Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 12/31/23

Year: 2023

Research Articles

Journal of Management Theory and Practices Research– JMTPR - publishes theoretical and applied academic studies in Turkish and English in the field of social sciences. It aims to contribute to the literature by publishing the works of social science researchers in order to contribute to the development of social sciences research.

The areas to be evaluated for publication in our journal are as follows:

Public Administration and Political Science
educational Sciences
other social sciences

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Sample template

The article sent to the journal is the original article of the authors.
• Relevant authors have individually contributed to this article, and each assumes a separate responsibility.
• Related authors undertake that they will not send this article to another journal for evaluation and that they will not send it to another journal before the processes (accept/rejection) in the journal are completed.
• All authors have seen and approved the final version of the article.
• The text, figures, tables or documents contained in this article do not violate the Copyrights of third parties.
• The authors agree and undertake to transfer their financial rights on the article to the Journal of Management Theory and Practices Research.
• Editorship is authorized to make formal arrangements on accepted articles.
• All the rights of the work specified in Article 20 and the following articles of the Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works No. 5846; provided that the owner of the work is allowed to reproduce and distribute the work for non-commercial purposes when necessary, and to quote the work by citing it, in accordance with Article 48 of the aforementioned law, it has been transferred by the owner of the work to the Journal of Management Theory and Practices Research, free of charge and indefinitely.

Transfer Rights Agreement

JMTPR, an international refereed journal, is published with the principle of “Open Access”. Articles sent to JMTPR will be published completely free of charge, provided that the standard double -blind referee is accepted after the evaluation process. There is no fee from the author or institution under any name during the publication process.