Volume: 1 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design is an international, open-access, and peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes high-quality articles and reviews in the fields of art and design. The journal accepts articles in both Turkish and English and is published twice a year, in June and December.

The primary aim of the journal, which is based on the inseparable relationship between art and design disciplines, is to contribute to the holistic consideration of these two fields. Just as art cannot sustain its existence in today’s world without design, design that lacks artistic aesthetics and values would fall short in meeting user expectations. In this context, the journal does not regard art and design disciplines separately but instead encourages scientific studies that explore the intersection of these fields.

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design aims to contribute to knowledge production in the fields of art and design by publishing the scientific studies of academicians and researchers working in these areas. The journal seeks to establish a knowledge base that supports developments in art and design and is committed to publishing high-quality research and articles with strong scientific foundations. In doing so, it continues its mission of serving as a reliable publication platform for the academic community and scholars engaged in art and design.

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design is an international, open-access, and peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes high-quality articles and reviews in the fields of art and design. The journal accepts articles in both Turkish and English and is published twice a year, in June and December.

The primary aim of the journal, which is based on the inseparable relationship between art and design disciplines, is to contribute to the holistic consideration of these two fields. Just as art cannot sustain its existence in today’s world without design, design that lacks artistic aesthetics and values would fall short in meeting user expectations. In this context, the journal does not regard art and design disciplines separately but instead encourages scientific studies that explore the intersection of these fields.

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design aims to contribute to knowledge production in the fields of art and design by publishing the scientific studies of academicians and researchers working in these areas. The journal seeks to establish a knowledge base that supports developments in art and design and is committed to publishing high-quality research and articles with strong scientific foundations. In doing so, it continues its mission of serving as a reliable publication platform for the academic community and scholars engaged in art and design.

Şunu dedin:
Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, 2024 yılında kurulmuş, sanat ve tasarım alanlarında özgün bilimsel araştırmalara ve derleme makalelere yer veren, uluslararası akademik ve hakemli bir dergidir. Dergide yayımlanması amaçlanan araştırma makalelerinin, dergi yayın politikası ve yazım kurallarına uygun şekilde hazırlanarak editör grubuna iletilmesi gerekmektedir. Dergi, Haziran ve Aralık aylarında olmak üzere yılda iki kez yayımlanmakta olup, çevrim içi olarak erişime sunulmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, yazarların veya araştırmacıların talepleri doğrultusunda, gerekli masrafların karşılanması şartıyla basılı olarak da temin edilebilecektir.

Sanat ve tasarım sınırları olmayan ancak bağlamsallığı temel alan bir olgudur. Sanat ve tasarımın anlamı, bağlamsal unsurların derinlemesine incelenmesi ve analizi ile ortaya çıkar. Bu bağlamsal unsurlar; sanat eserinin kendisini, sanatçıyı, teknik koşulları, politik ve estetik yaklaşımları, ekonomik temelleri ve daha birçok unsuru kapsar. Yerel bilgi, ancak evrensel düzeyde bir erdeme kapı araladığı ölçüde değerli görülebilir. Bu nedenle, yerel örneklerden derlenen bilgi, sanatın varoluş amacına ilişkin teorik ve pratik soruları yanıtlamaya odaklanmalıdır.

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Uluslararası Sanat ve Tasarım Dergisi, bu felsefeyi benimseyen bir editöryal yapıya sahip uluslararası hakemli bir dergidir. Dergi, sanatla ilgili tüm akademik konulara odaklanarak sanatsal bilgi birikimine katkı sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. Bu doğrultuda, sanat araştırmalarının geliştirilmesi ve ilerletilmesi öncelikli bir amaç olarak belirlenmiştir.

Dergimiz, Resim, grafik tasarım, görsel iletişim tasarım, moda ve tasarım, tekstil tasarım, sinema ve televizyon, fotoğraf, dijital sanatlar, yeni medya, siber kültür, görsel kültür, dijital toplum, dijital oyun, seramik, heykel, müzik, müzikoloji, müzik teknolojileri, müzik terapi, mimarlık, iç mimarlık, animasyon, sahne sanatları, geleneksel sanatlar, el sanatları, sanat tarihi, sanat felsefesi, sanat sosyolojisi, güncel sanat, kültürel miras, müzecilik, konservasyon ve restorasyon gibi geniş bir yelpazede yer alan konulara ilişkin akademik çalışmaları kapsamaktadır. Dergi ayrıca, sanat ve tasarımın tüm alanlarındaki akademik çalışmaları desteklemek amacıyla özel sayılar yayımlayarak bu alanla ilgili kişi ve konuların akademik platformda yaşatılmasına katkıda bulunmaktadır.
Here is the English translation of your text:

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal established in 2024 that publishes original scientific research and review articles in the fields of art and design. Research articles intended for publication in the journal must be prepared in accordance with the journal’s publishing policies and writing guidelines before being submitted to the editorial team. The journal is published twice a year, in June and December, and is available online. Additionally, upon request from authors or researchers, printed copies can be provided, provided that the necessary costs are covered.

Art and design are boundless concepts, yet they are fundamentally contextual. The meaning of art and design emerges through an in-depth examination and analysis of contextual elements. These contextual elements include the artwork itself, the artist, technical conditions, political and aesthetic approaches, economic foundations, and many other factors. Local knowledge is considered valuable only to the extent that it paves the way for universal virtue. Therefore, knowledge derived from local examples should focus on answering theoretical and practical questions related to the purpose of art’s existence.

Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design is an international peer-reviewed journal that embraces this philosophy in its editorial structure. The journal aims to contribute to the accumulation of artistic knowledge by focusing on all academic topics related to art. In this regard, the development and advancement of art research is identified as a primary objective.

Our journal covers a wide range of academic studies in fields such as painting, graphic design, visual communication design, fashion and design, textile design, cinema and television, photography, digital arts, new media, cyber culture, visual culture, digital society, digital games, ceramics, sculpture, music, musicology, music technologies, music therapy, architecture, interior architecture, animation, performing arts, traditional arts, handicrafts, art history, philosophy of art, sociology of art, contemporary art, cultural heritage, museology, conservation, and restoration. Additionally, the journal supports academic work in all areas of art and design by publishing special issues, thereby contributing to the academic representation of relevant individuals and topics in the field.

The rules regarding references, citations, in-text citations, and quotations used or to be used in the Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design are based on the American Psychological Association (APA) citation style. For more detailed information and writing guidelines, the APA website (http://www.apastyle.org) can be visited.

The Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (KMU IJAD) adopts the principle of ensuring the neutral and reputable development and dissemination of knowledge. During the publication process, it expects authors, readers, researchers, publishers, reviewers, and editors to adhere to ethical principles. All stakeholders must follow the Higher Education Institutions (YÖK) and the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) open-access guidelines and comply with the general and specific ethical rules and responsibilities outlined below.

1. General Violations of Scientific Research and Publication Ethics
a) Plagiarism:
Presenting others' original ideas, methods, data, applications, writings, figures, or works as one's own, either partially or entirely, without proper citation in accordance with ethical scientific rules.

b) Fabrication:
Producing data that is not based on research, modifying or altering presented or published work based on false data, reporting or publishing such data, or presenting a nonexistent study as if it has been conducted.

c) Falsification:
Distorting research records and obtained data, presenting methods, devices, and materials not actually used in the research as if they were, excluding data that does not conform to the research hypothesis from evaluation, manipulating data or results to fit specific theories or assumptions, or shaping research outcomes in favor of funding individuals or institutions.

d) Duplicate Publication:
Presenting multiple publications with identical results as separate works for academic promotions and appointments.

e) Slicing:
Dividing the results of a research study inappropriately in a way that disrupts the integrity of the research and publishing multiple papers without referencing each other to gain an advantage in academic evaluations, promotions, or incentives.

f) Unjustified Authorship:
Adding individuals who did not contribute actively to the manuscript, excluding those who actively contributed, altering the order of authorship without justification, removing names of contributors in subsequent editions, or including individuals as authors due to their influence rather than their contributions.

g) Other Ethical Violations:
Not explicitly acknowledging contributors and funding institutions in research publications.
Disregarding ethical guidelines in studies involving human and animal subjects.
Failing to respect patient rights in publications.
Sharing confidential information from manuscripts under review.
Misusing research resources, locations, and tools for unintended purposes.
Making baseless, unfounded, and deliberate accusations of ethical violations.
(Based on YÖK Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Directive, Article 8)
2. Responsibilities of Stakeholders
a) Responsibilities of Editors
The KMU IJAD editors and assistant editors adhere to the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. Their ethical duties and responsibilities include:

Editors are responsible for all publications in KMU IJAD.
Editors have the authority and responsibility to accept or reject articles in a timely and justified manner.
Editors must not have conflicts of interest concerning accepted or rejected articles.
Editors must accept original and field-contributing articles.
Editors should reject incomplete and flawed research that does not comply with the journal's policies and standards.
Editors must allow the retraction or correction of incorrect, incomplete, or problematic articles before or after the peer-review process.
Editors ensure that articles evaluated by at least two reviewers follow a double-blind peer-review system and keep reviewers anonymous.
Editors maintain publication processes without compromising intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
Editors are responsible for checking articles for plagiarism using Turnitin and/or iThenticate software.
Editors must consider the needs of all readers, researchers, and practitioners.
Editors ensure that each published issue contributes to the field and maintains high originality.
Editors oversee that all advisory board members follow publication policies and guidelines.
Editors inform advisory board members about publication policies and processes.
Editors ensure advisory board members review submissions independently.
Editors appoint new advisory board members when necessary and make appropriate decisions.
Editors must assign papers for review to advisory board members based on their expertise.
Editors maintain regular interaction with the advisory board and organize meetings for journal development.
b) Responsibilities of Authors
Authors must declare that all data presented in their manuscript is accurate and original.
Authors must comply with plagiarism detection processes and correct any identified errors, suspicious elements, or suggested revisions. If not corrected, they must provide a reasonable justification.
The reference section must be complete and formatted according to the journal's guidelines.
Authors must avoid plagiarism and fabricated data.
The same study should not be submitted to multiple journals.
c) Responsibilities of Reviewers
The KMU IJAD management ensures that the peer review process is conducted ethically. Readers and stakeholders are encouraged to report any instances of plagiarism, duplicate publication, errors, or suspicious content by contacting IJAD@kmu.edu.tr. Reports will be investigated, and findings will be shared with relevant parties.

Reviewers must follow these principles:

Reviews should be conducted impartially.
Reviewers must not have conflicts of interest with the manuscript stakeholders.
Reviewers must identify missing citations, references, or sources.
Under the double-blind peer-review system, neither the identities of the reviewers nor the reviewed manuscripts are disclosed.

3. Plagiarism Policy
Starting from June 2024, KMU IJAD verifies all submissions using Turnitin or iThenticate plagiarism detection software. Authors must submit a plagiarism report along with their manuscript. If the plagiarism rate (excluding references and for phrases of 5 or more words) exceeds 15%, the manuscript will not be considered for review and will be returned to the author. If a published article is later found to be plagiarized, the Editorial Board reserves the right to retract it and inform the relevant department heads, deans, or institutions of the author's affiliation.

4. Protection of Personal Data
Editors ensure the protection of personal data related to subjects or images included in reviewed studies. Contributors to the journal (editors, authors, and reviewers) are provided with certification documents upon request.

5. Ethical Approval, Human and Animal Rights
Editors ensure the protection of human and animal rights in the reviewed studies. If no ethical approval is obtained for studies requiring approval, editors have the responsibility to reject such submissions.

6. Preventing Misconduct
Editors take proactive measures against possible misconduct, ensuring complaints are investigated thoroughly and reported to relevant authorities.

7. Ensuring Academic Publication Integrity
Editors must promptly address and correct any inconsistencies, errors, or misleading information found in published articles.

8. Protection of Intellectual Property Rights
Editors are responsible for safeguarding the intellectual property rights of published articles, ensuring they do not infringe on others' rights, and protecting the rights of both the journal and the authors.

9. Constructive Criticism and Open Debate
Editors welcome constructive criticism of published articles and ensure a fair response from the authors, provided that the critique aligns with the journal’s scope and objectives.

10. Handling Complaints
Editors must carefully review and respond to complaints from authors, reviewers, or readers, providing clear and informative explanations.

11. Political and Commercial Independence
The journal owner, publisher, or any other political or commercial entities cannot influence the editors' independent decisions.

12. Conflict of Interest
Editors guarantee that the journal’s publication process remains independent and unbiased for all authors and reviewers.

This policy ensures that Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University International Journal of Art and Design (KMU IJAD) maintains high ethical standards and publication integrity while fostering academic excellence in the fields of art and design.