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Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri

Year 2020, , 91 - 100, 01.03.2020


Deneysel olarak karakteristiklerini belirlemeye çalıştığımız arayüzey doğal oksit tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al metal/oksit tabaka/yarıiletken veya diğer bir adıyla metal/yalıtkan tabaka/yarıiletken (MIS) yapılar elde edilmiştir. Bu yapı için taban malzeme olarak 1-10 Ω-cm özdirençli p-Si yarıiletkeni kullanılmıştır. Arka yüzeyi omik kontaklı olan bu p-Si dilim, laboratuvar ortamında ön parlak yüzeyi üzerinde doğal oksit SiO2 tabakasının oluşması sağlanmıştır. Diyot parametrelerinin elde edilmesi için, yaygın olarak kullanılan, farklı frekanslarda kapasite-gerilim (C-V) kondüktans-gerilim (G-V) ölçümlerinden Al/p-Si MIS yapının deneysel frekans admittans karakteristikleri elde edilmiştir. Bu karakteristiklerinden, gerçek 𝜀′ ve sanal dielektrik 𝜀′′ sabiti, loss-tanjant (𝜀′′/𝜀′), gerçek 𝑀′ ve sanal elektriksel modulüs 𝑀′′ ve ac iletkenliği 𝜎𝑎𝑐 gibi parametreleri hesaplanmış ve gerekli grafikler çizimleri ve yorumları yapılmıştır.


  • Afandiyeva I. M, Dokme I, Altındal S, Bulbul M. M, Tataroglu A, (2008). Frequency and voltage effects on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of Al–TiW–Pd2Si/n-Si structures, Microelect. Engineer. 85: 247–252.
  • Akın Ü, Yüksel Ö, 2018. Frequency and voltage dependence of electrical modulus and dielectric studies of spin coated perylene-diimide (PDI) organic semiconductor films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29(17): 15183-15190.
  • Altındal Ş, Karadeniz S, Tuğluoğlu N, Tataroğlu A, 2003. The role of interface states and series resistance on the I–V and C–V characteristics in Al/SnO2/p-Si Schottky diodes. Solid-State Electronics, 47(10): 1847-1854.
  • Altındal Ş, Asar Y. Ş, Kaya A, Sönmez Z, 2012. Investigation of interface states in Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) structures with 50 and 826 Å SiO2 interfacial layer usingadmittance spectroscopy method. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.14(1): 998-1004.
  • Aydin M, Akkiliç K, Kiliçoğlu T, 2004. The importance of the neutral region resistance for the calculation of the interface state in Pb/p-Si Schottky contacts. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 352(1-4): 312-317.
  • Badali Y, Altındal Ş, Uslu İ, 2018. Dielectric properties, electrical modulus and current transport mechanisms of Au/ZnO/n-Si structures. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 28(3): 325-331.
  • Caglar Y, Caglar M, Ilican S, Yakuphanoglu F, 2009. Determination of the electronic parameters of nanostructure SnO2/p-Si diode. Microelectronic Engineering, 86(10): 2072-2077.
  • Card H, Rhoderick E, 1971. Studies of tunnel MOS diodes I. Interface effects in silicon Schottky diodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 4(10): 319.
  • Çetinkaya H, Yıldırım M, Durmuş P, Altındal, Ş, 2017. Correlation between barrier height and ideality factor in identically prepared diodes of Al/Bi4Ti3O12/p-Si (MFS) structure with barrier inhomogeneity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 721: 750-756.
  • Cetinkaya A. O, Kaya S, Aktag A, Erhan B, Ercan Yilmaz, 2015. Structural and electrical characterizations of BiFeO3 capacitors deposited by sol–gel dip coating technique. Thin Solid Films, 590: 7–12.
  • Cowley AM, Sze SM, 1965. Surface States and Barrier Height of Metal-'-Semiconductor Systems, J. Appl..Phys, 36: 3212.
  • Coskun M, Polat O, Coskun FM, Durmus Z, Caglar M, Turut A, 2018. The electrical modulus and other dielectric properties by the impedance spectroscopy of LaCrO3 and LaCr0.90Ir0.10O3 perovskites, RSC Adv., 2018: 8, 4634–4648
  • Güçlü Ç, Özdemır A, Kökce A, Altindal Ş, 2016. Frequency and Voltage-Dependent Dielectric Properties and AC Electrical Conductivity of (Au/Ti)/Al /n-GaAs with Thin Al2O3 Interfacial Layer at Room Temperature. Acta Physica Polonica A, 130(1): 325-330.
  • Dökme İ, Altındal Ş, 2007. On the profile of frequency and voltage dependent interface states and series resistance in MIS structures. Physica B, 393: 328–335.
  • Karabulut A, Efeoglu H, Turut A, 2017. Influence of Al2O3 barrier on the interfacial electronic structure of Au/Ti/n-GaAs structures. Journal of Semiconductors, 38(5): 054003.
  • Karatas Ş, Kara Z, (2011). Temperature dependent electrical and dielectric properties of Sn/p-Si metal semiconductor (MS) structures, Microelectron. Reliability, 51: 2205–2209.
  • Kocyigit A, Orak İ, Turut A, 2018. Temperature dependent dielectric properties of Au/ZnO/n-Si Heterojuntion. Mater. Res. Express, 5: 035906
  • Kumar V, Kaminski A. S, Akhtar J, 2016. Capacitance roll-off and frequency dispersion capacitance – conductance phenomena in field plate and guard ring edge-terminated Ni/SiO2/4H-nSiC Schottky barrier diodes. Phys. Status Solidi A, 213(1) 193–202.
  • Mönch W, 2001. Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 553 p.
  • Murarka S, Eizenberg M, Sinha A, 2003. Interlayer dielectrics for semiconductor technologies, 459 p.
  • Nicollian E, Brews J, 1982. MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) physics and technology. Wiley, 917 p.
  • Nicollian E, Goetzberger A, 1967. The Si-SiO2 Interface - Electrical Properties as Determined by the Metal-Insulator-Silicon Conductance Technique. Bell System Technical Journal, 46(6): 1055-1133.
  • Polat O, Coskun M, Coskun F, Zengin Kurt B, Durmus Z, Caglar Y, Turut A, 2019. Electrical characterization of Ir doped rare-earth orthoferrite YbFeO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 787: 1212-1224.
  • Polat O, Coskun M, Coskun FM, Durmus Z, Caglar M, Turut A, 2018. Os doped YMnO3 multiferroic: A study investigating the electrical properties through tuning the doping level, J. Alloys Compd. 752: 274-288.
  • Şafak Asar Y, Asar T, Altındal Ş, Özçelik S, 2015. Dielectric spectroscopy studies and ac electrical conductivity on (AuZn)/TiO2/p-GaAs(110) MIS structures. Philosophical Magazine, 95(26): 2885-2898.
  • Schottky W, 1926. On the Origin of the Super-Heterodyne Method. Proceedings of the IRE, 14(5): 695-698.
  • Turut A, Karabulut A, Ejderha K, Bıyıklı N, 2015. Capacitance–conductance characteristics of Au/Ti/Al2O3/n-GaAs structures with very thin Al2O3 interfacial layer. Mater. Res. Express, 2: 046301.
  • Yıldız D. E, Dökme İ, (2011). Frequency and gate voltage effects on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of Al/SiO2/p-Si metal-insulator-semiconductor Schottky diodes. J. Appl. Phys. 110: 014507.

The Effect of Measurement Frequency on Dielectric Characteristics in Al/P-Si Structures with Interfacial Native Oxide Layer

Year 2020, , 91 - 100, 01.03.2020


Al/p-Si/Al metal/oxide layer/semiconductor or so-called metal/insulating layer/semiconductor (MIS) structures with interfacial native oxide layer are experimentally determined. For this structure, p-Si semiconductor with 1-10 Ω-cm resistivity was used as base material. The native oxide SiO2 layer was formed on the front polished surface the p-Si wafer in the laboratory environment. In order to obtain diode parameters, it was determined the experimental frequency admittance characteristics of the Al/p-Si MIS structure from commonly used capacitance-voltage (C-V) conductance-voltage (G-V) measurements at different frequencies, and parameters such as the real 𝜀′ and imaginary dielectric 𝜀′′ constant, loss-tangent (𝜀′′/𝜀′), real 𝑀′ and imaginary electrical modulus 𝑀′′ and ac conductivity σac were calculated and interpreted.


  • Afandiyeva I. M, Dokme I, Altındal S, Bulbul M. M, Tataroglu A, (2008). Frequency and voltage effects on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of Al–TiW–Pd2Si/n-Si structures, Microelect. Engineer. 85: 247–252.
  • Akın Ü, Yüksel Ö, 2018. Frequency and voltage dependence of electrical modulus and dielectric studies of spin coated perylene-diimide (PDI) organic semiconductor films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 29(17): 15183-15190.
  • Altındal Ş, Karadeniz S, Tuğluoğlu N, Tataroğlu A, 2003. The role of interface states and series resistance on the I–V and C–V characteristics in Al/SnO2/p-Si Schottky diodes. Solid-State Electronics, 47(10): 1847-1854.
  • Altındal Ş, Asar Y. Ş, Kaya A, Sönmez Z, 2012. Investigation of interface states in Al/SiO2/p-Si (MIS) structures with 50 and 826 Å SiO2 interfacial layer usingadmittance spectroscopy method. Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials.14(1): 998-1004.
  • Aydin M, Akkiliç K, Kiliçoğlu T, 2004. The importance of the neutral region resistance for the calculation of the interface state in Pb/p-Si Schottky contacts. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 352(1-4): 312-317.
  • Badali Y, Altındal Ş, Uslu İ, 2018. Dielectric properties, electrical modulus and current transport mechanisms of Au/ZnO/n-Si structures. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 28(3): 325-331.
  • Caglar Y, Caglar M, Ilican S, Yakuphanoglu F, 2009. Determination of the electronic parameters of nanostructure SnO2/p-Si diode. Microelectronic Engineering, 86(10): 2072-2077.
  • Card H, Rhoderick E, 1971. Studies of tunnel MOS diodes I. Interface effects in silicon Schottky diodes. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 4(10): 319.
  • Çetinkaya H, Yıldırım M, Durmuş P, Altındal, Ş, 2017. Correlation between barrier height and ideality factor in identically prepared diodes of Al/Bi4Ti3O12/p-Si (MFS) structure with barrier inhomogeneity. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 721: 750-756.
  • Cetinkaya A. O, Kaya S, Aktag A, Erhan B, Ercan Yilmaz, 2015. Structural and electrical characterizations of BiFeO3 capacitors deposited by sol–gel dip coating technique. Thin Solid Films, 590: 7–12.
  • Cowley AM, Sze SM, 1965. Surface States and Barrier Height of Metal-'-Semiconductor Systems, J. Appl..Phys, 36: 3212.
  • Coskun M, Polat O, Coskun FM, Durmus Z, Caglar M, Turut A, 2018. The electrical modulus and other dielectric properties by the impedance spectroscopy of LaCrO3 and LaCr0.90Ir0.10O3 perovskites, RSC Adv., 2018: 8, 4634–4648
  • Güçlü Ç, Özdemır A, Kökce A, Altindal Ş, 2016. Frequency and Voltage-Dependent Dielectric Properties and AC Electrical Conductivity of (Au/Ti)/Al /n-GaAs with Thin Al2O3 Interfacial Layer at Room Temperature. Acta Physica Polonica A, 130(1): 325-330.
  • Dökme İ, Altındal Ş, 2007. On the profile of frequency and voltage dependent interface states and series resistance in MIS structures. Physica B, 393: 328–335.
  • Karabulut A, Efeoglu H, Turut A, 2017. Influence of Al2O3 barrier on the interfacial electronic structure of Au/Ti/n-GaAs structures. Journal of Semiconductors, 38(5): 054003.
  • Karatas Ş, Kara Z, (2011). Temperature dependent electrical and dielectric properties of Sn/p-Si metal semiconductor (MS) structures, Microelectron. Reliability, 51: 2205–2209.
  • Kocyigit A, Orak İ, Turut A, 2018. Temperature dependent dielectric properties of Au/ZnO/n-Si Heterojuntion. Mater. Res. Express, 5: 035906
  • Kumar V, Kaminski A. S, Akhtar J, 2016. Capacitance roll-off and frequency dispersion capacitance – conductance phenomena in field plate and guard ring edge-terminated Ni/SiO2/4H-nSiC Schottky barrier diodes. Phys. Status Solidi A, 213(1) 193–202.
  • Mönch W, 2001. Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 553 p.
  • Murarka S, Eizenberg M, Sinha A, 2003. Interlayer dielectrics for semiconductor technologies, 459 p.
  • Nicollian E, Brews J, 1982. MOS (metal oxide semiconductor) physics and technology. Wiley, 917 p.
  • Nicollian E, Goetzberger A, 1967. The Si-SiO2 Interface - Electrical Properties as Determined by the Metal-Insulator-Silicon Conductance Technique. Bell System Technical Journal, 46(6): 1055-1133.
  • Polat O, Coskun M, Coskun F, Zengin Kurt B, Durmus Z, Caglar Y, Turut A, 2019. Electrical characterization of Ir doped rare-earth orthoferrite YbFeO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 787: 1212-1224.
  • Polat O, Coskun M, Coskun FM, Durmus Z, Caglar M, Turut A, 2018. Os doped YMnO3 multiferroic: A study investigating the electrical properties through tuning the doping level, J. Alloys Compd. 752: 274-288.
  • Şafak Asar Y, Asar T, Altındal Ş, Özçelik S, 2015. Dielectric spectroscopy studies and ac electrical conductivity on (AuZn)/TiO2/p-GaAs(110) MIS structures. Philosophical Magazine, 95(26): 2885-2898.
  • Schottky W, 1926. On the Origin of the Super-Heterodyne Method. Proceedings of the IRE, 14(5): 695-698.
  • Turut A, Karabulut A, Ejderha K, Bıyıklı N, 2015. Capacitance–conductance characteristics of Au/Ti/Al2O3/n-GaAs structures with very thin Al2O3 interfacial layer. Mater. Res. Express, 2: 046301.
  • Yıldız D. E, Dökme İ, (2011). Frequency and gate voltage effects on the dielectric properties and electrical conductivity of Al/SiO2/p-Si metal-insulator-semiconductor Schottky diodes. J. Appl. Phys. 110: 014507.
There are 28 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Electrical Engineering
Journal Section Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği / Electrical Electronic Engineering

Mehmet Can Özdemir 0000-0002-4002-7967

Ömer Sevgili 0000-0003-1740-1444

İkram Orak 0000-0003-2318-9718

Abdülmecit Türüt 0000-0002-4664-4528

Publication Date March 1, 2020
Submission Date August 28, 2019
Acceptance Date September 24, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2020


APA Özdemir, M. C., Sevgili, Ö., Orak, İ., Türüt, A. (2020). Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, 10(1), 91-100.
AMA Özdemir MC, Sevgili Ö, Orak İ, Türüt A. Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. March 2020;10(1):91-100. doi:10.21597/jist.612518
Chicago Özdemir, Mehmet Can, Ömer Sevgili, İkram Orak, and Abdülmecit Türüt. “Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/P-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10, no. 1 (March 2020): 91-100.
EndNote Özdemir MC, Sevgili Ö, Orak İ, Türüt A (March 1, 2020) Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10 1 91–100.
IEEE M. C. Özdemir, Ö. Sevgili, İ. Orak, and A. Türüt, “Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri”, Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der., vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 91–100, 2020, doi: 10.21597/jist.612518.
ISNAD Özdemir, Mehmet Can et al. “Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/P-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 10/1 (March 2020), 91-100.
JAMA Özdemir MC, Sevgili Ö, Orak İ, Türüt A. Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10:91–100.
MLA Özdemir, Mehmet Can et al. “Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/P-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri”. Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology, vol. 10, no. 1, 2020, pp. 91-100, doi:10.21597/jist.612518.
Vancouver Özdemir MC, Sevgili Ö, Orak İ, Türüt A. Arayüzey Doğal Oksit Tabakalı Al/p-Si/Al Yapıların Dielektrik Karakteristiklerine Ölçüm Frekansının Etkileri. Iğdır Üniv. Fen Bil Enst. Der. 2020;10(1):91-100.