e-ISSN: 2757-7317
Founded: 2020
Publisher: University of Turkish Aeronautical Association
Cover Image

Journal of Aviation and Space Studies (Havacılık ve Uzay Çalışmaları Dergisi) is an international, open access, electronic, peer-reviewed, nonprofit,  interdisciplinary journal that embraces the highest standards in terms of publication ethics, published by University of Turkish Aeronautical Association. The journal is published two times a year in February and August.

The main aim of the journal is to increase the exchange of knowledge and to have a contribution in the development of the scientific background in the field of aviation and aerospace by publishing the studies in the regarding interdisciplinary research fields. In this manner, the aviation and/or aerospace oriented studies in engineering sciences, natural sciences and social sciences are in the scope of the journal. The journal accepts the original research articles and review articles written in Turkish or English.

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Research Article

Kabin Memurunun Sahip Olması Gereken Yetkinlikler: Sivil Havacılık Kabin Hizmetleri Mezunu İstihdam Edilen Kişilerle Bir Alan Araştırması

Research Article


Research Article

An Investigation on The Economic Feasibility of Space Elevator

Research Article

Machine Learning-Based Inflight Food Waste Prediction For Sustainable Aviation


Eklemeli İmalatta Kullanılan Yeni Malzemeler: Uzay Araştırmaları


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