Current Issue

Volume: 13 Issue: 2, 9/28/24

Year: 2024

Kırklareli University Journal of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences; is an international, peer reviewed, unpaid and open access journal that publishes original interdisciplinary research articles, reviews, research notes, technical notes, book reviews / reviews and letters to the scientific editor in the field of social sciences in order to contribute to academia, science and literature since 2012.

The journal accepts papers from Business, Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, Economics, Public Finance, Public Administration and International Relations disciplines. The language of the journal is Turkish and English. The publication period of the journal is two times a year, in March and September.

All studies to be sent should be prepared in accordance with our English article draft or Turkish article draft file and TR Index Criterias

If the original language of the article is Turkish, Turkish title, Turkish abstract, English title, English abstract, if the original language of the article is English, English title, English abstract, Turkish title, Turkish abstract must be placed. Keywords should be written under the Abstract sections. Abbreviations should not be used in Abstract writing. Abstract parts should not exceed 200 words and 9 size font. The title of the article should be written in 14 font size, capital letters, bold and centered on the page. Abstract titles should be written in 10 points, capital letters, bold and centered on the page. Abstract should fit on one page and the "Introduction" section should start from the other page.

Submitted articles should be written in "Calibri Light" font, "10" font size, using Turkish font and "single" line spacing. The spaces between the paragraphs that make up the text should be written as 0nk and then 6nk. The text of the article, together with the tables and figures, should be a maximum of 10,000 words and the dimensions specified in the "article writing template" (18*24 cm). The page structure should be written with the bottom 2 cm, the top 3 cm, the right and left 2.5 cm, the gutter 0 cm from the left and justified on both sides.

Subheadings in the article should be in "Calibri Light" font, in "11" font size.

The figures, graphics and tables of the articles must be in accordance with the format specified by the journal. Footnotes, graphs and tables should be placed on or immediately after the referenced page as much as possible. Notes under graphics and tables should be intended to make these materials understandable regardless of the main text. Table and figure titles should be centered on the page and sorted by numbers and written in Calibri Light font with 10 points (like “Table 1.” or “Figure 5.”…). Tables and figures should be centered on the page and text wrapping feature should be turned off. “Notes” under the table should be written in italics.

If the source is quoted exactly, the page number must be given when citing the source. "s." for page information when referring to sources in Turkish text. For example, Özçelik (2015, s. 182). In English texts, "p." use should be preferred.

"Extended Abstract" can be added optionally for articles written in English.

The articles written in English and the English sections of the articles submitted in Turkish should be subjected to a proficient language check prior to submission.

The submitted manuscripts must comply with the Journal Ethics Statement and Publication Principles.

Bibliography information should be organized in the guidance of APA 6.0 as in the following examples:


a) Book;


a1) Single author book:


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.


a2) Multi-author book:


Author 1 Surname, N., Author 2 Surname, N., Author 3 Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Book Title. Place of Publication: Publisher.


a3) Chapter in the book:


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Title of work. Editor (Prep./Ed.). Book Name (page numbers). Publication place: Publisher.


a4) Translation books:


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the Book (Translator Surname, N.). Place of publication: Publisher, Year of the source publication.

a5) Elektronic books:

Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the Book. doi:


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the Book. URL Date of access:

b) Corporate Publications:


Name of the Institution (Year of Publication). Title of Publication. Place of Publication: Publisher.


c) Thesis:


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Thesis Title (Master / PhD Thesis). Name of the Institute, Location.


d) Titles without Author:


Title (Year of Publication). Place of Publication: Publisher.


e) Scientific Journal Article:


Author 1 Surname, N., Author 2 Surname, N., Author 3 Surname, N. (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal Name, volume(number), page range. doi:


Author 1 Surname, N., Author 2 Surname, N., Author 3 Surname, N. (Year of publication). Article Title. Journal Namevolume(number), page range. URL Date of access:

The DOI or URL are for articles accessed online.


f) Newspaper Article:


f1) With author:

Author Surname, N. (Year, Month Day). Article Name. Newspaper Name, page range.

f2) Without author:

Article Name. (Year, Month Day). Newspaper Name, page range.


f3) Online:

Author Surname, N. (Year, Month Day). Article Name. Newspaper Name. URL Date of access:

g) Proceedings:


g1) Published:


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Name of the Paper. Editor (Ed.). Book Title (page number). Place of Publication: Publisher.


g2) Unpublished:


Speaker Surname, N. (Year, Month). Proceedings Name. Meeting Name. Institution Name, Meeting Place.


h) Poster:


Author Surname, N. (Year, Month). Poster Name. Meeting Name. Institution Name, Meeting Place.


i) Encyclopedia Article:


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Article Name. Name of Encyclopedia, (volume no: page no) Place of Publication: Publisher.


j) Report:


Institution Name. (Year of Publication). Report Name (Report No). Place of Publication: Issuer.


Author Surname, N. (Year of Publication). Report Name (Report No). Place of Publication: Issuer.


k) Laws and Regulations:


Name of the Law. (Year Month Day of Acceptance). Publication Name, Issue.


Journal of Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (KLUJFEAS) is an independent publication with regards to scientific research and the editor decide its publication policy. The statement signifies the ethical behavior of the publisher, the editor, the reviewers and the authors, prepared within the framework of the Journal Regulations. The ethics statement for KLU JFEAS is based on COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors available at (Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4, Source 5, Source 6, Source 7, Source 8, Source 9, Source 10, Source 11, Source 12, Source 13, Source 14)


1. Editorial Autonomy

KLU JFEAS is committed to ensure the autonomy of editorial decisions without influence from anyone or commercial partners.

2. Intellectual Property and Copyright

KLU JFEAS protects author(s)' property and copyright of the articles published in the Journal and maintains each article’s published version of record. KLU JFEAS provides the integrity and transparency of each published articles.

3. Scientific Misconduct

KLU JFEAS always takes all appropriate measures in respect to fraudulent publication or plagiarism the publisher.


1. Decision on Publication and Responsibility

The editor of KLU JFEAS keeps under control everything in the journal and strives to meet the needs of readers and authors. The editor also is responsible for deciding which articles submitted to journal ought to be published in the journal, and may be guided by the policies subjected to legal requirements regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editor might discuss with reviewers while making publication decision. Editor is responsible for the contents and overall quality of the publication. Editor ought to provide a fair and appropriate two-side blinded peer-review process.

2. Objectivity

Articles that submitted to journal are always evaluated without any prejudice.

3. Confidentiality

Any information about a submitted article must not be disclosed by editor to anyone other than editorial stuff, reviewers, and publisher.

4. Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure

The Editor of KLU JFEAS does not allow any conflicts of interest between the parties such as authors, reviewers and editors. Unpublished materials in a submitted article must not be used by anyone without the express written assent of the author.


1. Evaluation

Reviewers evaluate manuscripts without origin, gender, sexual orientation or political philosophy of the authors. Reviewers also ensure a fair blind peer review of the submitted manuscripts for evaluation.

2. Confidentiality

All the information relative to submitted articles is kept confidential. The reviewers must not be discussed with others except if authorized by the editor.

3. Disclosure and Conflict of Interest

The reviewers have no conflict of interest with regard to parties such as authors, funders, editors and etc..

4. Contribution to editor

Reviewers give help the editor in making decisions and may also assist the author in improving the manuscript.

5. Objectivity

The objective judgment evaluation is always done by them. The reviewers express their views clearly with appropriate supporting arguments.

6. Acknowledgement of Sources

Reviewers ought to identify relevant published study that has not been cited by the authors. Reviewers also call to the editor’s attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.

7. Evaluation

Referees (Peer-reviewers) report their opinions for the study by marking and taking notes on the evaluation form (Sample Evaluation Form File) prepared in the system. Upon request, opinions can also be specified on the article file and uploaded to the system.


1. Reporting Standards

A submitted manuscript should be original and the authors ensure that the manuscript has never been published previously in any journal or all copyrighted permissions on the subject matter should be obtained. Data of the research ought to be represented literally in the article. A manuscript ought to include adequate detail and references to allow others to replicate the study. If the study is derived from a previous work of the author (thesis, paper, etc.), this should be given as acknowledgement. Ethics committee approval must be obtained for research conducted in all disciplines and for studies on clinical and experimental humans and animals requiring ethical committee decision, approval and permission must be obtained from the participants for researches such as surveys, interviews. This approval should be stated and documented in this article. Due to TR Dizin Index authors place their permissions in article which includes;

• All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experiment, interview techniques,
• Use of humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
• Clinical trials on humans,
• Research on animals,
• Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data.


• Stating that "informed consent form" was obtained in case presentations,
• Obtaining and indicating permission from the owners for the use of scales, surveys and photographs belonging to others,
• It should be stated that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.

2. Originality

The authors who want to submit their study to the journal must ensure that their study entirely original and the words and sentences getting from literature should be appropriately cited. Articles should be prepared in accordance with the Journal Writing Guidelines.

3. Multiple Publications

Authors should not submit the same study for publishing any other journals. Simultaneous submission of the same study to more than one journal is unacceptable and constitutes unethical behavior.

4. Acknowledgment of Sources

Convenient acknowledgment of the study of others has to be given. Authors ought to cite publications that have been efficient in determining the study. All of the sources that used process of the study should be remarked. An unused resource should not be included in the bibliography.

5. Authorship of a Paper

Authorship of a paper ought to be limited to those who have made a noteworthy contribution to study. If there are others who have participated process of the research, they should be listed as contributors. Authorship also includes a corresponding author who is in communication with editor of a journal. The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors are included on a paper.

6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest

All sources of financial support should be disclosed. All authors ought to disclose a meaningful conflict of interest in the process of forming their study.

7. Fundamental Errors in Published Works

If authors find out a remarkable error in their submitted study, they have to instantly inform it. Authors have a liability to cooperate with editor to provide corrections of errors.

8. Responsibility

All kinds of responsibility for the works to be published in the journal belongs enterly to the author(s).

9. Consent

The author(s) who submit an article to the journal are deemed to have accepted the journal's ethical statements and rules of writing.


1. Sending Article

Studies must be sent via Dergipark website ( All communication related to article submission and evaluation processes is carried out with Dergipark system. (For more information: Open access policy, copyrights and CC license)

2. Review

Papers are firstly checked for their eligibility for technical and journal’s style. The manuscripts that do not suit journal’s standards or not suitably correspond to the scope journal are refused with unexplained reason. Manuscripts that are found suitable for peer review will be assigned to two expert reviewers (blind review). If one of the reviewer's decision is rejection and the other one's is acceptence, then the article is sent to third reviewer. The final decision to accept or reject a manuscript will be made by the Editorial Boards. After the review process, the Editorial Boards will inform the authors of acceptance, rejection or necessity of revision of the manuscript.

3. Principles

a) The journal is not charging any submission or processing fee from authors or readers. Also no payment is made to anyone.

b) The journal is using double-blind review policy. Authors and referees doesn't know each other.

c) Plagiarism check is performed through the system integrated with Dergipark. Studies with a similarity rate below 15% will be taken into the evaluation stage, between 15% and 30%, depending on the field of the studies and the quote density, will be evaluated and examined. Studies with a rate above 30% will not be evaluated, they will be returned to the author for editing or rejected. Regardless of the similarity rates, each study will be examined on its own, and if necessary, it can be sent to the author for editing.

Our journal does not charge any fees at any stage.
You can check our page ( for detailed information.