Writing Rules

Please click here for Kare 17th Chicago manual.

Evaluation Criteria and Rules

1. Kare Journal primarily includes publications on Literature, History and Thought, using comparative method.

2. At the beginning of the article, there should be an abstract in the language of the manuscript, ranging from 150 to 250 words, and an abstract in English. As of the issue of June 2024, an Extended Abstract of at least 750 words in English should be included at the end of the manuscript.

3. The articles should include appropriate "keywords" that describe the subject.

4. At the end of the manuscript, the used references should be given as a "bibliography" list.

5. Submitted articles should not be more than 10,000 words and not less than 4,000 words. Book reviews should not exceed 2,500 words.

6. Authors' names and information about the organization they affiliate should be clearly and accurately stated in the article.

7. Articles to be sent should be original studies and should not have been published before or in any ongoing publication process.

8. Before the final approval of the editorial board, the manuscripts are pre-reviewed by the editorial board, and send to two referees, and a third referee if deemed necessary. The double blind referee system is used.

9. Under no circumstances, authors or referees can know about each other. If deemed appropriate by the editor and the editorial board, a list of the referees of that year is published in the year-end issue of the journal.

10. The Journal has an evaluation criterion based on the detailed and scientific referee reporting of the DergiPark system.

11. Authors must ensure that their work complies with the rules of the journal. Do not expect editors or referees to make the necessary corrections. After the necessary corrections are completed, the authors are expected to submit the edited articles within 2 weeks.

12. The editorial board may independently decide to accept or reject non-research manuscripts (such as symposiums & congress news, book presentations, etc.) without following a reviewing process.

13. The opinions in the published articles belong only to the author(s). It does not bind the journal owner, the publisher or the editors.

14. Articles submitted are subjected to editorial review first. In this phase, firstly, the compliance of the study with the journal rules is examined. Manuscripts that do not comply with the journal rules are returned to their authors.
Types of publications to be considered:
1. Original Research and Review Articles.
2. Compilation Articles.
3. Case reports.
4. Project presentations.
5. Book presentation (provided that it is in article format).
6. Interviews.
7. Translations of original articles.
NOTE: Please check Journal Ethical Principles and Publication Policy for further information.

Page Layout

The layout should be organized according to The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition writing rules.

NOTE: By December 2023 issue, the 'Endnote' note style will be replaced with the Chicago 17th 'footnote' citation system.

Font Type: “Times New Roman”, article text: “Justified”.

The work should include the following sections:
a. Title: Bold, centered, and in capital letters, Font Size 11  “Times New Roman”.
b. Abstract: between 150-250 words with line spacing, in 9 Font Size “Times New Roman”. The title should be bold, and the text should be without indentation, 0 nk before and after, with a line spacing of 1.
c. Keywords: After a line space from the abstract, justified, the title should be bold, and there should be 3 - 5 keywords.
Secondary Title: Centered and in capital letters, 11 point “Times New Roman”.
(If the main language of the work is Turkish, the secondary titles should be in English, otherwise in Turkish.)
Secondary Abstract: Should have the same format as the primary abstract. (In the secondary abstract section, due to translation issues, there should not be a word limit, but a requirement to be consistent with the primary abstract.)
Secondary Keywords: Should have the same format as the primary keywords.
Introduction: Without a title number, should have the same format as the main text. This section should include the problem, literature review, objective, method, and limitations.
Main Text: Should not have a title number, should not contain subtitles.
In the text; 12 point, paragraph spacing 6 nk before and after, the first paragraph without indentation, subsequent paragraphs with an indentation of 0.5 cm, line spacing 1.
In the footnote; 8 point, paragraph spacing 0 nk before and after, no paragraph indentation, line spacing 1.
In Long Quotations: 11 point, paragraph spacing 6 nk before and after, paragraph indentation of 0.5 for all lines, line spacing 1.
Conclusion: Without a title number, should have the same format as the main text.
References: Without a title number, bold, Times New Roman 12 font size , 0,5 Hanging, line spacing 1.
KARE Journal(ISSN: 2536-4596, e-ISSN: 2536-4596) accepts articles written in accordance with the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style for citations and references.
You can visit the page https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/home.html.

Last Update Time: 1/12/25, 12:51:37 AM

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