Journal of Amasya University the Institute of Sciences and Technology is concerned with the studies in
Biological Sciences > Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Biological Sciences > Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Biological Sciences > Botany
Biological Sciences > Ecology
Biological Sciences > Evolutionary Biology
Biological Sciences > Genetics
Biological Sciences > Industrial Biotechnology
Biological Sciences > Microbiology
Biological Sciences > Zoology
Built Environment and Design > Architecture
Built Environment and Design > Building
Built Environment and Design > Design
Built Environment and Design > Landscape Architecture
Built Environment and Design > Urban and Regional Planning
Built Environment and Design > Visual Communication Design
Chemical Sciences > Analytical Chemistry
Chemical Sciences > Macromolecular and Materials Chemistry
Chemical Sciences > Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry
Chemical Sciences > Organic Chemistry
Chemical Sciences > Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
Education > Science and Mathematics Education
Engineering > Aerospace Engineering
Engineering > Agricultural Engineering
Engineering > Automotive Engineering
Engineering > Bioengineering
Engineering > Biomedical Engineering
Engineering > Chemical Engineering
Engineering > Civil Engineering
Engineering > Communications Engineering
Engineering > Control Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics
Engineering > Electrical Engineering
Engineering > Electronics, Sensors and Digital Hardware
Engineering > Energy Systems Engineering
Engineering > Engineering Practice and Education
Engineering > Environmental Engineering
Engineering > Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Engineering
Engineering > Forest Industry Engineering
Engineering > Geological Sciences and Engineering
Engineering > Geomatic Engineering
Engineering > Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering
Engineering > Maritime Engineering
Engineering > Materials Engineering
Engineering > Mechanical Engineering
Engineering > Mining Engineering
Engineering > Nanotechnology
Engineering > Nuclear Engineering
Engineering > Petroleum Engineering
Engineering > Textile Sciences and Engineering
Engineering > Welding Engineering and Extractive Metallurgy
Environmental Sciences > Climate Change-Impact and Adaptation
Environmental Sciences > Ecological Applications
Environmental Sciences > Environmental Biotechnology
Environmental Sciences > Pollution and Contamination
Information and Computing Sciences > Applied Computing
Information and Computing Sciences > Artificial Intelligence
Information and Computing Sciences > Computer Vision and Multimedia Computation
Information and Computing Sciences > Cybersecurity and Privacy
Information and Computing Sciences > Data Management and Data Science
Information and Computing Sciences > Distributed Computing and Systems Software
Information and Computing Sciences > Graphics, Augmented Reality and Games
Information and Computing Sciences > Human Centered Computing
Information and Computing Sciences > Information Systems
Information and Computing Sciences > Library and Information Studies
Information and Computing Sciences > Machine Learning
Information and Computing Sciences > Software Engineering
Information and Computing Sciences > Theory of Computation
Mathematical Sciences > Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences > Numerical and Computational Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences > Pure Mathematics
Mathematical Sciences > Statistics
Physical Sciences > Astronomical Sciences
Physical Sciences > Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Physical Sciences > Classical Physics >
Physical Sciences > Condensed Matter Physics
Physical Sciences > Mathematical Physics
Physical Sciences > Medical and Biological Physics
Physical Sciences > Nuclear and Plasma Physics
Physical Sciences > Particle and High Energy Physics
Physical Sciences > Quantum Physics
Physical Sciences > Space Sciences
Physical Sciences > Synchrotrons and Accelerators
Publication Ethics
The governance structure of JAUIST and its acceptance procedures are transparent and designed to ensure the highest quality of published material. Journal of New Results in Science adheres to the TR Index Principles of Ethics and the international standards developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
In situations such as manipulating and distorting the data used in the articles and using make-up data are detected, this situation will be officially reported to the institutions of the author(s), and the manuscript will be rejected. The journal has the right to request the output files of the authors' analysis results according to the feedback given by the editors and/or referees.
Notification of the Editor for the Unethical Cases
In case of encountering an unethical case regarding editors, referees, and authors or the manuscript in an early view or in the review process that does not comply with ethical principles, it should be reported to e-mail address.
Publisher’s Ethical Responsibilities
Journal of New Results in Science is in the public interest and is non-profit.
Editors are faculty members who hold at least a doctorate.
Editorial Board consists of an Editor-in-Chief, Editors, Section Editors, a Statistics Editor, Language Editors, Layout Editors, and Production Editors.
In reviewing a paper in which Editors are Co-Authors, an Editor is assigned among the other Editors of JAUIST who do not have any conflict of interest with Authors. The peer review is carried out like that of other papers. In a year, the number of articles in which Editors are its Authors/Co-Authors cannot exceed 1/5 of the total articles published in the respective year.
Responsibilities of Editorial Board
Editorial Board is responsible for every manuscript submitted to the journal.
Editorial Board regularly tries to improve the journal and increase its publication quality.
Editorial Board determines and implements the journal’s policies, such as publication, blind review, and ethical principles.
Editorial Board assesses whether intellectual property rights have been observed and checks manuscripts and journals for unscientific and unethical behaviors - e.g., plagiarism.
Editorial Board is responsible for appointing an expert reviewer to process manuscripts.
Editorial Board is responsible for managing the review process.
Ethical Responsibilities of the Editorial Board
While deciding whether to publish submitted manuscripts, Editors pay attention to considering the original value and similarity rate of the manuscripts, their contribution to the literature, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the language, and the journal’s purpose and scope.
Editors carry out the policies of blind review and review process, among the journal’s publishing policies, keep confidential the identity information of Reviewers, and ensure each manuscript is reviewed objectively and on time.
Editors send manuscripts by taking notice of Editors’ and Reviewers’ fields of expertise, and they pay attention to an objective and independent review of the manuscript.
Editors endeavor to ensure the Reviewers’ diversity and change.
Editors protect personal data in reviewed manuscripts.
Editors protect human rights in the manuscripts and document the participants’ explicit consent. They reject the manuscripts if the authors do not have the Ethics Committee’s approval of the manuscripts’ participants.
Editors make provisions against misconduct. If there are misconduct complaints, they make an objective investigation and share the complaints’ findings.
Editors consider the consistent criticism of manuscripts published in the journal and provide the right to reply to Author for the criticism.
Editors investigate the complaints submitted to the journal and make necessary statements.
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
In reviewing the manuscripts, the single-blind refereeing principle is applied.
Reviewers do not contact directly with the authors. The manuscript review forms, the notes specified on the manuscript, and requests for correction are conveyed to the Author by Editors through the journal management system.
Reviewers must only accept manuscripts related to their field of expertise.
Reviewers should notice the objectivity and confidentiality of the review process. In a conflict of interest, Reviewers should deny reviewing the manuscripts and acquaint Editors.
Reviewers should review the manuscripts with constructive comments by academic ethics principles and avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.
Reviewers should review their accepted manuscripts within the time specified.
Reviewers should provide clear reasons for acceptance or refusal.
The report you prepared must include details. The reference-excluded similarity report of the manuscript is available in the Editorial System.
Reviewers do not request Author to add Reviewers’ articles as a reference if it is not required.
Reviewers avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.
Ethical Responsibilities of Authors
Author should not submit to the Journal of New Results in Science a manuscript they have published elsewhere or submitted to be published elsewhere.
The manuscript submitted by Author should be original.
Author should pay attention to ethical principles for references in the manuscript.
The names of people who do not contribute to the manuscript should not be added as Author.
It should not be suggested to change the order of Author, remove Author, or add Author for the manuscript submitted for publication.
If information or data about the manuscript is requested from Author during the review process, Author should provide Editors’ asked information.
At least one of the authors must hold a doctoral degree.
Master's or doctoral students are not allowed to submit papers derived from their theses without their primary (and second if any) supervisor's name mentioned.
If the paper does not feature the supervisor's name, the Author must upload a waiver form (as an additional file) signed by the supervisor(s) stating the paper has not been derived from the author's master's thesis/doctoral dissertations.
Author should provide Ethics Committee’s approval for the research that requires quantitative or qualitative data collection methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, and focus group studies. The document indicating the Ethics Committee decision should be uploaded with the manuscript’s application to the system.
Obtaining Legal / Private Ethical Committee Approval
The research that requires ethical committee approval is as follows, and the permission mentioned above must be obtained for the publication of such studies (for more details,
All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches require data collection from participants using a questionnaire, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment, and interview techniques.
Use of humans and animals (including material/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Clinical research on humans,
Research on animals,
Retrospective studies by the law on the protection of personal data.
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