Writing rules
All studies submitted to KEFAD must be prepared in accordance with the Turkish and English Article template (APA 7th Edition). There is a page limit for submitted works. Articles should be prepared with 1 line spacing and using Palatino Linotype 9-point font and should not exceed 20 pages in Turkish (including abstract, tables, figures, bibliography, acknowledgments and appendices).
In article submissions, the name, institution and similar information of the person who may harm the evaluation process by revealing the identities of the persons should be deleted from the file and uploaded to the file system.
"Entry of article metadata is of great importance when uploading articles to the DergiPark system. In this context, abstracts, keywords, relevant sections and bibliography in both Turkish and English parts of the studies must be entered into the system completely first."
1. Ethics Committee Approval: Following the change made in the TR Index Journal Evaluation Criteria for 2020, "Ethics Committee Approval" is requested for articles in all branches of science, including social sciences. Therefore, "Ethics Committee Approval" must be obtained from all studies submitted to our journal. Studies without ethics committee approval will not be included in the evaluation process.
2. Plagiarism Screening: All candidate articles must be scanned with software such as iThenticate© and Turnitin© before being sent to KEFAD, and these scanning reports must be submitted with the article. The similarity rate of the entire article must be less than 20% and the similarity rate for one source must be less than 3%. However, it would be to the benefit of the author(s) to carefully examine the similarities above 1%. KEFAD has the right to reject all candidate articles that contain academic plagiarism at the editorial stage.
3. Publication Language: The referee evaluation process of the studies sent to our journal is carried out on the full text in Turkish.
After your work is accepted for publication following the referee evaluation process, you will be asked for the full text of your work in both Turkish and English.
The final full texts, prepared in both languages, Turkish and English, are checked by our journal's language editors. If the language editors deem the language of the article inadequate, language editing will be requested. The article for which language editing is requested will be redacted in the accredited language organizations recommended below and the proofreading certificate will be requested to be submitted to the editorial board. An article that is not redacted and documented will not be accepted for publication.
Alternative organizations where the author(s) can receive support during the translation and editing process of the article are presented below.
Elsevier Language Service (http://webshop.elsevier.com/languageservices/)
Editage (http://www.editage.com/)
Enago (http://www.enago.com/)
Edit My Turkish (https://editmyturkish.com/)
Tandf Language Service (https://www.tandfeditingservices.com/)
American Manuscript Editors (https://americanmanuscripteditors.com)
• Page Layout: When writing articles, A4 should be selected as the paper size, and 2.5 cm space should be left at the top and bottom, and 2 cm on the right and left.
• All edits must be made on the template of our magazine, including the magazine emblem and flowing titles.
• Title Levels:
Level Format
1 Aligned left, Bold, Palatino Linotype 9 Point, First Letter of Each Word Capitalized and numbered
The text begins as a new paragraph without indentation.
2 Left Aligned, Bold, Linotype 9 Point, 0.2 indented, First Letter of Each Word Capitalized and numbered
The text begins as a new paragraph without indentation.
3 Left Aligned, Palatino Linotype 9 Point, 0.5 indented, Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized and numbered
The text begins as a new paragraph without indentation.
4 Left aligned, Palatino Linotype 9 Point, 0.2 indented, First Letter of Each Word Capitalized
The text begins as a new paragraph without indentation.
5 Bold Italic, 0.2 cm Indented, Palatino Linotype 9 Point, Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized.
The text begins as a new paragraph without indentation.
Title and Footnotes
• The article title should be written in bold, Palatino Linotype 12-point font, left-aligned, with the first letter of each word capitalized (for example, the first letter of each word should be capitalized). The title should not exceed 12 words.
• During article submission, "Author's name, surname and footnote, title, contact information, etc." It should be left as is, and the relevant parts should be edited during the publication phase.
• Footnotes; It should be written in Palatino Linotype 8-point font, single-spaced and justified, with 0nk spacing before and after the paragraph.
• The abstract should be written in Palatino Linotype 8 font size, justified, italicized, with 0nk spacing before and after the paragraph, and not to exceed 200 words.
Key words
• In keywords, the first letter of the first word should be capitalized, there should be 3-5 keywords, keywords should be separated by commas and no period should be placed at the end.
• In this section, the aims of the study are established through an appropriate literature review. For this purpose, necessary connections are established with relevant studies.
• It should be written in Palatino Linotype 9 point font, 0 pt before the paragraph and 6 pt after, 1 line spaced and justified.
• This chapter provides detailed information about the context of the study, participants, the role of the researcher, data collection tools and processes, and data analysis.
The subheadings of this section should include the title Ethical Declaration, and in this subheading it should be stated that the rules in the "Higher Education Institutions Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive" are complied with and that any of the "Actions Contrary to Scientific Research and Publication Ethics" in the second part of the directive have not been carried out. In addition, the name of the committee that made the ethics evaluation, the date of the ethics evaluation decision, and the number of the ethics evaluation document should be stated. However, if generative artificial intelligence was used in the study, the scope of this use and the absence of violations in the Ethical Guide on the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education should be reported.
• It should be written in Palatino Linotype 9 point font, 0 pt before the paragraph and 6 pt after, 1 line spaced and justified.
• In this section, the results (findings) of the research are presented clearly.
• Except for the tables, all text should be written in Palatino Linotype 9 point font, 0 pt before the paragraph and 6 pt after, 1 line spaced and justified.
• Table and figure titles should be left-aligned, written in Palatino Linotype 9-point font, with only the first letter of the first word capitalized, as in the example. Example:
Table 1
Conceptual relationships between variables and the direction of these relationships
Figure 1
Conceptual relationships between variables and the direction of these relationships
• Tables should be 1 line spaced in Palatino Linotype 9 point font, leaving 0nk spacing before and after the paragraph.
• Tables and figures should be uploaded to the system as a separate Word document.
• A line space should be left after tables and figures.
• Statistical symbols should be used in italics in text and tables.
• This section gives the significance of the findings without repeating the findings. Relates findings to findings of previous studies. The results of the study are mentioned. Suggestions are presented based on the limitations of the study and the results.
• It should be written in Palatino Linotype 9 point font, 0 pt before the paragraph and 6 pt after, 1 line spaced and justified.
Author note
Additional information that needs to be explained about the publication should be added to this section. For example, if the publication was previously presented as a paper at a congress or if this study was produced from the data of a thesis, it should be explained in this section. If there is no information that needs to be disclosed, this title can be deleted.
Author Contributions
The title of the publication that each author submitted should be explained with this title. Contributions presented should be cited in the order of their authors. For example, Introduction: First author, Second author. Method: Third author, Findings: Second author, Discussion: Third author.
If you received financial support for your work, it should be stated under this heading. If no support is received, this should also be stated.
Conflict of interest
It should be stated in this heading whether there is a conflict of interest in the study.
Data accessibility
The accessibility of the data and how it can be accessed should be stated under this heading.
Appendices: If the study has an appendix, it should be stated in this section, otherwise this section should be deleted.
When presenting the sources used in the bibliography, they should be given in accordance with APA 7 (American Psychological Association) standards. Palatino Linotype font with 8 points should be used and this value should be set to 1 by selecting "hanging" in the paragraph indent section.