Writing Rules

1. In order for the submitted articles to be considered for evaluation, it is required that they have not been published elsewhere before.

2. The publishing languages of the journal are Turkish and English.

3. The submitted articles are first reviewed by editors. If an article meets the necessary requirements in terms of content and style, then it will be assessed in terms of appropriateness for publication.

4. In the refereeing process, the double-blind refereeing system is applied and all the articles are evaluated by two referees. If deemed necessary, it is sent to a third referee. The publication of a journal is subject to the approval of the referees and the authors are obliged to make the necessary corrections required by the referees.

5. While preparing the articles, national and international ethic rules should be observed.

6. When submitting an article to the Journal of Media and Religion Studies, it is obligatory to send a file containing

a) Author identification information,

b) Ethics committee report (depending on the nature of the study),

c) Similarity report,

d) Contribution rate and conflict of interest declaration form

7. The studies submitted to the journal are evaluated within the framework of the similarity report declared at the application stage. Articles that do not comply with research and publication ethics or have a risk of plagiarism will not be evaluated.. In this framework, if the similarity rate detected by the screening programs is above 15%, the relevant study cannot be published even if it receives the approval of the referee. If the study was published without noticing the situation, access to the relevant study is blocked and the study is removed from the publication list and the full issue when the situation is noticed. Journal management accepts the results of self-employed plagiarism/similarity programs as a corporate standard, not as a violation of ethics. For detailed information about the plagiarism policy, you can visit the Plagiarism Policy page.

8. The studies should include the following parts:

o Title: A clear and understandable title in bold and capital letters that reflects the content and does not exceed 15 words, must be put at the very beginning of the study.

o Abstract: Under the title page, an abstract that is consistent with the general framework of the study between 150-200 words should be added.

o Key Words: Under the abstract, maximum 5 key words should be added.

o Turkish Title: After the key words, the Turkish title of the study should be added (It is not expected from authors whose native language is not Turkish).

o Abstract in Turkish: Under the title in Turkish, a Turkish abstract of at least 150-200 words should be added (It is not expected from authors whose native language is not Turkish).

o Turkish Key Words: Under the abstract, maximum 5 key words should be added (It is not expected from authors whose native language is not Turkish).

o Introduction: The study should start with the Introduction section. This section should include the problem, the purpose, the method, limitations etc.

o Text: The part of the text that forms the main body of the study, headings and subheadings including the method should be numbered according to the example given below, headings should be written in bold and the first letters of their words should be capitalized.

o Turkish Extended Summary: It should be in the range of 1000-1250 words, including the main headings in the study. If the study is written in English, the Turkish abstract should be included here. Extended Turkish abstracts are not expected from authors whose native language is not Turkish.

9. The articles should be between 4,000 and 12,000 words and the article draft file should be used. In cases deemed necessary, the ranges concerning word counts can be adjusted at the discretion of the editor.

10. Studies should be prepared in A4 size and formatted as follows: Paper Size: A4 (vertical orientation), Top Margin: 5 cm, Bottom Margin: 5 cm, Left Margin: 4.5 cm, Right Margin: 4.5 cm, Font: Candara, Font Style: Normal, Font and Spacing Size (Text): 11 Point, Summary: 9 Point, Footnote: 9 Point, Paragraph Interval: Before 0 pt - After 6 pts, Paragraph Entry: 1 cm, Line Spacing: Multiple / Value: 1.15 pts.

11. Tables, figures, pictures, and charts should be appropriate for the journal's page size. If necessary, they can be written in smaller font and single-line spacing. Tables and charts should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their order in the text. Footnotes of the table should be placed immediately below the table body and indicated by lowercase descriptive letters. Articles should not include page numbers, headers, or footers.

12. Turkish articles should follow the Spelling Guide of the Turkish Language Institution (Türk Dil Kurumu, TDK) for spelling and punctuation.

13. Starting from the January 2022 issue, authors should use APA (American Psychological Association) Style 7th Edition for references. Citations and bibliographies should follow the spelling rules and format specified in the American Psychological Association Publication Guide. Rules and examples for APA 7 can be found at the links below:

14. Manuscripts submitted without using Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote will not be considered.

15. Only one article per author will be published in each issue.

16. According to the 2018 Ulakbim TRDİZİN criteria, researchers who wish to publish articles in our journal should have an ORCID number. This number can be obtained from http://www.orcid.org.

17. The Journal of Media and Religion Studies does not charge any application or publication fees from the authors.

18. If the journal authorities deem it necessary, they have the right to stop the evaluation of studies sent to the journal, remove them from the publication process, or remove the published work from publication without explanation in case of possible disagreement.

19. The Journal of Media and Religion Studies authorities have the right to make changes to the established rules, add additional rules, and request that works submitted for evaluation be rearranged according to the new rules at any time without informing authors.

20. Book Reviews
Book review essays are not merely descriptive writings, but rather critical evaluations of texts. In this regard, the reviewed texts are expected to be critically analyzed in terms of their purpose, scope, methodology, scientific originality, contribution to scholarly discourse, consistency of opinions, and the use of sources, among other aspects.

The evaluations should consist of an introduction, development, and conclusion sections. In the introduction section, the purpose, context, form, and content features of the book should be briefly described, providing a concise overview. In the development section, the main argument of the book and the related sub-arguments should be presented, along with an examination of how these arguments are constructed. The conclusion section should provide a critique of all the evaluated aspects and offer a final assessment.

The review essay can have a title different from the book's title.

Book reviews are published in two languages, Turkish and English.

21. Technical Notes
Technical Notes are expected to provide a concise and technical evaluation of developments in the Media and Religion field on a specific topic.

The brevity of the texts ensures that it remains focused and clear. Therefore, it is important to express important points in a clear and concise manner.

The addressed subject, concept, or development should be discussed in detail regarding its contribution to the field and how it relates to research and applications in the field.

Technical Notes are expected to be between 1000 and 4000 words (2-8 pages) in length.

Technical Notes are only published in English.

Last Update Time: 3/8/24, 5:59:39 PM


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