Current Issue

Volume: 7 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024
Education, Human Geography, Cultural Geography, Social Geography, Geographic Information Systems
Social Studies Education
Turkish and Social Sciences Education, Special Talented Education

The aim of the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies (JIRSS) is to publish qualified theoretical and applied studies in the field of social studies education, to bring them together with the scientific world, and to contribute to the field literature. Scientific articles are published in the JIRSS Journal, primarily in Turkish and English, as well as in German, Arabic, and French. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December. The author(s) are responsible for the thoughts and opinions expressed in the articles. All publication rights of the articles submitted for publication and accepted by the editorial board belong to JIRSS Journal. Papers presented in national and international symposiums can be sent for publication, provided that it is specified.

Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies (JIRSS) covers qualified theoretical and applied studies in social fields and education, especially in the field of Social Studies Education.

Please submit your article on the system by taking into account the spelling rules and preparing it on the article template of the journal. In case you have problems downloading the template, you can try to download it from different browsers. Fill in the Copyright Transfer Form with your article and upload it to the system. Relevant links are listed below.

JIRSS Article Writing Rules

Copyright Transfer Form

JIRSS Article Template

Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies Publication Policy (Publication Ethics Principles)

Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies has adopted the principle of publishing in accordance with universal publication rules.
Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies is a peer-reviewed journal. In studies prepared within the framework of scientific rules, all components of the publication process; publisher, editors, authors, referees and readers must comply with ethical principles.
If cases such as manipulation, distortion and fabrication of the data used in the articles are detected, the institution where the author of the article works will be officially notified of this situation and the article will be rejected. Our journal has the right to request the output files of the analysis results from the authors according to the evaluations given by the editor(s) and/or referees.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Publisher

Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies is a free and non-profit publishing organization.
Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies has been publishing within the framework of universal rules since 2018.
The Editorial Board of the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies consists of domestic and international experts in their fields. The members of the Editorial Board are formed by considering the branches of social and educational sciences. Depending on the subject of the article, the editor may, if necessary, send articles to faculty members who are not members of the Editorial Board for review as field editors.

Responsibilities of the Editorial Board of Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies

- The Editorial Board of the Journal is responsible for every article submitted to the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies, even after its publication, and the editorial board knows this responsibility. This responsibility requires making decisions on issues related to the journal independently, considering only the public interest and not personal gain. The relationship between the publisher and the Board of Editors is based on the principle of independence, and all editorial decisions are independent of the publisher and other individuals and organizations.
- The Editorial Board of the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies strives to continuously improve the Journal and to increase the quality of publication.
- Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies Editorial Board ensures the determination and implementation of journal policies such as publication, blind review, evaluation process, ethical principles.
- Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies Editorial Board protects the copyright of the authors of the articles published in the journal.

Ethical Responsibilities of Editors, Deputy Editors and Field Editors

- Editors endeavor to meet the information needs of referees, author(s), researchers, practitioners and readers, to provide feedback when necessary, and to act in accordance with the principles of openness in matters requiring correction and clarification during the publication process.
- While deciding to publish the articles, the editors pay attention to the originality of the articles and their contribution to the scientific literature, readers, researchers and practitioners.
- While making positive or negative decisions about the articles, the editors take into consideration the original value of the articles, their contribution to the field, the validity and reliability of the research method, the clarity of the expression, and the purpose and scope of the journal.
- The editors take the submitted manuscripts to the preliminary evaluation stage as long as there are no serious problems, take into consideration the positive referee recommendations, and do not change the decisions made by the previous editor(s) unless there is a serious problem.
- The editors apply the journal's editorial policies of blind review and evaluation process, keep the identity of the referees confidential, and ensure that each article is evaluated impartially and within the deadline.
- The editors submit manuscripts by taking into account the specialties of the field editors and referees, and support unbiased and independent evaluations.
- The editors take into account the conflict of interest or unity of interest between the editors, referees and author(s) for the unbiased evaluation of the article.

- Editors seek to ensure that the pool of reviewers is broad and constantly updated.

- Editors prevent unscientific and unscientific evaluations that do not comply with academic etiquette.
- Editors ensure that journal publication processes are carried out in accordance with publication policies and guidelines, inform those involved in the process about developments in publication policies, and prepare training programs when necessary.
- Editors maintain effective communication with all those involved in the publication process and organize meetings at regular intervals.
- Editors ensure the protection of personal data in the evaluated articles; they protect the personal data of authors, reviewers and readers.
- Editors pay attention to the protection of human and animal rights in manuscripts, care about documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the manuscript, reject the manuscript in the absence of ethics committee approval for the participants of the manuscript and their permission in experimental research.
- Editors take measures against misconduct. When there are complaints of misconduct, they conduct an objective investigation and share the relevant findings.
- Editors ensure that errors, inconsistencies or misdirections in articles are corrected.
- Editors protect the intellectual property rights of published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of violation. They also take the necessary measures to ensure that the content of published articles does not violate the intellectual property rights of other publications; they check for originality-similarity.
- The editors take into account consistent criticism of the articles published in the Journal and give the author(s) of the criticized articles the right to reply.
- The editors also take into account studies with negative results.
- The editors review the complaints submitted to the Journal and make the necessary explanations.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

In the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies article evaluation process, the principle of two-way blind refereeing is applied, where the author(s) do not know the referees and the referees do not know the authors; referees cannot communicate directly with the authors; article evaluation forms and notes on the text and correction requests are sent to the author(s) by the editors via the journal management system. Referees who will evaluate the articles submitted to the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies should bear the following ethical responsibilities:
- Referees should only accept to evaluate articles related to their area of expertise.
- Referees should conduct the evaluation with impartiality and confidentiality. In accordance with this principle, they should destroy the articles they have reviewed after the evaluation process and use them only after publication. Nationality, gender, religious beliefs, political beliefs and commercial concerns should not impair the impartiality of the review.
- When reviewers realize that there is a conflict of interest, they should refuse to evaluate the article and inform the editors.
- Referees should evaluate the manuscript in a constructive manner in accordance with academic etiquette and avoid personal comments containing insults and hostility.
- Reviewers should evaluate the accepted manuscript within the deadline.

Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

Ethical responsibilities of the author(s) submitting an article to the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies:
- The author(s) should not submit more than one article to the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies at the same time if they have published or submitted an article for publication elsewhere.
- The author(s) should submit an original article to the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies.
- The author(s) should correctly cite the sources used during the writing of the article in accordance with ethical principles.
- The names of people who do not contribute to the article should not be written as authors, and it should not be suggested to change the order of authors, remove authors, or add authors to an article applied for publication.
- They should notify the editors of any conflict of interest/conflict of interest regarding the article applied for publication.
- In case information or raw data is requested from the author(s) during the evaluation process, they should submit the expected information to the Editors.
- The author(s) should document that the rights to use the data they use in their articles, permissions for research-research, or the consent of the participants on whom they conducted research have been obtained.
- The author(s) should contact the editor to inform, correct, or retract their manuscript when they notice an error in the manuscript that is under review, early appearance, or published electronically.
- The author(s) should indicate the name of the ethics committee, the date and number of the decision on the first and last page of the candidate article and in the method section, and upload the document showing the ethics committee decision to the system with the application of the article for research that requires data collection with quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiments, surveys, scales, interviews, observations, focus group studies that require ethics committee decision. In addition, information on the receipt of the informed consent form in case presentations should be included in the article.
- The author(s) should provide evidence that they pay attention to ethical principles during the data collection process (such as obtaining permission to use other people's documents such as scales, questionnaires, photographs). It should be stated in the articles that research and publication ethics and copyright regulations for intellectual and artistic works are complied with. If the research was conducted on human and animal subjects, it should be reported that the research was conducted in accordance with international declarations, guidelines, etc.
- Ethics committee approval is not requested from the author(s) for review articles. However, in articles that do not require an ethics committee decision, it should be stated on the first and last page of the article and in the method section.

Notification to the Editor of Non-Compliance with Ethical Principles

In the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies, in case of any behavior that does not comply with the ethical principles regarding editors, referees, authors or any unethical situation regarding an article in the evaluation process, early view or published article, reporting it to will increase our publication quality.

Resources used in the process of drafting and adopting policies:

Budapest Open Access Declaration
ICMJE (International Committee Of Medical Journal Editors)
Creative Commons
COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics)
DOAJ Principles Of Transparency And Best Practice In Scholarly Publishing
YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive
NOTE: While preparing the Journal of Innovative Research in Social Studies Publication Policy (Publication Ethics Principles), the publication processes page of Ankara University Journal of Faculty of Educational Sciences and International Journal of Social and Educational Sciences were utilized in terms of content and form. See

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