 words), and a bibliography prepared with APA Style. In the abstract, the sources used, figures and chart numbers should not be included.
4. Keywords: There should be 5-7 keywords under the abstract. The initials of each letter of the keywords should be capitalised and the comma should be used between them.
5. Main text: The texts, pictures, figures, maps, etc. should not exceed 35 journal pages (15,000 words), including its annexes. The articles submitted should be written in A4 size white paper (giving 4 cm space before, after and right; 5 cm in left) by using a "Times New Roman" font with a "minimum, 12nk" line spacing, justified without a hyphen. Besides, the tables, figures, pictures, graphics etc. should not exceed the dimensions of the journal and should not exceed 12x17 cm for easier use. Therefore, in tables, figures, pictures, graphics, etc. smaller fonts and single spacing can be used. “İSNAD” system will be used in footnote and bibliography.
6. Subtitles: Main, intermediate and subtitles can be used in the article provided that they are in harmony with the content. Each letter of these titles should be capitalised.
7. Tables and Figures: Tables should have numbers and titles. Tables, figures, pictures, graphics etc. should not exceed the dimensions of the journal and should not exceed 12x17 cm for easier use. Therefore, tables, figures, pictures, graphics, etc. smaller fonts and single spacing can be used for features.
8. Visuals: They should be added as appendix in the format of high resolution and print quality scanned. The rules in the figures and charts should be followed in picture naming.
Figures, charts and pictures should not exceed 10 pages (one-third of the text). Authors with technical possibilities may place figures, charts and pictures in their places in the text, provided that they can be printed exactly.
9. Citations and Quotations: Direct citations should be quoted. Citations less than 3 lines between lines; Citations longer than 3 lines should be written as 1,5 cm inside and to the left of the line, in blocks and with a line spacing of 1,5, in 9 font. The use of footnotes should be avoided as much as possible, an explanation should only be used and automatic numbering should be used (Office Word).
10. The articles submitted for publication pass the stages of PRE- REVIEW, PLAGIARISM CHECK, REFEREE EVALUATION and TURKISH-ENGLISH LANGUAGE CONTROL. The study, which has been examined three times during the pre-review phase, but cannot go through this process, is returned to the author and not re-processed in the same publication period. Studies that pass the pre-review phase pass to the evaluation process in which at least two referees take part in the framework of the principle of double-blind review.
11. In the use of punctuation marks, the words and abbreviations, the latest Turkish Language Association (TDK) Spelling Guide should be taken as basis in the article, a clear and simple expression should be followed, and unnecessary information that goes beyond the scope and purpose should not be included.
12. The scientific methods in the preparation of the article should be followed; the information about the subject of the study, its purpose, scope, the rationale for preparation etc. should be provided in sufficiently and in a certain peder.
For detailed information on Citations and Resources, see: https://www.isnadsistemi.org/download/isnad-2-yazim-kilavuzu/
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