1. Motif Academy Journal of Folklore is a double-blind peer-reviewed quarterly journal.
2. In Motif Academy Journal of Folklore, scientific articles, translations and introductory/critical reviews etc., concerning Folklore, Anthropology, Ethnology, Traditional Arts, Sociology of Culture, History of Religions, Musicology, Folk Dances, Handicrafts, Literature and Linguistics are published.
3. Motif Academy Journal of Folklore has the right to make corrections in the submitted articles, to publish or not to publish the articles.
4. All legal responsibilities concerning papers published in Motif Academy Journal of Folklore belong to their authors.
5. Publication languages are Turkish and English.
6. The paper can be sent through Article Sending tab on after online membership application. Peer-reviewing process can be followed through login on the same page. For correction(s), reports from all peer-reviewers must be finished first. Following all reports by peer-reviewers, author(s) must make the necassary corrections suggested/demanded by peer-reviewers, and then re-submit corrected texts. (If peer-reviewing corrections are not made by author(s), the article will be rejected. (Decision by Editorial Board, dated 15.12.2018).
7. At the beginning of the article, there should be Turkish and English abstract(s) between150 - 250 words; Turkish and English keywords of 5; and Turkish and English (second language) title(s). The abstract should be of a feature that gives an opinion about scope of the study, its purpose, method, effects and results.
8. Our journal started to request “Extended Summary” from authors as of September 2024 issue.
“Extended Summary": Extended Summary will be requested from the authors during the typesetting stage when the article is accepted for publication, not during the initial submission of the articles to our journal. Authors can add it in the end of the article at the first stage. “Extended Summary” will be requested for Turkish articles, where the problem, purpose, methodology and results of the study will be explained in more detail than the traditional abstract. “Extended Summary” will not be requested for English articles. The “Extended Summary” should be preferably 500-6000 words in length in 9-point font and should clearly describe the purpose, problem, method, findings and conclusions of the study in subheadings. The subheadings in the extended abstract may vary according to the type of the study. The subheadings that can be used in the “Extended Abstract” are shown below. The following example can be used to summarize the study clearly and comprehensibly.
Introduction and Research Questions & Purpose: In the introduction and purpose of the study, the reader should be given clear information about what question the study seeks to answer, which research question or questions the study is based on, and why this study is necessary.
Literature Review: Briefly state the method of the literature review (which databases were used, what kind of sources were accessed, etc.), its purpose and the general trend of the sources accessed (what are the points of intersection or divergence of previous research on this subject, etc.). In particular, studies that are directly related to the subject and purpose of the study should be summarized and it should be clearly explained why the study is important / meaningful in this sense, what gap it will fill in the field, what additional contribution it can make.
Methodology: In this section, the type of the study (applied, conceptual, theoretical, review); if it is an applied research, the study design (exploratory, descriptive, causal); the problem(s) of the study (in line with what is stated in the objective section); the model and/or hypothesis(es), if any; the main population, sampling method, sampling process; data collection technique should be clearly stated; which quantitative/qualitative analyzes were used should be briefly stated. Results and
Conclusions: Write your main findings, main conclusions, conclusions and/or recommendations regarding the research objectives/questions.
9. All issues of Motif Academy Journal of Folklore are available online and in print. All issues are printed in hard cover (paperboard/hardbound) and can be requested through for a fee.
10. Researcher IDs are used to prevent possible problems related to names/institutions. In the scope of studies conducted in cooperation with TUBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research and Council of Turkey) - ULAKBİM (Turkish National Academic Network and Information Center) and YÖK (Council of Higher Education), ORCID information is added. Authors must add their ORCID numbers. Those who do not possess ORCID can get it through free membership from
11. No letter or written document as regards the acceptance of articles is given to author(s).
13. Articles related to dissertation theses of MA or PhD students must include the names of students and their advisors, otherwise, will not be considered for publication.
14. The texts must be sent in the following format. Manuscripts which do not have the required format are turned down by the Editorial Board.
1. Articles should have maximum 20 pages including abstracts, graphics, tables, references, images (visuals) and appendix.
2. In each issue, the number of research and review articles is 28, and an additional 2 articles can be included as introduction/criticism and translation. Book critiques are not subject to the same evaluation process as research / review type studies. (Decision by Editorial Board, dated 10.02.2019).
3. 70% of total number of articles in each issue of the journal is assigned to folklore field, and %30 to other fields of cultural studies. (Decision by Editorial Board, dated 15.12.2018).
4. Studies with more than %50 of their content consisting of images&visuals will be refused during editorial process. (Decision by Editorial Board, dated 15.12.2018).
1. Manuscripts should be written in Microsoft Word program and their page setup should be arranged as below:
Paper Size Width: 16 cm Height: 24 cm
Top Margin 1,5 cm
Bottom Margin 1,5 cm
Left Margin 2 cm
Right Margin 1,5 cm
Font Cambria
Font Style Normal
Size (text) 11 (Cambria)
Size (abstract and footnote text) 9 (Cambria)
Paragraph Spacing Before 6 nk, After 0 nk
Line Spacing Single (1)
Paragraph indent 1 cm
2. In manuscript where a special font is used, the font used should also be sent together with the manuscript.
3. No details such as page number, header and footer etc. should be included in manuscript.
4. Only first letters of each word of headings within the manuscript should be capitalized and there should not be any other formatting.
5. In terms of spelling and punctuation, except for special cases which the paper or the subject requires, Spelling Book of Turkish Language Association should be taken as a basis.
6. The text to be included in the text should use the formal methods of the Word, doc for textual endings such as pictures and photographs.
In-text citation
In-text citation must be made in APA system:
1. All citations in main texts are stated by the in-text referencing system. The method of footnoting at the bottom of the page should be used for explanations which are not deemed suitable to take part within the text and these notes should be lined up as 1, 2, 3 within the text.
2. By opening parentheses at appropriate places in the text, surname of the author, publication date and the cite page numbers must be stated.
a) If citation is made again to the same sources in the text, the same method is applied; abbreviations such as op. cit., ibid etc. should not be used.
For example: (Köprülü, 1966: 71-76)
b) If the cited author name is mentioned in the text, the author’s name must not be used in parentheses.
For example: Boratav (1984: 11) states that the number of these stories is 34.
c) If the reference has two authors, both authors’ surnames must be used.
For example: (Aça and Yolcu, 2017: 72)
d) If authors are more than two, the phrase ‘‘et al.’’ (and others) should be used after the first author’s surname.
For example: (Lvova et al., 2013: 194)
e) If there are more than one reference, citations should be separated by semi colon.
For example: (Kaya, 2000: 180; Artun, 2004: 86)
f) In the text, if archive documents are cited, they must be stated in sequence as Document-1 or Archive-1, and archive document information should be specified in bibliography.
g) Within the text, if information received from oral sources is given place, citations should be stated as (TB-1, TB-2...) standing for Tradition Bearer, and information on each tradition bearer should be stated with citation code within the text, and under the sub-heading of Oral Sources in References chapter.
h) Within the text, if information received from internet sources have been given place, citations should be stated as (URL-1, URL-2 ...) in a way that would stand for internet sources, and information on each internet sources should be stated in a conformable manner with citation code, which is made within the text, under the sub-heading of Internet Sources in References chapter.
1. References cited in the manuscript must only be given place in the References and alphabetical order according to author surname.
2. If more than one study by an author is to take part in the references, an order by the publication date from old to new should be followed. For citations of the same year, the phrases “a, b, c…” must be used and these must comply with the references in the text, as well.
Köprülü, M. F. (1999). Edebiyat araştırmaları. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu.
Translated Book:
Sartre, J. P. (1967). Edebiyat nedir. (Çev.: Bertan Onaran), İstanbul: De.
Lvova, E. L. - Oktyabrskaya, İ. V. - Sagalayev, A. M. (2013). Güney Sibirya Türklerinin geleneksel dünya görüşleri: Simge ve ritüel. (çev.: Metin Ergun), Konya: Kömen.
Book by Two Authors:
Ergun, M. - Aça, M. (2005). Tıva kahramanlık destanları-1. Ankara: Akçağ.
Book by More than Two Authors:
Aça, M. - Gökalp, H. - Kocakaplan, İ. (2009). Başlangıçtan günümüze Türk edebiyatında tür ve şekil bilgisi, İstanbul: Kriter.
Aça, M. (2018). Trabzon çevresinde tütün kaçakçıları ve kolcular etrafında oluşan anlatılar. Uluslararası Türkçe Edebiyat Kültür Eğitim (TEKE) Dergisi, 2017, 6 (4), 2545-2565.
Unpublished Dissertation:
Küçük, A. (2015). Giresun yöresi kemençecilik geleneği üzerine bir araştırma, Balıkesir: Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
Cunbur, M. (2000). Dede Korkut Oğuz-namelerinde İslami unsurlar. Uluslararası Dede Korkut Bilgi Şöleni Bildirileri. (hzl.: A. Kahya-Birgül vd.), 77-108, Ankara: Atatürk Kültür Merkezi Başkanlığı.
Internet Sources:
* URL-1: “Social groups”. (Date of access: 10.06.2014)
* Hufford, M. (1991). American folklife: A commonwealth of cultures”, (Date of access: 17.06.2014)
Archive Sources:
Belge-1/Arşiv-1: BOA-Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi [Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives] (BOA, DH.EUM.EMN, no: 3, 19.Ş.1330); BCA: Başbakanlık Cumhuriyet Arşivi (BCA, 1927)
Oral Sources:
KK-1: Mustafa Mutlu, İstanbul-1935, Primary school graduate, Retired. (Interview date: 12.06.2014)