Current Issue

Volume: 3 Issue: 1, 6/30/24

Year: 2024

Our journal aims to present academic studies in scientific publication activities, especially in the field of smart systems and applications integrated with these systems. 

Some of the fields accepted to the journal, including but not limited to the following topics:

-Smart Environment

- Smart Education

- Smart Economy

- Smart Industry

- Smart Energy

- Smart House

- Smart Finance

- Smart Port

- Smart Logistics

- Smart Mobility

- Smart Accounting and Banking

- Smart Marketing

- Smart Health

- Smart Systems Security

- Smart Social Work

- Smart City

- Smart Tourism

- Smart Transportation

- Smart Citizen and Participation

- Smart Life

- Smart Management

-Augmented/Virtual Reality

-Brain-Machine Interface

-Big Data and Security
-Geographic Information Systems

-Natural Language Processing

-Emotion Analysis

- Barrier-Free Life and Digitalization

-Financial Systems and Security

-Image/Video Processing

-Human Computer Interaction

-Mobile and Web Forensics

-Internet of Things

-Pattern Recognition

-Infiltration Detection and Prevention Systems

-Cyber Security Economics and Law

- Cyber Warfare

- Cyber Crime and Sociology


-Signal Processing

-Medical Systems and Safety

-Expert Systems

-Data Mining

- Artificial Intelligence, Social Effects and Ethical Issues

Our journal accepts articles in Turkish and English.

Our journal is an International Peer-reviewed journal and is published twice a year. The articles that come to our editorial office are evaluated by two, if necessary, three referees who are experts on the subject in the Arbitration Committee after a preliminary examination.

The studies that are desired to be published in our journal should be submitted to our editorial office in accordance with the following writing rules and other conditions.

There should not be any information identifying the author in the article. Information such as author name / names, position/ location, e-mail will be added to the article by the editor at the end of the process. If the article has more than one author, do not forget to October the other author(s) by clicking on the "add author" button in the relevant section of the article upload step.

Only articles that have not been published elsewhere or are not currently in the evaluation process for publication can be sent to the journal. If the manuscript is accepted for publication at the end of the referee evaluation process, all publication rights of the manuscript belong to the Journal of Smart Systems Journal.

Each process in the evaluation step of the candidate article submitted to the Journal of Smart Systems Journal is forwarded to the authors by e-mail. However, some messages sent through the system are blocked by the author's e-mail server or thrown into the spam folder. In this case, a negative result such as reports or correction requests not reaching the author arises and the evaluation process is prolonged. In order to prevent a possible miscommunication, it will also be healthy for the authors to follow the relevant stages through the system.

The title should be descriptive of the article and should constitute the main topics of the article. Turkish English and English titles should not exceed 12 words if possible. The title of the article should be written in capital letters in 12 pt and bold and centered; The abstract should contain a short summary of each of the main parts of the article, it should contain information that will allow the reader to decide to read the article in its entirety. All main headings, including the abstract, should be written in capital letters of 12 pt, and subheadings should be written in small letters, bold and 12 pt. The abstract and Abstract text should be 11 pt.

For language, in Turkish or in English articles can be sent to our journal. Prepared abstract of maximum 100-150 words should be added to the article (English and Turkish titles should also be included). At least 5 “keywords” that can define the field of the study should also be included under this summary, both in English and in Turkish.

The articles should be written on A4 sized paper in the following format. The article, including the bibliography, should not exceed 25 pages as the number of pages and 8000 words as the number of words. Page Layout Normal: Top : 2.5 cm Left : 2.5 cm Bottom : 2.5 cm Right :2.5 cm

Font Type: Times New Roman; Font Size December 12; Line Spacing : 1.5

The alignment of the article text, except for the headings, will be “Lean from Side to Side”, the headings in the text will be based on the left. Indent in the text of the article Left: 0, Right:0, Special: The First Line, The value will be: 1.25. In the bibliography section, it will be Special: Hanging, Value: 1.25.

December Settings: First: 6nk, Then 6nk, and the Line Spacing will be: 1.5. December Settings: First: 6nk, Then 6nk. No spaces will be left manually.

The article should be sent via the dergipark system. In addition, the "Copyright Transfer Form" signed by the author/s must also be scanned and sent to the same system.

The subject headings in the article should be numbered according to the Arabic system (1. , 1.1, etc.) Only the first letters of the titles should be uppercase. In the preparation of tables and figures, the dimensions of the journal and the general design should be taken into account. Figures and tables should be given a title and sequence number and centered on the page. Headings should be placed above the tables and below the figures. The equations should be given an ordinal number. The sequence number should be located in parentheses and on the far right of the page.

Article Evaluation Process: The article will be sent back to the author to make corrections, if any, after passing through the evaluation process of the referees to be determined from the “Arbitration Committee”. After making the corrections requested by the referee, the author should send the article back to the editor.

All responsibility for non-compliance with the rules set out in this announcement belongs to the author(s). In such a case, regardless of the referee evaluation report, the Journal Publication Commission reserves the right not to publish the relevant article.


Citation in the Text: Providing the necessary references in the text In the same way, citations made in the SOURCES should be given in accordance with the journal format. If a reference should not be made in the Abstract, the reference should be given clearly. In parentheses in the text [1], [3], [5] etc. they should be numbered with numbers and the text should be written at the end according to the order in which it was given in the work. If the author's name is to be given, the reference process is performed immediately after the author's name (Arbağ et al. [5]), the end of the sentence if the reference is to be given without giving the author's name (....... [4], [6]) should be referenced. References to articles published in our journal should use English names and our journal name should be clearly written as "JOURNAL OF SMART SYSTEMS".

In addition, at least 30% of the reference list given in the article should consist of current (published in the last 5 years) references.

List of Sources: The list of sources should be numbered in accordance with the order in which they are used in the text. Journal titles should be abbreviated as given on the following WEB page.

Examples for resources are given below:

If the source is an article: Name of the author, surname, "Full Title of the Article", Name of the journal (international abbreviations, if any), Volume no (Issue no), ss.the beginning and end pages of the article no, year.

1. Ceyhan, E.B., Sağıroğlu, Ş., Akyil, E., "Gender Classification Based on ANN with Using Fingerprint Feature Vectors", Gazi University Journal of Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, 29(1), ss. 201-207, 2014.

If the source is a book: the author's surname, the initial letter of his name, the name of the book, the volume number, the editor, if any, the name of the publisher, the publication number, the place of publication, the year.

2. Ostwald P.F. and Munoz J., Manufacturing Processes and Materials, John Wiley & Sons, New York, A.B.D., 1997.

If it is a chapter from the source book: The surname of the author of the chapter, the initial letter of his name., The Name of the Chapter, the Name of the Book from which the Chapter was Taken, the volume no., the editor, if any, the name of the publisher, the place of publication, the beginning and end page no. of the chapter, the year.

3. Saritas S. and Davies T.J., "Reduction of Oxide Inclusions During Pre-Forging Heat Treatments, Powder Metallurgy for Full Density Products", New Perspectives in Powder Metallurgy, Volume 8, Editor: Kulkarni K.M., Metal Powder Industries Federation, Princeton, N. J., A.B.D, 417-430, 1987.

If the source is a printed thesis: The initial letter of the author's surname name., The name of the thesis, its type (master, PhD), the university where it was submitted, the institute, the place where it was published, the year.

4. Ercüment Yılmaz, "Highway Traffic Simulation", Unpublished Master's Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Institute of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon, 2006.

If the source is a communiqué taken from the congress: The surname of the author, the initial letter of his name., The name of the communiqué, the name of the Congress, the place where it was held, the beginning and end page of the communiqué no, the date of the congress.

5. Saritas S., Karataş Ç., Rheological Properties of Polypropylene-Based Binder Mixtures with Stainless Steel Powders of Different Sizes Specially Prepared for TEK, International Participation 2. National Powder Metallurgy Conference, Ankara-Turkey, 709-715, September 15-17, 1999.

If the source is taken from the web page: The author or the responsible institution. Learn the cited title. the name of the web page. URL. Publication date. Updated date. Date of access.

6. World Health Organization. Saving the future generation in Darfur. /child_health/en/index.html. Airdate July 7, 2007. Accessed November 11, 2009.

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Click here to download the Copyright Transfer Form

In accordance with the publication rules of the Journal of Smart Systems, in studies requiring Ethics Committee Permission / legal / special permission, the scope of Ethics Committee Permission, the name of the institution from which it was obtained, the date and the issue number must be specified in the article during the submission of the article to the Journal.

The researches that require the permission of the Ethics Committee are as follows.

* All kinds of researches carried out with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using surveys, interviews, focus group studies, observation, experiments, interview techniques

* Use of humans and animals (including materials/data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,

*Clinical studies conducted on humans,

*Research conducted on animals,

* Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on the protection of personal data,


* Stating that the ”Informed consent form" was taken in the case presentations,

* Obtaining and specifying permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys, photographs belonging to others.

· It should be stated that copyright regulations are complied with for the ideas and art works used. 

Our journal serves as an open access and does not charge any fee.