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Öğrenme Güçlüğü Olan ve Olmayan Öğrencilerin Sözel Problem Çözme ve Okuduğunu Anlama Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkiler

Year 2019, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 542 - 554, 26.08.2019


Bu çalışmanın genel amacı, öğrenme güçlüğü olan/olmayan öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama ve sözel problem çözme becerileri arasındaki ilişkileri ve okuduğunu anlama becerisinin sözel problem üzerindeki yordayıcılığını incelemektir. Araştırmaya, Ankara ilinde bulunan 4. sınıfa devam 60 öğrenme güçlüğü olan, 60 normal gelişim gösteren öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 120 öğrenci dâhil edilmiştir. Çalışmada öğrenme güçlüğü olan ve olmayan öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama ve sözel işlem hesaplamalarındaki performansları T testi kullanılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Öğrencilerin okuduğunu anlama ve sözel problemlerden elde ettikleri performanslar Basit Doğrusal Regresyon Analizi kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgular, okuduğunu anlamanın, sözel problem çözmenin önemli bir yordayıcısı olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, öğrenme güçlüğü olan öğrencilerin, normal gelişim gösteren akranlarına göre okuduğunu anlamada daha düşük puan aldıkları, işlemleri daha uzun sürede tamamladıkları, daha az sayıda işlemi doğru çözdükleri görülmüştür.


  • Ackerman, P.T., Anhalt, J.M. and Dykman, R.A. (1986). Arithmetic automation failure in children with attention and reading disorders: Associations and sequela. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 19(4), 222-232. Al-Makahleh, A. A. (2011). The effect of direct instruction strategy on math achievement of primary 4th and 5th grade students with learning difficulties. International Education Studies, 4(4), 199-205. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.Anderson, U. (2010). Skill development in different components of arithmetic and basic cognitive functions: Findings from a 3-year longitudinal study of children with different types of learning difficulties. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(1), 115-134.Ballew ,H., and Cunningham, J. (1982). Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses of Sixth-Grade Students in Solving Word Problems. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 13(3), 202-210.Barton ML, Heidema C, Jordan D. (2002). Teaching reading in mathematics and science. Educational Leadership, 60(3): 24-28. Baydık, B., Ergül C. ve Kudret Z.(2012). Okuma güçlüğü olan öğrencilerin okuma akıcılığı sorunları ve öğretmenlerinin bu sorunlara yönelik öğretim uygulamaları. [Reading fluency problems of students with reading difficulties and teaching practices of teachers about these problems]. İlköğretim Online, 11(3), 778-789. Bender, W. N. (2010). Learning disabilities: Characteristics, identification, and teaching strategies (6th Ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. Bernardo, A. 1999. Overcoming obstacles to understanding and solving word problems in mathematics. Educational Psychology, 19(2), 149-163.Bowyer-Crane, C., & Snowling, M.J. (2005). Assessing children’s inference generation: What do tests of reading comprehension measure? British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 189-201.Bull, R., & Johnston, R. S. (1997). Children's arithmetical difficulties: Contributions from processing speed, item identification, and short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 65, 1-24.Buterworth, B., & Kovas, Y. (2013). Understanding Neurocognicve Developmental Disorders Can Improve EducaCon for All. Science, 340(6130), 300-305.Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel F. (2016). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. [Scientific research methods]. (17. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2007). Effects of a preschool mathematics curriculum: Summative research on the Building Blocks project. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38, 136-163. Cooper, B., and Dunne, M. 2000. Assessing children’s mathematical knowledge: social class, sex and problem-solving. Buckingham: Open University Press.Correa, J., Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (1998). Young children’s understanding of division: the relationship between division terms in a noncomputational task. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(2), 321-329DeCorte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (1987). The effect of semantic structure of first-graders’ strategies for solving addition and subtraction word problems. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 18, 363-381.Deshler, D. D., Ellis, E. S., & Lenz, B. K. (1996). Teaching adolescents with learning disabilities: Strategies and Methods (2nd ed.). Denver, CO: Love.Dickson, L., Brown, M., and Gibson , O. (1984). Children Learning Mathematics. Eastbourne, East Sussex : Holt, Rinehart and Winston.Engelhardt, J. M. (1977). Analysis of children's computational errors: A qualitative approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 47, 149-154.Ergül, C. (2012). Okumada güçlük yaşayan öğrencilerin okuma performanslarının öğrenme güçlüğü riski açısından değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of reading performance of students with difficulty in reading in terms of learning disability risk]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 12(3), 2033-2057.Fuchs, L. S., & Fuchs, D. (2002). Mathematical problem-solving profiles of students with mathematics disabilities with and without comorbid reading disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35, 563-573.Fuchs, L.S., Fuchs, D., & Prentice, D. (2004). Responsiveness to mathematical problem-solving instruction: Comparing students at risk of mathematics disability with and without risk of reading disability. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37(4), 293-306. Fuchs, L. S., Powell, S. R., Seethaler, P. M., Cirino, P. T., Fletcher, J. M., Fuchs, D., et al (2010). The effects of strategic counting instruction, with and without deliberate practice, on number combination skill among students with mathematics difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 89–100.Geary, D. C., Bow-Thomas, C. C., & Yao, Y. (1992). Counting knowledge and skill in cognitive addition: A comparison of normal and mathematically disabled children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 54, 372-391.Geary, D. G. (1993). Mathematical Disabilities: Cognitive, Neuro-psychological, and genetic components. Psychological Bulletin, 114, 345–362.Geary, D. C., Hoard, M. K., & Hamson, C. O. (1999). Numerical and arithmetical cognition: Patterns of functions and deficits in children at risk for a mathematical disability. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 74, 213-239. Glago, K., Mastropieri, M. A. & Scruggs, T. E. (2009). Improving problem solving of elementary students with mild learning disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 30(6), 372-380.Gökçe-Sarıpınar, E. ve Erden, G. (2010). Okuma güçlüğünde akademik beceri ve duyusal-motor işlevleri değerlendirme testlerinin kullanılabilirliği. [The availability of academic skills and sensory-motor functions assessment tests in reading difficulties]. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 25(65), 56-66.Göktaş, Ö. ve Gürbüztürk, O. (2012). Okuduğunu anlama becerisinin ilköğretim ikinci kademe matematik dersindeki akademik başarıya etkisi. [The effect of reading comprehension on academic achievement in primary school mathematics course]. Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Çalışmaları Dergisi (IJOCIS),4(2), 52-66Green, S. B., & Salkind, N. J. (2005). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and understanding data. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.Grimm, K. J. (2008). Longitudinal associations between reading and mathematics. Developmental Neuropsychology, 33(3), 410-426.Hanich, B.H., Jordan, N.C., Kaplan, D., & Dick, J. (2001). Performance Across Different Areas of Mathematical Cognition in Children with Learning Difficulties. American Psychological Association, 93 (3), 615-626. DOI: 10.1037//0022- 0663.93.3.615 Hudson, P., Miller, S. P. (2006). Designing and implementing mathematics instruction for students with diverse learning needs. Boston, MA: Allyn & BaconJordan, N. C., & Hanich, L. B. (2000). Mathematical thinking in second grade children with different forms of LD. Journal of Learning Disabil¬ities, 33, 567-578. Jordan, N. C., Hanich, L. B., & Kaplan, D. (2003). Arithmetic fact mastery in young children: A longitudinal investigation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 85, 103-119.Jitendra, A. K. (2007). Solving math word problems: Teaching students with learning disabilities using schema-based instruction. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.Karaman, D., Türkbay, T. ve Gökçe, F. S. (2006). Özgül öğrenme bozukluğu ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu binişikliğinin bilişsel özellikleri. [Cognitive characteristics of specific learning disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]. Çocuk ve Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi, 13, 2, 60-68.Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. [Scientific research method]. (26. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.Kinder. D., Kubina, R., & Marchand-martella, N. (2005). Special education and direct instruction: An effective combination. Journal of Direct Instruction, 5 (1), 1-36.Lindeman, J. (2000). ALLU Ala-Asteen Lukutesti: Tekniset tiedot [ALLU Reading Test for Primary School: Technical information]. Turku, Finland: University of Turku Centre for Research on Learning.Light, J. G. & DeFries, J. C. (1995). Comorbidity of reading and mathematics disabilities: Genetic and environmental etiologies, Journal of Learning Disabilities 28, 96- 106.Magliano, J., Trabasso, T., & Graesser, A.C. (1999). Strategic processing during comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 615-630.Montague, M. (2003). Solve it! A practical approach to teaching mathematical problem solving skills. Reston, VA: Exceptional InnovationsMiller, S. P., Butler, F. M., & Lee, K. (1998). Validated practices for teaching mathematics to students with learning disabilities: A Review of Literature. Focus on Exceptional Children, 31(1), 1-24.Miller, S.P., & Mercer, C.D. (1997). Educational aspects of mathematics disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30, 47–56.Nunes, T., Schliemann, A.D., and Carraher, D.W. (1993). Mathematics in the streets and in schools. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Olkun, S. ve Toluk, Z. (2009). İlköğretimde etkinlik temelli matematik öğretimi. [Activity based mathematics teaching in primary education]. Ankara:Anı Yayıncılık, Ertem Matbaacılık.Osmon, D., Smerz, J., Braun, M., & Plambeck, E. (2006). Processing abilities associated with math skills in adult learning disability. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 28, 84-95. Plomin, R., & Kovas, M. (2005). Generalist genes and learning disabilities. Psychological Bulletin, 131, 592-617.Rasanen, P., & Ahonen, T. (1995). Arithmetic disabilities with and without reading difficulties: A comparison of arithmetic errors. Developmental Neuropsychology, 11, 275–295.Rivera, D. P. (1997). Mathematics education and students with learning disabilities: Introduction to the special series. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30, 2–19.Sertöz, T. (2003). İlköğretim okullarının 6. sınıflarında okuduğunu anlama davranışının kazandırılmasının matematik başarısına etkisi. [The effect of reading comprehension behavior in the 6th grade of primary schools on the mathematics achievement]. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Shalev RS, Auerbach J, Manor O, Gross Tsur V. (2000). Developmental dyscalculia: Prevalence and prognosis. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 9, 58-64.Snow, C.E., Burns, M.S., & Griffin, P. (eds.) (1998). Preventing reading difficulties in young children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press,Soylu, Y. ve Soylu, C. (2006). Matematik derslerinde başarıya giden yolda problem çözmenin rolü. [The role of problem solving in mathematics]. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7, 97-111.Swanson H. L., Jerman O., Zheng X. (2008). Growth in working memory and mathematical problem solving in children at risk and not at risk for serious math difficulties. Journal Education Psychology, 100, 343–379. Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Ulu, M., Tertemiz, N., ve Perker, M. (2016). Okuduğunu anlama ve problem çözme stratejileri eğitiminin ilköğretim 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin rutin olmayan problem çözme başarısına etkisi. [The effect of reading comprehension and problem solving strategies education on the non-routine problem solving success of 5th grade students]. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), 303-340.Van Luit, J. E. H., & Naglieri, J. A. (1999). Effectiveness of the MASTER strategy training program for teaching special children multiplication and division. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32, 98–107.Zheung,X., Flynn, L.J, & Swanson, H.L (2012). Experimental intervention studies on word problem solving and math disabilities: A selective analysis of the literature. Learning Disability Quarterly, 36 (2), 97-111.
Year 2019, Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 542 - 554, 26.08.2019



  • Ackerman, P.T., Anhalt, J.M. and Dykman, R.A. (1986). Arithmetic automation failure in children with attention and reading disorders: Associations and sequela. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 19(4), 222-232. Al-Makahleh, A. A. (2011). The effect of direct instruction strategy on math achievement of primary 4th and 5th grade students with learning difficulties. International Education Studies, 4(4), 199-205. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing.Anderson, U. (2010). Skill development in different components of arithmetic and basic cognitive functions: Findings from a 3-year longitudinal study of children with different types of learning difficulties. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(1), 115-134.Ballew ,H., and Cunningham, J. (1982). Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses of Sixth-Grade Students in Solving Word Problems. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 13(3), 202-210.Barton ML, Heidema C, Jordan D. (2002). Teaching reading in mathematics and science. Educational Leadership, 60(3): 24-28. Baydık, B., Ergül C. ve Kudret Z.(2012). Okuma güçlüğü olan öğrencilerin okuma akıcılığı sorunları ve öğretmenlerinin bu sorunlara yönelik öğretim uygulamaları. [Reading fluency problems of students with reading difficulties and teaching practices of teachers about these problems]. İlköğretim Online, 11(3), 778-789. Bender, W. N. (2010). Learning disabilities: Characteristics, identification, and teaching strategies (6th Ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. Bernardo, A. 1999. Overcoming obstacles to understanding and solving word problems in mathematics. Educational Psychology, 19(2), 149-163.Bowyer-Crane, C., & Snowling, M.J. (2005). Assessing children’s inference generation: What do tests of reading comprehension measure? British Journal of Educational Psychology, 75, 189-201.Bull, R., & Johnston, R. S. (1997). Children's arithmetical difficulties: Contributions from processing speed, item identification, and short-term memory. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 65, 1-24.Buterworth, B., & Kovas, Y. (2013). Understanding Neurocognicve Developmental Disorders Can Improve EducaCon for All. Science, 340(6130), 300-305.Büyüköztürk, Ş., Çakmak, E., Akgün, Ö. E., Karadeniz, Ş. & Demirel F. (2016). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemleri. [Scientific research methods]. (17. Baskı). Ankara: Pegem Yayınları.Clements, D. H., & Sarama, J. (2007). Effects of a preschool mathematics curriculum: Summative research on the Building Blocks project. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 38, 136-163. Cooper, B., and Dunne, M. 2000. Assessing children’s mathematical knowledge: social class, sex and problem-solving. Buckingham: Open University Press.Correa, J., Nunes, T. & Bryant, P. (1998). Young children’s understanding of division: the relationship between division terms in a noncomputational task. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(2), 321-329DeCorte, E., & Verschaffel, L. (1987). The effect of semantic structure of first-graders’ strategies for solving addition and subtraction word problems. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 18, 363-381.Deshler, D. D., Ellis, E. S., & Lenz, B. K. (1996). Teaching adolescents with learning disabilities: Strategies and Methods (2nd ed.). Denver, CO: Love.Dickson, L., Brown, M., and Gibson , O. (1984). Children Learning Mathematics. Eastbourne, East Sussex : Holt, Rinehart and Winston.Engelhardt, J. M. (1977). Analysis of children's computational errors: A qualitative approach. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 47, 149-154.Ergül, C. (2012). Okumada güçlük yaşayan öğrencilerin okuma performanslarının öğrenme güçlüğü riski açısından değerlendirilmesi. [Evaluation of reading performance of students with difficulty in reading in terms of learning disability risk]. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Bilimleri, 12(3), 2033-2057.Fuchs, L. S., & Fuchs, D. (2002). Mathematical problem-solving profiles of students with mathematics disabilities with and without comorbid reading disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 35, 563-573.Fuchs, L.S., Fuchs, D., & Prentice, D. (2004). Responsiveness to mathematical problem-solving instruction: Comparing students at risk of mathematics disability with and without risk of reading disability. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 37(4), 293-306. Fuchs, L. S., Powell, S. R., Seethaler, P. M., Cirino, P. T., Fletcher, J. M., Fuchs, D., et al (2010). The effects of strategic counting instruction, with and without deliberate practice, on number combination skill among students with mathematics difficulties. Learning and Individual Differences, 20, 89–100.Geary, D. C., Bow-Thomas, C. C., & Yao, Y. (1992). Counting knowledge and skill in cognitive addition: A comparison of normal and mathematically disabled children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 54, 372-391.Geary, D. G. (1993). Mathematical Disabilities: Cognitive, Neuro-psychological, and genetic components. Psychological Bulletin, 114, 345–362.Geary, D. C., Hoard, M. K., & Hamson, C. O. (1999). Numerical and arithmetical cognition: Patterns of functions and deficits in children at risk for a mathematical disability. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 74, 213-239. Glago, K., Mastropieri, M. A. & Scruggs, T. E. (2009). Improving problem solving of elementary students with mild learning disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 30(6), 372-380.Gökçe-Sarıpınar, E. ve Erden, G. (2010). Okuma güçlüğünde akademik beceri ve duyusal-motor işlevleri değerlendirme testlerinin kullanılabilirliği. [The availability of academic skills and sensory-motor functions assessment tests in reading difficulties]. Türk Psikoloji Dergisi, 25(65), 56-66.Göktaş, Ö. ve Gürbüztürk, O. (2012). Okuduğunu anlama becerisinin ilköğretim ikinci kademe matematik dersindeki akademik başarıya etkisi. [The effect of reading comprehension on academic achievement in primary school mathematics course]. Uluslararası Eğitim Programları ve Öğretim Çalışmaları Dergisi (IJOCIS),4(2), 52-66Green, S. B., & Salkind, N. J. (2005). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and understanding data. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall.Grimm, K. J. (2008). Longitudinal associations between reading and mathematics. Developmental Neuropsychology, 33(3), 410-426.Hanich, B.H., Jordan, N.C., Kaplan, D., & Dick, J. (2001). Performance Across Different Areas of Mathematical Cognition in Children with Learning Difficulties. American Psychological Association, 93 (3), 615-626. DOI: 10.1037//0022- 0663.93.3.615 Hudson, P., Miller, S. P. (2006). Designing and implementing mathematics instruction for students with diverse learning needs. Boston, MA: Allyn & BaconJordan, N. C., & Hanich, L. B. (2000). Mathematical thinking in second grade children with different forms of LD. Journal of Learning Disabil¬ities, 33, 567-578. Jordan, N. C., Hanich, L. B., & Kaplan, D. (2003). Arithmetic fact mastery in young children: A longitudinal investigation. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 85, 103-119.Jitendra, A. K. (2007). Solving math word problems: Teaching students with learning disabilities using schema-based instruction. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.Karaman, D., Türkbay, T. ve Gökçe, F. S. (2006). Özgül öğrenme bozukluğu ve dikkat eksikliği hiperaktivite bozukluğu binişikliğinin bilişsel özellikleri. [Cognitive characteristics of specific learning disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder]. Çocuk ve Ruh Sağlığı Dergisi, 13, 2, 60-68.Karasar, N. (2014). Bilimsel araştırma yöntemi. [Scientific research method]. (26. Baskı). Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım.Kinder. D., Kubina, R., & Marchand-martella, N. (2005). Special education and direct instruction: An effective combination. Journal of Direct Instruction, 5 (1), 1-36.Lindeman, J. (2000). ALLU Ala-Asteen Lukutesti: Tekniset tiedot [ALLU Reading Test for Primary School: Technical information]. Turku, Finland: University of Turku Centre for Research on Learning.Light, J. G. & DeFries, J. C. (1995). Comorbidity of reading and mathematics disabilities: Genetic and environmental etiologies, Journal of Learning Disabilities 28, 96- 106.Magliano, J., Trabasso, T., & Graesser, A.C. (1999). Strategic processing during comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 615-630.Montague, M. (2003). Solve it! A practical approach to teaching mathematical problem solving skills. Reston, VA: Exceptional InnovationsMiller, S. P., Butler, F. M., & Lee, K. (1998). Validated practices for teaching mathematics to students with learning disabilities: A Review of Literature. Focus on Exceptional Children, 31(1), 1-24.Miller, S.P., & Mercer, C.D. (1997). Educational aspects of mathematics disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30, 47–56.Nunes, T., Schliemann, A.D., and Carraher, D.W. (1993). Mathematics in the streets and in schools. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Olkun, S. ve Toluk, Z. (2009). İlköğretimde etkinlik temelli matematik öğretimi. [Activity based mathematics teaching in primary education]. Ankara:Anı Yayıncılık, Ertem Matbaacılık.Osmon, D., Smerz, J., Braun, M., & Plambeck, E. (2006). Processing abilities associated with math skills in adult learning disability. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology. 28, 84-95. Plomin, R., & Kovas, M. (2005). Generalist genes and learning disabilities. Psychological Bulletin, 131, 592-617.Rasanen, P., & Ahonen, T. (1995). Arithmetic disabilities with and without reading difficulties: A comparison of arithmetic errors. Developmental Neuropsychology, 11, 275–295.Rivera, D. P. (1997). Mathematics education and students with learning disabilities: Introduction to the special series. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 30, 2–19.Sertöz, T. (2003). İlköğretim okullarının 6. sınıflarında okuduğunu anlama davranışının kazandırılmasının matematik başarısına etkisi. [The effect of reading comprehension behavior in the 6th grade of primary schools on the mathematics achievement]. Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü.Shalev RS, Auerbach J, Manor O, Gross Tsur V. (2000). Developmental dyscalculia: Prevalence and prognosis. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 9, 58-64.Snow, C.E., Burns, M.S., & Griffin, P. (eds.) (1998). Preventing reading difficulties in young children. Washington, DC: National Academy Press,Soylu, Y. ve Soylu, C. (2006). Matematik derslerinde başarıya giden yolda problem çözmenin rolü. [The role of problem solving in mathematics]. İnönü Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 7, 97-111.Swanson H. L., Jerman O., Zheng X. (2008). Growth in working memory and mathematical problem solving in children at risk and not at risk for serious math difficulties. Journal Education Psychology, 100, 343–379. Tabachnick, B. G. & Fidell, L. S. (2001). Using multivariate statistics (4th ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Ulu, M., Tertemiz, N., ve Perker, M. (2016). Okuduğunu anlama ve problem çözme stratejileri eğitiminin ilköğretim 5. sınıf öğrencilerinin rutin olmayan problem çözme başarısına etkisi. [The effect of reading comprehension and problem solving strategies education on the non-routine problem solving success of 5th grade students]. Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 18(2), 303-340.Van Luit, J. E. H., & Naglieri, J. A. (1999). Effectiveness of the MASTER strategy training program for teaching special children multiplication and division. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32, 98–107.Zheung,X., Flynn, L.J, & Swanson, H.L (2012). Experimental intervention studies on word problem solving and math disabilities: A selective analysis of the literature. Learning Disability Quarterly, 36 (2), 97-111.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Other Fields of Education
Journal Section Makaleler

Özlem Altındağ Kumaş 0000-0002-6104-2381

Şenay Delimehmet Dada 0000-0002-7412-5880

Ahmet Yıkmış 0000-0002-1143-1207

Publication Date August 26, 2019
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 15 Issue: 2


APA Altındağ Kumaş, Ö., Dada, Ş. D., & Yıkmış, A. (2019). Öğrenme Güçlüğü Olan ve Olmayan Öğrencilerin Sözel Problem Çözme ve Okuduğunu Anlama Becerileri Arasındaki İlişkiler. Mersin Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(2), 542-554.

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