Writing Rules

Before Submission

Ethics for Publishing
Please see our information pages on Ethics. Click for ethics page

Author(s) Name(s)
Submissions to International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies must include all authors’ names in the correct order during the submission. No author names can be added after submission. If an exclusion of an author’s name or a change in the order of authors are requested, a written and signed (by all of the authors) request form must be sent.

Conflict of Interest
Authors hold the full responsibility for submitted manuscripts to International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies. If there is a conflict of interest with other person(s), organization(s), or institution(s), this should be stated before evaluation process is started.

Submission Declaration

Manuscripts submitted to International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies must be original and have not been fully or partly published before. All submissions go through plagiarism/uniformity control process in multiple software. It should be noted that uniformity with the author(s) previous work is also considered plagiarism. Submissions with plagiarist acts are rejected and are not accepted again.

Editorial Board has also decided that studies that include only scale development and validation are not acceptable . Original studies where the practicality of the scale is tested may be accepted for review after.

Copyright Agreement

Author(s) must accept that the content, the findings, and the conclusions of the submitted manuscripts does not bind the Owner, the Editor, the Assistant Editor, Editorial Board Members, or Scientific Committee Members of International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS).

Author(s) must declare that the submitted manuscripts to International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies are original and have not been published previously or are under consideration of publication elsewhere.

Copyrights for articles published in International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS) are retained by the authors. However first publication rights granted to IJOCIS and Turkish Association of Curriculum and Instruction (TACI) as the Owner. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. It is the author's responsibility to bring an infringement action if so desired by the author.  Please click for Copyright Agreement Form

Global or Self Plagiarism

Authors cannot use other researchers’ opinions fully or thoughts as their own. Similarly, authors cannot use thoughts, opinions, and parts of research from their own previous work without citing properly.

Submission Preparation


International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies publishes articles in English with an extended Turkish summary. Authors are required to prepare their submission following the steps in the journal’s web site and submit the files prepared using the Template. The authors must upload 1) Title Page, 2) Blind Review Text based on the template without the names of the authors, and 3) Ethical Approval Form, respectively.

Information about authors, institutions, or organizations should not be included in the submitted manuscript. Authors are expected to upload their articles completely in English language (with an extended Turkish summary) at the time of submission.
Authors should prepare their manuscripts according to APA7 format.

Please click to Journal Template

Word Limit
Maximum word count is around 8000 words (excluding the reference list & appendix & Turkish summary).

An abstract should be between 150 and 250 words. Statistical procedures, details and references should not be included in the abstract if not essential. Extended Turkish abstract (at the end) should not be less than 750 words and not more than 1000 words.

Key Words
3 to 5 key words should be added. The key words should not be too general or too specific and should not exceed 3 words each.

Detailed information about headings is given in the template. Headings should not be numbered and should follow a similar pattern as shown in the template.


Submission files should be sent in Ms Word 2010 and later, necessary symbols should be added using add symbol command not as pictures.


Table formatting is shown in the template. When referring to tables, use “Table 1/Table 2, etc.” instead of using expressions such as “the table below/above, etc.”.


Figure formatting is shown in the template. When referring to figures, use “Figure 1/Graph 2, etc.” instead of using expressions such as “the figure below/above, etc.”. Pictures should be at least at 300 dpi resolution.

Numbers between 0-10 should be in text format within text (except for findings). Numbers should also be avoided at the beginning of sentences and text form should be used (in text. Eleventh century… etc.). Numeric data should be given in decimals both in text and in tables, figures, etc. (e.g., 11.25, 24.00). Whole numbers should be given using double zero (e.g., 12.00) and divisions for all numbers should be given using full stop.

Acknowledgements should be added after acceptance and placed right before References. This part should not be included in the submission version before acceptance.

Author Contribution/Satement

The authors are expected (and encouraged) to declare the Researchers' Contributions to the manuscript, if the manuscript has more than one author. Authors may also state if a support is received or would like to state an acknowledgment, or conflict of interest if any.


Referencing format for the manuscript should be in APA 7th edition. Detailed information is shown in referencing template.

Last Update Time: 12/31/24, 12:34:55 AM

International Journal of Curriculum and Instructional Studies (IJOCIS) is a formal publication of Turkish Association of Curriculum and Instruction (TACI/EPODER).

IJOCIS is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0